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" ... equal facilities for the interchange of traffic between their respective lines, and for the receiving, forwarding, and delivering of passengers and property to and from their several lines and those connecting therewith, and shall not discriminate... "
Supreme Court Reporter - Side 65
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Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia

Virginia. General Assembly. House of Delegates - 1898 - 850 sider
...lines; but this shall not be construed as requiring the said Richmond and Danville railroad company to give the use of its tracks or terminal facilities to another carrier engaged in like business." The bill as amended was ordered to its third reading. The amendments being presently engrossed, the...
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The American and English Railroad Cases: A Collection of All the Railroad ...

Lawrence Lewis, Adelbert Hamilton, John Houston Merrill, William Mark McKinney, James Manford Kerr, John Crawford Thomson - 1833 - 812 sider
...connecting therewith; and shall not discriminate in their rates and charges between such connecting lines ; but this shall not be construed as requiring...facilities to another carrier engaged in like business." The interchange of traffic here mentioned obviously does not mean mere local traffic. The act does...
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Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State ..., Volum 1

New York (State). Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1895 - 698 sider
...connecting therewith, and shall not discriminate in their rates and charges between such connecting lines; but this shall not be construed as requiring...facilities to another carrier engaged in like business. § 4. Long and short haul provision. — That it shall be unlawful for any common carrier subject to...
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Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State ..., Volum 3

New York (State). Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1907 - 796 sider
...Discrimination , between ronrates and charges between such connecting lines; 'but this "p^lnuc llncs1"01'shall not be construed as requiring any such common carrier...facilities to another carrier engaged in like business. SEC. 4. That it shall be unlawful for any common carrier subject to the provisions of this Act to charge...
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Reports of Cases at Law and in Chancery Argued and Determined in ..., Volum 267

Illinois. Supreme Court - 1915 - 732 sider
...consideration, with a provision that nothing in the act should be construed as requiring any railroad to give the use of its tracks or terminal facilities to another railroad engaged in a like business. The Michigan railroad commission undertook to compel the railroad...
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Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the ..., Del 4

Pennsylvania. Bureau of Industrial Statistics - 1907 - 1166 sider
...connecting therewith, and shall not discriminate in their rates and charges between such connecting lines; but this shall not be construed as requiring...facilities to another carrier engaged in like business. Sec. 4. That it shall be unlawful for any common carrier subject to the provisions of this Act to charge...
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Report of the ... Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association, Volum 46

American Bar Association - 1921 - 1066 sider
...section, which limited the antidiscrimination provision with the statement that — this shall not he construed as requiring any such common carrier to...terminal facilities to another carrier engaged in like husiness. A third reversal is on the matter of pooling tonnage and revenue — the flat prohihition...
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The Federal Reporter: Cases Argued and Determined in the ..., Volumer 57-58

1894 - 2096 sider
...connecting therewith, and shall not discriminate In their rates and charges between such connecting lines; but this shall not be construed as requiring...facilities to another carrier engaged in like business." The contention of complainant is not that defendant's facilities are inadequate, but that it is excluded...
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The Federal Reporter: Cases Argued and Determined in the ..., Volumer 59-60

1894 - 2072 sider
...also be true that nothing contained in the third section of the interstate commerce act is to be so construed as "requiring any such common carrier to...use of its tracks or terminal facilities to another earner engaged in a like business," where does the court get the power to say, in the absence of a...
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The Federal Reporter: Cases Argued and Determined in the ..., Volumer 61-62

1894 - 2074 sider
...their rates and charges between such r-xmeeting lines. But this shall not be construed as requiring auy such common carrier to give the use of its tracks or terminal facilities to another carritr engaged in like business." The first part of this section prohibits preference to persons,...
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