


Strong Healing Lotion.-Chloride of zinc, two scruples; water, one pint.

Weaker, as for Sore Mouth, &c.-Chloride of zinc, one scruple; water, one pint.

To encourage Pus, and heal subsequently.-Tincture of arnica, one ounce; water, one pint.

To keep off Flies from Wounds or Bruises.-Apply a rag dipped in solution of tar.

Glycerine Lotion.-Glycerine, half pint; chloride of zinc, half ounce; water, six quarts.

To abate External Inflammation.-Vinegar, two ounces; Goulard lotion, one ounce; water, two pints.

Liniment for the Neck in Cold and Distemper, Sore Throat, &c.-One part spirit of turpentine, two parts oil, mixed, or equal parts of each, and rubbed in once or twice daily.

Purges.-A mild purge is composed of--aloes, four drachms; extract of gentian, two drachms.

A very mild Laxative Drench.-Castor-oil, three ounces; linseed-oil, two ounces; warm gruel, one pint -Mix.

Of linseed-oil alone the ordinary dose is one pint. If ineffectual, to be repeated, with the addition of twenty drops of croton-oil.

Alterative Ball (for surfeit and skin diseases).Cream of tartar, half drachm; nitre, two drachms flowers of sulphur, half ounce-Mix in mass.

External Absorbents.-Iodine ointment and tincture, Stevens's ointment," water-dressing.


Restoratives or Renovators-Drenches.-A quart of stout, morning or evening; hay-tea, when mashes are refused; gruel properly prepared (page 161) and linseed mashes (page 22).

Soothing Drench in Colic.-Sulphuric ether, one ounce; laudanum, one ounce; linseed-oil, one pint. Astringent Drenches (for diabetes).-Diluted phosphoric acid, one ounce; chilled water, one pint.

Or-Oak-bark, one ounce; alum, quarter ounce; camomile tea, one pint-Made into a drench. Feeding on old hay is generally effectual to check purging.

Clysterst (for diarrhoea, dysentery, or over-purgation). -Laudanum, one ounce― -Mixed in three pints warm thin starch, repeated every half-hour, as long as necessary. (The above is soothing and astringent.)

(For inflammation of the bladder or kidneys.)-Injections of warm linseed-tea constantly repeated. (For dysentery.)-Injections of cold linseed-tea.

(For colic.)—Injection of one pint of turpentine Prepared and sold by Mr H. R. Stevens, V.S., 8A Park Lane, London, W., and all chemists.


The use of the clyster syringe by unskilled hands is very dangerous-serious injury to the rectum being the common result; therefore great caution should be used to insert the pipe (well greased) slowly and not too high up the channel.

mixed in two quarts of hot soap-suds. (Soothing and laxative.)

Ointment (to recover hair).--Equal parts hogs' lard and mercurial ointment, with very finely powdered burnt leather to colour it.

Poultices are made of bran or linseed-meal, with boiling water, and applied as hot as bearable. They are seldom used except for the feet, in which cases the leather shoe is useful.

Water-dressing (for sores, &c.)-Pads of linen kept continually fully saturated with water, and entirely over them is kept fixed a waterproof covering of oiled silk or calico (gutta-percha is too liable to tear), to prevent evaporation. The pads should be changed every three or four hours, and cleansed where they are intended to promote effusion of matter.

For Acidity.-A lump of chalk kept in the manger. For General Health.-A lump of rock-salt always in the manger.

For Worms. One to two grains of arsenic and twenty grains of kamela twice daily (each dose mixed in a handful of wet bran, and given with oats or other feeding) for eighteen days, and a purge the nineteenth morning. The horse may get moderate work during the administration of the powders. Or, common salt, a tablespoonful daily, to be mixed with the food.

Strong Mustard Blister.-For cases of acute inflammation, mustard to be made into a paste, eight ounces; oil of turpentine, two ounces-To be well rubbed into the chest or belly in severe inflammation.

Blisters should never be applied to a horse's four legs at the same time, as is the practice with some farriers. Two legs only should be blistered at once, and an in

terval of three or four days suffered to elapse before the application of the remaining blisters. The animal's head should be tied up for at least thirty hours after the blister is put on, to prevent his gnawing the part; but if a cradle round the neck can effect the same purpose in cases where other parts are blistered, its use is preferable to tying up the head.

Sedative. To allay excitement after a wound, &c.: tincture of aconite, ten to twenty drops, in drench of one pint of water with chill off.

To make Gruel.-Mix well a pound of oatmeal in a quart of cold water; put this mixture in a stew-pan containing three quarts of boiling water, stir all well over the fire till it becomes thick, then leave it aside to cool sufficiently to be eatable.

Disinfectant.-As it will perhaps be useful to any proprietor of horse-flesh, who may unfortunately have had contagious disease in his stables, such as farcy or glanders, to know how premises should be disinfected according to the most approved means, the following recommendations of Government for purifying the holds of ships, during the prevalence of rinderpest, are appended :

Suggestions for Disinfecting Holds of Ships.-The Government has issued the following circular to the shipowners and veterinary inspectors of Irish ports. It must not be forgotten that the importation of raw hides is still permitted.

"23d August 1865.

"The usual means had recourse to for the purpose of disinfecting the holds of vessels (such as washing and subsequently applying diluted disinfecting solutions, the most generally used


of which is chloride of lime), do not possess sufficient efficacy, particularly within the limited time that can be devoted to that purpose, without interfering with the commercial interests of the vessels.

"It would occupy too much time to carefully scour and afterwards apply a disinfecting fluid to the entire surface of a ship's hold, in which, generally, there are many crevices and parts that cannot be reached by the hand or brush. Such crevices and parts are capable of retaining the contagious and infectious principles in all their virulence.

"Holds of vessels, and all other chambers from which the external air can be excluded for a time, can be, comparatively speaking, most effectually disinfected by filling them with chlorine gas, the great disinfecting principle of chloride of lime. The gas insinuates itself into every chink, crevice, and part of the chamber in which it is confined, and more effectually decomposes the contagious and infectious compounds, whether they be solid, fluid, or aeriform, than any other disinfectant equally easy of application, and as cheap. The mode of disinfecting the hold of a vessel with chlorine is, to place a quantity of common salt and black oxide of manganese in a strong basin, which may be put into a bucket, to the handle of which a rope has been attached. Pour on the salt and black oxide of manganese their combined weight of sulphuric acid; then let the bucket containing the basin a little way down into the hold by the rope attached to its handle. The chlorine gas, being heavier than the atmospheric air, will quickly displace the latter and fill the hold. In a short time, when the hold has become filled with chlorine, the hatches may be battened down for about half an hour.


'Previous to using the hold again for live freight, a current of air should be admitted through it to remove the chlorine.

"Many recommend the use of charcoal; but it is not alone more difficult of application, but it is much less of a disinfectant than a deodoriser. Charcoal will not, like the chlorides, decompose the matter of disease. If the damp matter of glanders, or sheep-pox, be well mixed with a strong solution of chloride of lime, it will seldom produce bad effects by inoculation; but if pure charcoal of any kind be used, the contagious principle of the diseased matter is not at all diminished in its virulence

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