
Possibly it is because of his emergence from this field of subdivided authority that the traveling engineer is also expected to be such an all around man. However, the requirements of diplomatic as well as professional qualifications do not interfere with his accomplishment of results so much as the undue territory usually assigned to him.

In his annual address to the June convention of the Master Mechanics' Association, then-President H. F. Ball stated that industrial and military organizations find that one officer will supervise not to exceed from 26 to 30 men, while in railroad organizations at present there is but one officer to 150 men.

Referring especially to engine crews, this matter is worse in its being hardly possible to centralize authority in one particular man. The traveling engineer is the most logical officer, but as already pointed out, he is buffeted by two distinct departments in addition to his authority being more or less limited and yet his territory is usually extended over an amount of mileage and men which absolutely preclude his giving that minuteness and persistency of attention to particular men which is essential to the attainment of best results.


more duties

some limitation of territory and definite and concise outlinings of and extent of authority will be necessary in most instances before the traveling engineer generally can produce the results which are expected of him.Railway Master Mechanic.

[blocks in formation]

pulling a work train. The company was changing about two miles of their track and had to make a deep cut; the dirt was hauled away from the cut and dumped along the right of way. We were to change our dumping place after 1 p. m., and the flagman had been instructed to flag accordingly but failed to do so. When ordered to pull out I replied that I felt safer where I was and was going to stay there until the train passed that I could hear approaching. If I had pulled out when ordered to do so I would have met the train on a sharp curve with a high bank on inside of curve and on a heavy grade. I was pulling a string of Lehigh Valley coal dumps with three link couplings that would jump the track like a flock of frightened sheep if they got to going that way.

EDITOR JOURNAL: Replying to Brother Cooper's question will say that I would

leave a

flagman at the junction and another at rear of train to protect me while running for water. I would give them full written directions too. This is very important. I have known of several serious mix-ups on account of sending out flagmen with only verbal orders, and I once avoided an impending head-end collision by refusing to obey orders. I was

The trouble with our present Rule 4 is its vagueness. It says: A train of the preceding time-table shall retain its train orders and take the schedule of the train of the same number on the new timetable, and as will be seen by reading the answers to my new time-table question in the September JOURNAL. A great many think that a train running on the road at the time new time-table takes effect cannot run without orders, others think that a train can lay at a station 13 hours and 29 minutes and then proceed without orders. I suppose each Brother writes in accordance with what is practiced on the road he works on.

I will inclose Mr. Mackie's last letter on the rule in question in my letter of last month. Mr. Mackie is probably as good an authority on train rules as there is in the country.

CHICAGO, ILL., Nov. 19, 1906. Mr. L. N. Sawyer, Vilas, Pa.:

DEAR SIR: Your favor of the 10th at hand but I really do not know which copy of the Bulletin you refer to as containing an answer to the following question: "No. 1 leaves A on old time-table at 11:50 p. m. New time-table takes effect at 12:01 a. m. No. 1 leaves at 12:10 a. m. on new time-table. Would you look for two

No. 1's?"

In reply to this I would say that the

Standard Code which was in existence up to April 1906, and whose Rule 4 I presume is supposed to govern this, leaves the matter of date entirely indefinite. Under that rule it would be entirely possible for No. 1 leaving A as stated at 11:50 p. m. to start on the old time-table and a new No. 1 to leave A at 12:10 a. m., but as a matter of fact, no railroad man in his senses would ever start anything but No. 1 due to leave at 12:10, nevertheless, any opposing inferior train would have to keep clear of No. 1 due to leave at 11:50 unless expressly annulled by the dispatcher, for the reason that the rule does not forbid the running of both trains between A and the point that may possibly be reached by No. 1 before 12:01 a. m. After that time, however, there would be only one No. 1, which would be the train due to leave at 12:10 a. m.

Under the Standard Code as revised in April, 1906, there would be no possibility of a train leaving at 11:50 p. m., às at 12:01 a. m. it would become. void by reason of the fact that it would then be 23 hours late, while No. 1 of the new date would be in effect at 12:10.

With regard to the latest edition of the Standard Code, the official book is published only by the American Railway Association and a copy can be obtained of W. F. Allen, Secretary of that Association, at 24 Park Place, New York City. I think the price is $1 per copy but am not positive as to that. Yours very truly,


It seems to me he has changed his views somewhat since last January, for in the letter that he wrote at that time he did not say that No. 1 of 11:50 p. m. could only run until 12:01 a. m., but carried the idea that it could run to the end of the division. As nearly as I can learn if trains left as follows on old and new time card: Old, 1 a. m. and 3 a. m., and new, 9 p. m. and 11 p. m., the change takes place at 12:01 a. m. According to the old time-table the train was not due to leave until 1 a. m. This train cannot leave its initial station until 9 p. m. the day new time-table takes effect, and trains running

on the road lose both right and class if change of time-table schedules make them 12 or more hours late, the same as on any other day. Fraternally yours,

L. N. SAWYER, 424.

New Time Card Question.

DUNSMUIR, CAL., Dec. 19, 1906. EDITOR JOURNAL: I think the discussion of train orders and rules or any other subject pertaining to our profession in the JOURNAL a good idea.

Brother Murphy of Div. 139 wishes to know if I am working under Standard Rules. I am on the S. P. and they have been using Standard Rules for some years. Granted that, "A train of the preceding time-table shall retain its train orders and take the schedule of train of same number on new time-table" (Rule 4), I still contend No. 10 will have orders to move from H. I do not see how Brother Murphy would run on No. 10 10 hours and 31 minutes late. Would he not be 13 hours and 29 minutes ahead of time, which is impossible under Standard Rules. I think a train is dead on new time-table when 12 hours late per new table.

Trains 3 and 4 can leave L on new timetable (although practically new trains) on Sept. 30. Question says Sept. 31, mistake in print I suppose. If they were due to leave L before new time-table took effect they would not run until October 1.


1. Can a train run 10 hours and 31 minutes late on a time-table that has not been in effect from that length of time?

2. Meeting point of trains Nos. 5 and 6 on time table at G. No. 5 superior by direction. No. 5 has met with second No. 6 at G. First No. 6 supposed to be on time, but falls down and cannot make G for No. 5. What would you do on Nos. 5 and first and second 6? G is a non-telegraph station.

Yours fraternally,
C. S. SILSBY, Div. 425.


HOUSTON, TEX., Dec. 9, 1906. EDITOP JOURNAL: Will you kindly let the following question appear in the January JOURNAL?

[blocks in formation]

NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 1, 1906. EDITOR JOURNAL: I would like to hear from some of the Brothers on the following train order: No. 2 being a first-class passenger train, No. 15 being a secondclass freight train, B is a blind siding and a scheduled meeting point. No. 15 takes siding and on the schedule of No. 2 comes a freight train and goes by without giving No. 15 any instructions. Has No. 15 a right to go under standard rules?

CHAS. REED, Div. 182.

Electrical Railroading.


Drum windings for armatures are divided into two kinds known as the parallel or lap and the series or wave winding. The series winding may or may not be given an angular lead with respect to the armature slots. It may also be bunched whereby it becomes possible to place some of the conductors carrying current in the same direction in the same slot. In this manner the number of armature slots can be reduced. This is generally an advantage for a reason already mentioned and that is to reduce the flywheel effect of the armature. With fewer slots the diameter of the armature is lessened.

The parallel or lap winding will not be described at this time because it has given way almost entirely to the series or wave winding when applied to railway motors. It is used in dynamos. It is not desirable in motors for the reason that with four-pole motors four brushes would be necessary as well as double the

number of commutator segments used with the series winding. Fig. 12 of the December JOURNAL illustrates a winding for a two-pole motor. If this motor had four poles and a lap winding, then there would be four brushes instead of two. Street railway motors are completely inclosed and unless taken apart, the brushes and commutator can only be reached through a small opening at the top over the commutator. There is a rectangular hand hole with a hinged cover at this part of the motor frame. All car floors are so made that a part of them can be lifted away from over the motors and in this way access can be had to the brushes or commutator without the necessity of removing any other parts or of running the car into the barn.

The two brushes used with a wave winding will therefore be arranged so that they will be supported from the top of the motor frame. If there were two more, they would come at the bottom. They could not be inspected or kept in repair conveniently when so located. The question of angular lead between the conductor in a slot and its commutator segment will be referred to more fully in connection with a diagram.

Having shown a simple two-pole motor winding, the question may suggest itself as to why four-pole motors have been adopted to the exclusion of two-pole types. A railway motor must be inclosed. At the same time it must be constructed in such a manner that it can be taken apart easily and quickly for inspection, repair or removal of an armature or field coil. This is very satisfactorily accomplished with a four-pole frame, but not with a two-pole field. Four field coils will run cooler than two when carrying the same energy because of the greater radiating surface. Slower armature speeds can be obtained with a four-pole field than with half the number. A perfectly balanced magnetic field is possible with the four-pole motor. The rotary motion of the armature is therefore less harmful to the bearings.

A straight series or wave drum winding is shown by diagram in the upper

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on a vertical through the center of the armature and then everything flattened out and brought side by side.

The commutator segments are numbered from 1 to 11 and the armature slots lettered from a to v. The number of bars in the commutator is always half the number of armature conductors. The number of bars in the commutator of a series-wound armature is always an odd number. The armature winding itself is divided into two circuits between the positive and the negative brush. Because of the fact that this type of winding is in series and of two circuits only, it follows that each circuit will carry one-half the total energy as against the four-circuit four-pole lap winding which would carry but one-fourth the total current per circuit. The wave winding therefore has but half the number of conductors of the lap winding, but these conductors must be twice the size of the other for the same motor capacity. The winding has been termed a series winding because onehalf of the armature coils are always connected in series with one another through the medium of the commutator. It is also called a wave winding because when tracing the path followed by any one lead it is seen that it passes back and forth all the way around the armature without lapping back over its mates. This is brought about by a change in the connections to commutator bars without changing the relative position of the coils themselves.

In the figure the commutator end is called the front end of the armature, the other end or that end of the shaft upon which the gear pinion is placed, we will call the back. In this case we will assume that each armature coil has but one turn of wire. The armature of Fig. 1 does not have any bunched slots, therefore there will be one armature coil to each slot. For instance, from segment 1 of the commutator, a lead goes to slot v,, thence from front to back and across the back as shown by the dotted line to slot e, thence from back to front over a lead to segment 6. This constitutes one complete armature coil. Each slot coupled

with the fifth one from it has an armature coil laid in it. One coil occupies slots r and a, another b and g, another c and t, and so on until the 22 slots are divided into eleven pairs.

The series winding is best shown by following any circuit around the armature from a brush. In illustration start at segment 1 over the lead to slot v across the back to e, to segment 6, to slot j across the back to o, to segment 11, to slot t, across the back to c, to segment 5, to slot h, across the back to m, to segment 10, to slot r, across the back to a, to segment 4. We have thus traced one armature circuit from brush to brush. The circuit may likewise be traced in the lower half of the figure when the term wave winding will he better understood.

The direction of the current in the armature conductors is also shown by the arrows on the leads. From this it will be seen that across a north pole the current is passing from bottom to top (in upper part of figure from back to front) and over the south poles the current is passing from top to bottom (in the upper part of figure from front to back) i. e., current always passes in a different direction across the face of a north or a south pole. This also illustrates a statement previously made that every dynamo or generator generates an alternating current within itself. The commutator makes it a direct current in the case of a generator and changes direct current into alternating through the armature leads in the case of a direct-current motor.

The particular case under consideration assumes the motor armature to be rotating in the direction shown by the arrow or in the direction of the hands of a watch. If, however, the polarity of the field poles were changed sɔ that what are now N would become S and what are now S would become N poles then with the some direction of current in the armature conductors, the armature would rotate in the opposite direction. Or, if the polarity of the poles remains the same as in the figure and the direction of current in the armature is changed so that current passes in the opposite direction to that

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