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I have prescribed resinol ointment for four cases of pruritus ani recently, and have obtained relief. I have completely cured one case of eczema with the ointment, and I have a number of families who keep it on hand as a family medicine. -G. W. Smith, M. D., Ft. Smith, Ark.

A Matter of Spelling.-A trolley collided with a milk wagon and sent the milk splashing on the pavement. Soon a crowd gathered. "Goodness!" exclaimed a man. "What an awful waste!" A very stout lady turned and glared at him. "Just mind your own business," she snapped.-October Lippincott.

A Fair Test of Calcalith.-From Dr. Toland down in Texas, comes the state

ment: "There's nothing surpasses calcalith (Abbott). I gave it a fair test two weeks ago in a patient who had cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis and gonorrheal rheumatism and was passing "matter" (pus and blood) with his urine. He surely was in a bad condition, but calcalith with other alkaloidal remedies (calcium sulphide and tonics) soon brought him around all right."

Constipation. As a rule the habitual use of purgative waters causes a constipated condition which may become chronic. This does not occur with carabana, which is tonic in its effects. It is consequently very useful for preventing not only the diseases directly attributable to constipation, but also for alleviating the remote reflex or sympathetic disturbances. It effects this result by removing the fecal matter, which not only acts as a local irritant and by its pressure interferes with the venous circulation, but also causes auto-infection by the elaboration of toxic alkaloids.

Fothergill, one of the highest English authorities on medicine, says that no treatment of respiratory affections is complete without appropriate tonic treatment. This explains why Gray's glycerine tonic comp. is so uniformly effective in both acute and chronic forms of bronchitis and laryngitis. It relieves the symptoms because of its local antiphlogistic properties and eradicates the disease because it antagonizes the ever-present element of systemic depression. The unique therapeutic value of Gray's glycerine tonic comp. can be best proven by a trial in those cases of general debility that have resisted all other tonic and reconstructive medication.

Coca Bases.-W. H. R., Chicago, Ill., writes to the editor of the Coca Leaf: "In the analysis of Vin Mariani I notice 'Coca bases.' If this means the alkaloid cocaine, why not say so plainly?" Coca bases means precisely what it designates, i.e., alkaloidal bases of the coca leaf, of which cocaine is but one among many. The several coca bases, while chemically analogous,differ markedly from each other in physiological action. Thus, while cocaine acts chiefly upon the central nervous system, other coca alkaloids, as ecgonine, benzoyl ecognine, hygrine, cinnamyl-cocaine, etc., act directly to stimulate muscle fibre while having little if any anesthetic action, direct or remote. The alkaloidal yield of coca varies with the quality as well as with the variety of leaf used. The large Bolivian leaf being rich in cocaine to the exclusion of the other alkaloids, is employed by chemists for the extraction of cocaine, while the small leaf varieties inversely being low in cocaine and rich in aromatic bodies and those alkaloids which act upon muscle, are employed medicinally for such physiological properties. A blending of these latter varieties of aromatic coca is employed in the preparation of Vin Mariani. It is the refinement of selection of appropriate coca from long years of experience, and skill in its preservation and manufacture, to which this unique tonic owes its restorative properties.-The Coca Leaf, March, 1905.

The Use of Glyco-Thymoline in Obstetrics.-(By Geo. H. Shelton, M. D., Detroit, Mich.)-I am so gratified and pleased with the action of glyco-thymoline in the various conditions in which it is indicated, and especially so in obstetrics, that I can not endorse it too highly. I have used glyco-thymoline in obstetrical practice wherever sepsis is present or threatened, and can say candidly that I have yet to meet with disappointment. The result in every instance has been simply charming. Did not time forbid I could recount numerous cases in which the happy climax was attributable to the use of glyco-thymoline. But for the purpose of this paper the report of two cases in obstetrics will illustrate typically its wide field of usefulness in this branch of practice. Case 1.-Mrs. J., age 28. Multipara, was delivered at full term of a still-born child. It had been dead about ten days and was foully decomposed. Condition of mother was very critical. Temperature 102.5 degrees. Pulse 120. All symptoms of septicemia present. Two tablespoonfuls of glyco-thymoline to one pint of hot water as a douche three times daily, brought about a wonderful recovery in a remarkably short space of time. Case 2.-Mrs. S., age 19. Primipara. Premature labor, followed by puerperal fever. In this case the septic condition was such as to be truly alarming, but glyco-thymoline, two tablespoonfuls to one pint of hot water, to be used as a douche three times daily, produced a rapid recovery. In conclusion, wish to state that I find such general use for glyco-thymoline in obstetrics that I would not consider that I was fully prepared for any and all emergencies which might arise while attending a case of labor unless I had a supply of the above mentioned remedy on hand.

After Operations.-After an operation, be it simple or severe, it is always good practice to reinforce a patient's vitality. Gray's glycerine tonic compound is eminently useful for this purpose.

John Drew on Drawing Power.-A fellow actor was the subject of discussion at The Players Club not long ago;

He is perfectly devoted to that blonde"-so Mr. Drew was informed. "His family think it a case of hypnotism."

"Seems more like chemical attraction," said the great actor thoughtfully.—November Lippincott's.

Just How to Manage Otorrhea.-(By F. E. Burgevin, M. D., of Spiro, I. T.)— Otorrhea, from the purulent middle-ear catarrh, the "running ears" of the laity, was at first my bete noire. I used the classic treatment of Pomeroy and others—syringing, insufflations of powdered boric acid, etc., sometimes with benefit, sometimes the reverse, but never by any chance curing any of them, until I dreaded to see a patient with cotton in his ears come into the office. Now I cure them in a few days .or weeks without difficulty, and really prefer this class of cases to any other. When

I was at the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital in 1890, Dr. Pomeroy said that one case had been under treatment nearly ten months and was slightly improved. He said that it required one or two years to cure this disease, and then it generally returned. My method of treatment is as simple as it is effectual, and any doctor after reading my description attentively can use it as well as I can and cure every case. Once daily I fill the ear with a warm solution of some good peroxide of hydrogen, beginning with a 35 per cent solution, and increasing the strength every day until the pure drug is used. Hydrozone is the same, only twice as strong, and I use it when I can get it simply from motives of economy. After cleansing the ear thoroughly, which at first may require twenty minutes to two hours, according to the foulness of the auditory canal, I then instill a few drops of glycozone (warmed) and close the canal securely with a bit of absorbent cotton. This is allowed to remain in situ until next treatment. The first cleansing should be very thorough, the peroxide being repeatedly instilled until all foaming ceases. In some cases it may require two, three or more treatments to cleanse the ear properly, especially if the lumen be occluded by a furuncle, or by swelling, or inspissated discharge. Do not be discouraged by any little difficulty like this, keep right on and you will finally succeed in getting the ear clean. After that it is plain sailing. Thenceforth the daily treatment need not consume more than ten to twenty minutes. It is better to treat the case every day, but I have had good success with patients who could not come oftener than once a week. Do not give the patient medicine to use at home and expect to cure him; and never tell him what you are using. In children who dread the procedure, I do not attempt much the first time or two, but strive to win their confidence, which is not ordinarily difficult, as the treatment is not at all painful and is always followed by a certain sense of relief, so that children who were in mortal terror of me at first will, after a few treatments, come to me of their own accord. Even babies of one or two years who would not suffer me to touch them at first, after experiencing the grateful relief afforded, will place the head on the chair in the proper position and gladly submit to the treatment.

When the diseased ear has once been thoroughly cleansed I consider my work as half done. Thenceforth improvement is usually very rapid, even old inveterate cases yielding in few weeks. Relapses occur, but are easily managed, and I have seldom had a second relapse. Of course, mastoid disease, necrosis, polyps, etc., must receive appropriate treatment; but I have no hesitation in saying that all simple, uncomplicated cases (which include the vast majority of all cases under one year's duration) may be cured by this treatment if it is properly and thoroughly carried out. Care must be taken to have the medicaments warm and not too hot100 F. is about right-and to always stop up the ear with a bit of aseptic cotton before permitting the patient to leave the office. Be careful to use a piece of cotton of just the right size to securely close up the meatus; if too large it will work out,allowing the solution to escape and leaving the ear unprotected; if too small it will slip back into the canal and so fail of its effect. Never syringe the ears in otorrhea; it is risky and useless. I usually drop a little warm solution of sodium borate-5 per cent-in the ear to prevent a slight stinging which sometimes ensues when active steps are taken. I also dry out the canal with cotton on an applicator, but this should be carefully done with speculum, and the canal well lighted. These points are non-essentials,merely refinements which render the treatment a trifle more pleasant, perhaps, that is about all. The general health will probably require overhauling, indications being met as they arise. It is a good idea to regulate and antisepticise the bowels as a routine measure, using salines and intestinal antiseptics-e. g., the sulphocarbolates are needed. In the South especially, malarial and other miasmatic affections will often need looking after; also any other existing disease may require attention, but it is presumed that the practician will know how to handle these. We all ought to try to help each other; not one of us has much to learn; and in these brief talks it is my principal aim to set an example for the rest, hoping my little crumbs may some day come back to me in the shape of seasonable aid from some brother who has a few pointers himself and, like me, is willing to "whack up."-Kansas City Med. Record.

Vol. XXX


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ALBERT ABRAMS, M. D., San Francisco.
M. V. BALL, M. D., Warren, Pa.
FRANK BILLINGS, M. D., Chicago, Ill.
CHARLES W. BURR, M. D., Philadelphia.
C. G. CHADDOCK, M. D., St. Louis, Mo.
8. SOLIS COHEN, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa.
N. S. DAVIS, M. D., Chicago.

ARTHUR R EDWARDS, M. D., Chicago, Ill.
FRANK R. FRY, M. D., St. Louis.

Mr. REGINALD HARRISON, London, England.
RICHARD T. HEWLETT, M. D., London, England.
J. N. HALL, M. D., Denver.

HOBART A. HARE, M. D., Philadelphia.
CHARLES JEWETT, M. D., Brooklyn.

THOMAS LINN, M. D., Nice, France.

E. E. MONTGOMERY, M. D., Philadelphia.
NICHOLAS SENN, M. D., Chicago.

EDWIN WALKER, M. D., Evansville, Ind.

H. M. WHELPLEY, M. D., St. Louis.
WM. H. WILDER, M. D., Chicago, Ill.




Professor of Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines in the
Detroit Post-Graduate School of Medicine; Clinical Pro-
fessor of Gastroenterology in the Detroit College of
Medicine; Consulting Gastroenterologist to Har-
per Hospital, etc.

DIARRHEA is a symptom of a disease that induces abnormal frequency and liquidity of fecal discharges. Gastrogenic diarrhea is a condition in which a perversity in the secretion or the motility of the stomach is the etiologic factor. Many cases of stomach disorder manifest themselves by symptoms suggesting intestinal disease. This has been frequently shown during the last ten years, by an examination of the stomach content, showing abnormal secretion or an interference with motility. We may have all degrees of decreased secretion of gastric juice or the direct opposite may be the case showing a hyperchlorhydria. Both conditions may or may not be associated with atony and interference with motility. An examination of the feces after a test-diet shows that the food stuff is inadequately digested. On account of some perversity in the secre

Read before the Michigan State Medical Society, at Jackson, Mich., May 24. 1906.

No. 11

tion of gastric juice, food undergoes fermentation or putrefaction, and an undigested mass is emptied into the duodenum. The mucous membrane of the duodenum unaccustomed to receive a decomposed mass is irritated and this produces diarrhea.


It is not always clear why intestinal disturbances frequently mask severe stomach trouble. The attacks of diarrhea are dependent upon the digestive strength and the resisting power of the intestine. In gastrogenic diarrhea there is an insufficiency of the preparation of the food in the stomach. tients may have stomach trouble for years, but not severe enough to induce them to consult a physician until they are suddenly taken with a diarrhea. When the stomach does not do its work properly too much is demanded of the intestine. The intestine may do the work of the stomach for years without any apparent difficulty. The intestine carries on this increased work under unfavorable condition, being subjected to abnormal irritation by the food that has not been properly prepared by the stomach. consequence of abnormal fermentation the mucous membrane is irritated which induces diarrhea.


The reaction of the food in the stomach influences the contraction and relaxation of the pyloric sphincter. Free hydrochloric acid in the stomach opens the pylorus. The acid chyme acting on the intestinal mucosa reflexly closes the pylorus. As the pylorus closes, the pancreatic juice and bile gradually neutralize the acid chyme, and this allows the free acid in the stomach to again open the pylorus and a new supply of the stomach content enters the duodenum. On account of this great acidity the intestine is never overburdened with too much food at one time. As soon as a certain amount of the acid stomach content enters the duodenum the pylorus closes to prevent any more from passing through until the pancreatic juice has had time to act upon the food in the intestine. Proteids take up a great deal of hydrochloric acid and require a longer time to give a reaction for free hydrocholrio acid than the carbohydrates. For this reason the pylorus opens sooner after a carbohydrate diet than a proteid diet. In cases in which hydrochloric aicd is secreted in insufficient quantities the pylorus relaxes and allows the stomach content to empty itself into the duodenum when there is not enough acid in the duodenum to reflexly close the pylorus, and thus the duo

denum is over-burdened and the intestinal mucosa irritated, which leads to a condition that superinduces gastrogenic diarrhea.


The acid chyme poured into the duodenum stimulates the flow of pancreatic juice. the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is in any way inhibited there is a reduction in the secretion of the pancreas. The secretion of the pancreatic juice is brought about by a substance called secretin. The hydrochloric acid from the stomach produces this secretin in the intestine from some unknown substance, and after being absorbed has the power of increasing the secretion of pancreatic juice. We can readily see how an anomaly in the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach would inhibit the secretion of pancreatic juice and thus set up diarrhea.

Schmidt (1) has proved this by giving_a test-diet and then examining the feces. He found that raw connective tissue was normally digested in the stomach and that the pancreatic juice had no effect upon such connective tissue. He says, "That these observations are not isolated, and that gastrogenic intestinal disturbances are extremely freextremely frequent, and therefore have a great practical significance, must be obvious to any one who has systematically employed my functional examination. The appearance of macroscopically recognizable remains of connective tissue in the feces after the test-diet is a simple as well as a reliable sign of this disturbance and it indicates that the stomach in the particular case is unable to perform the work which must be expected of it. In my fecal investigation I myself have come upon undigested connective tissue remains so often that I do not hesitate to declare the stomach to be frequently the point of origin of the most varied intestinal disturbances. I purposely say the most varied, for, as already pointed out above, remains of connective tissue are found not only in cases of diminished hydrochloric acid secretion-although undoubtedly they occur here most frequently, one might say constantly-but also under the opposite circumstances. How the failure to digest the connective tissue is to be explained in all these cases, is not yet determined. It is at once intelligible in achylia, but in cases of hyperacidty it is a deficient pepsin secretion, which we know can occasionally happen in spite of increased hydrochloric acid secretion. Where the motility is reduced processes of decomposition may be involved, etc.

The work of the intestine, if we disregard the presence of undigested con

(1) Adolf Schmidt, the examination of the functions of the intestine by means of the test-diet, its application in medical practice and its diagnostic and therapeutic value. 1906. F. A. Davis Co. Philadelphia.

nective tissue, need not necessarily be altered; the connective tissue can permeate feces that are otherwise normal. More often the feces are not normal in other respects, being soft and mushy to a liquid or containing mucus and showing signs of decomposiiton. Similarly results of stomach affections on the intestine are not uniform; they can vary from the slightest functional deviations to the severest catarrhs, according to the duration of the condition, the sensibility of the intestine, the care which the patient gives himself, etc. When pronounced intestinal affections are present, the symptoms may become so prominent as to determine completely the appearance of the disease, while achylia, which is well known, frequently occurs without any symptoms suggesting disturbances on the part of the stomach. In the fact that the connective tissue test in these instances at once leads us on to the right path, lies its value. It has, however, a greater advantage, in that it reveals the danger threatening the intestines when nothing else indicates it, when only now and then subjective symptoms or rapidly subsiding intestinal irritations appear, which, without this test, would be overlooked entirely."

Sahli has given us a simple test of the chemistry of the stomach in cases of gastrogenic diarrhea without inflicting on the patient the discomfort of the stomach tube. The patient is to swallow a little iodoform or methylene blue wrapped in a small square of rubber tissue tied with a piece of raw catgut. If the chemic functions of the stomach are normal, the catgut is soon dissolved in the gastric secretions, and the appearance of the blue in the urine or the iodin in the urine and saliva testifies to the normal digesting power of the stomach juices. The little bag is swallowed after a meal and the absence of any reaction is proof that the bag was either passed along before the gastric juice acted on it or that the secretory functions of the stomach are defective.

It was at first believed that the cause of gastrogenic diarrhea was to be looked for in the absence of the antiseptic action of the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. But hydrochloric acid is not the all determining factor in preventing processes of decomposition in the intestine, as can be seen from the many patients with achylia who do not get intestinal disturbances; and besides, we see frequently strong decomposition in the stomach itself where hydrochloric acid is present. There is no doubt that the origin of these fermentations in the stomach is due to disturbances of the motor activity, and is of greater significance than disturbances of the chemic processes. Gastrogenic diarrhea with

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