
In all disorders of the respiratory tract in which inflammation or cough is a conspicuous factor, incomparably beneficial results can be secured by the administration of

Glyco-Heroin (Smith)

The preparation instantly diminishes cough,
augments expulsion of secretions, dispels
oppressive sense of suffocation, restores
regular, pain-free respiration and subdues
inflammation of the air passages.

The marked analgesic, antispasmodic, balsamic, expectorant,
mucus-modifying and inflammation-allaying properties of
GLYCO-HEROIN (Smith) explain the curative
action of the Preparation in the treatment of

Coughs, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Laryngitis, Pulmonary Phthisis, Asthma, Whooping Cough

and the various disorders of the breathing passages.

GLYCO-HEROIN (Smith) is admittedly the ideal heroin product. It is superior to preparations containing codeine or morphine, in that it is vastly more potent and does not beget the bye-effects common to those drugs.

DOSE. The adult dose is one teaspoonful, repeated every two or three hours. For children of more than three years of age, the dose is from five to ten drops.

Samples and exhaustive literature bearing upon the preparation will be sent, post paid, on request.




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Why waste time in reading large volumes that repeat in greater part what you have already read in other large volumes? We are offering to the profession something absolutely new in the way of medical literature. In these books you get nothing but the guide posts that lead you to certain success, you learn nothing but the things you must know to get results.


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S. GROVER BURNETT, A. M., M. D., Superintendent and Proprietor, Professor Nervous Diseases, University Medical College; formerly Assistant Superintendent L. I. Home of New York for Mental and Nervous Diseases and Inebriates.


T. D. Crothers, M.D., Supt. Walnut Lodge Hospital for Opium and Alcoholic Inebriates, Hartford, Conn.
Graeme H. Hammond, M.D., Prof. Mental and Nervous Diseases, N. Y Post-Graduate Medical College.
William J. Morton, Prof. Electro-Therapeutics and Mental and Nervous Diseases, N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Coll.
Frederick Peterson, M.D., Professor Psychiatry, College Physicians and Surgeons, New York City.
William L. Leszynsky, M.D., Neurologist to Demit Dispensary, New York City.

Address Rialto Building, 9th St. and Grand Ave., or 3100 Euclid Ave., Kansas City, Mo.



(Calcium Carbonate Compound, with Colchicine.)-Abbott

Formula: Repurified calcium carbonate, grs. 10; lithium carbonate, gr. 1; and colchicine, gr. 1-500; in aromatic combination.

An efficient remedy for most manifestations of the Uric-Acid Diathesis-useful in Lithemia, Gout, Nephrolithiasis, Lumbago, Urinary Hyperacidity, Uric-Acid Eczema, Phosphaturia, Gravel, Rheumatism, Etc.

Many so-called "uric-acid solvents" have been tried and found wanting as to practical results, because, although they dissolve uric acid in a test-tube, they do not do so in the body fluids. Elimination of residues and prevention of deposit is the essential thing and Calcalith does this more positively and more potently than any other preparation of this class.

Use Calcalith with Salithia, the Sulphocarbolates, Bilein or other hepatic stimulants and you will have no further dread of the "uric-acid diathesis."

Calcalith also works "Magically" in Urinary Troubles.

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