ARTICLE XV HEALTH AND WELFARE (a) The Employer agrees to make contributions to the Southern California Lumber Industry Welfare Fund in the amount of TwentyFive Dollars ($25.00) for each employee working or paid for seventy (70) straight time hours or more per month until July 1, 1972. Effective July 1, 1972 through June of 1973 (based upon the hours worked June, 1972 through May, 1973), the Employer agrees to make contributions in the amount of Forty-Two Dollars and Thirty Cents ($42.30) per month per each employee working or paid for seventy (70) straight time hours or more during the month of June, 1972 and each subsequent month until July, 1973. Effective July 1, 1973, the Employer agrees to make contributions in the amount of Fifty-One Dollars ($51.00) for each employee working or paid for seventy (70) straight time hours or more during the month of June, 1973 and each subsequent month thereafter for the life of this Agreement. The Employer hereby accepts, ratifies and becomes bound by the terms of that cetain Health and Welfare Plan and Trust Agreement dated April 1, 1952, as amended, establishing the Southern California Lumber Industry Welfare Fund, the same as though it were signatory thereto. (b) DENTAL PROGRAM Effective April 1, 1973, the Employer agrees to make contributions to the Southern California Lumber Industry Dental Plan in the amount of Thirteen Dollars and Eighty Cents ($13.80) per month for each employee working or paid for seventy (70) straight time hours or more during the previous month. This provision shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Health and Welfare Trust Agreement and Plan. (c) NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM The parties agree that in the event a National or State Health Insurance Program is adopted that provides similar or substantially equal benefits regarding Health and Welfare benefits as provided for in this Agreement; (1) The Employer, upon thirty (30) days notice to the Union, shall have the right to terminate the Employer's contribution provided for in paragraph (a) hereof; (2) The Union, upon thirty (30) days notice to the Employer, shall have the right to allocate to wages all or any portion of the amount of contributions to the Health and Welfare Fund that the Employer is obligated to pay under this Agreement which are in excess of any contributions which the Employer is required to make or pay toward such National or State Health Insurance Program. ARTICLE XVI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (a) No present employees' wages shall be reduced as a result of the classifications and wage rates established herein. (b) The Employer will maintain sufficient sanitary restroom facilities for employees, and will also provide a sanitary area for employees to eat their lunch. Employees will be expected and required to cooperate in maintaining sanitary conditions and facilities for their own use. (c) The Employer will permit vending machines and/or catering trucks in locations accessible to all employees for their convenience during rest and lunch periods. If smoking is restricted on the job, the Employer will designate a safe area in which employees will be permitted to smoke during rest and lunch periods. (d) Employees entering the Armed Forces of the United States shall be re-employed in accordance with the terms of the Universal Military Training and Service Act of 1951, as amended, and shall be entitled to such other benefits under such act as an Employee, as may be specified therein. ARTICLE XVII LEGALITY OF PROVISIONS (a) If any Article or Section of this Agreement or any Rider thereto, should be held invalid by operation of law or by any tribunal of competent jurisdiction, or if compliance with or enforcement of (b) In the event that any Article or Section is held invalid (a) ARTICLE XVIII DEATH IN IMMEDIATE FAMILY; JURY DUTY When death occurs in an employee's immediate family, i.e., spouse, parents, stepparent, parents of spouse, child (maternal, step, adopted or in process of being adopted), brothers, stepbrothers, sisters, stepsisters, the employee on request shall be excused for any or all of two (2) working days following the date of death, providing he attends the funeral. An employee so excused from work shall receive the amount of wages he would have earned by working during straight time hours on such days for which he is excused. (b) If an employee is called for jury duty in any of the recognized courts of the State, or of the United States of America, he shall be paid up to eight (8) hours pay at straight time rates for each scheduled working day during which he serves on such jury, depending upon working hours necessarily lost up to a maximum of ten (10) days in any twelve (12) month period; provided, however, that any amount of money paid to such employee for jury services by the State or the United States of America shall be deducted from the amount owing to such employee from the Employer under this Article. (a) ARTICLE XIX PLANT MAINTENANCE; NO DISCRIMINATION All work involving major alterations, additions or construction of new facilities by the Employer, which comes under the (b) The Union and the Employer agree that they will abide by all Equal Employment Opportunity regulations and will not discriminate in the hiring of employees or in their training, upgrading, promotion, transfer, layoff, discipline, discharge or otherwise because of race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, national ancestry, political affiliations or marital status. No Employee shall demonstrate discrimination against another employee or management representative by word or action on matters relating to race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, national ancestry, political affiliations or marital status. ARTICLE XX JOBSITE WORK (a) The Employer agrees to sign the standard Agreement covering Jobsite work, of the three Unions signatory to this Agreement in the event the Employer should engage in any such jobsite erection and/or installation under any type of on jobsite contract. (b) The Employer agrees to sign the standard Agreement for use of the Union Label for modular and/or prefabricated construction units, which is the property of United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada and be bound by its terms. ARTICLE XXI SAFETY AND FIRST AID (a) The Company agrees to furnish a First Aid kit for each building, and the Union agrees to cooperate with Management in connection therewith. (b) No employee shall be disciplined or discharged for refusing to work on a job not safe for him/her. (c) The Company shall reimburse employees for reasonable amounts of time lost from work for a maximum of three (3) visits to the Doctor in Industrial injury cases. ARTICLE XXII COMPLETE AGREEMENT (a) This Agreement constitutes the complete and entire agreement between the parties for the term of this Agreement. The right to present any demands or proposals on any matters whether or not discussed during the negotiations which led to this Agreement is hereby waived by the parties. ARTICLE XXIII DURATION OF AGREEMENT (a) This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until March 31, 1974, and thereafter shall be renewed from year to year unless either party hereto shall notify the other party in writing at least sixty (60) days prior to the anniversary date of this Agreement of its desire to change in any manner or to terminate this Agreement. Such written notice shall be sent registered or by certified mail to the other party. ARTICLE XXIV MASCULINE FEMININE GENDER Whenever any provision in this Agreement refers to the masculine gender, it shall be deemed to include the feminine gender. |