JOHN SPARKMAN, Alabama, Chairman
Gregory J. Ahart, Director, Manpower and Welfare Division, United
States General Accounting Office, accompanied by: Melvin Miller,
Assistant General Counsel of the General Accounting Office, Morton
Henig, Associate Director, Manpower and Welfare Division, and Warren Brown, Supervisory Investigator, Manpower and Welfare Division.............
Laurence H. Silberman, Under Secretary of Labor, accompanied by:
Warren Landis, Assistant Administrator, Employment Standards
Administration, and Harold Nystrom, Associate Solicitor, Department
of Labor.
Thomas Hails, general contractor, on behalf of Associated Builders and Contractors, accompanied by: William Barton, national legal counsel.--
Robert T. Thompson, director and member, labor relations committee,
Chamber of Commerce of the United States, accompanied by: Otto F.
Wenzler, labor relations manager__
Stanley Waranch, president, National Association of Home Builders;
accompanied by Carl A. S. Coan, Jr., staff vice president and legisla-
tive counsel, and Richard Canavan, staff vice president for builder
Frank Bonadio, president, Building and Construction Trades Department,
AFL-CIO accompanied by Thomas X. Dunn, general counsel; Walter
Mason, legislative representative; and Robert Barton, associate counsel
William E. Dunn, executive vice president, Associated General Con-
tractors of America; accompanied by Donald A. Giampao, director of
legislation and special programs, and Arthur Hintze, member, national
agency staff
J.C. Turner, second vice president and assistant to general president- legislation, International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO.-
Robert C. Smith, president, National Association of Building Manufac-
turers; accompanied by Richard L. Bullock, executive vice president, and
David Falk, general counsel..
Ahart, Gregory J., Director, Manpower and Welfare Division, General
Accounting Office..
Barton, Robert, associate counsel, Building and Construction Trades
Department, AFL-CIO
Barton, William, national legal counsel, Associated Builders and Con-
Blackburn, Ben B., Representative in Congress from the State of Georgia.
Bonadio, Frank, president, Building and Construction Trades Department,
Brown, Warren, Supervisory Investigator, Manpower and Welfare Divi-
sion, General Accounting Office..
Bullock, Richard L., executive vice president, National Association of
Building Manufacturers__
Kornreich, David V., on behalf of Florida East Coast Sheet Metal Con- tractors Association....
Mason, Walter, legislative representative, Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO..
Miller, Melvin, Assistant General Counsel, General Accounting Office... Newbould, E. J., vice president, government relations, National Clay Pipe Institute...
Newburg, Arthur S., Director, Operation Breakthrough, Department of
Housing and Urban Development.
Nystrom, Harold, Associate Solicitor, Department of Labor..
Silberman, Laurence H., Under Secretary, Department of Labor.
Smith, Robert C., president, National Association of Building Manu-
Thompson, Robert T., director and member, Labor Relations Committee,
Chamber of Commerce of the United States---
Turner, J. C., second vice president, International Union of Operating
Van Dusen, Richard C., Under Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development_
Waranch, Stanley, president, National Association of Home Builders.--
Wenzler, Otto F., labor relations manager, Chamber of Commerce of the
United States. --
Brozen, Yale, professor of business economics, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, study on the Davis-Bacon Act_
Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO:
Labor Day statement of 1970, by then president C. J. Haggerty-
Letter from Mike Ryan, Streator, Ill., Building Trades Council Sample labor agreements..
Statement of Frank Bonadio, president.
Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute, statement of Jerome O. Hendrickson, execu- tive vice president.-
Chamber of Commerce of the United States, statement of Robert T. Thompson, director and member of labor relations committee..
Colorado Association of Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling Contractors, telegram from Ken Christensen_-
Principal officials of the Department of Labor having responsi-
bility for determinations of wage rates discussed in this report__ 517
Congressional Record, reprint of excerpts from...
Consumer Federation of America, letter from Erma Angevine, executive director
Christian Science Monitor, reprint of article.
Del E. Webb Corp., reprint of labor agreement.
Dominick, Peter H., U.S. Senator from the State of Colorado, statement for the record on S. 3373.
Economic Report of the President, 1968, excerpt from. Engineering News-Record, reprint of article.
Florida East Coast Sheet Metal Contractors Association, statement of David C. Kornreich..
General Building Contractors, letter to Senator Sparkman, from Joel M. Howard III, legislative representative.
Gould, John P., professor of business economics, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, study on the Davis-Bacon Act------.
Housing and Urban Development Department:
Statement of Richard C. Van Dusen, Under Secretary
International Union of Operating Engineers, statement of J. C. Turner, second vice president..
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, letter from E. L. Curtis, business manager_
International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades, statement of S. Frank Raftery, general president..
Kennecott Copper Corp., letter from Gilbert E. Dwyer, vice president__ Kluczynski, John C., Representative in Congress from the State of Illinois, letter from Consumer Federation of America.
Statement of Laurence H. Silberman, Under Secretary-
Laborers' International Union of North America, statement of Peter Fosco, general president___
National Association of Building Manufacturers, statement of Robert Smith, president..
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