organization of the corporation for the purposes mentioned in the certificate. The filing of every certificate, where the amount of stock re quired by this section has not been in good faith subscribed and paid in cash, shall be void. Thus amended by chap. 676, Laws of 1892. See section 7, General Corporation Law, ante, section 3 Railroad Law, post, chap. 238, Laws of 1893, post. Supplemental certificate. § 3. If the names and places of residence of the directors of the corporation have been omitted from the certificate, when executed and acknowledged, and thereafter the requisite number of directors has been chosen at a meeting of the subscribers to the certificate, a supplemental certificate, containing their names and places of residence, may be filed with such certificate with the same force and effect as if the names and places of residence of the directors had been originally inserted therein. See section 7, General Corporation Law, section 2, Railroad Law, ante; chap. 238, Laws of 1893, post. Additional powers conferred. § 4. Subject to the limitations and requirements of this chapter, every railroad corporation, in addition to the powers given by the general and stock corporation laws, shall have power. Entry upon lands for purposes of survey. 1. To cause the necessary examination and survey for its proposed railroad to be made for the selection of the most advantageous route; and for such purpose, by its officers, agents or servants. to enter upon any lands or waters subject to liability to the owner for all damages done. Acquisition of real property. 2. To take and hold such voluntary grants of real estate and other property as shall be made to it to aid in the construction, maintenance and accommodation of its railroad; and to acquire by condemnation such real estate and property as may be neces sary for such construction, maintenance and accommodation in the manner provided by law, but the real property acquired by condemnation shall be held and used only for the purposes of the corporation during the continuance of the corporate existence. Construction of road. 3. To lay out its road not exceeding six rods in width, and to construct the same; and, for the purpose of cuttings and embankments, to take such additional lands as may be necessary for the proper construction and security of the road; and to cut down any standing trees that may be in danger of falling on the road, upon making compensation therefor. Intersection of streams, highways, plank-roads, turnpikes and canals. 4. To construct its road across, along or upon any stream, water-course, highway, plank-road, turnpike, or across any of the canals of the state, which the route of its road shall intersect or touch. Intersection of other railroads. 5. To cross, intersect, join, or unite its railroad with any other railroad before constructed, at any point on its route and upon the ground of such other railroad corporation, with the necessary turnouts, sidings, switches, and other conveniences in furtherance of the objects of its connections. See section 12, Railroad Law, post. Buildings and stations. 6. To erect and maintain all necessary and convenient buildings, stations, fixtures and machinery for the accommodation and use of its passengers, freight and business. Transportation of persons and property. 7. To take and convey persons and property on its railroad by the power or force of steam or of animals, or by any mechani 1 cal power, except where such power is specially prescribed in this chapter and to receive compensation therefor. Time and manner of transportation. 8. To regulate the time and manner in which passengers and property shall be transported, and the compensation to be paid. therefor. Purchase of lands and stock in other states. 9. To acquire and dispose of any real property in any other state through which any part of its railroad is operated, and stock in any foreign corporation owning lands in another state for the purpose of securing for such railroad corporation in this state a permanent supply of fuel for its use, and stock of cor porations in this state, formed for the purpose of erecting union railway depots. Creation of Mortgage. 10. From time to time to borrow such sums of money as may be necessary for completing and finishing or operating or improv ing its railroad, or for any other of its lawful purposes and to issue and dispose of its bonds for any amount so borrowed, and to mortgage its property and franchises to secure the payment of any debts contracted by the company for the purposes aforesaid, notwithstanding any limitation on such power contained in any general or special law. But no mortgage, except purchase money mortgages, shall be issued by any railroad corporation under this or any other law without the consent of the board of railroad commissioners, and the consent of the stockholders owning at least two-thirds of the stock of the corporation, which consent shall be in writing, and shall be given and certified and be filed and recorded in the office of the clerk or register of the county where it has its principal place of business, as provided in section two of the stock corporation law; or else the consent of the board of railroad commissioners and the consent by their votes of stockholders owning at least two-thirds of the stock of the corporation which is represented and voted upon in person or by proxy at a meeting called for that purpose upon a notice stating the time, place and object of the meeting, served at least three weeks previously upon each stockholder personally, or mailed to him at his post-office address, and also published at least once a week for three weeks successively in some newspaper printed in the city, town or county where such corporation has its principal office, and a certificate of the vote at such meeting shall be signed and sworn to and shall be filed and recorded as provided by section two of the stock corporation law. When authorized by the stockholders consent to any bonds made or issued under this section, the directors, under such regulations as they may adopt, may confer on the holder of any such bonds the right to convert the principal thereof, after two and not more than twelve years from the date of the bond, into stock of the corporation at a price fixed by the board of directors, which may be either par or a price not less than the market value thereof at the date of such consent to such bonds; and if the capital stock shall not be sufficient to meet the conversion when made, the board of directors shall authorize an increase of capital stock sufficient for that purpose. Subdivision 10 thus amended by chap. 504, Laws of 1902. When corporate powers to cease. § 5. If any domestic railroad corporation shall not, within five years after its certificate of incorporation is filed, begin the construction of its road and expend thereon ten per centum of the amount of its capital, or shall not finish its road and put it in operation in ten years from the time of filing such certificate, its corporate existence and powers shall cease. But if any such steam railroad corporation whose certificate of incorporation was filed since the year eighteen hundred and eighty, and whose road as designated in such certificate is wholly within one county and not more than ten miles in length, has acquired the real property necessary for its road-bed by purchase, its corporate existence and powers shall not be deemed to have ceased because of its failure to comply with the provisions of this article; and the time for beginning the construction of its road and expending thereon ten per centum of its capital, is extended until thir teen years from the date of the filing of such certificate and the time for finishing its road and putting it in operation, is ex tended until eighteen years from the date of such filing. This section shall not apply to any street surface railroad company incorporated prior to July first, eighteen hundred and ninetyfive, which has obtained or become the owner of the consents of the local authorities, of any city of the first or second class, given under article four of the railroad law to the use of public streets, avenues or highways for the construction and operation of the railroad thereon. Thus amended by chap. 508, Laws of 1901. See other laws as to expiration of time to construct, post. Location of route. § 6. Every railroad corporation, except a street surface railroad corporation and an elevated railway corporation, before constructing any part of its road in any county named in its certificate of incorporation, or instituting any proceedings for the condemnation of real property therein, shall make a map and profile of the route adopted by it in such county, certified by the president and engineer of the corporation, or a majority of the directors, and file it in the office of the clerk of the county in which the road is to be made. The corporation shall give written notice to all actual occupants of the lands over which the route of the road is so designated, and which has not been purchased by or given to it, of the time and place such map or profile were filed, and that such route passes over the lands of such occupants. Any such occupant or the owner of the land aggrieved by the proposed location, may, within fifteen days after receiving such notice, give ten days' written notice to such cor poration and to the owners or occupants of lands to be affected by any proposed alteration, of the time and place of an application to a justice of the supreme court, in the judicial district where the lands are situated, by petition duly verified, for the appointment of commissioners to examine the route. |