CONDEMNATION LAW. paid in such final order, if such final order shall have been entered, and upon such other terms and conditions as the court may prescribe; and upon the entry of the order granting such application and upon compliance with the terms and conditions therein prescribed, payment of the amount awarded for compensation, if such compensation shall have been theretofore awarded, shall not be enforced, but in such case, if such abandonment and discontinuance of the proceeding be directed upon the application of the plaintiff, the order granting such application, if permitting a renewal of such proceedings, shall provide that proceedings to acquire title to such lands or any part thereof shall not be renewed by the plaintiff without a tender or deposit in court of the amount of the award and interest thereon. Thus amended by chap. 475, Laws of 1894. Appeal from final order; stay of proceedings. § 3375. Appeal may be taken to the general term of the supreme court from the final order, within the time provided for appeals from orders by title four of chapter twelve of this act; and all the provisions of such chapter relating to appeals to the general term from orders of the special term shall apply to such appeals. Such appeal will bring up for review all the proceedings subsequent to the judgment, but the judgment and proceedings antecedent thereto may be reviewed on such appeal, if the appellant states in his notice that the same will be brought up for review, and exceptions shall have been filed to the decision of the court or the referee, and a case or a case and exceptions shall have been made, settled and allowed, as required by the provisions of this act, for the review of the trial of actions in the supreme court without a jury. The proceedings of the plaintiff shall not be stayed upon such an appeal, except by order of the court, upon notice to him, and the appeal shall not affect his possession of the property taken, and the appeal of a defendant shall not be heard except on his stipulation not to disturb such possession. e been e court such itions mpen rded. ment! pli if hat eof sit Appeal from judgment in favor of defendant. § 3376. If a trial has been had and judgment entered in favor of the defendant, the plaintiff may appeal therefrom to the general term within the time provided for appeals from judgments by title four of chapter twelve of this act, and all the provisions of such chapter relating to appeals from judgments shall apply to such appeals; and on the hearing of the appeal the general term may affirm, reverse or modify the judgment, and in case of reversal may grant a new trial, or direct that judgment be entered in favor of the plaintiff. If the judgment is affirmed, costs shall be allowed to the respondent, but if reversed or modified, no costs of the appeal shall be allowed to either party. New appraisal. § 3377. On the hearing of the appeal from the final order the court may direct a new appraisal before the same or new commissioners, in its discretion, and the report of such commissioners shall be final and conclusive upon all parties interested. If the amount of the compensation to be paid is increased by the last report, the difference shall be a lien upon the land appraised, and shall be paid to the parties entitled to the same, or shall be deposited as the court shall direct; and if the amount is diminished, the difference shall be refunded to the plaintiff by the party to whom the same may have been paid, and judgment therefor may be rendered by the court, on the filing of the last report, against the parties liable to pay the same. Adverse and conflicting claimants to money. § 3378. If there are adverse and conflicting claimants to the money, or any part of it, to be paid as compensation for the property taken, the court may direct the money to be paid into the court by the plaintiff, and may determine who is entitled to the same, and direct to whom the same shall be paid, and may, in its discretion, order a reference to ascertain the facts on which such determination and direction are to be made. Allowance of costs in certain cases. § 3379. At any stage of the proceeding the court may authorize the plaintiff, if in possession of the property sought to be condemned, to continue in possession, and may stay all actions or proceedings against him on account thereof, upon giving security, or depositing such sum of money as the court may direct to be held as security for the payment of the compensation which may be finally awarded to the owner therefor and the costs of the proceedings, and in every such case the owner may conduct the proceeding to a conclusion, if the plaintiff delays or neglects to prosecute the same. When the final award to any owner is less than fifty dollars, in proceedings to condemn a right of way, for telephone or telegraph poles and wires, the allowance of costs, if any, and the amount thereof not exceeding that prescribed by statute, shall be in the discretion of the court in any action or proceeding that may have been or may hereafter be stayed, if the telephone or telegraph poles and wires, in such action or proceeding so stayed, shall have been erected for more than three years prior to the commencement thereof. Thus amended by chap. 774, Laws of 1900, taking effect September 1, 1900. Entry upon and use of property after answer has been interposed. § 3380. When an answer to the petition has been interposed, and it appears to the satisfaction of the court that the public interests will be prejudiced by delay, it may direct that the plaintiff be permitted to enter immediately upon the real property to be taken, and devote it temporarily to the public use specified in the petition, upon depositing with the court the sum stated in the answer as the value of the property, and which sum shall be applied, so far as it may be necessary for that purpose, to the payment of the award that may be made, and the costs and expenses of the proceeding, and the residue, if any, returned to the plaintiff, and, in case the petition should be dismissed, or no award should be made, or the proceedings of be : should be abandoned by the plaintiff, the court shall direct that the money so deposited, so far as it may be necessary, shall be applied to the payment of any damages which the defendant may have sustained by such entry upon and use of his property, and his costs and expenses of the proceeding, such damages to be ascertained by the court, or a referee to be appointed for that purpose, and if the sum so deposited shall be insufficient to pay such damages, and all costs and expenses awarded to the defendant, judgment shall be entered against the plaintiff for the deficiency, to be enforced and collected in the same manner as a judgment in the supreme court; and the possession of the property shall be restored to the defendant. See 111 App. Div. 686; 351 Misc. 333. Notice of pendency of proceedings; effect thereof; duty of county clerk. § 3381. Upon service of the petition, or at any time afterwards before the entry of the final order, the plaintiff may file in the clerk's office of each county where any part of the property is situated, a notice of the pendency of the proceeding stating the names of the parties and the object of the proceeding, and containing a brief description of the property affected thereby, and from the time of filing, such notice shall be constructive notice to a purchaser, or incumbrancer of the property affected thereby, from or against a defendant with respect to whom the notice is directed to be indexed, as herein prescribed, and a person whose conveyance or incumbrance is subsequently executed or subsequently recorded, is bound by all proceedings taken in the proceeding, after the filing of the notice, to the same extent as if he was a party thereto. The county clerk must immediately record such notice when filed in the book in his office kept for the purpose of recording notices of pendency of actions, and index it to the name of each defendant specified in the direction appended at the foot of the notice, and subscribed by the plaintiff or his attorney. Power of court to make all necessary orders, etc. § 3382. In all proceedings under this title, where the mode or manner of conducting all or any of the proceedings therein is not expressly provided for by law, the court before whom such proceedings may be pending, shall have the power to make all necessary orders and give necessary directions to carry into effect the object and intent of this title, and of the several acts conferring authority to condemn lands for public use, and the practice in such cases shall conform, as near as may be, to the ordinary practice in such court. Repeal. § 3383. So much of all acts and parts of acts as prescribe a method of procedure in proceedings for the condemnation of real property for a public use is repealed, except such acts and parts of acts as prescribe a method of procedure for the condemnation of real property for public use as a highway, or as a street, avenue, or public place in an incorporated city or village, or as may prescribe methods of procedure for such condemnation for any public use for, by, on behalf, on the part, or in the name of the corporation of the city of New York, known as the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of New York, or by whatever name known, or by or on the application of any board, department, commissioners or other officers acting for or on behalf or in the name of such corporation or city, or where the title to the real property so to be acquired vests in such corporation or in such city; and all proceedings for the condemnation of real property embraced within the exceptions enumerated in this section are exempted from the operation of this title. Thus amended by chap. 247, Laws of 1890. Title, when to take effect. § 3384. This title shall take effect on the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety, and shall not affect any proceeding previously commenced. |