any expense or become liable for the payment of any moneys, it shall be lawful for such municipality to temporarily borrow such moneys on the notes or certificates of such municipality, and to include the amount of outstanding notes or certificates, or any part thereof, in its next annual tax levy for municipal purposes, or in the discretion of the common council in case of a city, the board of trustees in case of a village or the town board in case of a town, to borrow the same, or any part thereof, on the credit of the municipality, and to issue bonds therefor, which bonds shall be signed by the mayor and clerk in case of a city, the president and clerk in case of a village and the town board in case of a town, and shall be in such form and for such sums and be payable at such times and places with interest not exceeding four per centum per annum, as the common council in case of a city, the board of trustees in case of a village, and the town board in case of a town, shall direct. Thus amended by chap. 198, Laws of 1902. § 68. All steam railroads hereafter constructed across the tracks of any other railroad and any street surface railroad hereafter constructed across a steam railroad shall be above, below, or at grade of such existing railroad as the board of railroad commissioners shall determine, and such board shall in such determination fix the proportion of expense of such crossing to be paid by each railroad. Thus amended by chap. 739. Laws of 1900. See sections 12, 33, 35 and 36, Railroad Law, ante, and chap. 239, Laws of 1893, post. See 75 Appellate Division, p. 412, 175 N. Y. Mem. 468. § 69. The provisions of this act shall also apply to all existing or future steam surface railroads, on which, after the passage of this act, electricity or some other agency than steam shall be substituted as a motive power. Added by chap. 754, Laws of 1897. CHAP. 754, LAWS OF 1897. AN ACT to amend railroad law, and the act amendatory thereof, relative to grade crossings. Section 1. Article two of chapter five hundred and sixty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety, entitled "An act in relation to railroads, constituting chapter thirty-nine of the general laws," known as the railroad law, as amended by chapter six hundred and seventy-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following sections: See sections 60-69 of Railroad Law, above. § 2. None of the provisions of this act shall apply to crossings in the city of Buffalo under the jurisdiction of the grade crossing commissioners of that city, nor shall they apply to the University avenue or Brown street crossing, in the city of Rochester. § 3. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. § 4. This act shall take effect the first day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. ARTICLE III. CONSOLIDATION, LEASE, SALE, AND REORGANIZATION. SECTION 70. Consolidation of corporations owning continuous lines. 71. Conditions. 1. Joint agreement; amount of capital stock. 2. Agreement to be submitted to meeting of stockholders. 72. New corporation. 73. Creditors' rights not to be impaired. 74. Assessment of property of new corporation. 75. Stocks of municipal corporations, how represented. 76. Foreclosure of mortgages made by consolidated railroads partly in the state. 77. Powers of corporations organized to acquire and operate rail roads partly in the state. 78. Lease of road. 79. Lessees of railroad may acquire stock therein. 80. Consolidation and lease of parallel lines prohibited. 81. Mortgagee may purchase at foreclosure sale. 82. Certificates of stock may be issued after foreclosure in certain cases. 83. Liabilities of reorganized railroad corporations. 84. As to other states and foreign countries. Consolidation of corporations owning continuous lines. § 70. Any railroad or other corporation, organized under the laws of this state, or of this state and any other state, and own. ing or operating a railroad, bridge or tunnel, either wholly within or partly within and partly without the state, or whose lines or routes of road have been located but not constructed, may merge and consolidate its capital stock, franchises, and property with the capital stock, franchises and property of any other railroad, tunnel or bridge corporation or corporations organized under the laws of this state or of this state and any other state, or under the laws of any other state or states, whenever the two or more railroads of the companies or corporations so to be consolidated, tunnels, bridges or branches or any part thereof, or the line or routes of their road, if not constructed, shall or may form a continuous or connected line of railroad with each other or by means of any intervening railroad bridge, tunnel or ferry and any such con solidated corporation may thereupon construct or finish the construction of such continuous line of railroad, if not previously constructed, and operate the same, subject to all provisions of law applicable to such railroad corporations. Where the road to be operated is in whole or in part a tunnel or sub-surface road, authorized by section 16 of this chapter, its consolidation with another road or roads under the provisions of this section shall not prevent any connecting railroad from having equal rights of transit for its passengers and freight through or over the tunnel or bridge of any such road, upon the same equitable terms, nor shall such consolidation be made where such tunnel or subsurface road exceeds five miles in length. Thus amended by chap. 676, Laws of 1892. See chap. 193, Laws of 1897, chap. 201, Laws of 1899, and chap. 30, Laws of 1903, post. Conditions. § 71. Such consolidation shall be made in the following manner: Joint agreement; amount of capital stock. 1. The directors of the corporations proposing to consolidate may enter into a joint agreement, under the corporate seal of each corporation, for the consolidation of such corporations, and pre C : : scribing the terms and conditions thereof, the mode of carrying the same into effect, the name of the new corporation, the number and names of the directors and other officers thereof, and who shall be the first directors and officers and their places of residence, the number of shares of the capital stock, the amount or par value of each share, and the manner of converting the capital stock of each corporation into that of the new corporation, and how and when the directors and officers shall be chosen, with such other details as they shall deem necessary to perfect such new organization and the consolidation of such corporations. But in no case shall the capital stock of the corporation formed by such consolidation exceed the sum of the capital stock of the corporations so consolidated, at the par value thereof. Nor shall any bonds or other evidences of debt be issued as a consideration for, or in connection with, such consolidation. If either of the corporations so to be consolidated is a corporation organized under the laws of any other state the joint agreement herein provided for may fix the location of the principal office of the new corporation in either state. Subdivision 1 thus amended by chap. 228, Laws of 1904. Agreement to be submitted to meeting of stockholders. 2. If stockholders owning two-thirds of all the stock of each of such corporations shall by a consent in writing, acknowledged as are deeds entitled to be recorded and endorsed upon said lease or agreement, signify their assent thereto, it shall be deemed and taken as the adoption of such agreement by and on behalf of such corporation, and the original or a certified copy thereof shall be filed as hereinafter provided. If such agreement shall not be consented to in writing by holders of two-thirds of the stock of either of such corporations as hereinbefore provided, such agreement shall be submitted to the stockholders of each of such corporations at a meeting thereof called separately for the purpose of taking the same into consideration. Due notice of the time and place of holding such meeting, and the object thereof, shall be given by each corporation to its stockholders by written or printed notices addressed to each of the persons in whose names the capital stock of such corporation stands on the books thereof, and delivered to such persons respectively, or sent to them by mail, when their post-office address is known to the corporation, at least thirty days before the time of holding such meeting, and also by a general notice published at least once a week for four weeks successively in some newspaper printed in the city, town or county where such corporation has its principal office or place of business. At such meeting of stockholders such agreement shall be considered, and a vote by ballot taken for the adoption or rejection of the same, and if the votes of the stockholders owning at least two-thirds of the stock of each corporation present and voting in person or by proxy shall be for the adoption of such agreement, then that fact shall be certified thereon by the secretaries of the respective corporations, under the seal thereof, and the agreement so adopted, or a certified copy thereof, shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state, and in the office of the clerk of the county where the new corporation is to have its principal place of business, and shall from thence be deemed and taken to be the agreement and act of consolidation of such corporations, and thereafter such corporations, parties thereto, shall be one corporation by the name provided in such agreement, but such act of consolidation shall not release such new corporation from any of the restric tions, liabilities or duties of the several corporations so consolidated. Thus amended by chap. 676, Laws of 1892. New Corporation. § 72. Upon the consummation of such act of consolidation all the rights, privileges, exemptions and franchises of each of the corporations, parties to the same, and all the property, real, personal and mixed, and all the debts due on whatever account to either of them, as well as all stock subscriptions and other things in action belonging to either of them shall be taken and deemed to be transferred to and vested in such new corporation, with |