3. The terms "land," "real estate," and "real property," as used in this chapter, include the land itself above and under water, all buildings and other articles and structures, substructures and superstructures, erected upon, under or above, or affixed to the same; all wharves and piers, including the value of the right to collect wharfage, cranage or dockage thereon; all bridges, all telegraph lines, wires, poles and appurtenances; all supports and inclosures for electrical conductors and other appurtenances upon, above and under ground; all surface, under ground or elevated railroads, including the value of all franchises, rights or permission to construct, maintain or operate the same in, under, above, on or through, streets, highways, or public places; all railroad structures, substructures and superstructures, tracks and the iron thereon; branches, switches and other fix tures permitted or authorized to be made, laid or placed in, upon, above or under any public or private road, street or ground; all mains, pipes and tanks laid or placed in, upon, above or under any public or private street or place for conducting steam, heat, water, oil, electricity or any property, substance or product capable of transportation or conveyance therein or that is protected thereby, including the value of all franchises, rights, authority or permission to construct, maintain or operate, in, under, above, upon, or through, any streets, highways, or public places, any mains, pipes, tanks, conduits, or wires, with their appurtenances, for conducting water, steam, heat, light, power, gas, oil, or other substance, or electricity for telegraphic, telephonic or other purposes; all trees and underwood growing upon land, and all mines, minerals, quarries and fossils in and under the same, except mines belonging to the state. A franchise, right, authority or permission specified in this subdivision shall for the purpose of taxation be known as a "special franchise." A special franchise shall be deemed to include the value of the tangible property of a person, copartnership, association or cor poration situated in, upon, under or above any street, highway, public place or public waters in connection with the special franchise. The tangible property so included shall be taxed as a part of the special franchise. No property of a municipal corporation shall be subject to a special franchise tax. Subdivision 3 thus amended by chap. 712, Laws of 1899, taking effect October 1, 1899. 4. The term special franchise shall not be deemed to include the crossing of a street, highway or public place where such crossing is not at the intersection of another street or highway. unless such crossing shall be at other than right angles for a distance of not less than two hundred and fifty feet, in which case the whole of such crossing shall be deemed a special franchise. This subdivision shall not apply to any elevated rail road. Subdivision 4 added by chap. 490, Laws of 1901. 5. The terms "personal estate," and "personal property," as used in this chapter, include chattels, money, things in action, debts due from solvent debtors, whether on account, contract, note, bond or mortgage; debts and obligations for the payment of money due or owing to persons residing within this state, however secured or wherever such securities shall be held; debts due by inhabitants of this state to persons not residing within the United States for the purchase of any real estate; public stocks, stocks in monyed* corporations, and such portion of the capital of incorporated companies, liable to taxation on their capital, as shall not be invested in real estate. Made subdivision 5 by chap. 490, Laws of 1901. Property liable to taxation. § 3. All real property within this state, and all personal property situated or owned within this state, is taxable unless exempt from taxation by law. *So in original. i § 4. Subdivision 16. The owner or holder of stock in an incorporated company liable to taxation on its capital, shall not be taxed as an individual for such stock. See section 243 of this act (not printed herein), as to exemptions not applying to taxable transfers. When property of nonresidents is taxable. § 7. Subdivision 1. Nonresidents of the state doing business in the state, either as principals or partners, shall be taxed on the capital invested in such business, as personal property, at the place where such business is carried on, to the same extent as if they were residents of the state. Subdivision 2. The personal property of nonresidents of the state having an actual situs in the state, and not forming a part of capital invested in business in the state, shall be assessed in the name of the owner thereof for the purpose of identification and taxed in the tax district where such property is situated, unless exempt by law. This subdivision shall not apply to money, or negotiable collateral securities, deposited by, or debts owing to, such nonresidents nor shall it be construed as in any manner modifying or changing the law imposing a tax on real estate mortgage securities. * Thus amended by chap. 248, Laws of 1906. Place of taxation of property of corporations. § 11. The real estate of all incorporated companies liable to taxation, shall be assessed in the tax district in which the same shall lie, in the same manner as the real estate of individuals. All the personal estate of every incorporated company liable to taxation on its capital shall be assessed in the tax district where the principal office or place for transacting the financial concerns of the company shall be, or if such company have no principal office, or place for transacting its financial concerns, then in the tax district where the operations of such company shall be carried on. In the case of toll bridges, the company owning such bridge shall be assessed in the tax district in which the tolls are collected; and where the tolls of any bridge, turnpike, or canal company are collected in several tax districts, the company shall be assessed in the tax district in which the treasurer or other officer authorized to pay the last preceding dividend resides. Taxation of corporate stock. § 12. The capital stock of every company liable to taxation. except such part of it as shall have been excepted in the assess ment-roll or shall be exempt by law, together with its surplus profits or reserve funds exceeding ten per centum of its capital. after deducting the assessed value of its real estate, and all shares of stock in other corporations actually owned by such company which are taxable upon their capital stock under the laws of this state, shall be assessed at its actual value. ARTICLE II. Mode of Assessment. Preparation of assessment roll. § 21. They shall prepare an assessment roll containing six separate columns and shall, according to the best information in their power, set down: 1. In the first column the names of all the taxable persons in the tax district. 2. In the second column the quantity of real property taxable to each person with a statement thereof in such form as the com missioners of taxes shall prescribe. 3. In the third column the full value of such real property 4. In the fourth column the full value of all the taxable per sonal property owned by each person respectively after deducting the just debts owing by him. 5. In the fifth column the value of taxable rents reserved and chargeable upon lands within the tax district, estimated at a principal sum, the interest of which, at the legal rate per annum, shall produce a sum equal to such annual rents and if payable in any other thing except money the value of the rents in money to be ascertained by them and the value of each rent assessed separately, and if the name of the person entitled to receive the rent assessed can not be ascertained by the assessors, it shall be assessed against the tenant in possession of the real property upon which the rents are chargeable. 6. In the sixth column the value of the special franchise as fixed by the state board of tax commissioners. Thus amended by chap. 712, Laws of 1899, taking effect October 1, 1899. in one of which shall be inserted the amount of the tax levied against each person named therein, and in the other the date of the payment of such tax. * Subdivision 7 added by chap. 159, Laws of 1901. Reports of corporations. § 27. The president or other proper officer of every moneyed or stock corporation deriving an income or profit from its capital or otherwise shall, on or before June fifteenth, deliver to one of the assessors of the tax district in which the company is liable to be taxed and, if such tax district is in a county embracing a portion of the forest preserve, to the comptroller of the state, a written statement specifying: 1. The real property, if any, owned by such company, the tax district in which the same is situated and, unless a railroad corporation, the sums actually paid therefor. 2. The capital stock actually paid in and secured to be paid in excepting therefrom the sums paid for real property and the amount of such capital stock held by the state and by any incorporated literary or charitable institution, and 3. The tax district in which the principal office of the com pany is situated or in case it has no principal office, the tax dis trict in which its operations are carried on. |