| United States. Court of Claims - 1927 - 902 sider
...section 22 of the original interstate commerce act, wherein it is provided : " That nothing in this act shall prevent the carriage, storage, or handling of...the United States, State or municipal Governments." This same exception in favor of the Government was carried forward in the transportation act of 1920.... | |
| United States. Court of Claims, Audrey Bernhardt - 1955 - 928 sider
...tariffs meaning "Not otherwise indexed by name." * Sec. 22, 49 USC provides : "Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the carriage, storage, or handling of...property free or at reduced rates for the United States." 493 Opinion of the Court -- Our problems, therefore, are, first, to determine the proper classification... | |
| British Columbia - 1911 - 600 sider
...reduced rates, for the Province of British Columbia, or for any provincial or municipal government, or for charitable purposes, or to or from fairs and expositions for exhibition thereat, or the carriage, free or at reduced rates, of destitute or homeless persons transported by charitable societies,... | |
| United States. Department of Justice - 1922 - 710 sider
...Commerce Act (24 Stat. 379, 387) reads in part as follows: " That nothing in this Act shall apply to the carriage, storage, or handling of property free or at reduced rates for the United States * * *." This is the only portion of the Act which affords any basis for a reduction in rates to the... | |
| Pennsylvania. Bureau of Industrial Statistics - 1907 - 1166 sider
...par]. That nothing in this Earrtedhrreenor at ' L • r reduced rates. Act shall prevent the carnage, storage, or handling of property free or at reduced...transported by charitable societies, and the necessary agents employed in such transportation, or the issuance of mileage, excursion, Mileage, excur.......... | |
| Iowa. Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1891 - 1192 sider
...2077. Free transportation ; reduced rates. 22 GA, ch. 28, §29. Nothing in this act shall apply to the carriage, storage or handling of property free or at reduced rates for the United States or this state or municipal governments or for charitable purposes, or to and from fairs and expositions... | |
| United States. Congress - 1884 - 582 sider
...Senator will look at section 20 he will find these words : That nothing in this act »hall apply to the carriage, storage, or handling of property free...or for charitable purposes, or to or from fairs and exposition.* for exhibition tht-reat. or the issuance of mileage, excursion, or commutation passenger... | |
| United States. Congress - 1884 - 634 sider
...ing t hereto ae the commission may deem necessary. SEC. 22. That nothing in this net shall apply to the carriage, storage, or handling of property free...governments, or for charitable purposes, or to or from faim and expositions for exhibition thereat, or the issuance of mileage, excursion, or commutation... | |
| John Swann - 1886 - 244 sider
...relating thereto as the Commission may deem necessary. SEC. XXII. That nothing in this act shall apply to the carriage, storage, or handling of property free or at reduced rates for the United States, State,or municipal governments, or for charitable purposes, or to or from fairs and expositions for... | |
| Virginia - 1899 - 724 sider
...OR COMMUTATION TICEETS; PASSES AND FREE TRANSPORTATION. — That nothing in this act shall apply to the carriage, storage, or handling of property free...the free carriage of destitute and homeless persons and the necessary agents employed in such transportation, or to mileage, excursion, or commutation... | |
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