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The Landscape Annual.

PEOPLE who "run and read" need not be told that the annexed Engraving is from the Frontispiece-plate of the Landscape Annual, now to be seen at the head and front of the printsellers. The subject is at once striking, and somewhat elaborate; and our artists have spared no pains in transferring it, so as to extend the fame and credit of the draughtsman, engraver, and publishers concerned in its production.

The Landscape Annual, as we last year sought to explain, is the most useful of all the yearly elegancies; and, for the tourist's calèche, or the drawing-room reading-table, a more fitting appendage can scarcely be devised. The Plates, twenty-six in number, have been executed under the direction of Mr. Charles Heath, from Drawings by Mr. S. Prout. The general style of the Engraving is chaste and forcible, with fewer sudden transitions of light and shade than usual. Yet the subjects stand forth well, and the points of view and groupings are peculiarly happy. The scenes are ten in Venice, and the remainder in Rome and its vicinity. The descriptive letterpress is from the pen of Mr. Thomas Roscoe. We mention this specially, as the duties of editor of the Landscape Annual involve more pains and judgment than the discriminating labours of any other annual work of art and lite


We proceed to the description of the
Engraving :-

In that temple porch
(The brass is goue, the porphyry remains)
Did Barbarossa fling his mantle off,
And, kneeling, on his neck receive the foot
Of the proud pontiff,

THE church of St. Mark, one of the
most celebrated temples in the Christian
world, was originally built in the ninth
century, when Giovanni Participatio was
Doge of Venice. The breve, or inscrip-
tion, in the hall of the Great Council,
recording the deeds of the doges, alludes
to this fact in the following words "Sub
me Ecclesia Sancti Marci conditur, ibique
corpus deponitur."

The church thus erected having been consumed by fire in the year 976, was replaced by the present edifice, which was completed in the time of Domenico Silvio, who was elected doge in 1071. It exhibits a singular mixture of classical and oriental architecture, which has

been severely, but justly criticised by Mr. Forsyth. "Though most of its materials came from Greece, their combination is neither Greek, nor Gothic, nor Basilical, nor Saracenic, but a fortuitous jumble of all. A front, divided by a gallery, and a roof, hooded with mosquish cupolas, give it a strange unchristian look. Nowhere have I seen so many columns crowded into so small a space. Near three hundred are stuck on the pillars of the front, and three hundred more on the balustrade above.

A like profusion prevails in the interior, which is dark, heavy, barbarous, nay, poor, in spite of all the porphyry, and oriental marbles, and glaring mosaics that would enrich the walls, the vaults, and pavements. In fact, such a variety of colours would impair the effect of the purest architecture."


In the midst

"Being come into the church," says Evelyn, you see nothing and tread on nothing but what is precious. The floor is all inlaid with agates, lazulis, calcedons, jaspers, porphyries, and other rich marbles, admirable also for the work: the walls sumptuously incrusted, and presenting to the imagination the shapes of men, birds, houses, flowers, and a thousand varieties. The roof is of most excellent mosaic. But what most persons admire, is the new work of the emblematic tree at the other passage out of the church. of this rich volto rise five cupolas, the middle very large, and sustained by thirty-six marble columns, eight of which are of precious marbles; under these cupolas is the high altar, on which is a reliquary of several sorts of jewels, engraven with figures after the Greek manner, and set together with plates of pure gold. The altar is covered with a canopy of ophir, on which is sculptured the story of the Bible, and so on the pillars, which are of Parian marble, that support it. Behind these are four other columns of transparent and true oriental alabaster, brought hither out of the ruins of Solomon's temple."

The mosaic work in the church of St. Mark was introduced by the Doge Domenico Silvio, who restored the edifice, after its destruction by fire in the preceding century, but the more splendid mosaics which adorn its walls were executed, in the year 1545, by two brothers of the name of Zuccati, who worked under the direction and from the designs of Titian.

Speaking of the mosaics which decorate this church, Lanzi says-" The art

of mosaic work in stone and coloured glass at that time attained such a degree of perfection in Venice, that Vesari observed, with surprise, that it would not be possible to effect more with colours. The church and portico of St. Mark remain an invaluable museum of the kind, where, commencing with the eleventh century, we may trace the gradual progress of design belonging to each age up to the present, as exhibited in many works in mosaic, beginning from the Greeks, and continued by the Italians. They chiefly consist of histories from the Old and New Testament, ment, and at the same time furnish very interesting notices relating to civil and ecclesiastical antiquity:"

The church of St. Mark was long celebrated as being the depository of the Evangelist's body, of the translation of which to Venice a singular account is given in one of the ancient Italian historians. The King of Alexandria having resolved to build a palace, collected the most precious materials from every side for that purpose, and did not even spare the church of St. Mark, where the body of the Evangelist reposed. It happened that at this period two Venetians, Bono de Malamocco and Rustico de Torcello, visiting the church, were struck with the grief exhibited by the attendant priests, and inquired into its cause. Learning their apprehensions of the church being despoiled, the strangers entreated from them permission to remove the relics of the saint, not only promising them a large reward, but also the lasting gratitude of their fellow-citizens, the Venetians. The priests at first met their request with a decided negative; but when they perceived the servants of the king busily employed in demolishing the sacred edifice, they yielded to the instances of the Italians. The difficulty now was to convey the body on board one of the Venetian ships, of which there were several in the port of Alexandria, and at the same time to conceal the circumstance from the knowledge of the inhabitants, who held the remains of the Evangelist in high veneration, on account of the miracles which were performed through their agency. The body of St. Luke being removed, was replaced by that of St. Claudian; but a miraculous perfume which spread itself through the church when the holy relics were brought to light nearly betrayed the removal. In transporting the body through the city to the port, it became necessary to adopt some expedient which should prevent the curiosity both

of the infidels and of the Christians from being awakened. The body was accordingly deposited in a large hamper, surrounded with vegetables, and covered with pieces of pork, an article which every good Mussulman holds in abhorrence. Those who accompanied the hamper were ordered to cry Khanzir as they went, which, in the oriental tongue, signified pork. Having succeeded in reaching the vessels, the precious bur den was suspended in the shrouds, to prevent discovery, till the ship put to sea. Scarcely had the Venetians left the port when an awful storm arose; and had not the Evangelist himself ap+ peared to Bono de Malamocco, and advised him to furl his sails, the vessel must have been lost. On their arrivał at Venice, the whole city was transported with joy. The presence of the saint promised perpetual splendour to the republic. The body was received by the senate with the same words with which his Master had saluted the saint in prison-" Peace be unto thee, Mark, my Evangelist!" Venice was filled with festivals, music, and prayers, and the holy relics were conducted, amidst hymns and incense, to the ducal chapel. The Doge, Giustiniano Participatio, dying a short time after this event, be queathed a sum of money to build a church to the saint, which, as we have seen, was accomplished under his brother and successor, Giovanni Participatio. In allusion to these translations of the saint's body, the breve attached to the name of Giustiniano Participatio, in the hall of the Great Council, exhibits the following inscription :

Corporis alta datur mihi Sancti gratia Marci.

The funzioni, or great religious offices of the church, have always been performed with splendour and magnificence in the church of St. Mark.Upon one occasion it is said, that, during the elevation of the host, the senate, who assisted at the ceremony, and the whole assembly kneeling, a scrupulous English gentleman remained standing. A senator sent a message to him, desiring him to kneel, but our countryman disregarded the intimation. The senator then going to him in person, repeated his request. Sir," said the Englishman, "I don't hold with transubstantiation.", "Ne anche io," said the senator, warmly, "però ginocchione, o fuor di chiesa." Nor I either; but down on your knees, or get out of the church." During the perforinance of the same ceremony at Rome, and in the presence of the sovereign pontiff, Lady

Miller ventured upon this proof of stout protestantism, which was suffered to pass unnoticed. "Whilst standing, I fooked about me, and as far as I could see all were on their knees. I turned myself towards the pontiff, and caught his eye; but he did not look sour at me, and seemed only to notice the singularity of my standing up; nor was I reprimanded afterwards, either by his Holiness or by any of the Romans."

In visiting the church of St. Mark, the treasury of the saint was always an object of great curiosity to travellers, more especially as the obtaining access to it was a matter of some difficulty. The keys of the treasury were committed to the custody of three procurators of St. Mark, the presence of one of whom was necessary whenever the doors were opened. The relics were contained in one room, and the jewels and other rich curiosities in another. The temporal treasury was formerly very rich, and the strangers who visited it were carefully watched. "At the showing of it," says Mr. Wright, "the procurator was closely present himself." It contained the corno, or state-cap of the Doge, twelve golden breastplates, adorned with precious stones, and twelve crowns, said to have been worn by the maids of honour of the Empress Helena, together with several large and valuable gems. Howell, in his "Familiar Letters," tells us that he saw there huge iron chest, as tall as himself, that had no lock, but a crevice, through which they cast in the gold that was bequeathed to St. Mark in legacies, whereon there was engraved this proud


Quando questo scrinio s' apria Tutto 'l mondo tremerà."


One of the most remarkable curiosities in the treasury of St. Mark is a very ancient copy of the Gospels, the handwriting of which the piety of the Venetians has attributed to their patron saint. This volume was carefully examined by the learned Montfaucon, who was of opinion that it was written upon papyrus, and that the language was the Latin, and not the Greek. The great antiquity of the manuscript, and its very imperfect preservation, rendered it extremely difficult to decipher any of the characters. Montfaucon, intimately acquainted as he was with MSS. tells us that he had never seen any MS. that seemed to be of greater antiquity than this. It was obtained by the Venetians from Friuli, and was conducted to the church of St. Mark amid the applause of the people and the ringing of bells.

Among the other relics which composed the celebrated treasure of this church, and which were regarded as of inestimable value by the Venetians, were a small quantity of the supposed blood of our Saviour; a cross of gold, adorned with precious stones, in the midst of which was fixed a piece of wood, said to have been part of the tree on which he suffered; one of the nails with which he was pierced; four of the thorns which composed his crown; a part of the column to which he was bound; a fragment of the skull of St. John the Baptist; besides a great variety of no less veritable remains. There were also deposited here a sapphire, weighing ten ounces, together with other precious stones of similar value, and a great number of candelabri and golden vases; and here was preserved the ducal crown, used only on the most solemn public festivals, and which astonished the spectators by the pearls and diamonds of inconceivable beauty with which it was covered.

We omit Mr. Roscoe's description of the mode of painting in mosaic, as we have already illustrated the arcana of that art at p. 439, vol. x. of The Mirror.

The Keepsake

Is a worthy compeer of the splendid work last mentioned; and its gay fanpleasant antiquities of Venice and Rome. cies will agreeably alternate with the its pages, and even statesmen and men "Lords and Ladies gay" waken to fill of great place figure in its list. There two prose extracts; and a piece in verse are 46 pieces and 18 plates. We quote from the facetious Theodore Hook.


By Lady Blessington. No weapon can such deadly wounds impart As conscience, roused, inflicts upon the heart. "POSTILION," cried a feeble but sweet voice," turn to your right when you have ascended the hill, and stop, as I intend to walk up the lane."

and with more gentleness than is often The postilion obeyed the command, to be met with in his station, opened the chaise door, and, having first given his hand to her female attendant to alight, assisted a pale and languid, but still eminently beautiful woman, whose trembling limbs seemed scarcely equal to the task of supporting her attenuated frame.

"Be so good as to remain here until

* Lord John Russel, (Paymaster General,) (a Lord of the Treasury.) a humorous tale of contributes ten lines of verse; and Lord Nugent, thirty pages, "Mrs. Allington's Pic Nic."

[blocks in formation]

On reaching the gate that opened into the pleasure-grounds of Clairville, the stranger was obliged to pause and take breath, in order to regain some degree of composure before she could enter it. There are some objects and incidents, which, though comparatively trifling, have a powerful effect on the feelings, and this the unknown experienced when, pressing the secret spring of the gate, which readily yielded to her touch, with a hurried but tottering pace, she entered the grounds. Here, feel ing the presence of her attendant a restraint-who, though an Italian utterly ignorant of English, as also of the early history of her mistress, was yet observant of her visible emotion, and affectionately anxious to soothe it-she desired her to remain at the gate until her return. In vain Francesca urged that the languid frame of her dear lady was unequal to support the exertion of walking without the assistance of her arm; with a firm but kind manner her mistress declared her intention of proceeding alone.

It was ten years since the feet of the wanderer had pressed the velvet turf over which they now slowly bent their course. She was then glowing with youth and health; happy, and dispensing happiness around; but, alas ! love, guilty love! spread his bandage over her eyes, blinded her to the fatal realities of the abyss into which he was about to plunge her, and, in honied accents, whispered in her infatuated ear a thousand bland promises of bliss to come. How were those promises performed? and what was she now? She returned to this once cherished spot with a mind torn by remorse, and a form bowed down by disease. She returned with the internal conviction that death had laid his icy grasp on her heart, and that a few days at most, if not a few hours, must terminate her existence. But this conviction, far from giving her pain, was regarded by her as a source of consolation; and this last earthly indulgence that of viewing the abode of her children --she did not feel herself worthy of enjoying, until conscious that her hours were numbered.

She proceeded through the beautiful grounds, every mazy path and graceful bend of which was familiar to her, as if seen the day before. Many of the improvements suggested by her taste, and still preserved with care, brought back heart-sickening recollections of love and confidence, repaid with deception and ingratitude; and though supported by the consolations of religion, which led her humbly to hope that her remorse and penitence had been accepted by Him who has promised mercy to the repentant sinner; yet her heart shrunk within her, as memory presented her with the review of her transgressions, and she almost feared to hope for pardon.

When she had reached a point of the grounds that commanded a prospect of the house, how were her feelings excited by a view of that well known, well remembered scene! Every thing wore the same appearance as when that mansion owned her for its mistress; the house had still the same aspect of substantial grandeur and repose, and the level lawn the same velvet texture, and the trees shrubs, and flowers, the same blooming freshness, as when she daily beheld their beauties. She, she alone was changed. Time was, that those doors would have been opened wide to receive her, and that her presence would have dispensed joy and pleasure to every individual beneath that roof; while now, her very name would excite only painful emotions, and its sound must be there heard no more. Another bore the title she once was proud to bear, supplying the place she had abandoned, and worthily discharging the duties she had left unperformed.

She gazed on the windows of the apartment in which she first became a mother, and all the tide of tenderness that then burst on her heart now came back to her, poisoned with the bitter onsciousness of how she had fulfilled a mother's part. Those children dearer to her than the life-drops that throbbed in her veins, were now beneath that roof, receiving from another that affection and instruction that it should have been her blissful task to have given them, and never, never must she hope to clasp them to her agonized heart.

At this moment she saw the door of the house open, and a lady leaning on the arm of a gentleman crossed the lawn; he pressed the hand that reposed on his arm gently between his and raised it to his lips, while his fair companion placed her other hand on his with all the tender confidence of affection. this apparently happy couple the ago


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