
Nor seemingly, but with keen dispatch Of real hunger, and concoctive heat To transubstantiate; what redounds, transpires Through spirits with ease.


TRANSUBSTANTIATION, in theology, is the supposed conversion or change of the substance of the bread and wine, in the eucharist, into the body and blood of Jesus Christ; which the Romish church suppose to be wrought by the consecration of the priest. It is known to all our readers that this doctrine of transubstantiation was one cause of the breach between the church of Rome and those various societies which call themselves reformed churches. The notion of a real and substantial change of the bread and wine into the body and blood of our Lord is rejected by every reformer as a change contradictory and impossible, and fraught with the most unscriptural, not to say idolatrous, consequences; and volumes have been written by protestants to expose the weakness of those arguments which have so often been urged in its support. TRANSUDE, v. n. ( Lat. trans and sudo. TRANSUDATION, n. s. To pass through in vapor: the act of doing so.

Purulent fumes cannot be transmitted throughout the body before the maturation of an aposthem, nor after, unless the humour break; because they cannot transude through the bag of an aposthem.

Harvey on Consumption. The drops proceeded not from the transudation of the liquors within the glass. Boyle. TRANSVERSALIS, in anatomy, a name given to several muscles. See ANATOMY. TRANSVERSE', adj. & v. a. TRANSVERSAL, adj. TRANSVERSALLY, adv. TRANSVERSELY, adv. rection : to change; overturn: transversal is running crosswise: the adverb corresponding, and transversely

with transverse.

Lat. transversus. Being in a cross di

Nothing can be believed to be religion by any people but what they think to be divine; that is, sent immediately from God: and they can think nothing to be so that is in the power of man to alter Lesley.

or transverse.

There are divers subtile enquiries and demonstrations concerning the several proportions of swiftness and distance in an arrow shot vertically, horizontally,

or transversally.

His violent touch


Fled and pursued transverse the resonant fugue.



At Stonehenge the stones lie transversely upon each Stillingfleet. In all the fibres of an animal there is a contractile power; for, if a fibre be cut transversely, both the ends shrink, and make the wound gape.

Arbuthnot on Aliments. TRANSVERSE denotes something that goes across another from corner to corner: thus bends and bars in heraldry are transverse pieces or bearings; the diagonals of a parallelogram or a square are transverse lines.

TRANSYLVANIA, an important province of the Austrian empire, bounded by Hungary north and west, and European Turkey east and south, lies between 22° 46′ and 26° 3' of E. long. and between 45° 33′ and 47° 37′ of N. lat. Its form is oblong its territorial extent about 23,700 square miles; and population upwards of

1,600,000. It has, like Hungary, its civil and military divisions: the former consisting of three large districts or provinces, called, from the early settlers, the lands of the Hungarians, the Saxons, and the Szeklers. The land of the Hungarians was divided into counties, and the others into districts, called in Latin Sedes. Joseph II. abolished this distinction, and introduced that of the three circles of Hermanstadt, Fogaras, and Clausenburg. The old division has been restored since his death. The chief towns are Cronstadt, Clausenburg (the capital), Hermanstadt, Maros Vasarhely, Vasarhely, Udvarhely, and Schoesburg.

The Carpathians surround Transylvania on the east, the south, and partly on the north; and the greatest part of it consists of alternate mountains and valleys. Many of these contain a number of caverns, presenting a wide field of examination for the botanist and geologist, but are often of appalling height and steepness. The south presents hills of little elevation, intermixed with plains, interrupted by marshes and small lakes. These eminences are commonly covered with vineyards; the higher elevations with forests; but almost all contain mines. The principal rivers of Transylvania are the Maros, the Samos, and the Aluta; and the Aranyos, the Lapos, the Sajo, and the two Kokels, of inferior size. All these have their source within the country, and their direction is in general from east to west. The lakes, like those of Switzerland, Scotland, and other countries where the water is enclosed by mountains, are of great depth. The climate of Transylvania is cold, although in summer the valleys are hot, but subject to sudden changes, and to great cold at night. On the whole, this province is healthy, In the mountains are found marble, jasper, porthough not unfrequently visited by the plague. phyry, slate, lime-stone, coal, sulphur, petroleum, and rock salt. The number of salt works, great and small, is about 112; the quantity of salt produced from 30,000 to 40,000 tons a year. This country has also mines of iron, copper, lead, silver, and even gold, though the quantity wrought of any of these metals appears comparatively small. That of iron is from 3000 to 4000 tons annually; but that of copper and lead is each below 200 tons. In the mountains are dug up occasionally precious stones, such as topazes, chrysolites, garnets, opals, &c., and mineral springs are frequent.

This country was formerly covered with forests, and the culture of the principality bears great marks of backwardness. The soil is in general well adapted to improvement; but so averse are the habits of a part of. the population (the Hungarians and Szeklers) from tillage, and so antiquated in the practice, that many good tracts remain neglected, and the traveller proceeds mile after mile without meeting a habitation or a tree. Wheat, oats, barley, and other corn of our climate, succeed in Transylvania; but for maize or vines there is hardly sufficient heat. Orchards are not neglected; and potatoes have of late been brought into cultivation; but hay and all artificial grasses are unknown; the cattle having none but natural herbage. The

horses, though small, are spirited; the oxen are reckoned equal to those of Hungary; and of both these an annual export takes place. Buffaloes are frequently used for labor. The sheep are numerous; and, in the last and present age, attempts have been made to improve the wol, by the introduction of Merinos, as well as by sending flocks to pass the winter in Walachia and Moldavia. The mountains and forests abound in game of all kinds; in bears, wolves, eagles, and vultures; in the lower grounds, tortoises, lizards, and snakes appear.

Woollens are wrought at particular places, such as Cronstadt and Hermanstadt; and fabrics of cotton have been established: the blue stuff used in the dress of women, and formerly brought from Turkey, is now made at home, and hats, of coarse quality, are manufactured; as to glass, Transylvania is now no longer dependent on Bohemia. The exports of the country are timber, metals, and a few of the manufactures mentioned the imports, wool, cotton, skins, and a variety of manufactured articles. Here are no canals, and hardly any navigable rivers. A few great roads have been of late finished at the public expense. The only merchants in the country are Greeks and Armenians.

The Szeklers occupy the mountains, and have been from time immemorial the guardians of the frontiers: they bear a considerable resemblance to the Highlanders of Scotland. Settlers from Germany were first introduced in the middle of the twelfth century, having been brought originally from Flanders and the south of Germany, and being subsequently reinforced by Protestant emigrants from the Austrian states. The name of Saxon is given to them merely because in a remote age all Germans were styled Saxons by their neighbours. They are in general careful and industrious. Their habitations are neater than those of the rude tribes around them. The language they speak is a dialect of German. These three nations possess the chief political privileges; in particular that of sitting at the national diet. But in point of number they are greatly surpassed by the descendants of the Walachians, who form half the population of the principality. Like the Slowacs in Hungary, or the Irish peasantry, the Walachian cottagers find, in the midst of filth and poverty, the means of rearing families. They are employed chiefly as common laborers, as shepherds, or as waggoners. The arrival of their ancestors in this country took place about four centuries ago. Exclusive of these are several minor tribes in Transylvania; Bulgarians, who are less ignorant than the Walachians; Servians, whose arrival in the principality dates from the fifteenth century, and who in religion are Lutherans or Calvinists; and Poles, inhabiting the districts of Clausenburg, whose forefathers settled there in the seventeenth century, being Unitarians, and obliged on that account to leave Poland. Here are also Bohemian sectaries, chiefly Hernhutters or Anabaptists; Armenians, noted for their frugality and mercantile habits; Greeks, who are also merchants, but who live in a somewhat more liberal style. Last come the gypsies, part of whom are, as in other countries, beggars and fortune tellers;

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Education has as yet made little progress; but there has been established at Clausenburg an academy, on a plan somewhat similar to the German universities: the large or central schools throughout the principality are only eight in number; the gymnasia or grammar schools only seven. Here, as in Hungary, there are village schools appropriated to the different sects; and at the town of Balasfulva the Greeks have a gymnasium, where the pupils are instructed at the public expense. The Greeks have also two central schools. Printing and book-selling are carried on here to a very limited extent; and the whole country can boast only of three great public libraries.

Transylvania bears the title of a grand principality of the Austrian empire, and has an executive administration in the hands of the governor and twelve counsellors, forming conjunctly a council of state, corresponding with the Aulic chancery at Vienna. Subordinate to these are the district governors, corresponding to the prefets in France, and in some measure to our lords lieutenant. Justice is administered by courts stationed permanently in particular towns: appeals are allowed to the governor and council of state for the province. The military force consists of two regiments of foot, two of cavalry, and one of Szekler hussars, exclusively of four militia regiments on the frontier. The commander-in-chief resides at Hermanstadt. The revenue of the province, about £500,000, arises from custom duties, on a per centage on the produce of the mines, the monopoly of salt, the demesnes of the crown, and local imposts.

This principality was known to the Romans by the title of Dacia Consularis Mediterranea, and conquered by Trajan, who settled a colony here. On the irruption of the northern hordes, it became subject successively to the Goths, the Huns, the Alans, the Sclavi, the Avari, and finally to the Magyars. During some time it was ruled by a prince of its own, but it fell under the power of the kings of Hungary, and was governed by a deputy, having the title of prince,

or waiwode, a title commonly translated palatine. In 1541 Transylvania was separated from Hungary, and remained an independent province till 1699, when its last prince gave it up to Austria. The name of Transylvania is derived from the Hungarians, who called the woody country to the east of the Theyss, Silagy, or Sylvania, and the territory to the east of these woods Terra ultra Sylvas partes Transylvance, or Transylvanenses. Erdely, the name given to this country, in common Hungarian, has the same signification. TRAP, v. a. From TRAPPING. To adorn;


The steed that bore him Was trapped with polished steel, all shining bright, And covered with the achievements of the knight. Spenser.

Lord Lucius presented to you four milk-white horses trapt in silver. Shakspeare. Timon of Athens. Steeds with scarlet trapped. Cowley. TRAP, n. s. & v. a. I Sax. thappe; French TRAPDOOR, n. s. Strape; Ital. trappola. A snare or ambush; stratagem; a play with ball and stick to ensnare; a door opening and shutting unexpectedly.

And lurking closely, in await now lay, How he might any in his trap betray.

Spenser. My brain, more busy than the labouring spider, Weaves tedious snares to trap mine enemies.


Die as thou shouldest, but do not die impatiently, and like a fox catched in a trap.

Taylor's Holy Living. He seems a trap for charity to lay, And cons by night his lesson for the day. Dryden. The trap springs, and catches the ape by the fingers. L'Estrange.

Unruly boys learn to wrangle at trap, or rook at span-farthing.

Locke on Education. The arteries which carry from the heart to the seve

ral parts have valves which open outward like trap doors, and give the blood a free passage.


He that of feeble nerves and joints complains, From nine-pins, coits, and from trap-ball abstains. King. TRAPA, in botany, water caltrops, a genus of plants in the class tetrandria, and in the order of monogynia; ranking, according to the natural method, in the order which Linnæus left doubtful.

TRAPANI, the ancient Drepanum, a well built town of Sicily, in the Val di Mazzara, situated on a tongue of land projecting into the sea, and forming a large and commodious harbour. It is a place of importance, both as a naval, military, and commercial position. Its numerous churches, convents, and other public buildings, are in a style of considerable elegance. The harbour is good, and was an object of importance at so remote a period as the first and second Punic wars. It is capable of receiving vessels of 300 tons close to the quay. Trapani, possessed of these advantages, has long been one of the most commercial towns in Sicily. Its exports consist chiefly of salt, soda, coral, and alabaster. Population 20,000.

TRAPES, n. s. From TRAPE. An idle slatternly woman.

From door to door I'd sooner whine and beg, Than marry such a trupes.

Gay's What d' Ye Call It.

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TRAPEZUNTIUS (George), a learned author, born in Crete, about 1306. He was one of those learned men, to whom we are indebted for the revival of science in Europe; by introducing the knowledge of the Greek language into the West. He translated many of the Greek authors into Latin; and was also author of several works of his own. He died at Rome in 1485.

TRAPEZUS, a city of Pontus, with a harbour on the Euxine Sea, built by the people of Sinope. It became famous under the emperors of the East, and was for some time their capital. It is now called Trebisond.

TRAPP (Dr. Joseph), an English divine, born ther was rector in 1579. at Cherington in Gloucestershire, where his faHe was the first per

son chosen to the professorship of poetry founded at Oxford by Dr. Birkhead; and published his lectures under the title of Prælectiones Poeticæ. He obtained the living of Christ-church in Newgate Street, and St. Leonard's Fosterlane, London; but his very high-church principles obstructed his farther preferment. He published several occasional poems, a tragedy called Abramule, translated Milton's Paradise Lost into Latin verse, and died in 1747. Also a Preservative against Unsettled notions, in several sermons.

TRAPP, in mineralogy, the obsolete name of a species of silica. It was the lapis Lydius, or touchstone of the ancients. See MINERALOGY.

in the department of Orne, seated in a large valley surrounded by mountains. The monks were famed in the days of superstition for their austerity; and keeping a perpetual silence!

TRAPPE, a celebrated monastery of France,

TRAPPINGS, n. s. Fr. drap, cloth.-Minshieu. Ornaments appendant to a saddle; dress; embellishments.

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Caparisons and steeds, Bases and tinsel trappings, gorgeous knights At joust and tournament.


The points of honour poets may produce, Trappings of life, for ornament, not use. Dryden. He has fair words, rich trappings, and large promises; but works only for his master. L'Estrange. TRASH, n. s. & v. a. I Swed. trasa; Isld. TRASHY, adj. tros. Any thing worthless; dross; dregs; a worthless person: to crop; top; humble: trashy is vile; worthless.

Lay hands upon these traitors and their trash. Shakspeare. Being once perfected how to grant suits, How to deny them; whom t' advance, and whom To trash for overtopping. Id. Tempest.

I suspect this trash To be a party in this injury.

Id. Othello.

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ric 10,000 rupees: and koprah, or dried cocoanut kernels, 20,000 rupees per annum. Tobacco for the consumption of the province is generally brought from Ceylon, the average quantity being 4000 bales, each of which costs the Travancor government sixty rupees, and is afterwards resold at 220 rupees per bale: 1500 candies of cotton are also annually imported from Surat, upon which the government levy a duty of forty-five rupees per candy. The government receives from the purchase of cardamoms 100 rupees upon

TRA'VAIL, v. n. & n. s. Fr. travailler. To labor: toil; be in labor; suffer the pains of every candy, besides full reimbursement of all

childbirth; to harass; tire; labor; toil; extreme fatigue: the labor of childbirth.

In the time of her travail, twins were in her. Genesis xxxviii. Such impotent persons as are unable for strong travail, are yet able to drive cattle to and fro to their pasture. Spenser.

As every thing of price, so this doth require traHooker.


To procure easy travails of women, the intention. is to bring down the child, but not too fast.

Bacon's Natural History.

As if all these troubled had not been sufficient to travail the realm, a great division fell among the nobility. Hayward.


A gleam of light turned thitherward in haste His travelled steps. His heart is in continual labour: it travails with the obligation, and is in pangs till it be delivered.

South's Sermons.

TRAVANCOR, or TIRUVANCODU, a province at the south-western extremity of Hindostan, situated between 8° and 10° N. lat. To the north it is bounded by the territories of the Cochin Rajah; on the south and west by the sea; and on the east it is separated from Tinnevelly by a range of lofty hills covered with jungle. In length it may be estimated at 140 miles by forty the average breadth. The face of the country in this province, in the vicinity of the mountains, exhibits a varied scene of hill and dale and winding streams. These waters flow from the hills, and preserve the valleys in perpetual verdure. The grandeur of the scene is much enhanced by the lofty forests with which the mountains are covered, producing pepper, cardamonis, cassia, frankincense, and other aromatic gums. In the woods at the bottom of the hills are many elephants, buffaloes, and tigers of the largest size. Monkeys and apes are very numerous, and herd together in flocks. The agriculture and productions well adapted to its more favorable climate and superior soil, differ materially from the cultivation and crops of the Carnatic. Pepper, of which from 5000 to 10,000 candies may be produced annually, and valued at 485,000 rupees. For this valuable article the Travancor government only pay the cultivator thirty rupees per candy. Betel nut is also monopolised by government, which makes advances to the cultivator and resells it at a great profit. Cocoa-nut trees are very numerous.

The timber forests of Travancor are in general farmed, the revenue to government varying according to circumstances. Among the other articles of monopoly are ginger, farmed for 25,000 rupees per annum; coir, 30,000 rupees; turme

expenses attending the original advance to the cultivator, and the charges of transportation. In the interior the Travancor duties are exacted on the transit of all articles, and the payment at one place scarcely ever exempts the trader from a repetition at another, passes being unknown except for some articles that are already farmed. Among other commodities produced in the country, and taxed by the government, are cassia huds, mace, long nutmegs, wild saffron, narwally, coculus indicus, bees' wax, elephants' teeth, and sandal wood. The sea customs of Travancor are farmed, and realise on an average about one lack of rupees per annum.

Besides those above stated, there are various other sources of revenue to the Travancor government, such as taxes on Christian festivals, and upon nets and fishermen; but the most important is a capitation tax on all males from sixteen to sixty, with the exception of Nairs, Moplays, and artificers. This operates as a tax on the soil, and compensates to the government the light assessment on the grain produce. The landholder is bound for all the cultivators on his estate, and each person is assessed three fanams. The number paying has been estimated at 250,000 persons. The sum total of all these exactions has been conjectured to amount to twenty lacks of rupees annually, which is exclusive of the wet cultivation as mentioned above, and from the detail here presented some idea may be formed of the fiscal regulations under a genuine Hindoo government. Pepper, the great staple of Travancor, has fallen so greatly in value as to be almost unsaleable; what formerly brought 220 rupees per candy has gradually fallen to little above sixty rupees. The East India Company have in consequence commuted their subsidy, which used to be paid in pepper, for one in money.

The old subsidy amounted to
The new subsidy to

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. 381,456


Rupees 783,111

The principal sea-ports in this province are Anjengo, Coulan, Aibecca, and Coleshy. Strong currents run along the coast which frequently carry ships, bound round Cape Comorin, a considerable distance to the westward. The rajah's usual place of residence is Trivandapatam. TRA'VEL, v. n., v. a. & n. s. Supposed TRAVELLER, n. s. originally the TRAVELTAINTED, adj.

same with travail to make journeys by sea or land: written by Hooker for travail; pass; journey over; a journey; act of passing from place to place; labor; toil; labor in childbirth (written for tra


vail) travels is used for an account of events or for observations made in travelling a traveller is a wayfarer, one who journeys: traveltainted, harassed; fatigued with travel.

In the forest shall ye lodge, O ye travelling companies of Dedanim. Isaiah xxi. 13.

A little ease to these my torments give, Before I go where all in silence mourn, From whose dark shores no travellers return.

Sandys. Farewell, monsieur traveller; look you lisp and wear strange suits, and disable all the benefits of your own country. Shakspeare. Time travels in divers paces with divers persons: I'll tell you who time ambles withal, who time trots withal.


I have foundered nine score and odd posts; and here, traveltainted as I am, have, in my pure and immaculate valour, taken Sir John Coleville.

Id. Henry IV. If we labour to maintain truth and reason, let not any think that we travel about a matter not needful. Hooker.

Travel in the younger sort is a part of education; in the elder a part of experience. Bacon's Essays. These travellers for cloaths, or for a meale, At all adventurers, any lye will tell. He wars with a retiring enemy,


With much more travail than with victory. Daniel. Thither to arrive,

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TRAV'ERS, adv. French travers. TRAVERSE, adv., prep., Athwart; across (not adj., n. s., v. a. & v. n. used): traverse is cross-wise; athwart through crosswise: lying across any thing thus laid or built: any thing that thwarts or crosses: as a verb active, to thwart; oppose; cross; wander over; survey: to use in fencing a particular opposing posture.

He swears brave oaths, and breaks them bravely, quite travers, athwart the heart of his lover.

Shakspeare. To see thee fight, to see thee traverse, to see thee here, to see thee there. Id. Merry Wives.

Myself, and such As stept within the shadow of your power, Have wandered with our traverst arms, and breathed Our sufferance vainly. Id. Timon of Athens. Bring water from some hanging grounds in long furrows; and from those drawing it traverse to spread.

The ridges of the fallow field lay traverse.


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He through the armed files

Darts his experienced eye, and soon traverse
The whole battalion views their order due. Milton.
A just and lively picture of human nature in its
actions, passions, and traverses of fortune. Dryden.

He sees no defect in himself, but is satisfied that he should have carried on his designs well enough, had it not been for unlucky traverses not in his power. Locke.

My purpose is to traverse the nature, principles, and properties, of this detestable vice, ingratitude. South.

The lion, smarting with the hunter's spear,
Though deeply wounded, no way yet dismayed,
In sullen fury traverses the plain,
To find the vent'rous foe.


What seas you traversed, and what fields you fought! Pope.

TRAVERSARI (Ambrose), a learned Italian monk, born at Camaldoni, near Florence, in 1386. He acted as interpreter between the Greeks and Italians. His translation of Diogenes Laertius, dedicated to Cosmo de Medicis, has been often printed.

TRAVERSE, in navigation, implies a compound course, or an assemblage of various courses, lying at different angles with the meridian. See NAVIGATION.

TRAVERSE, in gunnery, is the turning a piece of ordnance about, as upon a centre, to make it point in any particular direction.

TRAVERSE, in fortification, denotes a trench with a little parapet, sometimes two, one on each side, to serve as a cover from the enemy, that might come in flank.

TRAVERSE, in a wet foss, is a sort of gallery, made by throwing saucissons, joists fascines, stones, earth, &c., into the foss, opposite the place where the miner is to be put, in order to fill up the ditch, and make a passage over it.

TRAVERSE also denotes a wall of earth, or stone, raised across a work, to stop the shot from

rolling along it. It also sometimes signifies any retrenchment of line fortified with fascines, barrels, or bags of earth, or gabions.

TRAVERSE BOARD, in navigation, a thin circular piece of board, marked with all the points of the compass, and having eight holes bored in each, and eight small pegs hanging from the centre of the board. It is used to determine the different courses run by a ship during the period of the watch, and to ascertain the distance of each course.

TRAVERSING, in fencing, is the change of ground made by moving to right or left round the circle of defence.

TRAVERSING PLATFORM, in artillery, is a method of mounting guns, introduced some years back for the defence of the coast, and generally for all sea batteries, as affording greater facility of traversing the gun, so as to follow, without loss of time, any quick moving object on the water. In this system the gun is n.ounted on a carriage being placed and working on a fixed common garrison carriage; but instead of this platform, as formerly, it works and recoils on a moveable platform; or, as it may be more properly termed, a rail-way moving round a centre in its front on rollers, the axes of which produced would intersect in this centre of

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