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Pursuant to their RESOLUTION of the Fourth
of FEBRUARY, 1768;

To enable Youth to become PROFICIENTS in the different
Branches of that Art, and to purfue with Success, GEOGRA-

Under the Direction of JOSEPH FENN, heretofore Profeffor of
PHILOSOPHY in the University of NANTS.

Quid munus Reipublicæ majus aut melius afferre poffumus, quam fi Ju-
ventutem bene Erudiamus & of rabatte CICERO

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Printed by ALEX. M'CULLOH, in Henryftreet, M,DCC,LXIX.

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Dawson 8.23-38 36938 2 Vol.

eftablished by the DUBLIN SOCIETY, to enable YOUTH to become
Proficients in the different Branches of that Art, and to pursue with
Succefs geographical, nautical, mechanical, commercial or military In-
L'Oifivetè & l' Ignorance font les deux Sources empoifonnèes de tous les De-
fordres, & les plus grands Flèaux de la Societè.



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HE Education of Youth is confidered in all Countries as the Ob- Wife Regulations relaject which interefts most immediately the Happiness of Families, tive to the as well as that of the State. To this End, the ableft Hands are employ- Education ed in forming Plans of Inftruction, the best calculated for the various of Youth, in Profeffions of Life, and Societies are formed, compofed of Men diftin Scotland, England, guifhed, as well by their Birth and Rank, as by their Experience and and other Knowledge, under whose Inspection, and by whofe Care they are carried Parts of Euinto Execution, by Perfons of acknowledged Abilities in their different Departments: And thus the Education of Youth is conducted, from their earliest Years, in a Manner the beft fuited to engage their Minds. in the Love of useful Knowledge, to improve their Understandings, to form their Taste and ripen their Judgments, to fix in them an Habit of Thinking with Steadinefs and Attention, to promote their Addrefs. and Penetration, and to raise their Ambition to excel in their respective Provinces.

However neceffary fuch Regulations may appear to every reasonable Perfon, however wifhed for by every Parent who feels the Lofs of a proper Education in his own Practice; nevertheless they had not been even thought of in this Country, where that Extent of Knowledge, requifite

Fatal Confe fulting from the Neglect of this Object

quences re


blished under the In

to prepare Youth to appear with Dignity in the various Employments of Life, or to enable them to bring to Perfection the different Arts for which they are defigned, being not attended to; Education was regarded as a puerile Object, and of Course abandoned to illiterate Perfons, who from? their illiberal and mechanic Methods of teaching gave Youth little or no Information.

To remove fo general and well grounded a Complaint, it was propofed that the Youth of this Kingdom fhould receive in the Drawing-School established by the DUBLIN SOCIETY, the Inftructions neceffary to enable them to become Proficients in the different Branches of that Art, and How far the to pursue with Succefs, geographical, nautical, mechanical, commercial School efta. or military Enquiries: in this View, an Abstract of the following Plans were delivered to their Secretaries and Treasurer in the Month of Octofpection of ber, 1764, to be laid before the Society; and to prevent an Undertaking of the Dublin- National Utility, to be defeated through the Suggeftions of Defign or IgSociety put norance, the Plans were printed; which being received by the Public Footing, has with general Approbation, the DUBLIN-SOCIETY, purfuant to the Report fupplied this of their Committee appointed to examine into the Merit of the Plans, and the Character of the Propofer, refolved, the 4th of February, 1768, that they should be carried into Execution by the Author, under their immediate Inspection.


The PLANS are as follow.


LAN of a Course of pure Mathematicks, abfolutely neceffary for the

their Application to geographical, nautical, mechanical, commercial, and military Enquiries.


PLAN of the phyfical and moral Syftem of the World, including the Instructions relative to young Noblemen and Gentlemen, of For



PLAN of the military Art, including the Inftructions relative to Engineers, Gentlemen of the Artillery, and, in general, to all LandOfficers.


PLAN of the merchantile Arts, or the Inftructions relative to thofe who are intended for Trade.



PLAN of the naval Art, including the Inftructions relative to Ship-Buiders, Sea-Officers, and to all thofe concerned in the Business of the Sea.


PLAN of a School of Mechanic Arts, where all Artifts, fuch as Architects, Painters, Sculptors, Engravers, Clock-makers, &c. receive The Youth the Inftructions in Geometry, Perfpective, Staticks, Dynamicks, Phy- of this King ficks, &c. which fuit their refpective Profeffions, and may contribute to tute of the improve their Tafte and their Talents.

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Those PLANS have convinced the Noblemen and Gentlemen of For- tant Means tune of this Kingdom, that their Children, and in general, the Youth of Inftructiof this Country, were deftitute of the most important Means of Instruction, and would ever be deftitute of them, until they had refolved that Men of Genius and Education fhould be encouraged to appear as Teachers.

PLAN of a Course of pure Mathematicks, abfolutely neceffary for the right understanding any Branches of practical Mathematicks in their Application to geographical, nautical, mechanical, commercial, and military Inquiries.

Vix quicquam in univerfa Mathefi ita dificile aut arduum occurrere poffe, quo non inoffenfo Pede per banc Methodum penetrare liceat.


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URE Mathematicks comprehend Arithmetick, and Geometry.
Practical Mathematicks, their Application to particular Objects,

as the Laws of Equilibrium, and Motion of folid and fluid Bodies, the
Motion of the heavenly Bodies, &c. they extend to all Branches of Mathema-
human Knowledge, and ftrengthening our intellectual Powers, by form- ticks
ing in the Mind an Habit of Thinking clofely, and Reafoning accurate-
ly, ferve to bring to Perfection, with an entire Certitude, all Arts
which Man can acquire by his Reafon alone. It is therefore of the
highest Importance, that the Youth of this Country fhould be me-
thodically brought acquainted with a Course of pure Mathematicks, to
ferve as an Introduction to fuch Branches of Knowledge as are requifite
to qualify them for their future Stations in Life. The Noblemen and
Gentlemen of Fortune, therefore, have unanimously refolved, that such
a Course fhould be given on the most approved Plan, in the DRAWING
SCHOOL established under their Inspection, by a Perfon, who, on ac-
count of the Readiness and Knowledge he has acquired in these Matters,
during the many Years that he has made them his principal Occupation,
is qualified for making the Entry to those abftrufe Sciences, acceffable to
the meanest Capacity.

*The proper Age to commence this Courfe is 14.

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