
Health, Board of. Reports on Rates of Mortality, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. London. Summary of experience on disease, and comparative rates of mortality. By W. Lee, 1851.

Report on the progress and character of the epidemic eholera prevailing in Ger. many in 1852. By R. D. Grainger, 1852.

Instructions to local authorities on preventative measures in relation to epidemic cholera, under the Nuisances Removal Acts, and as to proceedings under the Public Health Act, 1850-54.

Local Board of Health, Barnard Castle; Report upon Public Works.

Report on a general scheme for extra-mural sépulture for country towns. 1851.
Report on a general scheme for extra-mural sepulture, and on its application to


Report by the General Board of Health on the measures adopted for the execution of the Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Act, and the Public Health Act, up to July, 1849.

Supplementary Report (to the Report on the sanitary condition of the laboring
population of Great Britain) on the results of a special inquiry into the prac
tice of interments in towns. By E. Chadwick, 1843.

Health, Board of. Reports on Local Boards, Cemeteries, &c.

1 vol. 8vo.

By-laws for regulating the business of Local Boards and the duties of officers; with Forms of Accounts, &c. 1852.

Report to the General Board of Health on the present mode of conveying smallpox and fever patients to the hospitals in public vehicles. By R. D. Grainger, 1852.

Instructions for Burial Boards in providing Cemeteries, and making arrangements
for interments under the Burial Acts, 1854.

Accounts relative to the execution of the Public Health Act, 1848, &c.
Report to the Board of Health in reference to the condition of Agar Town, St.
Pancras; including also other parts of the metropolis; and information
respecting the Model Lodging-houses of London. 1851.

Report on the common and Model Lodging houses of the metropolis; with refer-
ence to epidemic cholera in 1854. By George Glover.

Communication from the General Board of Health and Reports from Inspectors
in relation to the Reports of the Engineer of the Metropolitan Sewers Com-
mission, in respect to the operation of pipe sewers.
Report of the General Board of Health on the administration of the Public
Health Act, and the Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Acts, from

Notification as to the discontinuance of the use of certain descriptions of cellar
dwellings; and respecting the mode of constructing Model Lodging-houses
for the laboring classes.

Health, Board of. Reports on Quarantine. 1 vol. 8vo. London.
Rapporto su la Quarantina, 1849.

Rapports sur la quarantaine, 1851.

Second rapport sur la quarantaine; fièvre jaune, 1852.

Second Report of the General Board of Health on Quarantine; yellow fever; with Appendices 1 to 4. 1852.

Appendix 5. Report of Dr. W. H. Burrell on the plague of Malta

in 1813. 1854.

Hawkins, F. B. Medical Statistics; the substance of the Gulstonian Lectures, with additions, illustrative of the comparitive salubrity, longevity, &c., and prevalence of diseases, in the principal countries and cities of the world, 8vo. London, 1829.

Walker, G. A. Gatherings from Grave-yards; a history of the modes of interment and detail of results produced by inhuming the dead in the midst of the living. 8vo. London, 1839.

Neison, F. G. P. Vital Statistics; a development of the rate of mortality, and the laws of sickness; shewing the instability of Friendly Societies, &c.; with an inquiry into the influence of locality on health. 4to. London, 1845.

Simon, John. Reports (officially addressed to the London Commissioners of Sewers) upon the Sanitary condition of the City of London. 8vo. London, 1854.

Concerning water supply, intra-mural and extra-mural interments, &c.

Vide, also, Matthews, on the mode of supplying London with water, in ENGINEER


Mouat, F. J. Atlas of Anatomical Plates of the Human Body; with descriptive letter-press in English and Hindustani. Folio. Calcutta, 1849.

Calcutta Reports on Dispensaries: Half-yearly Reports of the Government Charitable Dispensaries, established in Bengal and the Northwestern Provinces, from 1st August, 1840, to 31st March, 1853. 8 vols. 8vo. Calcutta.

Bengal Medical College. Annual Reports, for the years 1844-5 to 1852-3. 8vo. Calcutta.

Bombay. Annual Reports of the Grant Medical College, for the years 1848-9 to 1854-5. 8vo. Bombay. [For the previous Reports, from the foundation of this College, for 1845-6, 1846-7, and 1847-8, vide EDUCATION, Bombay Reports; and, infra, Pamphlets: Medical.] Bombay. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bombay; for the years 1853 and 1854. 8vo. Bombay, 1855.

[Bombay Records.] A Paper on Vaccination: published by authority. 8vo. Bombay.

Bombay, Island of. Reasons for its unhealthiness.

lection of Voyages and Travels, vol. 6, p. 358.

Vide Churchill's Col

[India Reports, Botanic and Medical.] Report on the causes of the unhealthiness along the Dehli Canal: with appendix. Folio. Agra,


Wise, T. A. Commentary on the Hindu system of Medicine. 8vo. Calcutta, 1845.

Mesmeric Hospital [Calcutta]. Cases treated, from November, 1846, to May, 1847, by Dr. Esdaile. 8vo. Calcutta, 1847.

[Small Pox, &c.] A Volume so lettered, contains the following Reports, &c., viz:


Report on Small Pox in Calcutta, 1833-4, 1837-8, 1843-4; and Vaccination in Bengal, from 1827 to 1844: by Duncan Stewart. 8vo. Calcutta, 1844. Report of the Commissioners appointed by Government, to enquire into the means of preventing, or rendering less destructive the Small Pox. 1830. Report of the progress of Vaccination in the Madras Presidency, for 1852. Madras, 1853.

Medical Report on the disease called Mahamurree, or great plague, prevailing in Gurhwal, in 1849-50; by Dr. C. Renny. Agra, 1851. (A duplicate; vide Report on Kumaon and Gurhwal.)

Short account of the Materia Medica of Patna; by Dr. R. H. Irvine, Calcutta,


Madras Records: Medical and Miscellaneous

1855. Containing the following Reports:

On Vaccination in Madras, for 1853.

On Civil Dispensaries, for 1853.

1 vol. 8vo. Madras, 1854,

On Medical Topography of South western Political Districts.
On the Government Central Museum.

On the Annamullay Forests.

On operations of the Indian Mints, 1841-1853.

On the Swinging Festival, and the ceremony of Walking through Fire.

India Pamphlets: Medical. 1849-1853. 1 vol. 8vo.

Introductory Lecture, Grant Medical College, 1851.

Lectures on relations of ancient Hindu with Greek Medicine, 1850.
Rules, &c., Medical College, Bengal.

Presentation of Diplomas, Grant Medical College.

Reports on Civil Dispensaries, Madras, in 1852.

Pinel, Ph. Traité médico-philosophique de l'aliénation mentale. 8vo. Paris, 1809.

Esquirol, E. Des maladies mentales considérées sous les rapports médical, hygiénique et medico-légal, ouvrage accompagné de 27 planches. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838.

Aubanel, (H.) et Thore, (Et A. M.) Recherches statistique sur l'aliénation mentale, faites à l'hospice de Bicêtre. 8vo. Paris, 1841.

Broussais, F. J. V. De l'irritation et de la folie; ouvrage dans lequel les rapports du physique et du moral sont établis sur les bases de la doctrine physiologique. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839.

Cheyne, J. On partial Derangements of the Mind. 8vo. London, 1843. Man's power over himself to prevent or control Insanity. Vide Small Books on Great Subjects. III.

Winslow, Forbes. Lettsomian Lectures on Insanity. 8vo. London, 1854. 8vo. London, 1840. The Anatomy of Suicide.

Etoc-Demazy. Recherches statistiques sur le suicide. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Voir, aussi, Boismont, Du suicide.

Noble, Daniel. Elements of Psychological Medicine; an introduction to the practical study of Insanity. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1855. Marc, C. C. H. De la folie considérée dans ses rapports avec les questions médico-judiciaires. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840.

Régnault, Elias. Degré de competence des médecins dans les questions judiciaires relatives aux aliénations mentales, et des théories physiolo

giques sur la monomanie homicide; suivi de nouvelles refléxions sur le suicide, la liberté morale, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1830.

Orfila. Leçons de médecine légale. Deuxième édition. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1828.

Même ouvrage. Quatrième édition. 4 vol. 8vo., avec atlas de 26 planches. Paris, 1848.

Devergie, Alph. Médecine légale théorique et pratique. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1852.

Capuron, J. Médecine légale relative à l'art des accouchements. 8vo. Paris, 1821.

Briant, (G.), et Chaudé, (Ernest). Manuel complet de médecine légale. 8vo. Paris, 1852.

Hoffbauer, J. C. Médecine légale relative aux aliénés et aux sourds-muets. 8vo. Paris, 1827.

Marc, le docteur.

Examen médico-légal des causes de la mort du prince de Condé. 8vo. Paris, 1831.

Fodéré, F. E. Traité de médecine légale et d'hygiène publique. 6 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1813-15.

Essai médico-légal sur les diverses espèces de folie vraie. 8vo.
Strasbourg, 1832.

For works on Medical Jurisprudence, on the Plea of Insanity, and on Criminal
Lunatics,-vide ante, pp. 149, 150, STATUTE AND COMMON LAW OF GREAT

Military and Nautical Science, Art Militaire et Marine. including Nabal Warfare.

A. I. vol. 45.

Maizeroy. Mémoire sur la guerre considérée comme science. A. I., vol. 40,
Tableau général de la cavalerie grecque. A. I, vol. 41.
Garnier, l'abbé. Recherches sur les lois militaires des Grecs.
Larcher, M. De l'ordre équestre chez les Grecs. A. I., vol. 48.
Lebeau, l'aîné. De la légion romaine (vingt-six mémoires). A. I., vol. 25,
28, 29, 32, 35, 37, 39 et 41.

Lalanne, M. Essai sur le fen grégeois, et sur l'introduction de la poudre à canon en Europe. N. I., vcl. 1 (E., 2de série.)

Voir aussi Montfaucon, l'Antiquité expliquée, vol. 4 [1ère partie] et vol. 9. Jomini. Précis de l'art de la guerre, ou nouveau tableau analytique des principales combinaisons de la stratégie, de la grande tactique et de la politique militaire. Nouvelle édition. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855.

Tableau analytique des principales combinaisons de la guerre, et de 8vo. Paris, 1830. leurs rapports avec la politique des Etats.

Art Militaire, par Lacuée de Cessac, le baron Pommereul, le général Servan et de Kéralio. 4 vol. 4to. Avec 61 planches. Paris, 1781-97. Encyclopédie méthodique.

Vergnaud, A. D. Manuel d'art militaire, à l'usage des militaires de toutes les 12mo. Paris, 1840.



Puységur. Art de la guerre par principes et par règles. 2 vol. Folio. Paris, 1748.

Bourdeille. Œuvres ; maximes de la guerre, &c. 8vo. Paris. 1823.

Chénier. Ma uels des conseils de guerre et des parquets militaires. 8vu. Paris, 1849.

Guide des tribunaux militaires, ou législation criminelle de l'armee. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838.

Guillot. L. Législation et administration militaires. 8vo. Paris

Artillerie. Dictionnaire encyclopédique, par le général Cotty. 4to. Paris, 1822. Encyclopédie méthodique.

Robins, B. Nouveaux principes d'artillerie. 8vo. Dijon, 1783.

Michel, Jules. Mémorial de l'artilleur marin, rédigé suivant l'ordre alphabé tique des mavères. 8vo. Paris, 1828.

Mémorial du dépôt général de la guerre, imprimé par ordre du ministre. 9 vol. 4to. Paris, 1829-1853.


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