
*Army Medical Reports. Reports on Hygiene. Eyre and Spottiswoode.

*Reports to Privy Council and Local Government Board by their Medical Officer. Eyre and Spottiswoode.

On Chemistry. General principles.

Fownes' Manual of Chemistry. Churchill.

Bloxam's Chemistry. Churchill.

Roscoe's Lessons in Elementary Chemistry. Macmillan.

Attfield's Chemistry. Van Voorst.

On Analysis.

Bloxam's Laboratory Teaching. Churchill.

Bowman's Practical Chemistry. Churchill.

Sutton's Systematic Handbook of Volumetric Analysis. Churchill.
Frankland's Water Analysis for Sanitary purposes. Van Voorst.

Wanklyn and Chapman's Water Analysis. Trübner.

Hartley's Air and its Relations to Life. Longmans.

Wanklyn's Milk Analysis. Trübner.

Wanklyn and Cooper's Bread Analysis. Trübner.

Fox, C. Sanitary Examinations of Water, Air and Food. Churchill.

On Physics.

Todhunter's Natural Philosophy for Beginners. Macmillan.

Ganot's Physics. Longmans.

Everett's Textbook of Physics. Blackie.

On Microscopy.

Carpenter's The Microscope and its Revelations. Churchill.

Macdonald's Guide to Microscopical Examination of Drinking Water. Churchill. *Hassall's Food and its Adulterations. Longmans.

On Sanitary Engineering, Water Supply, Sewage, &c.

Eassie's Sanitary Arrangement for Dwellings. Smith, Elder and Co.

Galton's Healthy Dwellings. Macmillan.

Corfield's Dwelling Houses, their Sanitary Construction and Arrangement. Lewis. *Bailey-Denton, Sanitary Engineering. Spon.

*Latham's Sanitary Engineering. Spon.

*Bayles' House drainage and water service. Williams, New York.

Tomlinson's Warming and Ventilation. Lockwood.

Corfield's Treatment and Utilization of Sewage. Macmillan.

*Report of Committee appointed by President of Local Government Board on modes

of treating Town Sewage. Eyre and Spottiswoode.

*Reports of Royal Commission on Pollution of Rivers, especially the 6th on Domestic Water Supply. Eyre and Spottiswoode.

*Report from Select Committee on Public Health Act (1875) Amendment Bill, with the Evidence. Eyre and Spottiswoode.

*R. Angus Smith's Air and Rain. Longmans.

*Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. Longmans.

On the Laws of the Realm and Bye-laws relating to Public Health.

For England:

Public Health Act, 1875, and the Acts of Parliament relating to the various subject-matters within the domain of Hygiene passed since that date,

Artisans' and Labourers' Dwellings Acts.

Vaccination Acts.

For the Metropolis, or for Scotland, or for Ireland:

Laws dealing with the same subject-matters as the above, and having application to the particular part of the United Kingdom.

Model Bye-laws of the Local Government Board. Eyre and Spottiswoode.
Adulteration of Food and Drugs Acts.

On Statistics.

Lewis's Digest of the English Census. Stanford.

The article on 'Statistics' in the Cyclopædia of Anatomy and Physiology. Longmans. *Dr Farr's letters to the Registrar-General in the early Reports of the RegistrarGeneral.

*Reports of the Registrar-General. Eyre and Spottiswoode.

*Deaths in England. Average Annual Proportion of Deaths, &c. 1861-70. Parliamentary Paper C. 874 Session 1873. Eyre and Spottiswoode; and may be had also of Hansard, or of King, King St., Westminster.

On construction of Hospitals.

Miss Nightingale's Notes on Hospitals. Longmans.

Oppert's Hospitals, Infirmaries and Dispensaries, their construction, interior arrangement and management. Churchill.

Galton, On the construction of Hospitals. Macmillan.

Burdett, Cottage Hospitals. Churchill.

*De Chaumont. Hospitals in the Encyclopædia Britannica, last edition.

*The books thus marked are books of reference.

The Examination Papers set at former examinations can be obtained at the Cambridge Warehouse, Ave Maria Lane, London, price 1s. each set, or by post 1s. 2d.



FRIDAY, October 3, 1884. 1-31.



1. DEFINE an arithmetical progression, and find an expression for the nth term in terms of the first term and common difference.

Find the 15th term of an arithmetical progression whose 8th and 12th terms are respectively 17 and 25.

2. Find an expression for the sum of an arithmetical progression of n terms. Find the sum of the arithmetical progression of 2m terms of which the two middle terms are a-b, and a+b.

3. Find the sum of a geometrical progression of n terms in terms of the 1st term and the common ratio.

The third and fifth terms of a geometrical progression are respectively 12 and 48. Find the sums of eight terms of the two progressions which satisfy the con


[blocks in formation]

6. Divide £1230 among three persons, so that if their shares be diminished by £5, £10 and £15 respectively, the remainders shall be in the ratios 3 4 5.

7. Find the two times between 3 and 4 o'clock when the hands of a watch are separated by 4 minute spaces, and the interval between each of these times and the time when the hands are together.

[blocks in formation]

Shew how to reduce a system of logarithms to the base 10, to a system to the base 100.

9. Define the characteristic and the mantissa of a logarithm.

Find the characteristic of the logarithm of 500, to the base 3 and to the base.


and the logarithm of 001| to the base 10.

10. Having given log, 34771213, find how many figures there are in 3100, and in the integral part of (31).

11. Find the fifth root of 54, having given

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1. FIND an expression for the general term of an arithmetical progression, in terms of the first term and the common difference.

Find the 18th term of an arithmetical progression, whose 6th and 13th terms are respectively 22 and 43.

2. Investigate an expression for the sum of a series of n terms in arithmetical progression.

If the sum of the arithmetical progression, 18, 15, 12, &c. be 45, find the number of terms, and explain the double answer.

3. Define a geometrical progression, and find the sum of a series of n terms in geometrical progression.

Prove that in a geometrical series of an odd number of terms, the middle term is a geometric mean between the first and last terms.

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6. Divide £900

ab (a + b) + bc (b+c) + ca (c + a) + 3abc

a3 (b − c) + b3 (c − a) + c3 (a − b) = 0.

[blocks in formation]

between three persons, so that if their shares be increased by £10, £15 and £20 respectively, the sums shall be in the ratios 4: 5 : 6.

7. Find the two times between 5 and 6 o'clock, when the hands of a watch are separated by 14 minute spaces and the interval between each of these times and the time when the hands are together.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Show how to reduce a system of logarithms to the base 10, to a system to the base 1000.

9. Define the characteristic and mantissa of a logarithm. Find the characteristic of leg, 350, and of log:065, and the logarithm of 0001] to the base 10.


10. Having given log, 23010300, log,, 3=4771213, find how many figures there are in 50 and in the integral part of (54)100.

11. Find the cube root of 144, having given in addition to the legarithms in the preceding question

[blocks in formation]

SATURDAY, October 4, 1884. 9-11.


1. DEFINE the unit of circular measure of an angle.


If one quarter of a right angle were taken as the unit, what would be the measure of an angle of 15°, and of the unit of circular measure?

2. Define the sine and tangent of an angle; and find expressions for each in terms of the other.

3. Find the sine and tangent of 30° and of 45o.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

5. Three angles are in Arithmetical Progression, the common difference being 60o. Prove that the product of their tangents is equal to the tangent of their sum with its sign changed.


6. Prove that 2 sin A = ± √1 + sin 24 ± √1 − sin 24, and determine the proper signs for the roots when A = 1880o.

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Hence find the sines of the angles of a triangle whose sides are 7, 8 and 9 feet

9. In a triangle b=32, c = 40, B = 52° 32′ 15′′; find A and C, having given

L sin 52° 32′ = 9.8996604, diff. for 1'=968,

L sin 82° 50' 9.9965937, diff. for 1' 159,


log 2 = 30103C0.

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