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lady on her knees in one corner of it. Her great and moving
behaviour. Breaks off, and sends away his letter, on purpose
to harass him by suspense
LETTER LXVII. Lovelace, to Belford.-Curses him for his
tormenting abruption. Clarissa never suffered half what he
suffers. That sex made to bear pain. Conjures him to hasten
to him the rest of his soul-harrowing intelligence
LETTER LXVIII. Belford, to Lovelace.-His farther pro-
ceedings. The lady returns to her lodgings at Smith's. Dis-
tinction between revenge and resentment in her character.
Sends her, from the vile women, all her apparel, as Lovelace
had desired..
LETTER LXIX. From the same.-Rejoices to find he can feel.
Will endeavour from time to time to add to his remorse. In-
sists upon his promise not to molest the lady...
LETTER LXX. From the same.-Describes her lodgings, and
gives a character of the people, and of the good widow Lovick.
She is so ill, that they provide her an honest nurse, and send
for Mr. Goddard, a worthy apothecary. Substance of a letter
to Miss Howe, dictated by the lady
LETTER LXXI. From the same.-Admitted to the lady's pre-
What passed on the occasion. Really believes that
she still loves him. Has a reverence, and even a holy love for
her. Astonished that Lovelace could hold his purposes against
such an angel of a woman. Condemns himself for not timely
exerting himself to save her
LETTER LXXII. From the same.-Dr. H. called in. Not
having a single guinea to give him, she accepts of three from
Mrs. Lovick on a diamond ring. Her dutiful reasons for ad-
mitting the doctor's visit. His engaging and gentlemanly be-
haviour. She resolves to part with some of her richest apparel.
Her reasons.


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LETTER LXXIII. Lovelace, to Belford.-Raves at him. For
what. Rallies him, with his usual gayety, on several passages
in his letters. Reasons why Clarissa's heart cannot be broken
by what she has suffered. Passionate girls easily subdued.
Sedate ones hardly ever pardon. He has some retrogade mo-
tions: yet is in earnest to marry Clarissa. Gravely concludes,
that a person intending to marry should never be a rake. His


gay resolutions. Renews, however, his promises not to molest
her. A charming encouragement for a mau of intrigue, when
a woman is known not to love her husband. Advantages which
men have over women, when disappointed in love. He knows
she will permit him to make her amends, after she has plagued
him heartily

LETTER LXXIV. Miss Howe, to Clarissa.-Is shocked at re-

ceiving a letter from her written by another hand. Tenderly

consoles her, and inveighs against Lovelace. Re-urges her,

however, to marry him. Her mother absolutely of her opinion.

Praises Mr. Hickman's sister, who, with her Lord, had paid

her a visit





LETTER LXXVII. From the same. The lady parts with some
of her laces. Instances of the worthiness of Dr. H. and Mr.
Goddard. He severely reflects upon Lovelace
LETTER LXXVIII. Lovelace, to Belford.-Has an interview
with Mr. Hickman. On what occasion. He endeavours to
disconcert him, hy assurance and ridicule; but finds him to
behave with spirit
LETTER LXXIX. From the same.-Rallies him on his inten-
tional reformation. Ascribes the lady's ill health entirely to
the arrest, (in which, he says, he had no hand,) and to her rela-


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From the same.-Can hardly forbear
Tenders himself as her banker. Conver-
sation on this subject. Admires her magnanimity. No wonder
that a virtue so solidly based could baffle all his arts. Other
instances of her greatness of mind. Mr. Smith and his wife
invite him, and beg of her to dine with them, it being their
wedding day. Her affecting behaviour on the occasion. She
briefly, and with her usual noble simplicity, relates to them the
particulars of her life and misfortunes

LETTER LXXXII. Lovelace, to Belford.-Ridicules him on

his address to the lady as her banker, and on his aspirations

and prostrations. Wants to come at letters she has written.

Puts him upon engaging Mrs. Lovick to bring this about.

Weight that proselytes have with the good people that convert

them. Reasons for it. He has hopes still of the lady's favour;

aud why. Never adored her so much as now.

Is about to go

to a ball at Colonel Ambrose's. Who to be there. Censures

affection and finery in the dress of men; and particularly with

a view to exalt himself, ridicules Belford on this subject 599-404


LXXXVII. Sharp letters that pass between Miss Howe

and Arabella Harlowe



LETTER XC. Miss Howe, to Clarissa.-Desires an answer to
her former letters for her to communicate to Miss Montague.
Farther enforces her own and her mother's opinion, that she







Tuesday Morn. June 20.

ELL, Jack, now are we upon another footing together.
This dear creature will not let me be good. She is now
authorizing all my plots by her own example.

Thou must be partial in the highest degree, if now thou blamest me for resuming my former schemes, since in that case I shall but follow her clue. No forced construction of her actions do I make on this occasion, in order to ustify a bad cause or a worse intention. A slight pretence, indeed, served the wolf, when he had a mind to

quarrel with the lamb; but this is not now my case.

For here (wouldst thou have thought it?) taking advantage of Dorcas's compassionate temper, and of some warm expressions which the tender-hearted wench let fall against the cruelty of men, and wishing to have it in her

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