

Gentlemen of the Senate, and

Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,

I have received from the Governor of Georgia, a copy of a resolution adopted by the general assembly of that State, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States; with a request that it be communicated to the Legislature of this Commonwealth. I now transmit the same by the Secretary.

Council Chamber, January 30th, 1824.



Gentlemen of the Senate, and

Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,

A resolution passed by the general assembly of the State of Alabama, has been forwarded me by the President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Representatives of that State; in which they express an opinion with regard to a successor of Mr. Munroe, as President of the United States, and I have directed the Secretary to lay the same before the two branches of the Legislature. WILLIAM EUSTIS.

Council Chamber, February 2d, 1824.


Resolve on the petition of Ebenezer Cannon, Jr.
February 4th, 1824.

On the petition of Ebenezer Cannon, Jr. praying that he may be allowed to build a wharf below low water mark, in Mattapoisett Harbor, in the town of Rochester, in the County of Plymouth :

Resolved, That for reasons set forth in his petition, the said Ebenezer Cannon, Jr. be, and he is hereby authorized

and allowed to build a wharf in the harbor aforesaid, below low water mark, for the convenience of bringing and laying vessels thereat: Provided, That he shall not extend his wharf beyond the main channel of said harbor.


Resolve for authorizing the sale of Eastern Lands.
February 7th, 1824.

The Standing Committee of both Houses on Eastern Lands,to whom was referred the Communication of Nahum Mitchell and George W. Coffin, Agents for the sale of the lands of this Commonwealth in the State of Maine, have had the same under consideration, and ask leave to report a Resolve.

By order of the Committee,

THOMAS L. WINTHROP, Chairman. Resolved, That, it is expedient to authorize the agents for the sale of the lands of this Commonwealth, in the State of Maine, and they are hereby authorized and allowed to sell the townships numbered four, in the first range, and numbered four in the second range, west of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase, and township numbered five, in the first range of townships north of the same tract, at a price not less than twenty cents per acre; making such allowance for large lakes and ponds of water, within the same, as they in their judgment shall deem to be reasonable.


Gentlemen of the Senate, and

Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,

The Secretary will lay before you,a statement of the expenses incurred in printing nine hundred sets of the special laws of the Commonwealth, in two volumes, pursuant to a

resolve of February 22d, 1822, made to the Executive, by the Commissioners appointed to superintend the publication of said laws. No provision was made in the resolve, authorizing the publication of these laws, for payment of the expenses; and it remains for the Legislature to give authority for a warrant to be issued for that purpose, if they see fit.

Council Chamber, February 10th, 1824.



Gentlemen of the Senate, and

Gentlemen of the House of Representatives,

I have received from the Governor of the State of Ohio, a copy of certain resolutions passed by the General Assembly of that State, in January last, proposing that a system be adopted for the gradual emancipation of the people of color, held in servitude in the United States, and recommending a plan of foreign colonization for their improvement and eventual deliverance from slavery; with a request that said resolutions be laid before the Legislature of this State. Accordingly, I transmit the same by the Secretary.

Council Chamber, February 11th, 1824.



Resolve on the petition of Standfast Smith and others.
February 11th, 1824.

On the petition of Standfast Smith and others, proprietors in the Boston and Roxbury Mill Corporation, praying that the said Corporation may have power to occupy part of the vacant flats in the open bay on the north side of

their dam, and to erect sheds and buildings, for the accommodation of travellers and others thereon.

Resolved, That said Corporation may use and occupy any part of the vacant flats lying on the north side of their dam, and west of the low water mark, on the west side of the eastern channel, and within two hundred feet of said dam, and fill up any part thereof, and put sheds and buildings on the same: Provided however, That nothing herein contained, shall be construed to authorize said Corporation thus to use or occupy any lands or flats owned by any City, town, company or individual, without their consent in writing, and to be recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the County of Suffolk.


Resolve on the subject of labor done by the Convicts for Insane Hospital. February 11th, 1824.

Resolved, That the account of the Massachusetts State Prison, against the Massachusetts General Hospital, for labor of the convicts on stone work for that part of said Hospital, commonly called the Insane Hospital, amounting to four thousand one hundred and seventy six dollars and forty-three cents, be considered as coming within the resolve of the General Court on this subject, passed June 12th, 1817; and that said sum be charged to the Commonwealth accordingly, and that the work heretofore done, be, and the same is hereby considered in full of the grant made by virtue of the resolve aforesaid.

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Grant of County Taxes for 1824.
February 13th, 1824.

Whereas the Treasurers of the following Counties, have laid their accounts before the Legislature for examination, which have been examined and allowed; and whereas the Clerks of Courts of Sessions for said Counties, have exhibited estimates made by said Courts, of the necessary charges which may arise within said Counties the year ensuing, and of the sums necessary to discharge the debts of said Counties:

Resolved, That the sums annexed to the Counties contained in the following schedule,be, and the same are hereby granted as a tax for each County, respectively, to be appropriated, assessed, paid, collected and applied for the purposes aforesaid, according to law, viz:

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County of Essex, twelve thousand dollars,.
County of Middlesex, six thousand dollars,
County of Worcester, six thousand dollars,
County of Plymouth, four thousand five hundred


County of Bristol, three thousand five hundred



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County of Nantucket, one thousand sixty dollars, 1,060,36


County of Berkshire, three thousand dollars,
County of Hampshire, five thousand dollars,
County of Hampden, five thousand dollars,
County of Franklin, four thousand five hundred

County of Barnstable, four thousand dollars,
County of Norfolk, six thousand dollars,

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