
Solis and Pinzon, expedition of, ii. 38. Sumatra, Isle of, i. 124.
Death of, 49.
Solomon, commercial enterprises of,
discontinued by his successors, and
fleets of, navigated by servants of the
king of Tyre, I. 5.

Swan River, examination of, by the
French, iii. 114. Strength and sta-
bility of the colony at, 129.
Sweta-dwipa, or White Island of the
West, i. 107.

Ca-Swan, Captain, expedition of, ii. 237.
sails westward from the American

Sound of Queen Charlotte, iii. 42.
nibalism common among the inhabit-
ants of, 50.

coast, 238. Arrives at a group of isl-
ands between Luconia and Formosa;
arrives at the north-west coast of New
Holland, 239. Arrives at St. Augus-
tine's Bay, 240.

Sound of Prince William, iii. 70. Of
King George the Third, 150.
South Sea Islands, important changes in
the circumstances of, since the time
of Cook, iii. 99. European shipping
chiefly engaged in whale fishery, fur Tabula Peutingeriana, i. 117.
trade, &c., 100.
Tacitus mentions the Ports of Ireland, i.

Spain, Strabo's account of, i. 60. War
with the Moors, 265.



Tame-tame-hah, chief of the Sandwich
Spangberg, Martin, expedition of, ii. 266. Islands, iii. 101.
Spaniards, jealousy of, awakened by the Tanna Island visited by Cook, iii. 54.
approach of the Russians to the Span- Tarshish, disquisition respecting, i. 5.
ish American territories, iii. 134. Des-Tasman, Captain Abel Jansen, expedi-
patch a second expedition, which
reaches Prince William's Sound, and
fancy themselves on the coast of
Kamtschatka; decline of, in the arts
of navigation, 136.

tion of, to the South Land; discovers
Antony Van Diemen's Land, ii. 224.
Discovers New Zealand, which he calls
Staten Land, 225. Discovers Three
Kings Island; discovers Amsterdam;
traffics with the natives, 226. Arrives
at the eastern extremity of New
Guinea, 229.

Spanish attempt to plant a colony in
the Straits of Magellan, ii. 203.
Spencer's Gulf, discovery of, iii. 109.
Spilbergen, George, voyage to the Mo-Tauris described by Clavijo, i. 250.
luccas by the Straits of Magellan in Tequendama, cataract of, iii. 204.
1614; passes through the straits in Terrier Rogue, description of, ii. 186.
thirty-four days; describes the gigan-Texeira, Tristram Vaz, voyage of; dis-
tic stature of the Patagonians; enters covers Puerto Santo and Madeira, i.
the South Sea; arrives in Holland in 265.

1617, ii. 212.
Thebes, Homer's knowledge of, i. 9
Spitzbergen, discovery of, ii. 128. Taken Theiss River, i. 21.
possession of by the English, 141.

Thibet described by Rubruquis, i. 201.

St. Christopher Island, settlement made Thinæ, i. 87.
on, ii. 232.

St. Helena, discovery of, ii. 89.
St. Jago, foundation of; Cortez des-
patches Alvarado and Sandoval on an
expedition to acquire a more perfect
knowledge of Mexico, ii. 56. Sends
Cristoval de Oli to Honduras, 57.
St. Thomas, discovery of, i. 273.
Staduchin, expedition of, ii. 260.
Stains, Captain, his arrival at Pitcairn's
Island, iii. 97.

Thompson, George, embarks from Bar-
bary to Timbuctoo; ascends the Gam-
bia; death of, ii. 183.
Thracians, i. 22.

Throsby, Mr., discovers a second pas-
sage over he Blue Mountains in the
Australian continent, iii. 121.
Thule, Pytheas discovers, i. 38.
Thymiaterion, foundation of, i. 35.
Timbuctoo, i. 29, 129.

Timovief, Yermac, expedition of, ii. 254.
Stirt, Captain, expedition of, to trace Timur, description of his palace, &c. by
the internal waters of New South Clavijo, i. 252.

Wales; discovers the Darling River, Toole, Lieutenant, expedition and death
iii. 126. Discovers the Murray River; of, iii. 270.

reaches Encounter Bay and Lake Al-Torres, Luis Vaz de, voyage of; takes
exandrina, 127.

Strait of the Fury and Hecla, iii. 171.
Stibbs, Captain, makes a second attempt
to ascend the Gambia, ii. 185.
Stone Tower, or Chasotun, or the Forty
Columns, i. 89.

possession of New Guinea for the king
of Spain, ii. 212.

Trinidad, La, discovery of, ii. 19.
Troy, Homer's knowledge of, i. 9.
Tshadda, a large river joining the Niger,
iii. 276.

Strabo, his division of the earth into Tshirikof, Alexoi, expedition of, i1. 263.

[blocks in formation]

Tuckey, Captain, arrival at the Congo,
ii 266. The cataract of Yellala; ap.

[blocks in formation]

Vadillo, expedition of, ii. 70.
Valdes, Diego Florez, expedition of, ii. 20S.
Valerianos, Apostolos, expedition of;
return of, to Acapulco, ii. 217.

persuades the Otaheitans that Cap-
tain Cook still lived, iii. 94.
Webb, Lieutenant, expedition of, to in-
vestigate the source of the Ganges, iii.
233. Stops at the village of Barahat,
and sends forward a moonshee with a
few pious Indians to examine the
Cow's Mouth, and to explore the
river. 234.

Weddell, expedition of, to the South
Shetland Islands, iii. 220. Discovers
George the Fourth's Sea, 221.
Wellington Valley, iii. 122. A settle-
ment made in it, 123.

Van Noort, Oliver, commands an ex-Weymouth, Captain, voyage of in 1605,
pedition to the coast of New Spain discovers Long Island, ii. 167.

and Peru, ii. 207. reaches the South Whale fishery commenced generally,
Sea; arrives at Manilla; touches at ii. 141.

Borneo; at length arrives at Rotter White, Captain, arrives at Roenoke,
dam after an absence of eighty-three
years, 208.

and establishes the colony a third
time, ii. 164.

William, a Mosquito Indian, left on the
Island of Juan Fernandez, ii. 234.
Found three years after, 235.
William the Conqueror, survey of Eng-
land made by, i. 174.

Vancouver, Captain, expedition of, to
Nootka Sound; sails in the Discovery,
and surveys the coast of New Hol-
land, iii. 137. Discovers the Snares
and Opara or Rapa; arrives on the
coast of New Albion, and falls in with William's, Prince, Island discovered, ii.
a ship_commanded by Captain Grey, 228.
138. Explores Columbia river; win-Willoughby, Sir Hugh, lost in attempt-
ters in the Sandwich Islands, 139. ing to discover a north-east passage to
Directs his course to the American Carthage, ii. 116.
coast; returns to England; his death,

Wilson, Captain, commanding the An-
telope, wrecked on the Pelew Islands;
returns to England accompanied by
Prince Lee Boo, iii. 98. Abba Thulle,
king of the Pelew Islands, his kind re-
ception of Captain Wilson and his crew
when wrecked on those islands, 99.
Windham, Captain, trades with Guinea,
in 1553, ii. 176.

Velasquez, Diego, expedition of, ii. 51.
Sends an expedition to strip Cortez of
his authority, and is defeated, 54.
Vera Cruz, foundation of, ii. 53.
Vespucci, groundlessness of his preten-
sions to the discovery of America, ii. 32.
Villalobos, voyage of, in 1542, ii. 189.
Discovers Coral Islands; arrives at Wokoken, discovery of, ii. 162.
Mindanao; attempts to fix a colony at Wollaston Land, iii. 191.
the Philippines, 190.
Virginia, discovery of, ii. 163.
Viscayno, Sebastian, expedition of, ii.
220. Discovers the harbour Puerto de
Monterey; his death, 221.

Vinland, discovery of, i. 166.
Vistula, or Wisla river, i. 161.

Wrangel, Baron, expedition of, iii. 224.
Wulfsten, travels of, i. 161.
Xenophon, retreat of the ten thousand,
i. 39.


Yaoori, the Landers reach, iii. 275

Vitomotomakkin, an Indian priest, visits Yellow Stone River, iii. 144.
England, ii. 170.


Volcanitos, or Little Volcanoes, near Zaitun, described by Marco Polo, i. 226.
Santa Fé de Bogota, described by Zamolxis, god of the Getæ, i. 22.
Humboldt, iii. 204.


Wales, New South, discovery of, iii. 45.
Wallis, Captain, expedition of, iii. 29.
His intercourse with the Otaheitans,
and return home, 30.
Walton, Lieutenant William, expedi-
tion of, ii. 266.

Zanguebar, i. 129.

Zarco, John Gonzales, expedition of, to
the coast of Africa, i. 264. Discovers
Puerto Santo and Madeira, 265.
Zebu, king of, receives Magellan with
courtesy and embraces Christianity,
ii. 48. Puts to death the Spaniards,
49. Pigafetta, his account of Magel-
lan's voyage, 50.

Watts, Lieutenant, commands the Pen-
rhyn from Port Jackson to China; Zeni, voyage of the, i. 167.
arrives at the island of Otaheite, and Zeno, Nicolo, discoveries of, i. 168.

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