
ordre, de falson que combien qu'ils feusent deus foys aultant leur soubdayn marcher, leur fit avoir tel desavantasge que Dieu a permis, ils soyent desconfits, et plusieurs tues et pris, tres cruelemant auquns tues se retirant et estant pris, et incontinant la chasse fut rompeue pour me prandre alant a Donbertrant et mestant gens par tout pour me tuer ou prandre, mays Dieu par son infinie bonté ma preservée; m'estant sauee aupeis de mi lord Heris, lequel et autres signeurs qui sommes venu en votre pays estant asurée qu'entendant leur cruaulté, et comme ils m'ont traitée que selon votre bon naturel et la fiance que j'ay en vous, non seulemant me resevres pour la seureté de ma vie, mays m'eideres et asisterays en ma iuste querele, et semondrays les autres princes fayre le samblable. Je vous suplie le plus tost que pourres m'envoyer querir, car je suis en piteux estat, non pour royne mays pour gentillfame; car je n'ay chose du monde que ma persone comme je me suis sauvée, faysant soixsante miles a trauers chenps le premier jour, et n'ayant despuis, jamays osé aller que la nuit, comme j'espere vous re


a disadvantage that God has permitted them to be discomfited, and several killed and taken; some of them were cruelly killed, when taken on their retreat. The pursuit was immediately interrupted, in order to take me on my way to Dunbarton; they stationed people in every direction, either to kill, or take me. But God, through his infinite goodness, has preserved me; and I escaped to my Lord Herris's, who as well as other gentlemen have come with me into your country, being assured that hearing of the cruelty of my enemies, and how they have treated me, you will, comformably to your kind disposition and the confidence I have in you, not only receive me for the safety of my life, but also aid and assist me in my just quarrel; and I shall solicit other Princes to do the same. I entreat you to send to fetch me as soon as you possibly can, for I am in a pitiable condition not only for a Queen, but for a gentlewoman; for I have nothing in the world but what I had on my person when I made my escape, travelling sixty miles across the country the first day, and not having since ever

montrer si il vous plest avoir pitie comme j'espere de mon extresme infortune, de la quelle je laysseray a me lamanter pour ne vous importuner, et pour prier Dieu qu'il vous doint en santé tres heurheuse, et longue vie, et a moy pasiance et la consolation que j'antands resevoir de vous a qui je presante mes humbles recommandations. De Wirkinton, ce xvij. de Mey.

Votre tres fidelle et affectionnée bonne soeur et cousine, et eschapée prisoniere



ventured to proceed except in the night, as I hope to declare before you if it pleases you to have pity, as I trust you will, upon my extreme misfortune; of which I will forbear complaining, in order not to importune you, and to pray God that he may give to you a happy state of health and long life, and to me patience, and that consolation which I expect to receive from You, to whom I present my humble commendations. From Workinton the 17th of May.

Your most faithful and affectionate good
sister and cousin, and escaped prisoner,


Mary Queen of Scots to Sir William Cecil. [MS. COTTON. CALIG. c. I. fol. 81 b. Orig. ENTIRELY IN THE QUEEN'S HAND.]

MESTER Ceciles, l'equité dont vous avvez le nom destre amateur et la fidelle et sincere servitude que portez a la Royne Madame ma bonne sœur, et par conséquent a toutes celles qui sont de son sang et en pareille dignité me fayt en ma juste querele par sur tous au

tres adresser a vous en ce temps de mon trouble pour etre advancee par votre bon conseille que jay commande a mi-lord Heris presant porteur vous fayre entandre au long sur le quel me remetant apres metre recommandee a votre famme et a vous, je priray Dieu vous avoir en sa saynte guarde. De Karlile ce xxviiij. de Mey.

Votre bien bonne amye



The Lord Scrope and Sir Francis Knollys to Queen Elizabeth, reporting their first Interview with the Queen of Scots.

[MS. COTTON. CALIG. c. I. fol. 79. Orig.]

WE arryved here at Karlell yesterdaye at 6 of the klocke after noone, and by the waye my Lord Harres mett us six myles from this towne, and after he had discoursed of the lamentable estate of the Quene off Skotts his mystres, inveying motche agaynst the treasonable crueltie of hyr enemyes, and also saying as motche as he cowlde for the innocencye of his mystres towchyng the murder of hyr husbande, the which he sayd wold be easelye proved yf the Quene his mystres myght be herd to speyke for hyr selffe in your Hyghnes presence. And affyrmyng that he your Hyghnes wolde eyther gyve hyr ayde to


the chastenyng of hyr subjectes for her releeffe and comforte, or els that your Hyghnes wold gyve hyr leave to passe thorow your Countrye into Francè to seeke releeffe otherwayes. Wherunto we answerd that your Hyghnes could in no wyse lyke hyr sekyng ayde in France, therbie to bryng Frenche men into Skotland; and we dowted whether your Hyghnes coulde thynk it mete to receave hyr so honorablye into your presence as your desyrous affectyon and good wyll towards hyr dyd wyshe, untyll your Hyghnes myght be well instructed and satisfyd by probable reasons that she was kleare and innocent of the said murder, by some sotche wyse man as he that myght sett forthe the same manyfestlye. Wheruppon, and throghe other conferences pryvate with me the Lord Skrope, he semed to determyne to ryde towardes your Hyghnes for that intent within a daye or twayne: which was the thyng that we specyally sowght for. And after thys, repayryng into the Castle, we fownde the Quene of Skottes in hyr chamber of presence readye to receave us; where after salutacyons made, and our declaration also of your Hyghnes sorowfulnes for hyr lamentable mysadventure and inconvenyent arryvalle, althoghe your Hyghnes was gladd and joyfull of hyr good escape from the perryll of hyr parsone, wyth many cyrcumstances therunto belonging: and we fownd hyr in hyr answers to have an eloquent tonge, and a discreete hedd; and it seemethe by hyr doyngs she

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hathe stowte courage and lyberalle harte adjoyned therunto; and after owre delyverye of youre Hyghnes letters, she fell into some passion with the water in hyr eyes, and therwith she drwe us with hyr into hyr bedd chamber, where she complayned unto us, for that your Highnes dyd not answer hyr expectation for the admyttyng hyr into your presence furthwith; that uppon good declaration of hyr innocencye your Hyghnes wold eyther withowte delaye gyve hyr ayde yourselffe to the subduyng of hyr enemyes, or els beyng nowe come of good wyll and not of necessitie into your Hyghnes handes (for a good and greatest part of hyr subjects, sayd she, doe remayne faste unto hyr styll) your Hyghnes wold at the leaste furthwith gyve hyr passage throghe your Countrye into France to seeke ayde at other Prynces handes; not dowtyng but bothe the Frenche Kyng and the Kyng of Spayne wold gyve hyr releeffe in that behalffe to hyr satisfaction. And here she fell into discourses that the cawse of the Warr and disobedient treason of the cheeffe of these hyr subjectes, was, therby to kepe that which she had toa lyberally gyven theym, by vyolence; synce thoroe hyr pryvye revocation theroff within full aege they cowld not injoye the same by lawe. And wythall she affyrmed that bothe Lyddyngton and the Lord Morton were assentyng to the murder of hyr husbande as it cowld wel be proved, althoe nowe they would seme to

a too.

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