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the fears of Napoleon; in the latter, as "property, and can take it away at their proceeding from his arrogance. So that, 66 pleasure, are, by the same means, bereally, I do not, for my part, see what come masters of the Crown and its Excase can arise, in which we shall see it chequer. -7th. That this Meeting wise for us to treat for peace with France." knows but of one crime meriting punishNay, I almost fear, that the notion "ment by a confiscation of their estate, of of re-establishing the Bourbons has been" which the People of England have been revived. I have lately seen, what I have" guilty, namely, the crime of having too never seen before, the whole of the per- long submitted to Taxation without Resonages belonging to the French Royal" presentation-a crime of which they Family forming part of a party with the must speedily repent, or inevitably sink Queen and Prince Regent, which is very "into a slavery the most abject and the little short of being openly received at "most hopeless.8th. That as the court and acknowledged in their royal ca- "House of Commons exercises the authopacities. Whether this was looked upon rity of a Court of Judicature, with exas a good occasion to revive the claims of "clusive jurisdiction over whatever relates that family, or whether the meeting was "to the Elective and Legislative Rights of accidental, I know not, but I think it is" the People, so as no redress of any inthe duty of the minister to advise the Prince" jury touching the same can be elsewhere Regent not to suffer any thing to be done," obtained, the Meeting, on behalf of which may tend to countenance the idea," themselves and the nation at large, will that that family is again to be put forward" present to that House a Petition of Right, by us; for, in that case, a war of extermi-" claiming Representation co-extensive with nation will be, in fact, proclaimed. "Taxation in Annual Parliaments, ac"cording to the Constitution; and deWESTMINSTER MEETING.- -On Wed- |" manding that "Justice be neither denied nesday, the 5th instant, there was a Meet-" nor delayed," according to Magna Charing of the Inhabitant House-Holders of the "ta."These resolutions, which I inCity and Liberties of Westminster, at which the following Resolutions were moved by MAJOR CARTWRIGHT and seconded by MR. HARRIS: "Resolved, 1st. "That the Chancellor of the Exchequer "having taught us to expect, in ad"dition to all the grievous taxes on Income, an early tax on Capital, it is ex"pedient to distinguish between these "modes of taxation. -2d. That to tax "Income, is to take a proportion of the rents or profits of an estate; to tax Capital, is to take away part of the estate "itself. -3d. That a tax on Capital, "annually repeated, must shortly take "away the whole of the estate. 4th. "That between the effect of taxing Capital, and the effect of confiscation, this "Meeting is not able to distinguish.

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5th. That although the whole of Men's Estates may be taken away by arbitrary Taxation, yet, as neither land, nor its "produce, nor other personal property, is "thereby annihilated, so the real effect of the system is, to transfer all property, "real and personal, from the right owners to those who, possessing a power of arbitrary Taxation, can take away that property at their pleasure.6th. That "the Oligarchy, which, by usurping a great majority of the seats in the House of Commons, are become masters of all



sert as I find them in the Morning Chronicle and Courier News-papers, contain matter worthy of universal attention. The talk of a tax upon capital has given rise to a little alarm even amongst those who have been very well contented under the income tax. But, what is the use of talking of these matters in detail? It is the power of taxation without representation; that is the only thing worthy of our attention. It is a maxim, that we lax ourselves; and, if this maxim be not acted upon, what signifies any thing else as relating to politics?—A Mr. Martin, of Galway, who, I suppose, has a house in Westminster, and whose speeches in parliament I have sometimes read, spoke at this meeting, and, if a true account be given of his speech, he made a very miserable attempt to oppose the propositions of the venerable Major. wanted to be shown that a reform would make things beller. Just as if any thing, any argument or any fact were necessary to convince a man, that the doing away of corruption could fail to do good, could fail could

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the cant of the day against reform;
not see that it would make men better;
could not see that it would make men
more zealous in the defence of their coun-
try; and the like; upon all which points
he was answered by Sir Francis Burdett.


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23 meant to

There was one point, however, which I town of Nottingham in November last, by shall notice rather more particularly: Mr. the destruction of a great number of newlyMartin said: "Let us fight the public ene-invented stocking-frames, by small parties my, and then, when we have done our duty to our country, it will be time to "think of our private wrongs." If Mr. Martin, by public enemy,' say foreign enemy, and by "private "wrongs, domestic wrongs, I differ wholly from him, in opinion. I think the danger and the disgrace from these wrongs may be much greater than from any efforts of a foreign enemy; and, I am for beginning the work of redress at home, before I pester myself with what is going on abroad.. Before men begin to "fight," they ought to know pretty well what they are fighting for. In short, I am as ready as Mr. Martin to fight the foreign enemy; but I am for a redress of grievances at home at the same time; because, if my right to redress is to wait till the war is over, I may never Jive to see it. This is an old and stale device, to turn the attention of the people of a country from their domestic grievances to their foreign dangers; but, this trick can never succeed at a time when the people in general are thoroughly convinced, that their domestic grievances are the cause of their foreign dangers.


Bolley, 12th August, 1812.



Report of the House of Lords, from the
Secret Committee appointed to inquire

into the late Disturbances.

Your Committee, in pursuing the Inquiry referred to their consideration, have endeavoured to ascertain the origin of the disturbances which have arisen in the different parts of the country, with respect to which they have obtained information, the manner in which those disturbances have been carried on, the objects to which they have been apparently directed, the means used to suppress them, the effects of those means and the state of those parte of the country within which the disturbances have prevailed.The disposition to combined and disciplined riot and disturbance which has attracted the attention of Parliament, and excited apprehension of the most dangerous consequences, seems to have been first manifested in the neighbourhood of the

of men, principally stocking-weavers, who assembled in various places round Nottingham.By degrees the rioters became more numerous and more formidable; many were armed and divided in different parties, disturbed the whole country between Nottingham and Mansfield, destroying frames almost without resistance. This spirit of discontent (amongst other causes to which it has been attributed) was supposed to have been excited or called into action by the use of a new machine, which enabled the manufacturers to employ women ig work in which men had been before employed, and by the refusal of the manufacturers to pay the wages at the rate which the weavers demanded; and their discontent was probably heightened by the increased price of provisions, particularly of corn. The men engaged in these disturbances were at first principally those thrown out of employ by the use of the new machinery, or by their refusal to work at the rates offered by the manufacturers, and they particularly sought the destruction of frames owned or worked by those who were willing to work at the lower rates; in consequence of the resistances opposed to the outrages of the rioters, in the course of which one of them was killed, they became still more exasperated and more violent, till the magistrates thought it necessary to require the assistance of a considerable armed force, which was promptly assembled, consisting at first principally of LocalMilitia and Volunteer Yeomanry, to whom the rioters were then dispersed, and it was were added above 400 special constables; hoped that the disturbances had been by these means suppressed.- Before the end of the month of November, however, the outrages were renewed; they became more serious, were more systematically conducted, and at length the rioters began in several villages, where they destroyed the frames, to levy at the same time contributions for their subsistence, which rapidly increased their numbers, and early in December the outrages were in some degree extended into Derbyshire and Leicestershire, where many frames were broken.

-In the mean time a considerable force. both of infantry and cavalry had been sent to Nottingham, and the commanding of ficer of the district was ordered to repair thither; and in January two of the most experienced police magistrates were dis

by the rioters, and before the rioters could be dispersed several of them were killed and wounded; according to the accounts received, at least three were killed and about twenty wounded. On the 14th of April riots again prevailed at Stockport; the house of Mr. Goodwin was set on fire, and his steam-looms were destroy

patched to Nottingham, for the purpose of assisting the local authorities in their endeavours to restore tranquillity in the disturbed districts.The systematic combination, however, with which the outrages were conducted, the terror which they inspired, and the disposition of many of the lower orders to favour rather than oppose them, made it very difficult to discover the offended. In the following night a meeting of ers, to apprehend them if discovered, or to obtain evidence to convict those who were apprehended of the crimes with which they were charged. Some, however, were afterwards proceeded against at the Spring assizes at Nottingham, and seven persons were convicted of different offences, and sentenced to transportation. In the mean time acts were passed for establishing a police in the disturbed districts, upon the ancient system of watch and ward, and for applying to the destruction of stocking frames the punishment before applied by law to the destruction of other machinery.

rioters on a heath about two miles from the town, for the purpose, as supposed, of being trained for military exercise, was surprised and dispersed; contributions were also levied in the neighbourhood, at the houses of gentlemen and farmers.About the same time riots also took place at Manchester and in the neighbourhood, of which the general pretence was the high price of provisions. On the 26th and 27th of April the people of Manchester were alarmed by the appearance of some thousands of strangers in their town, the greater part of them, however, disappeared on the The discontent which had thus first 28th; part of the Local Militia had been appeared about Nottingham, and had in then called out, and a large military force some degree extended into Derbyshire and had arrived, which it was supposed had Leicestershire, had before this period been overawed those who were disposed to discommunicated to other parts of the country. turbance. An apprehension, however, Subscriptions for the persons taken into prevailed, of a more general rising in May, custody in Nottinghamshire were solicited and in the neighbourhood of the town many in the month of February at Stockport, in houses were plundered. Nocturnal meetCheshire, where anonymous letters were at ings for the purpose of military exercise the same time circulated, threatening to de- were frequent; arins were seized in various stroy the machinery used in the manufac- places by the disaffected; the house of a tures of that place, and in that and the fol- farmer near Manchester was plundered, and lowing months attempts were made to set a labourer coming to his assistance was on fire two different manufactories. The shot. The manner in which the disafspirit of disorder then rapidly spread fected have carried on their proceedings is through the neighbourhood; inflammatory represented as demonstrating an extraordiplacards, inviting the people to a general nary degree of concert, secrecy, and orrising, were dispersed, illegal oaths were ganization. Their signals were well conadministered, riots were produced in vari- trived and well established, and any atous places, houses were plundered by per- tempt to detect and lay hold of the offenders sons in disguise, and a report was industri- was generally defeated.The same spirit ously circulated, that a general rising would of riot and disturbance appeared at Boltontake place on the first of May, or early in in-the-Moors. So early as the 6th of April, that month. This spirit of riot and dis- intelligence was given, that at a meeting of turbance was extended to many other places, delegates from several places it had been and particularly to Ashton-under-line, Ec- resolved, that the manufactory at West cles, and Middleton; at the latter place the Haughton, in that neighbourhood, should manufactory of Mr. Burton was attacked on be destroyed, but that at a subsequent the 20th of April, and although the rioters meeting it had been determined that the were then repulsed, and five of their num- destruction of this manufactory should be ber were killed by the military force assem-postponed. On the 24th of April, howbled to protect the works, a second attack was made on the 22d of April, and Mr. Burton's dwelling-house was burnt before military assistance could be brought to 'his support. When troops arrived to protect the works, they were fired upon

ever, the destruction of this manufactory was accomplished. Intelligence having been obtained of the intended attack, a military force was sent for its protection, and the assailants dispersed before the arrival of the military, who then returned to


their quarters; the rioters taking advantage | miles from Leeds, was attacked by a large of their absence, assailed and forced the body of armed men, who proceeded with manufactory, set it on fire, and again dis- great regularity and caution, first seizing the persed before the military could be brought watchman at the Mill, and placing guards again to the spot. Symptoms of the at every neighbouring cottage, threatening same spirit appeared at Newcastle-under- death to any who should attempt to give Lyne, Wigan, Warrington, and other alarm, and then forcibly entering the mill, towns; and the contagion in the mean time they completely destroyed the machinery. had spread to Carlisle and into Yorkshire. In the following night, notwithstanding the In Huddersfield, in the West Riding precautions adopted, the buildings belongof Yorkshire, and in the neighbourhood, ing to Messrs. Dickinsons in Leeds, were the destruction of dressing and shearing forcibly entered, and the whole of the machines and shears began early in Febru- goods there, consisting principally of cloths, ary; fire-arms were seized during the course were cut to pieces. Many other persons of March, and a constable was shot at in in Leeds were threatened with similar his own house. In March a great number treatment, and the proceedings at this place of machines belonging to Mr. Vicarman are represented to have had for their object were destroyed, and in April the destruc- the destruction of all descriptions of goods tion of Bradley Mills, near Huddersfield, prepared otherwise than by manual labour. was threatened, and afterwards attempted, but the mills were protected by a guard, which defeated the attempt. About the same time the machinery of Mr. Rhode's mill at Tentwhistle, near to Stockport, was utterly destroyed; and Mr. Horsfall, a respectable merchant and mill-owner, in the neighbourhood of Huddersfield, was shot about six o'clock in the afternoon, in broad day-light, on the 28th of April, returning from market, and died on the 30th of the same month.- A reward of £2000. was offered for the discovery of the murderers, but no discovery has yet been made, though it appears that he was shot by four persons, each of whom lodged a ball in his body; that when he fell, the populace surrounded and reviled him, instead of offering assistance, and no attempt was made to secure the assassins, who were seen to retire to an adjoining wood. Some time after, a young woman was attacked in the streets of Leeds, and nearly murdered, her skull being fractured; and the supposed reason for this violence was an apprehension that she had been near the spot when Mr. Horsfall was murdered, and might, therefore, be able to give evidence which might lead to the detection of the murderers.The town of Leeds had for some time before been much alarmed by information that attacks were intended to be made on places in the town and its neighbourhood, which in duced the magistrates to desire a strong mi litary force, and to appoint a great number of respectable inhabitants of the town special constables, by which means the peace of the town was in a great degree preserved.

Early, however, in the morning of the 24th of March, the mills of Messrs. Thompsons, at Rawdon, a large village about eight

-At Leversedge, near Hockmondwicke, which is in the neighbourhood of the moors dividing Lancashire and Yorkshire, an attack was made early in the morning of the 12th of April by a body of armed men, represented to have been between two and three hundred in number, on a valuable mill belonging to Mr. Cartwright. mill was defended with great courage by Mr. Cartwright, the proprietor, with the assistance of three of his men and five soldiers, and the assailants were at length compelled to retire, being unable to force an entrance into the mill, and their ammunition probably failing. Two of the assailants were left on the spot desperately wounded, and were secured, but died of their wounds. Many others are supposed to have been also wounded, and information was afterwards obtained of the death of one of them. When the assailants retired, they declared a determination to take Mr. Cartwright's life by any means... One of the wounded men who was left on the spot was only nineteen years of age, and son of a man in a respectable situation in the neighbourhood; but neither this man nor the other prisoner would make any confession respecting their confederates in this outrage. The neighbouring inhabi tants, who assembled about the mill, after the rioters had retired, only expressed their regret that the attempt had failed. A vast concourse of people attended the funeral of the young man before described, who died of his wounds; and there was found writ ten on the walls in many places, " Vent geance for the Blood of the Innocent.". The threats against Mr. Cartwright's life were attempted to be put into execution on the 18th of April, when he was twice shot

at in the road from Huddersfield to Rawfold. About the same time a shot was fired at a special Constable on duty at Leeds, and a ball was fired at night into the house of Mr. Armitage, a Magistrate in the neighbourhood, and lodged in the ceiling of his bed-room; Col. Campbell also, who commanded the troops at Leeds, was shot at in the night of May 8, upon returning to his own house, by two men, who discharged their pieces at him within the distance of twenty yards, and immediately after a third shot was fired, directed towards the room usually occupied by Colonel Campbell and his family.At Horbury, near Wakefield, valuable mills were attacked on the 9th of April by an armed body, supposed to consist of 300 men. The machinery and considerable property were destroyed. The men who committed the outrage were seen on the road between Wakefield and Horbury, marching in regular sections, preceded by a mounted party with drawn swords, and followed by the same number of mounted men as a rear guard. They were supposed to have assembled from Huddersfield, Duesbury, Hickmondwicke, Guildersome, Morley, Wakefield, and other places In many parts of this District of Country the well-disposed were so much under the influence of terror, that the Magistrates were unable to give protection by putting the Watch and Ward Act in execution, and the lower orders are represented as generally either abettors of or participators in the outrages committed, or so intimidated, that they dared not to interfere.At Sheffield the storehouse of arms of the Local Militia was surprised in the month of May, a large proportion of the arms were broken by the mob, and many taken away; this disturbance, however, seems to have been followed by no further consequences, and the remainder of the arms were secured.But during the months of May and June depredations of different kinds, and particularly the seizure of arms, continued to be nightly committed in other parts of Yorkshire; and it is represented that in the neighbourhood of Huddersfield and Birstall the arms of all the peaceable inhabitants had been swept away by bands of armed robbers. In consequence of these outrages the Vice-Lieutenant of the West Riding, the Deputy-Lieutenants, and Magistrates assembled at Wakefield on the 11th of June, and came to a resolution, "That the most alarming consequences were to be apprehended from the nightly

depredations which were committed by bodies of armed men." At the same time this remarkable circumstance was stated, that amongst one hundred depositions taken by the Magistrates of the facts of robberies committed, there was only one as to the perpetrator of the crime.-During the latter part of this period, it is represented that nightly robberies of arms, lead and ammunition, were prevalent in the districtsTM bounded by the rivers Air and Calder, and that the patrols which went along both banks of the Calder, found the people in the ill-affected villages up at midnight, and heard the firing of small arms at short distances from them, through the whole night, to a very great extent, which they imagined proceeded from parties at drill. In the corner of Cheshire, touching upon Yorkshire and Lancashire, in the neighbourhood and to the eastward of Ashton, Stockport, and Moultram, nocturnal meetings were more frequent than ever, and the seizure of arms carried on with great perseverance. Peculiar difficulties are stated to exist in this quarter from the want of Magistrates.Your Committee have not thought it necessary to detail, or even to state all the outrages which have been committed in different parts of the country, but have selected from the great mass of materials before them, such facts only as appeared to them sufficient to mark the extent and nature of those disturbances.The causes alleged for these destructive proceedings have been generally the want of employment for the working manufac turers, a want, however, which has been the least felt in some of the places where the disorders have been most prevalent, the application of machinery to supply the place of labour, and the high price of provisions; but it is the opinion of persons, both in civil and military stations, well acquainted with the state of the country, an opinion grounded upon various informations from different quarters now before your Committee, but which, for obvious reasons they do not think proper to detail, that the views of some of the persons engaged in these proceedings have extended to revolutionary measures of the most dan gerous description.Their proceedings manifest a degree of caution and organization which appears to flow from the direction of some persons under whose influence they act; but it is the opinion of a person, whose situation gives him great opportunities of information, that their leaders, although they may possess considerable in

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