
Fifth Bulletin of the Grand Army.-Wilna,
July 6.

set fire to his grand magazine at Wilkomir. | great number of intercepted letters, the folUp to the last moment the inhabitants were lowing are remarkable: the one from the pillaging some barrels of flour; we succeed- Intendant of the Russian army, who comed in recovering a part of it.On the municates, that Russia having already lost 29th the Duke of Elchingen threw a bridge all her magazines of the 1st, the 2d, and over the Vilia, opposite Souderva. Some 3d lines, is reduced to the situation of columns received a direction of march by forming new ones in all haste; the other the roads of Grodno and Volhynia, for the from Duke Alexander of Wirtemberg, purpose of coming up with various Russian which shews, that after a campaign of a few corps that were cut off and scattered.. days, the provinces of the centre are already Wilna is a city containing from 25 to declared in a state of war.In the pre30,000 souls, with a great number of con- sent situation of things, had the Russian vents, fine public buildings, and inhabi- army believed that they had any chance of tants full of patriotism. Four or five hun- victory, the defence of Wilna would have dred young men of the University, above been equivalent to a battle; and in all eighteen, and belonging to the best families, countries, but particularly in that where we have requested to form a regiment.The now are, the preservation of a triple line of enemy is retiring upon the Dwina. A magazines should have determined a Genegreat number of Officers of the Staff and of ral to risk the chances of it.Manoeuvres, estafettes are daily falling into our hands. then, alone have placed in the power of the We are obtaining proofs of the exaggeration French army a considerable portion of the of all that Russia has published with re- Polish provinces, the capital, and three gard to the immensity of her means. Only lines of magazines. The magazines of two battalions to each regiment are with Wilna were set on fire with so much precithe army: the third battalions, the state- pitation, that we have been unable to save a ments of the situation of many of which great many things. have been found in the intercepted correspondence of the officers of the depots with the regiments, do not amount for the most part to 120 or 200 men. -The Court set off from Wilna 24 hours after being apprized of our passage at Kowno. Samogitia, Lithuania, are almost entirely liberated. The centralization of Bagrathion towards the North has very much weakened the troops which were to defend Volhynia.The King of Westphalia, with the corps of Prince Poniatowski, and the 7th and 8th corps, must have entered Grodno on the 29th. Different columns have set out to fall the flanks of the corps of Bagraupon thion, which, on the 20th, received orders to proceed by forced marches from Proujanoni towards Wilna, and the head of which had already arrived within four days' march of the latter city; but events have forced it to retreat, and it is now pursued.Hitherto the campaign has not been sanguinary; there have been only manoeuvres: we have made in all 1000 prisoners. But the enemy has already lost the capital and the greater part of the Polish provinces, which are in a state of insurgency. All the magazines of the first, second, and third lines, the result of two years' care, and valued at more than 20 millions of rubles, are consumed by the flames, or fallen into our power. In fine, the head quarters of the French army are in the place where the Court was for six weeks.Amidst the

The Russian army was posted and organized in the following manner at the commencement of hostilities: The first corps, commanded by the Prince Wittgenstein, consisting of the 5th and 14th divisions of infantry, and one division of cavalry, amounting in the whole to 18,000 men, including artillery and sappers, had been a considerable time at Chawli. It had since occupied Rossiena, and was, on the 24th of June, at Reydanoni.-The second corps, commanded by General Baggawont, consisting of the 4th and 17th divisions of infantry, and one division of cavalry, constituting the same force, occupied Kowno. The third corps, commanded by General Schomoaloff, composed of the 1st division of grenadiers and one division of infantry, and a division of cavalry, amounting to 24,000 men, occupied Nov-Trockl.The 4th corps, commanded by General Tutschkoff, composed of the 11th and 23d divisions of infantry, and one division of cavalry, in the whole 18,000 men, was stationed on the line from Nov-Trocki to Lida.- -The Imperial Guards were at Wilna. The sixth corps, commanded by General Doctorow, consisting of two divisions of infantry and one of cavalry, amounting to 18,000 men, had formed a


(Continued from page 286.)

AMERICAN STATES.- -Correspondence on the Orders in Council.- -Mr. Monroe to Mr. Foster.-Washington, June 4,

part of the army of Prince Bagration. In Tesch.The immense magazines which the middle of June this corps arrived at Lida the Russians had in Samogitia have been from Volhinia, in order to reinforce the burned by themselves, which has occasionfirst army. It lay at the end of June be- ed an enormous loss, not only to their tween Lida and Grodno.The fifth finances, but still more to the subsistence corps, composed of the second division of of the people.The corps of Doctorow, grenadiers, of the 12th, 18th, and 26th di- however, viz. the 6th corps, was still on visions of infantry, and two divisions of ca- the 27th of June without any orders, and valry, was on the 30th at Wolkowisk. had made no movement. On the 28th it Prince Bagration commanded this corps, assembled and put itself in motion, in order which might probably amount to 40,000 to proceed to the Dwina by marching on its men. Lastly, the 9th and 15th divi- flank. On the 30th its advanced guard ensions of infantry, and a division of cavalry, tered Soleinicki. It was charged by the commanded by General Markow, was at light cavalry of General Baron Borde Soult, the extremity of Volhinia.The passage and driven out of the village. Doctorow, of the Vilia, which took place on the 25th perceiving that he was anticipated, turned of June, and the movement of the Duke of (To be continued.) Reggio upon Janow, and towards Chatoui, obliged the corps of Wittgenstein to proceed towards Wilkomir and on its left; and the corps of Bagawont to make for Dunabourg by Mouchnicki and Gedroitse. These two corps were thus cut off from Wilna. The third and fourth corps, and Russian Imperial Guards, retired from Wilna upon Nementschin, Swentzianoui, and Vidzoni. The King of Naples pressed them vigorously along both banks of the Vilia. The tenth regiment of Polish hussars, which were at the head of the column of the division of Count Sebastiani, came up near Lebowo with a regiment of Cos-consideration that it is supported by the sacks who covered the rear-guard, and charged at full gallop, killed nine, and made about a dozen prisoners. The Polish troops, which up to this moment have engaged in a charge, have shown rare resolution. They are animated by enthusiasm and passion. On the 3d of July the King of Naples marched upon Swentziani, and there overtook Baron Tully's rearguard. He gave orders to General Montbrun to charge, but the Russians did not wait the attack, and retired with such precipitation, that a squadron of Huhlans, which was returning from a reconnoisance on the side of Mihailetki, fell in with our posts. It was charged by the 12th Chasseurs, and the whole either taken or slain. Sixty men were taken with their horses. The Poles, who are amongst these prisoners, have applied to serve, and have been taken, full mounted, in the Polish troops.


can be of no avail either in the support or violation of maritime rights. This construction is the more justifiable, from the

corresponding acts of the French Government, continued from the time of the repeal, and by communications to the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at Paris to the date of that report. -I beg you, Sir, to be assured, that it is painful to me to have imposed the least embarrassment on you, by the correspondence on the difference between the tenor of Lord Castlereagh's letter to you, and your's founded on it to me. I continue to persuade myself, however, that you will become sensible, that with a knowledge of the extent given by your Government to the conditions on which alone its orders will be repealed, and that this extent was always contemplated by your Government, it was impossible for the President to be inattentive to the fact, or to withhold it from the legislative branch of the Government; I have to add, that had it been proper for On the 4th, at day-break, the King of him so to have done, the late hour at which Naples entered Swentziani, the Marshal your note was received, not till the noon of Duke of Elchingen entered Maliatoni, and the 1st instant, was not in time to be consiMarshal Duke of Reggio, Avanta.--Ondered in relation to the Message sent to the 30th of June, Marshal the Duke of Ta- Congress on that day. With great rerentum arrived at Rossiena: he proceeded spect and consideration, I have the honour beyond that to Ponevieji, Chawli, and to be, &c. JAMES MONROE.



'As illustrated in the Prosecution and Punishment of



In order that my countrymen and that the two sureties in the sum of 1,000 pounds each; world may not be deceived, duped, and cheated that the whole of this sentence has been executed upon this subject, I, WILLIAM COBBETT, upon me, that I have been imprisoned the two of Botley, in Hampshire, put upon record years, have paid the thousand pounds TO THE the following facts; to wit: That, on the 24th KING, and have given the bail, Timothy Brown June, 1809, the following article was pub- and Peter Walker, Esqrs. being my sureties; lished in a London news-paper, called the that the Attorney General was Sir Vicary Gibbs, COURIER:- "The Mutiny amongst the LO- the Judge who sat at the trial Lord Ellenborough, "CAL MILITIA, which broke out at Ely, was the four Judges who sat at passing sentence Ellen"fortunately suppressed on Wednesday by the borough, Grose, Le Blanc, and Bailey; and that "arrival of four squadrons of the GERMAN the jurors were, Thomas Rhodes of Hampstead "LEGION CAVALRY from Bury, under the Road, John Davis of Southampton Place, James "command of General Auckland. Five of the Ellis of Tottenham Court Road, John Richards "ringleaders were tried by a Court-Martial, and of Bayswater, Thomas Marsham of Baker Street, "sentenced to receive 500 lashes each, part of which Robert Heathcote of High Street Marylebone, "punishment they received on Wednesday, and John Maud of York Place Marylebone, George a part was remitted. A stoppage for their knap- Bagster of Church Terrace Pancras, Thomas sacks was the ground of the complaint that ex- Taylor of Red Lion Square, David Deane of St. "cited this mutinous spirit, which occasioned John Street, William Palmer of Upper Street that the "the men to surround their officers, and demand Islington, Henry Favre of Pall Mall; "what they deemed their arrears. The first Prime Ministers during the time were Spencer "division of the German Legion halted yesterday Perceval, until he was shot by John Bellingham, and after that Robert B. Jenkinson, Earl of Li"at Newmarket on their return to Bury."That, on the 1st July, 1809, I published, in the verpool; that the prosecution and sentence took Political Register, an article censuring, in the place in the reign of King George the Third, and strongest terms, these proceedings; that, for so that, he having become insane during my impridoing, the Attorney General prosecuted, as sedi- sonment, the 1,000 pounds was paid to his son, tious libellers, and by Ex-Officio Information, the Prince Regent, in his behalf; that, during my me, and also my printer, my publisher, and one imprisonment, I wrote and published 364 Essays of the principal retailers of the Political Register; and Letters upon political subjects; that, daring that I was brought to trial on the 15th June, the same time, I was visited by persons from 197 1810, and was, by a Special Jury, that is to say, cities and towns, many of them as a sort of depuby 12 men out of 48 appointed by the Master of ties from Societies or Clubs; that, at the expirathe Crown Office, found guilty; that, on the tion of my imprisonment, on the 9th of July, 1812, 20th of the same month, I was compelled to give a great dinner was given in London for the purbail for my appearance to receive judgment; pose of receiving me, at which dinner upwards of and that, as I came up from Botley (to which 600 persons were present, and at which Sir place I had returned to my family and my farm Francis Burdett presided; that dinners and other on the evening of the 15th), a Tipstaff went parties were held on the same occasion in many down from London in order to seize me, per- other places in England; that, on my way home, sonally; that, on the 9th of July, 1810, I, toge- I was received at Alton, the first town in Hamp ther with my printer, publisher, and the news-shire, with the ringing of the Church bells; that man, were brought into the Court of King's a respectable company met me and gave me a Bench to receive judgment; that the three dinner at Winchester; that I was drawn from former were sentenced to be imprisoned for more than the distance of a mile into Botley by some months in the King's Bench prison; that I the people; that, upon my arrival in the village, was sentenced to be imprisoned for two years in I found all the people assembled to receive me; Newgate, the great receptacle for malefactors, that I concluded the day by explaining to them and the front of which is the scene of numerous the cause of my imprisonment, and by giving Changings in the course of every year; that the them clear notions respecting the flogging of the part of the prison in which I was sentenced to be Local Militia-men at Ely, and respecting the enconfined is sometimes inhabited by felons, that ployment of German Troops; and, finally, which felons were actually in it at the time I entered is more than a compensation for my losses and all it; that one man was taken out of it to be trans-my sufferings, I am in perfect health and strength, ported in about 48 hours after I was put into the same yard with him; and that it is the place of confinement for men guilty of unnatural crimes, of whom there are four in it at this time; that, besides this imprisonment, I was sentenced to pay a thousand pounds TO THE KING, and to give security for my good behaviour for seven years, myself in the sum of 3,000 pounds, and

and, though I must, for the sake of six children, feel the diminution that has been made in my property (thinking it right in me to decline the offer of a subscription), I have the consolation to see growing up three sons, upon whose hearts, trust, all these facts will be engraven.

Botley, July 23, 1812.


Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden.
LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black-Horse-Court, Fleet-street.


VOL. XXII. No. 11.] LONDON, SATURDAY, SEPT. 12, 1812.




[Price 1s.


quartered at Brighton. The fact was ac knowledged by Palmerstone and Perceval; -In my last I show-but, they said that the said foreigners were ed what was the law, and what is the law, Germans and not Frenchmen. How this with regard to these troops. I have now mended the matter it was difficult to peronly to notice a little circumstance that ceive; for, these Germans had been made may, possibly, have escaped the attention prisoners in the service of the Emperor of of the public. -It has before been shown, France. If they entered his service as voor, at least, I think so, that the Act of 1804 lunteers, they were guilty of the blackest does not authorize the employing of Ger- perfidy in inlisting into our service, and, of mans, or other foreign Officers, in any course, could be entitled to no trust from part of our army; that it does not authorize us; and if they were put into his service by the giving them any place of trust, civil or the law of conscription, they must have military, in any corps, or in any way, ex-been his subjects, and, of course, were, in cepting merely in the corps authorized to be formed by that same Act. This was what my Lord Folkestone contended for, and this was what could not be contradicted. Upon this ground it was that he complained, that German Officers had been, and still were, employed upon the staff at home; that they had the command of whole districts in England; that they were placed over whole corps and brigades of English troops even in England; that they commanded many of our own general officers in this our own country; that, at last, they had been put into our native corps; that they were getting into the command of our native corps; and that German Soldiers were, even from prisous, inlisting, in considerable numbers, into our regiments, and particularly into one regiment to be hereafter named, while, at the very same time, Irishmen were not inlisted into that same regiment. -None of this could be denied, and none of it was denied. Perceval contended, indeed, that the Act of 1804 tolerated it, but, he once contended that a volunteer could not resign, and the judges decided against his opinion. In the case before us his assertion was unsupported by even the show of say relative to this exchange of There was not sophistry itself to give him countenance. It was a barefaced falsehood, unsustained by any thing but impudence.

inlisting into our service, guilty of high treason, in the same way that our men were, who were found in the service of the Emperor at the Isle of France.--These objections were urged at the time, but never answered. Now, however, it is proper to inquire, whether these men be still in the 10th (or Prince of Wales's own Regiment) of Light Dragoons; because, I see it stated in the news-papers, that this regiment is coming to London to supply the place of the Life Guards, who are, it is said, to be sent abroad? If this be true, it is a matter of more than curiosity to ascertain to what extent this regiment really is of German growth. The whole of the regiment do, I believe, wear whiskers; but, I should like to know how many, or, at least, what proportion, of the regiment are really of German mould.In the discussion upon Lord Folkestone's motion, it came out, that the senior Lieutenant Colonel, whose name is QUINTIN, was a German; and, as the Prince himself cannot personally take the command of the regiment, this German is, of course, the real commander of it. So that, if what the

troops, be true, the troops which will perform the duty of Life Guards in the metropolis and round the person of the King or However, be that as it may, it was a his substitute, will have a German at their fact, that the Germans were thus employed; head, and will, in part, be composed of and now for the particular instance spoken Germans in the ranks, unless those men of above. My Lord Folkestone complained, who were inlisted out of the prisons into that a considerable number of foreigners the regiment have been since discharged. had been inlisted out of the prisons into the I noticed before, that, at the same time 10th Regiment of Light Dragoons, then that these Germans were taken out of pri


our noddles lead us so deep, that we can see proofs of victories in those very circumstances where the less thinking people of Europe can discover nothing but defeats.

sons, out of the service of the Emperor of | ing us in the face, we shall hardly be such France, to be put into the Prince of Wales's brutes as to be persuaded, that Napoleon own regiment, there existed in the regi- has been experiencing reverses.The ment regulations which forbade the inlist-hirelings of the press tell us, that his army ing of Irishmen. This fact was stated in has been beaten here and beaten there'; the House of Commons, and Colonel Pal- that the Russians have killed so many thoumer, the junior Lieutenant-Colonel of the sands and wounded so many thousands ; regiment, avowed that there were instruc- nay, they have already (according to our tions given to the recruiting officers, not to hired writers) killed and wounded more inlist Irishmen, which instructions must, men than Napoleon has in his army. But, of course, have proceeded from the PRINCE while all these Russian victories are going HIMSELF as Colonel, or from Mr. QUINTIN on, the Emperor advances towards Moscow, as senior Lieutenant-Colonel.—It is not and the Czar goes thither before him! Odd for me to say positively what were the rea-proofs of Russian victories! But we are a sons for preferring Germans taken out of a thinking people. The most thinking peoprison; what were the reasons for prefer-ple in all Europe. We are so profound; ring Germans taken in the service of France, to the natives of Ireland, who had never been in any service, or in none but that of their own King; what were, or could be, -In the Peninsula, indeed, we see with the reasons for this, it is not for me positively to say; but, it is for me to say, be- different eyes. There our thinking faculcause it is my feeling, that I think a thou-ties lead us to perceive proofs of defeat in sand Irishmen worth, as soldiers, any five the retreat of the French. Our General is thousand Germans that ever wore whiskers. got on to Madrid; he is got into the heart -However, I shall now, for the present, of Spain, and the French have retreated bequit the subject. All I wished to do was, fore him. These we take for indubitable to furnish the means of making it clearly un-proofs of victory on our part and of defeat derstood by the public. Time will do the rest, on the part of the French. without any violent efforts on the part of the press. Much must be left to Time, and it is great folly for men to fret and chafe themselves, if they can avoid it, because events appear tardy in their progress. Every man ought to do what he can; but, it would be best for no man to attempt what he cannot do. The public will, after all, or, at least it ought, to judge for itself. The thing is of no more importance to me than it is to any one else. I shall neither gain nor lose by the employment of Germans.

It is curious to observe how differently we thinking people reason with regard to what is passing in different parts of Europe! In the North, to retreat is a symptom of victory; in the South it is a sure mark of defeat. We did not, indeed, always reason thus as to the operations of the armies in the South. There was a time when Talavera retreated, and with such rapidity as hardly to take time to look behind him. We did not then look upon a retreat as a mark of defeat; no, but we sang victory at every spot where our army stopped and turned round NORTHERN WAR.-In the present num- and made a momentary stand; and, we asber and the last I insert the Bulletins of the serted, that our retreat was by design; that Grand French army as far as they have it was in consequence of a plan laid for gone; for, as in all former instances, I am drawing the enemy on, though we can now persuaded, they will, in the end, prove to discover no possibility of there being such be the true, and the only true, history of a design on the part of the French Marshals the campaign. These Bulletins are, by in Spain. So that, upon the whole, this our hired prints, said to be full of false- appears to be our notion; that, when we or hoods. May be so; but, at any rate, the our allies retreat before the French, then to facts which they state do not appear to re-retreat is a mark of victory; and that, when ceive any positive contradiction; and, one thing we are certain of, that the places, whence they are dated, are the real places where Napoleon is at the time of dating them. This being the case; this fact being undeniable, we know that the French army get nearer and nearer to the capital of the Russian Empire; and, with this fact star


the French retreat before us, or our allies, then to retreat is a mark of defeat. This is the notion inculcated by our hired writers, who form at least five-sixths of the newspaper editors in London, and, indeed, in the counties; and this is the notion which their readers in general have adopted. Oh! we are as the sinecure placeman, Lord

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