
"tween His Majesty and the Courts of St. (unfortunate and infamous to Sweden if he "Petersburgh and Stockholm.—I have "directed copies of the Treaties to be laid "before you.In a contest for his own "rights and for the independence of his "dominions, the Emperor of Russia has "had to oppose a large proportion of the "military resources of the French Govern"ment, assisted by its Allies and tributary "States dependent upon it. The resistance "which he has opposed to so formidable a "combination cannot fail to excite senti-treating him with such scandalous abuse; "ments of lasting admiration. By his "own magnanimity and perseverance, by "the zeal and disinterestedness of all ranks "of his subjects, and by the gallantry, "firmness, and intrepidity of his forces, "the presumptuous expectations of the "enemy have been signally disappointed. "The enthusiasm of the Russian nation has "increased with the difficulties of the con66 test, and the dangers with which it is “surrounded.—————They have submitted to "sacrifices without an example in the history of civilized nations; and I entertain a confident hope, that the determined perseverance of his Imperial Majesty will "be crowned with ultimate success; and "the contest in its result have the effect "of establishing, upon a foundation never "to be shaken, the independence and se"curity of the Russian empire.--The "proof of confidence I have received in the 66 measure of sending the Russian fleet to "the ports of this country, is in the highest "degree gratifying; and His Imperial Ma"jesty may most fully rely on my fixed "determination to afford him my most cor"dial support in the great contest in which "he is engaged."

were suffered to remain. These gentlemen, these hirelings, these vile traders in politics, will now lose no time in discovering, that the man, whom they represented as a monster, is now a very worthy gentleman, and they will bear in mind, that to call him names now, would subject them to a pretty fair chance of a sojourning in Newgate or in Lincoln jail. I told them of this at the time that they were



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I told them that I should see the day when they would not dare to speak of my old brother Serjeant with disrespect. My prediction is already verified. I dare them to repeat what they said of him two years ago. This treaty, these relations of Peace and friendship, which His Royal Highness has been graciously pleased to establish between our King and a Crown, the successor to which was once, and not long ago, a Serjeant, and, of course, once a private Soldier, delights me to the heart. pleases me much more than the treaty formed with Russia; and it does so because I think that it tends more to the good, not only of the people of England, but of mankind in general. It says, in language which nothing can resist, that great talents and great virtues are not to be borne down by either pride or intrigue.Very different indeed are my feelings with respect to what His Royal Highness has been pleased to say in regard to the war in Russia. And, I can hardly believe my eyes, when I read that the Regent has told the parliament that the resistance which has been made to the French in Russia, "cannot fail to excite sentiments of lasting

taining such sentiments, that I am really afraid to express the sentiments that I entertain upon the subject; and I am sure the reader will agree with me in expressing an anxious hope, that such a resistance as the Russians have made to the French, would not content His Royal Highness in the case of an invasion of England; that England, in such a case, would not be defended as Russia has been defended; that it would not be defended by laying waste the country and setting fire to the Capital; that the "enthusiasm" of English people would be shown by rushing to the field to meet the enemy, and not by the burning of houses; that the sort of “sa

In the pleasure which His Royal Highness" admiration." So far am I from enterappears to feel at the conclusion of Peace with Sweden I amply participate; because in forming connexions of peace and friendship with that Country, His Royal Highness has been graciously pleased virtually to acknowledge the CROWN PRINCE of Sweden in that capacity; and has therein done an act which effectually removes all our apprehensions, founded on the doctrine sometimes promulgated respecting the usurpations of Buonaparte and of those who have been elevated by him. The only persons, who will feel mortified upon this occasion, are those, who, about two years ago so vilified Bernadotte; who called him, a Serjeant of Sans-Culottes; who expressed their hope, their base and cowardly hope, that the Swedes would cut his throat; and who predicted every thing

crifices" which Englishmen would be disposed to make, would be that of their own liyes, in defence of their wives, their

children, their aged parents, the blind, Russians who had fought against him; and the lame, the bed ridden, the women in he has seen the Russian fleet sent off to the child-birth, and the wounded Soldier who ports of England; if his expectations exhad before fought their battles; and not! tended further, they must have been inorand not the sacrifice of the lives of all these dinate indeed.- What should we say, to their own personal safety, or out of re- if, upon the prospect of an invasion from venge against those whom they had not France, or if, upon an actual invasion, by resisted in the field.His Royal High- the French in Ireland, the government ness has better means than I have of know- were to send off the fleet to Portugal, for ing to what extent the Czar will persevere, instance? What should we say? Let us and of guessing upon the probability of his have no shuffling; no ifs, and ands, and efforts being crowned with ultimate suc-buls; but let us have a plain, a simple cess. He also is more likely to be well acquainted with the "zeal and disinterestedness of all ranks of the Czar's sub"jects, and with the gallantry, firmness, "and intrepidity of his forces ;" but, I must confess, that, with my limited means of judging, I cannot help believing, that the circumstance of the Russian fleet being sent to the ports of this Country, though it may be, as the Regent says it is, a proof of the Czar's confidence, highly gratifying to His Royal Highness, is no very good proof of the Czar's confidence in either his people or his army; or, at least, that it is no very good proof of his confidence in his means of defence against Buonaparté; for if he had such confidence; if he could safely rely upon his people and his army for the defence of his dominions; if he were in no apprehension that his dominions would finally fall into the hands of the enemy, why, in the name of common sense, should he think of sending his fleet to the ports of this country ?Let those who differ from me in opinion answer this question. Nor can I agree with the Speech, that the expectations of the enemy in Russia have been proved to have been presumptuous, or that they have been signally disappointed. What could an invader hope to do, in so short a space of time, more than to march six hundred miles through an empire and take possession of its Capital? That Capital was burnt, and, as our news-writers have asserted, by order of the Czar himself. Even they, I suppose, will allow, that nothing short of the most desperate circumstances could have "I have the satisfaction further to acwarranted such an act; and if the circum-"quaint you, that I have concluded astances of the empire of Russia were ren- Treaty with His Sicilian Majesty, supdered so desperate by the advance, of the plementary to the Treaties of 1808 and French, how could the invasion be called " 1809. -As soon as the Ratifications presumptuous? The invader has severed" shall have been exchanged, I will direct from the Empire of Russia four millions of "a Copy of this Treaty to be laid before its subjects. If he were to stop there, has" you. My object has been to provide his expectations been disappointed? He" for the more extensive application of seen the ancient Capital of Russia "the military force of the Sicilian Goburnt, and with it thirty thousand of those "vernment to offensive operations; a


answer to the question; and, whoever does give such an answer, will confess, that we should say, that the government expected the French, or, at least, that they were in great fear that the French would become masters of the whole country, and that they themselves would be compelled to follow the fleet. And would it be very. consoling to the heart of an Englishman; would it be very flattering to his national pride, to be informed, that the sovereign of the country to whom our fleet was sent had regarded it as a mark of great confi-dence in him on the part of our government ?- -The concluding part of the Regent's Speech, as far as it relates to Russia, is rather obscure; but, I gather from it, that it will not be very long before we shall hear of some proposition for granting money to the Emperor of Russia. Regent does, indeed, say no more than that his Imperial Majesty may most fully rely upon his most cordial support. But, in what way is he to yield him support? Send an army he scarcely will attempt in the present state of the war in Spain; and as to sending him a fleet, that would be a strange proceeding indeed at the very moment when the Czar is sending his own fleet away to England. In the history of all the wars in the world and of all the alliances, an instance of such a proceeding is not to be found; except, indeed, some persons should be inclined to discover an analogous case in the interchange of the English and Irish militias-The next topic is that of Sicily.



Upon this subject I shall say nothing at present. A better opportunity will offer when the treaty here spoken of shall be made public. In the mean while, however, I beg the reader to bear in mind, that this Island of Sicily is costing us annually an immense sum of money; and that, so far from its having contributed hitherto towards the resistance of France, it has required a large part of our own army to defend it.The American war follows next.

"measure which, combined with the libe- | cently discussed, that I shall not here "ral and enlightened principles which trouble the reader with any inquiry re"happily prevail in the Councils of His specting them. But, as His Royal High"Sicilian Majesty, is calculated, I trust, ness is graciously pleased to tell us, that "to augment his power and resources, his best efforts are employed for the re"and at the same time to render them storation of peace with America, and to "essentially serviceable to the common add that he asks for support in the war ❝ cause." only upon the ground of his not being able to make Peace "withont sacrificing the "maritime rights of Great Britain," I cannot help observing, that I know of no maritime right that Great Britain has ever before contended for, and that the Americans call upon us to sacrifice. We have heard much talking about these maritime rights; but I have never yet heard one man clearly state what he means by them. The American government say that we have no right to stop their vessels at sea, and to take people out of them; and I say, "The Declaration of War by the Go- that this is a right that Great Britain never "vernment of the United States of Ame- before contended for, and I defy any man "rica was made under circumstances to show that any neutral nation in the "which might have afforded a reasonable world ever submitted to such a practice, "expectation that the amicable relations or that such a practice was ever before at"between the two nations would not long tempted. If there be any of the settled "be interrupted. It is with sincere regret maritime rights of England which the "that I am obliged to acquaint you, that Americans wish us to sacrifice, why are "the conduct and pretensions of that Go- they not named? It may be necessary; I "vernment have hitherto prevented the do not say, that circumstances may never "conclusion of any pacific arrangement. arise, to justify a government in doing that 66 -Their measures of hostility have which no established practice or principle "been principally directed against the warrants; but then, let it be avowed; let 66 adjoining British provinces, and every us know what it is we are contending for. "effort has been made to seduce the inha- I wish to see the rights for which we con"bitants of them from their allegiance to tend explicitly stated, and, then we might "His Majesty.The proofs, however, enter upon the discussion with some pros"which I have received of loyalty and at-pect of arriving at the truth.His Roy"tachment from His Majesty's subjects in al Highness complains of attempts at "se"North America, are highly satisfactory." duction," on the part of the Americans. -The attempts of the enemy to in- This phrase, with due submission, is "vade Upper Canada have not only proved badly chosen. It was not an attempt at se"abortive, but, by the judicious ar- duction, which implies something secret or rangements of the Governor-General, underhanded; whereas that which the "and by the skill and decision with Yankees did was open and in the face of "which the military operations have day; it was an act of war; it was by open "been conducted, the forces of the enemy proclamation after a declaration of war; "assembled for that purpose in one quar- it was an invitation, but no attempt at se"ter have been compelled to capitulate, duction. The term seduction is properly and in another have been completely applied, when a government is base enough, "defeated.- -My best efforts are not while at peace and in apparent amity with wanting for the restoration of the rela- another, to endeavour, by the means of tions of peace and amity between the two bribes or otherwise, to seduce the citizens 66 countries; but until this object can be or subjects of that other; an act of which none "attained without sacrificing the maritime but the very vilest and most corrupt govern"rights of Great Britain, I shall rely ments, in the days of their decline, when,like upon your cordial support in a vigorous old bawds, they resort to all sorts of quackery "prosecution of the war." in order to prop up a rotten constitution à little longer, are ever guilty; an act, in short, which is never resorted to but by


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As to the causes of this war they have been so frequently, so amply, and so re


men who ought to make their exit from the "the wisdom of Parliament, I have reason gallows tree. I do not commend the in- " to place the fullest confidence. The vitation of the Americans; but, it is very same firmness and perseverance which different from acts such as that which I have been manifested on so many and have just been speaking of. The Cana-" such trying occasions will not, I am dians will not be gained over, I am sure, "persuaded, be wanting, at a time when by invitations. Invitations will weigh" the eyes of all Europe, and of the world, very little with them. They will, in all" are fixed upon you. I can assure you, likelihood, be influenced by their feelings." that in the exercise of the great trust reIf they have a good government, they will "posed in me, I have no sentiment so wish to keep it; and will, no doubt, fight" near my heart as the desire to promote, in its defence. -The Speech concludes" by every means in my power, the real "prosperity, and lasting happiness of His "Majesty's subjects."


Gentlemen of the House of Commons, "I have ordered the estimates of the "ensuing year to be laid before you, and "I entertain no doubt of your readiness "to furnish such supplies as may enable

to provide for the great interests "committed to my charge, and to afford "the best prospect of bringing the con"test in which His Majesty is engaged to a successful termination..

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"The approaching expiration of the "Charter of the East India Company, "renders it necessary that I should call your early attention to the propriety of "providing effectually for the future Go66 vernment of the provinces of India."In considering the variety of interests "which are connected with this important "subject, I rely on your wisdom for mak"ing such arrangements as may best pro




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As to the East India Company, it is of no consequence to the people of England what is done respecting it. That, at any rate, is my opinion. the Treasury and the Bank will all go on The Company and together; and, I believe, I may add, the War.- -There are two points in the Speech of which I must express my decided approbation; or, if I may be allowed the expression, there are two points which are not in it, which I very much. admire. I mean the omission of two topics: to wit: the boasting about our flourishing finances; and the appeal to Divine Providence. These omissions are a wonderful improvement, and I heartily congratulate His Royal Highness and the country thereon.


Botley, 2d Dec. 1812.



Downing Street, Nov. 27, 1812. Captain Fulton, Aid-de-camp to Lieutenant-general Sir G. Prevost, arrived late last night, with a dispatch from that officer, addressed to Earl Bathurst, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, of which the following is a copy :

mote the prosperity of the British pos"sessions in that quarter, and at the same "time secure the greatest advantages to "the commerce and revenue of His Ma"jesty's dominions.I have derived 66 great satisfaction from the success of the 66 measures which have been adopted for suppressing the spirit of outrage and in"subordination which had appeared in some parts of the country, and from the disposition which has been manifested to "take advantage of the indemnity held out to the deluded by the wisdom and "benevolence of Parliament.I trust "I shall never have occasion to lament Head-quarters, Montreal, Oct. 21, 1812. "the recurrence of atrocities so repugnant MY LORD,- have the satisfaction of to the British character, and that all reporting to your Lordship, that His Ma"His Majesty's subjects will be impressed jesty's forces, aided by the militia and In"with the conviction, that the happinessdians stationed on the Niagara frontier, have "of individuals, and the welfare of the completely repelled a second attempt of the "State equally depend upon strict obe- enemy to invade Upper Canada, and that dience to-the laws, and an attachment a victory has been gained which has left to our excellent Constitution.- In the in our possession nine hundred of the Ame"loyalty of His Majesty's people, and in rican army, and their commander Brigadier


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Gen. Wadsworth, who surrendered himself on the field of battle to Major-General Sheaffe. His Majesty and the country have to deplore the loss of an able and most gallant officer in Major General Brock, who feil early in the battle, at the head of the flank companies of the 49th regiment, while nobly encouraging them to sustain their position, in opposition to an infinitely superior force, until the reinforcements he had ordered to advance to their support should arrive. For further particulars of this splendid affair, I beg leave to refer your Lordship to Major-General Sheaffe's report, herewith transmitted. I also transmit a general order I have just issued to the forces in the British American provinces on the occasion of this important success, as it contains a statement of the services rendered by all who had the good fortune to maintain on that day the fame of His Majesty's arms, and to convince our deJuded neighbours that their superiority in numbers cannot intimidate His Majesty's army, nor shake the fidelity of his Canadian subjects.Not having received the return of the killed and wounded on the 13th, nor that of the ordnance and stores captured from the enemy, I am under the necessity of deferring sending them to your Lordship until the next opportunity, when I also expect to forward the colours taken from the Americans, to be laid at the feet of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent. Captain Fulton, my Aid-de camp, will have the honour of delivering this dispatch to your Lordship. He is very capable of affording such information as your Lordship may require respecting the state of His Majesty's Canadian provinces. Eight companies of the Glengary levy are in motion to reinforce Upper Canada. I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) GEO. PREVOST, Commander of the Forces.

Fort George, Oct. 13, 1812. SIR, I have the honour of informing your Excellency, that the enemy made an attack with a considerable force this morning before daylight, on the position of Queenstown. On receiving intelligence of it, Major-General Brock immediately proceeded to that post, and I am excessively grieved in having to add, that he fell whilst gallantly cheering his troops to an exertion for maintaining it. With him, the position was lost; but the enemy was not allow Dited to retain it long. Reinforcements hav

beeh sent up from this post, composed

of regular troops, militia, and Indians, a movement was made to turn his left, while some artillery, under the able direction of Captaiu Holcroft, supported by a body of infantry, engaged his attention in front. This operation was aided, too, by the judicious position which Norton, and the Indians with him, had taken on the woody brow of the high ground above Queenstown. A communication being thus opened with Chipawa, a junction was formed with succours that had been ordered from that post. The enemy was then attacked, and, after a short but spirited conflict, was com pletely defeated. I had the satisfaction of receiving the sword of their commander, Brigadier-General Wadsworth, on the field of battle; and many officers, with upwards of nine hundred men, were made prisoners, and more may yet be expected. A stand of colours and one six-pounder were also taken. The action did not terminate till nearly three o'clock in the afternoon, and their loss in killed and wounded must have been considerable. Our's I believe to have been comparatively small in numbers; no officer was killed besides Major-General Brock, one of the most gallant and zealous officers in His Majesty's service, whose loss cannot be too much deplored, and Lieutenant-Colonel M'Donnell, Provincial Aidde-camp, whose gallantry and merit rendered him worthy of his chief.-Captains Dennis and Williams, commanding the flank companies of the 49th regiment, which were stationed at Queenstown, were wounded, bravely contending, at the head of their men, against superior numbers; but I am glad to have it in my power to add, that Capt. Dennis fortunately was able to keep the field, though with pain and difficulty: and Captain Williams's wound is not likely to deprive me long of his services. I am particularly indebted to Captain Holcroft, of the Royal Artillery, for his judicious and skilful co-operation with the guns and howitzers under his immediate superintendence, the well-directed fire from which contributed materially to the fortunate result of the day.— Captain Derenzy, of the 41st regiment, brought up the reinforcements of that corps from Fort George; and Captain Bullock led that of the same regiment from Chipawa; and under their command those detachments acquitted themselves in such a manner as to sustain the reputation which the 41st regiment had already acquired in the vicinity of Detroit.Major-General Brock, soon after his arrival at Queens

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