
to have preceded the retreat of the remain- the 20th of October, took the Polish Geing troops.It is reported that Buona-neral Konotkoff with the whole of the 3d parté travels in a coach, accompanied by regiment of Hulans, of the French guard. Murat, who has received a contusion in his knee, and Berthier.It is hardly to be conceived that this rear-guard at least can continue its march without halting, in which case, with the assistance of the light troops, the Russian army will be enabled to overtake them. They have before them the gallant and active Count Wittgenstein, whose character for zeal and enterprise is so well established; and they have also, on the Minsk road, to encounter Admiral Tchichagoff, with the Moldavian Army, which, it is to be hoped, may have time and notice either to unite with Count Wittgenstein to wait for them on the above named road, or to move to either flank. -Marshal Kutusow has sent out, among others, a considerable detachment, which was at Elnee, nearer to Smolensko, under Lieutenant-General Shepetoff, on the 1st of November, and which may have the means of interposing delay. Thus the fruits of the incursions of the French to Moscow, at the expense of the lives of so many brave Officers and men, seem to have been limited to the burning and destruction of that city, and to the ruin and desolation of the inhabitants and proprietors near the great road, and in the vicinity of Moscow; while, on the other hand, it will, to the latest period of history, reflect lustre on the spirit and patriotism of the Russian Empire.

---The last accounts from Count Wittgenstein are dated the 3d November, at, Tchasnik, two stages east of Lepel. After the affair of Polotzk, that General detached a corps to observe Mac Donald, whilst he sent General Steinheil on the road to Vilna, who, after having cut off the Bavarian corps from that of St. Cyr, and entirely dispersed it, with the loss of cannon and colours, joined Count Wittgenstein, who proceeded to attack the remainder of the French under the command of Legrand, Marshal St. Cyr having retired on account of his wound. This corps was reinforced by Marshal Victor at the head of fifteen thousand men, and, having taken post near Tchasnik, was there defeated on the 31st October by Count Wittgenstein, who considering the enemy's position a good one for himself, has continued to occupy it, detaching a corps to take possession of Witepst.-Admiral Tchichagoff's last dispatches of the 22d of October, from Breslitow, report the success of a detach ment under General Tchaplitz, who, on

-Prince Schwartzenberg had crossed the Bog, without giving the Admiral an opportunity of bringing him to action.— Admiral Tchichagoff and Count Wittgenstein had reciprocally sent detachments to ascertain each other's position.—Sir Ro bert Wilson, with his usual activity, has been in every action, and has contrived to see every remarkable occurrence; his last dispatches are dated at Viasma, the 4th of November; his accounts tally with the Official Bulletins, which have been published here. Lord Tyrconnel has joined Admiral Tchichagoff, by whom he has been received with every possible attention; his letters, of the 22d of October, have been received by Sir Robert Wilson, at Viasma, and by myself. His Lordship speaks in high terms of the condition of all the corps of that army, which he had until then had the means of seeing.Having obtained the Emperor's permission for Major-General Dornburg to serve as a volunteer in the army under General Count Wittgenstein, I have given to that General Officer instructions similar to those of Sir Robert Wilson and Lord Tyrconnel, and I expect by the next courier to have the pleasure of learning his safe arrival at the head-quarters of that army.I have the honour to be, &c.


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patched from the head-quarters of Marshal received a report from General Platow, of Kutusow, at Elnee, on the 9th November. his having overtaken four divisious of the The Field-Marshal reports that the French army, under the command of flight of the enemy continues with increased Beauharnois, upon the road from Dorogoprecipitation; and that the pursuit, by the bugsh to Doughovtchstchina.That Geseveral corps of the Russian army, has been neral states, that the Cossacks charged constant, vigorous, and successful; a part through this body, dividing it into two only of the relation of the affairs which parts, with great slaughter and the caphave taken place has, as yet been publish- ture of sixty-two pieces of ordnance, which ed; the remainder is in the press: the fol- had been already brought in and counted, lowing are the most important particulars. and some standards; many plans and pa-On the 5th November General Mil-pers of consequence, and upwards of 3,000 Jaradovitch reached a village forty verts prisoners, among which, as well as among from Viasma, on the road to Smolensko, the killed, are many Officers of rank and in pursuit of the enemy. General Platow distinction.- Part of the remains of this marched to the right of the road, to endea- corps fled in the direction of Dorogobugsh, vour to reach the head of the column, and the other part, in the direction of while the main army moved on the left of Doughovichstchina, closely pursued by the it, under the Field-Marshal, towards Cossacks and light cavalry. General Elnee. Sir Robert Wilson describes the Sanson, Quarter-Master-General of the march on the main road as one which ex- whole French army, was taken, with 500 hibited scenes of destruction without ex- men of different ranks, upon the right flank ample in modern war, from the number of General Platow, near Doughovtchstchina. of dead and dying men and carcasses of horses, many of them cut up for food; peasants' houses every where on fire, ammunition carriages blowing up, and quantities of wreck of every description.It may be observed that the frost is set in, and is stated to have been from 10 to 15 degrees.The effect of famine, fatigue, and cold upon a flying army, through a country full of exasperated peasants, may be easily understood.--In the course of this march the Cossacks took standards from the Hulans of the Imperial guard, who are left behind with the army now retreating, and the enemy also abandoned a howitzer. -On the morning of the 7th November, General Millaradovitch entered Dorogobugsh. The enemy attempted some re. sistance, but was driven from his advant-leaving that town upon his right hand, and ageous position by the Russian chasseurs, with the loss of 300 men taken prisoners, exclusive of the sick and wounded. In this attack, and on the preceding day, one howitzer and three guns were taken, and upwards of 140 ammunition waggons. The number killed at this place must have been very great, but I have not yet heard it estimated. Two Russian officers of note were retaken on this occasion. The enemy are described to be in a state of much in

Major-General Kutosow, who has been intrusted with the command of the corps lately under the orders of General Winzingerode, had, by extraordinary forced marches, reached the main army with his cavalry. An officer has been intercepted with letters from Beauharnois, which will be published to-morrow, and which will afford indelible proof of the state in which Buonaparte has left this part of his army. These letters are addressed to Berthier.It does not appear that the march of the French Guards, and of the 1st division has been effected without great loss, many of their bodies having been found on the road.--Field-Marshal Kutusow intended to continue his march upon Krasnoy, two stages beyond Smolensko,

intersecting the communications towards
Mohiloff.I have not heard that it is
ascertained where Buonaparte himself was
on the 9th of November.The first
Bulletin, containing General Platow's Re-
port, is herewith enclosed.

I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) CATHCART.

subordination, and it was understood that Twenty-eighth Bulletin of the French Grand

their march is directed upon Smolensko.

On the 9th of November, Marshal Kutusow had arrived at Elnee, where he

• Reaumur.


Smolensko, Nov. 11. The Imperial head-quarters were, on the 1st of November, at Viasma; and on the 9th, at Smolensko. The weather was very fine up to the 6th, but on the 7th

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winter began. The ground is covered with of Count de Wittgenstein. I have spoke snow. The roads have become very slip-to you of the reinforcements which he had pery and very difficult for carriage horses. received from St. Petersburgh, and which We have lost many men by cold and fa- amounted to 17,000 men, including in that tigue; night bivouacings are very injurious number 6 or 8,000 men which had been to them.Since the battle of Malocaros- scraped together in St. Petersburgh and its lawitz, the advanced guard has seen no environs. He has further received the other enemy than the Cossacks, who, like 21st division, which was fresh arrived the Arabs, hover upon the flanks, and fly from Finland; one part of this division about to annoy.On the 2d, at two in only has had an engagement in an affair the afternoon, 12,000 Russian infantry, against the Prussians. They formed a covered by a cloud of Cossacks, intercepted junction with the troops under Wittgenthe communication, a league distance from stein, at Disna, on the 16th, at the moViasma, between the Prince of Eckmuhl ment when he had dislodged the post which and the Viceroy. The Prince of Eckmuhl I had placed there. On the 18th, at six and the Viceroy marched upon this column, o'clock in the morning, M. de Wittgendrove it from the road, and overthrew it stein debouched before Polotsk, in four in the wood, took a Major-General, with columns, and extending his troops past a good number of prisoners, and carried my position, and profiting by the enormous off six pieces of cannon; since that time superiority of which he was possessed, to we have not again seen the Russian infan- take the reverse, and, without any danger, try, but only Cossacks.Since the bad make himself master of the position which weather, from the 6th, we have lost more I had occupied on the left bank of the Pothan 3,000 carriage horses, and nearly lota, in the face of that which he had be100 caissons have been destroyed.--Ge- fore occupied on the Drissa. His first neral Wittgenstein having been reinforced serious attack was made against a battery by the Russian division from Finland, and (a barbette), which I had caused to be by a great number of troops from the mi-established in an advantageous position, litia, attacked, on the 18th of October, and which it was necessary, at any rate, Marshal Gouvion St. Cyr; he was re- to occupy, in order not to expose to the pulsed by that Marshal and General Wrede, enemy the weakest part of my position; who took more than 3,000 prisoners, and that is to say, the front of the town, which covered the field of battle with his dead. offered no other difficulty than a palanka, the front of which I had covered; but which not being yet finished, was every where open, and principally at the two little bastions which were to support it; but were as yet scarcely marked out. I, nevertheless, brought some pieces of cannon there, which did us service.

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-On the 20th inst. Marshal Gouvion St. Cyr having been informed that Marshal the Duke of Belluno, with the 9th corps, was marching to reinforce him, repassed the Dwina, and marched to meet him, in order, on having effected a junction with him, to fight Wittgenstein, and oblige him to repass the Dwina. Marshal Gou-battery de la Thuillerie was taken and revion St. Cyr bestows the highest eulogiums taken three or four times. It was defended upon his troops.-The Swiss division by the troops of the 8th division, comdistinguished itself by its sang froid and manded by the General of Division Maison. bravery. Colonel Guchenew, of the 26th-The defence of this front of the attack Regiment of Light Infantry, was wounded; Marshal St. Cyr received a ball in the foot; Marshal the Duke of Reggio has arrived to replace him, and retaken the command of the 2d corps.-The health of the Emperor has never been better.

Report of Monsieur the Marshal Gouvion St. Cyr to His Highness the Prince Major-General.

October 20.

By my last, of the 17th inst., I informed your Highness, that the 2d corps would probably be attacked on the following day -by all the forces united, under the orders

does him infinite honour, as likewise to the corps charged with its defence; that is to say, the 2d and 37th of the line, and the 11th of light infantry; as likewise two squadrons of the 14th regiment of cuirassiers, commanded by M. Remberg; two squadrons of the light troops of the 8th lancers and 20th chasseurs, commanded by the Chef d'Escadron Curel, who led the right of the 8th division, and whose conduct in all the charges which he received or made against forces so disproportionate as theirs, merits the greatest enlogiums. The enemy deployed another of his co(To be continued.


'As illustrated in the Prosecution and Punishment of



In order that my countrymen and that the two sureties in the sum of 1,000 pounds each; world may not be deceived, duped, and cheated that the whole of this sentence has been executed upon this subject, I, WILLIAM COBBETT, upon me, that I have been imprisoned the two of Botley, in Hampshire, put upon record years, have paid the thousand pounds TO THE the following facts; to wit: That, on the 24th KING, and have given the bail, Timothy Brown June, 1809, the following article was pub- and Peter Walker, Esqrs. being my sureties; lished in a London news-paper, called the that the Attorney General was Sir Vicary Gibbs, COURIER:- "The Mutiny amongst the LO- the Judge who sat at the trial Lord Ellenborough, “CAL MILITIA, which broke out at Ely, was the four Judges who sat at passing sentence Ellen"fortunately suppressed on Wednesday by the borough, Grose, Le Blanc, and Bailey; and that "arrival of four squadrons of the GERMAN the jurors were, Thomas Rhodes of Hampstead "LEGION CAVALRY from Bury, under the Road, John Davis of Southampton Place, James "command of General Auckland. Five of the Ellis of Tottenham Court Road, Jolm Richards «ringleaders were tried by a Court-Martial, and of Bayswater, Thomas Marsham of Baker Street, "sentenced to receive 500 lashes each, part of which Robert Heathcote of High Street Marylebone, punishment they received on Wednesday, and John Maud of York Place Marylebone, George a part was remitted. A stoppage for their knup- Bagster of Church Terrace Pancras, Thomas sucks was the ground of the complaint that ex Taylor of Red Lion Square, David Deane of St. "cited this mutinous spirit, which occasioned John Street, William Palmer of Upper Street “the men to surround their officers, and demand Islington, Henry Favre of Pall Mall; that the "what they deemed their arrears. The first Prime Ministers during the time were Spencer "division of the German Legion halted yesterday Perceval, until he was shot by John Bellingham, "at Newmarket on their return to Bury." and after that Robert B. Jenkinson, Earl of LiThat, on the 1st July, 1809, I published, in the verpool; that the prosecution and sentence took Political Register, an article censuring, in the place in the reign of King George the Third, and strongest terms, these proceedings; that, for so that, he having become insane during my impridoing, the Attorney General prosecuted, as sedi- soument, the 1,000 pounds was paid to his son, tious libellers, and by Ex-Officio Information, the Prince Regent, in his behalf; that, during my me, and also my printer, my publisher, and one imprisonment, I wrote and published 364 Essays of the principal retailers of the Political Register; and Letters upon political subjects; that, during that I was brought to trial on the 15th June, the same time, I was visited by persons from 197 1810, and was, by a Special Jury, that is to say, cities and towns, many of them as a sort of depuby 12 men out of 48 appointed by the Master of tics from Societies or Clubs; that, at the expirathe Crown Office, found guilty; that, on the tion of my imprisonment, on the 9th of July, 1812, 20th of the same month, I was compelled to give a great dinner was given in London for the purbail for my appearance to receive judgment; pose of receiving me, at which dinner upwards of and that, as I came up from Botley (to which 600 persons were present, and at which Sir place I had returned to my family and my farm Francis Burdett presided; that dinners and other on the evening of the 15th), a Tipstaff went parties were held on the same occasion in many down from London in order to seize me, per- other places in England; that, on my way honre, sonally; that, on the 9th of July, 1810, L, toge. I was received at Alton, the first town in Hampther with my printer, publisher, and the news-shire, with the ringing of the Church bells; that man, were brought into the Court of King's Bench to receive judgment; that the three for mer were sentenced to be imprisoned for o me months in the King's Bench prison; that I was sentenced to be imprisoned for two years in Newgate, the great receptacle for malefactors, and the front of which is the scene of numerous -hangings in the course of every year; that the part of the prison in which I was sentenced to be confined is sometimes inhabited by felons, that felons were actually in it at the time I entered it; that one man was taken out of it to be transported in about 48 hours after I was put into the - same yard with him; and that it is the place of confinement for mon guilty of unnatural crimes, of whom there are four in it at this time; that, besides this imprisonment, I was sentenced to pay a thousand pounds TO THE KING, and to give security for my good behaviour for seven years, myself in the sum of 3,000 pounds, and

a respectable company met me and gave me a dinner at Winchester; that I was drawn from more than the distance of a mile into Botley by the people; that, upon my arrival in the village, I found all the people assembled to receive me; that I concluded the day by explaining to them the cause of my imprisonment, and by giving them clear notions respecting the flogging of the Local Militia-men at Ely, and respecting the employment of German Troops; and, finally, which is more than a compensation for my losses and all my sufferings, I am in perfect health and strength, and, though I must, for the sake of six children, feel the diminution that has been made in my property (thinking it right in me to decline the offer of a subscription), I have the consolation to see growing up three sons, upon whose hearts, trust, all these facts will be engraven.

Botley, July 23, 1812.



Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden.
LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black Horse-Court, Fleet-street.

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"British Parliament to bring forward such SUMMARY OF POLITICS.. a proposition. Causelessly to disturb the REGENCY.-On the 9th instant, Sir country, needlessly to agitate the minds of Francis Burdett gave notice in the House" men, to introduce (if possible) confusion of Commons, that, after the recess, he "and disunion, are so obviously its feashould bring forward a motion for the in-"tures, that while we name them, it is troduction of a bill, the object of which "only to express our pity and contempt of should be, to provide, that the Regency the weakness that could think the means should devolve on the Princess Charlotte" efficient for the purpose. We have no of Wales, in case the Prince Regent should" doubt but the propriety, the indignation die while his father continued in his present" of Parliament will quash so despicable state of incapacity to govern.On this an attempt in its bud. The distinguished proposition, which so many circumstances few may make their inflammatory speeches, concur to render proper, I should have said" and endeavour to disseminate their base nothing at present, had it not been for an "poisons, but the understanding of the article, which, the day after the making of" country is too good to suffer such miserthe motion, was published in the Morning" able efforts to pass without a record of Post news-paper. That article, however," abhorrence for their motives, though althe sentiments of which were echoed in the lied to compassion for the weakness of Courier of the same day, and which senti-" their force. For the present we shall ments are obviously those which the bó-"not enter at large into the movement of rough-mongers would wish to inculcate," this malignant theme ;-suffice it to say, calls aloud for animadversion.The ar- "that neither the time, nor the circumticle was as follows: In speaking of "stances of our situation, nor the nature of "the tyranny of Buonaparte, we have fre- things, nor the calculation of human "quently heard it advanced that a Despot" probability, call in the slightest degree "Could not stand still, that a rotatory mofor the discussion of this measure. For "tion, like that of the spheres, was neces- what, then, is it stirred, beyond keeping 22 sary to keep the body politic in its orbit," alive the name of the Pride of the West"and fix the prime central force in security;" minster Junta, who can so well appre"and we have subscribed to the doctrine," ciate the military merits of a Welling"because we have seen that Buonaparté "ton, to try if it is within the abilities "had neither the means of rest or repose "of the vilest faction that ever overstepped "within his circle of power. The same "remark applied to a Despot, may be ap-" "plied to a Demagogue. It is not in his

"the license of freedom in a free country, and by their actions proved how far that which is our greatest blessing can be power to be still; he cannot say, here I converted into our curse?-The subject "am safe, and it is needless to go further;" is of too delicate a nature to admit of "an impulse more potent than his own "premature consideration; we shall con"propels him, and he must advance, for "tent ourselves with directing the attention "retreat is impossible.Sir Francis" of the honest and the loyal part of the "Burdett gave a melancholy example of "community to the treacherous design, and "this in the House of Commons last night, leave it to those who have more-authority "when he gave notice of a motion (for in" than ourselves to stifle it by manly resist"motion he must be) to secure the Regency "ance. The snake, scotched last session, "of the Kingdom to the Princess Char-" is yet swelling with venom, and, though lotte of Wales, in the event of the de-" insignificant in itself, is yet to be gnadcease of the Prince Regent before the "ed against, as the spreading of ils venom "King.It would be to abuse common" is injurious to the wholesome body of the sense, to offer a hint at the motives State."It is not much more than a "which could induce any Member of the mouth, since this same news-paper, follow

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