TIONS. NAME OF FIRM, TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS. TELEPHONE NO Skeffington Smith/Elder Skeffington & Son Language, London 7435 Central. Smith, Elder & Co. Senones, Charles, London 1158 Regent. S. P.C. K. Soc. for Promoting Christian Knowledge Christian Knowledge, London. 3744 Gerrard. Sotheran Bookmen, London (Unicode and A.B.C.). 1515 Central. Fenspon, Charles, London 3450 Central. Zeitgeist, Rand, London 4284 Gerrard. Sotheran, Henry, & Co. Spon, E. & F. N. (Limited) Stanford, Edward (Limited) Sunday School Association Sunday School Union. Taylor, Charles Technical Publishing Co. (Limited) Thacker, W., & Co. Theosophical Publishing Society Thornton, Joseph, & Son Thynne, Chas. J.. Tuck, R., & Sons (Limited) University of Chicago Press Unwin, T. Fisher Walker, J., & Co. (Limited) Ward, Lock & Co. (Limited) Warren & Son (Limited), Winchester Washbourne, R. & T. (Limited). Watkins, John M. Whitaker, J., & Sons (Limited). Whitfield, King & Co.. Whittaker & Co.. Williams & Norgate Wilson, Alfred Wilson, Effingham Wright, John, & Sons (Limited) Year Book P. Year Book Press, The. THEIR long experience in High-class Illustrated Printing places Unwin Brothers, Limited, in an unique position, enables them to advise their friends in regard to every detail in connection with all descriptions of Printing. UNWIN BROTHERS, Limited, are also Manufacturing and Export Stationers, and can supply every description of Stationery at their City Warehouse, 15, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.C. INDEX TO THE WORKS CONTAINED IN The Reference Catalogue of Current Literature. The various Catalogues are arranged in alphabetical order, and the figures indicate the page in each Publisher's List on which the books mentioned in the Index may be found. Figures in Roman characters refer to Advertisement pages. In some form or other, every book in the Catalogue is indexed. As a rule the subject of the book is given, but in cases where it appeared necessary, books are indexed under the three headings of title, subject, and author's name. |