
374. 2. Inft. Cl. 449. Indenture of apprenticeship, Clif. 704. Breaking houfe, and taking bond, Ibid. 7.6. Forging a will, per quod plaintiff loft administra tion, Cl. Man. 381. Forging laft will, and making no mention of a legacy bequeathed to plaintiff, lbid. 385. Breaking clofe, treading down grafs, and cancelling a leafe, Bro. Vad. 406. And cancelling bond, Bro. Met. 374. Tearing bond, 2. Inft. Cl. 449. Han. 220.

By husband and wife, for breaking open wife's cheft, and carrying away bond, Reg. 95. By church wardens, for tearing an annuity deed in their cuftody, and breaking the feal, Ibid. 106. Against an abbot and monks, for a deed by which they were held to maintain plaintiff in food and clothing till marriage, Ibid. 94


For breaking clofe, houfe and cheft broken open, carrying away fheep, and goods and chattels there found, and deeds, writings, and other muniments in the cheft, Reg. 110.

For a will for affirmance of title brought into court in an affize, taken away, Reg. 107. Deed delivered to be infpected or kept, Ibid. 92. Vet. Int. 163. By the heir, for tearing a bond delivered to defendant by plaintiff's father to be kept, Reg. 106.


Trefpafs for ftriking, driving horses, and impounding for a long time, 3. Br. 419. Cattle, till fine paid, Her. 718. Horfes impounding, Co. 663. By parfon and church-wardens, impounding for a long time, Ra. 619. Cattle taken under pretence of not profecuting a plaint in a replevin, by bailiff of an inferior court, after plaint removed by force, per quod they were impounded without food..... perifhed, Reg. 99.

Trefpafs, for driving and striking sheep, fo that they were much hurt, 3. Br. 444. an ox, Ibid. 461. cattle. lbid. 471. Plaintiff's theep, taking out of his clofe, and driven into bad pafture, and maliciously detained there fo long that sheep became infected and died, 1. Br. 165. Striking horfe fo grievously that he could not work. Ra. 614. Striking mare fo grievously that he died, 3. Br. 457. Striking. labouring, and fatiguing horfe, that he was much hurt, Ibid. 424. Beating gelding, ftriking on the eye, whereby he loft his fight, Ibid. 473. Taking gelding, and riding him, Her. 71. So immoderately riding and working, that he became weak and of no value, 3. Br. 452. Taking, leading away, and fetlocking a colt, whereby he was much hurt, 1. Br. 179.

Trefpafs, taking cattle in one county, driving into another, and there impounding; part died, reft hurt, 1. H. 5. 3. Driven, but not taken, 1. H. 5. 3. Driving pigs with dogs, that they died, 1. Br. 196.

For taking and carrying away a nag, colt, filley, fteer, heifer, and bulls, 2. Lat. 1297. Driving to places unknown fteers, heiter, and cow, Ibid. 1324.

driving and chafing them, Ibid. 1372. Cow taken at S. driven to D. there impounded till fine paid, Bro. R. 478. 2. Ven. 91. 2. Lut. 1351. 3. Lev. 194. Clif. 713. Re. Dec. 408. Ro. Ent. 453. 2. Inft. Cl. 440. A cow and calf taken, &c. 2. Lut. 1309. Three cóws taken, and impounded for a long time, Ibid. 1573. Breaking clofe, and taking cow, Tho. 419. Impounding without reafonable caufe, i. Ent. 977. Bro. R. 478. Bro. Vad. 410. Taking, detaining, and milking plaintiff's cows, Han. 217. Taking, and detaining a cow a long time, 2. Lut. 1353. Violently driving till he died, Bro. R. 496. Keeping a heifer accustomed to ftrike at mankind and animals, that bored plaintiff, The. 40. Taking and carrying away a gelding, Mo. Int. 377. lofing him, 2. Lut. 1361. 1461. A Mare, and immoderately riding, fo that he died, Tho. 293. 2. Int. Cl. 441. Leaping a mare over a hedge upon a thorn, per quod fhe died, Tha 293. Taking a mare, and converting her to defendant's ufe, 2. Lut. 1524


Afaulting plaintiff, and ftriking mare fo grievously that fhe died, Mo. Iut. 380. Chafing mare, and threatening fervants, 2. Bro. 260. Chafing mare, and me nacing fervant, Ibid. 260. Taking, &c. mare, with continuando, Han. 217. Chafing and hurting mare, Tho. 378. Taking, and impounding cattle without reasonable caufe, 1. Bro. 338. Tho. 362.

For cattle diftrained in the highway without royal authority, 1. Bro. 337-
Taking, and impounding two oxen, Tho. 267. cattle, till fine paid, Wi, Ent. 986.
Rob. 453. gelding, 2. Bro. 283.

For breaking clofe, and driving fheep to bad pafture, and detained them fo long there that they perished, t. Bro. 337.

For affault on plaintiff, and taking a ram, Bro. Vad. 426.

For taking fheep and lambs without reasonable cause, and impounding fo long with out food that the fheep produced abortion, and part of the lambs perished, and refidue made worse, 1. Bro. 338. The. 293.


For taking, and chafing lambs, 2. Lut. 1377. Lev. Ent. 279. 212. Taking sheeps Ra. 670, Reg. 95. and lambs, Ra. 693. Taking, and impounding colts, without reasonable caufe, contrary to law, 2. Lut. 149. Cattle taken without reas fonable caufe, and fo long impounded in an unknown place without food, that part perished, and refidue hurt, Wi. Ent. 1002. 2. Mo. Int. 308. Sheep, Wi. Ent. 1002. 2. Bro. 269. 2. Lut. 1447. So violently wounded and ftruck, chafed and bitten by dogs, that forty died, and fixty caft their lambs, and refidue hurt, Clif. 705. 723. 706.

For thearing and cutting tails of colts, Clif. 707. 734. Re. Dec. 408.

For taking, carr, ing away, and felling a cow, Clif. 11. Taking an ox, Cọ Ent. 666. D. 199. Oxen and boar, Reg. 110.

For chafing cattle and other trefpaffes, Clif. 731. Taking three mares, killing one, impounding the others, that died for want of food, Clif. 736. Taking and impounding fheep, not permitting them to be replevied, per quod plaintif loft his theep, Lev. Ent. 187. Taking and carrying away fheep on feveral days, Re. Dec. 405. Chafing plaintiff's gelding to places unknown, and loft, Ibid. 413. Striking, wounding, and chafing sheep, by which they became much hurt, 2. Mo. Int. 306. 2. Infi. Cl. 440.

For breaking and entering his clofe and house, and killing plaintiff's hog, Han. 218. Driving plaintiff's mare out of his common, Ibid. 222. Chafing an ox, and impounding without reafonable caufe, per quod he became much hurt by being detained fo long, 1. Bro. 329. Taking ox of inteftate in the cuftody of adminiftrator, lbid. 337. Taking, and impounding steers, Rob. 470. Striking and chafing cattle, by which they were hurt, 1. Bro. 329. Tho. 204. 2. Lut. 1394 1496. Taking a filly, and fetlocking her fo long that, &c. Bro. R. 476. Chafing theep, 1. San. 220. Cattle out of the parish, vill, or hamlet, Too. 294. Taking gelding, working him fo hard at the plough that he was much hurt, 1. Bro. 338. A mare, and working her fo hard, &c. 2. Bre. 272. Chafing a fow with dogs, fow bitten and died, 1. Bro. 329. Hunting fwine with dogs, and tearing off their ears, 2 Inft. Cl. 448. Han. 221. Chafing gelding with dogs, inciting to bite horfe, in taking a gate was fo wounded that he died, Tho. 343. Driving a gelding beyond the clofe to places unknown, and plaintiff loft him, Ibid. 293. Chaling oxen and horfes drawing a cart with hay, and throwing about the hay, 1. Bro. 431.

For immoderately triking, wounding, driving, and chafing oxen, cows, and heifers, fo that they were much hurt, 2. Lut. 1394. Gelding and man, and breaking the gelding's leg, Ibid. 1410. Whereby horfes became unferviceable, Ibid. 1467.

For ftriking a bull-dog, fo that he died, 1. San. 82. 2. Lut. 1494.

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Killing two hounds, 3. Lev. 25. Clif. 704.735. Mo. Int. 307. Killing and carry. ing away a tame fawn, 2. Lut. 1359. Han. 280. Carrying away a hound, Hob. 283. 12. H. 8. 3. 5. A tame fawn, Dy. 306. Beating fervant, and taking away a blood-hound, Kit. 225. Keeping dogs to kill fheep; lambs and theep fo bitten that part died, refidue much hurt, Wi. Ent. 1004. Cl. Man. 388. 2. Mo. Int. 307. 2. Inft. Cl. 450. Han. 220. For breaking house and ftable where the horie was put with a mare; the horse broke the halter, and the mare kicked him, per quod the horse languished and died, M. Int. 385. Taking a horfe from plaintiff, 2. Cro. 46. Keeping a bull-dog accustomed to bite cattle, that bit plaintiff's horse fo grievously that he died, Rob. 20. 23. Taking cattle and felling them, 1. Br. 75. on feveral days, Ibid. 165. horfe, Ra 129. 672. horfe and cows, Ibid. 605. Oxen taken, and eating up corn and grafs, Ibid. 628. Goods carried off with cattle, Ibid. 640. horfes and oxen, Ibid. 673. oxen, Co. Ent. 615. Taking cattle, and affaulting, 3. Br. 401. Impounding horse, 8. H. 6. 18.

Breaking pound, and taking cattle, 18. E. 4. 25. without reasonable caufe, Reg. 97. driving to places unknown, and not permitting them to be replevied, Ibid. 92. fo that plaintiff could not find them to replevy, Ibid. 97. 102. 2. Inft. 141. Taking cattle against plaintiff's will, to draw a carriage, Reg. 98. Taking cattle, being in plaintiff's cuftody to keep, Vet. Int. 188. 11. H. 4. 17. 24. Defendant's cattle, delivered to plaintiff to depafture for a certain time, taken by defendant before time ended, Reg. 92. Defendant's bull, delivered by him to plaintiff on certain conditions, to be kept for his own advantage for a certain time, clandeftinely taken away.


Trefpafs by lord of the manor, for taking waif and eftray, Reg. 101. Vet. Int. 49. Ra. 638. By keeper of a hundred of the king, 1. Br. 190. For carrying away a bull, Reg. 109. Killing a horfe and cow, Ibid. 109. An afs and foal, Ibid. 94. A dog, lbid. 109.

Trefpafs by tenant to prior, for diftraining cattle for toll, contrary to the deed, Ra. 674. Diltraining horfe of prior, by a contract made with predeceffor, Rez. 100. By patron of a church, for diftraining cattle in the fee of the church, Ibid. 100. Attaching cattle, by contract made with defendant out of the baili. wick, Ibid. 98. Prohibition thereupon, that cattle be not attached, Ibid. 93. Diftraining cattle in the highway or out of the liberty, Ibid. 97. Beafts of the plough, or fheep, Ibid. 97. Cattle, goods, and chattels taken in the highway, Ibid. 98.


Trefpafs, for taking cattle, and impounding them without reasonable caufe, Co. Ent. 272. Reg. 94. 11. H. 4. 24. 1. H. 6.7. Afb. 447. Beats of the plough, per qued land remained uncultivated, Reg. 95. Taking cattle at N. chafing them into another, and detaining them there impounded, Reg. 97. Taking theep at A. chafing them into B. and impounding there till fine paid, Ibid. 96. 1. Br. 176.

Trefpafs, for taking cows at M. chafing to A. and impounding fo long that they calt their lambs, Reg. 92. That theep perifhed for want of feed, Ibid. 92. Dig. 180. Part died, refidue hurt, Ibid. 93. Horfes, Ibid. 94.


Trefpafs, for driving a boar, and inciting a bull-dog to bite, whereof he died, 1.Br. Sheep and fwine purfued by dogs, that theep cat their lambs, Reg. 92. Whereby


Whereby part died, and reft much hurt, Ibid. 92. Pigs, Ibid. 97. Part of fheep caft their lambs, and reft hurt, lbid. 94. Sheep hurt, and great part caft their lambs, Ibid. 97. Pursuing cows with dogs, that part died, and refidue caft their young, Thef. 90. purfuing fheep with dogs, fome died, others caft their lambs, and reft hurt, Ra. 616. Trefpafs, for inciting dog to bite plaintiff, Reg. 97. whereby plaintiff loft fight of his eye by a bite in the face, 3. Br. 473. A dog accustomed to bite, that bit plaintiff, Reg. 111. A horfe accustomed to kick, ftruck plaintiff, broke his arm, and killed another horfe, Ibid. 1c6. Dogs biting fheep, part died, and remainder hurt, Ibid. 110. 1. Br. 247. biting theep, that died, Ra. 616 Vet. Int. 49. Upp. 229. Lambs much hurt, 1. Br. 180. Sheep and lambs, Upp. 229. Afb. 15. Part of fheep dying by being bitten and driven, part caft their lambs, and remainder hurt, Upp. 230. A boar accustomed to ftrike, Reg. 111 A fow accustomed to bite, biting and devouring plaintiff's theep, lambs, and geefe, 3. Br. 473. A dog kept by an inn-keeper, biting plaintiff's horfe fo

that he died, Her. 249.


Trefpafs, for taking goods, 7ho. 357. Rob. 476. Mo. Int. 377. Bro. R. 497. Lev. Ent. 179. Ra. 615.635. 663.667.676.681. Vet. Int. 44. Reg. 108. Detained for a long time, whereby profit loft, 2. Lut. 1452. Lev. Ent. 175. Dig. 263, . Taking and carrying away an anchor and cable, Lev. Ent. 214. Ship and goods, Reg. 95. 102.

Trefpafs, for breaking a houfe, and carrying away a filver cup, Wi. Ent. 973. Clofe and house, and carrying away goods, Ra. 606. 619. 675.615. Vet. Int. 217. Eating up grafs, Ra. 632. Leading away cattle, Ibid. 640. Cattle and goods, Ibid. 657. Tho. 359. 400. 2. Bro. 271. 281.

Trefpafs, for taking and carrying away a gold chain and uno pallio, Bro. Vad. 440. For breaking close, and taking and carrying away goods and chattels, Tho. 404. 2. Lut. 1320. 1344. 1385 1509. Cl. A. 433. Han. 206. Several trefpaffes, and goods taken, &c. Wi. Ent. 971. Taking, &c. cheft with goods, and keeping till fire paid, Ibid. 987. Her. 133. Breaking ftable, and carrying away harnefs, Han. 217.

Taking, &c. a cart load of lead, and converting, &c. 2. Lut. 1317. 2. Inft. Cl. 448. Han. 218. Two tin plates, 2. Lut. 1320. Brafio, Ibid 1329. Uno cal dario aheneo, and uno batillo cubiculario, Ibid. 13'9. Spiced cakes, Ibid. 1374Pears and apples, 19. H. 6. 51. Shoes and tanned leather, 2. Lut. 1402. Bro. Vad 431.

For breaking houfe, and detaining cloth, filo and ferico, therein from plaintiff, and continuing poffeffion of houfe for a long time, 2. Lut. 1452. Deftroying furniture, and destroying ather goods, Ibid. 1483.

For taking and carrying away fifty tods of wool, and forty pack-cloths, 2. Lut. 1493. Three baskets of wheat, three of barley, three of peafe, Ibid. 1498. Five bolts of iron, one cask of picis, four tables (abiagnis), and two falt cellars, Ibid. 1519 Veffel filled with wine, Tho. 291. Han. 221. Cask of cider, Lut. 1529. Taking goods which were in plaintiff's cuftody, Wi. Ent, 1005.


Ra. 682.

For breaking houfe, taking and carrying away goods, and carrying away other goods without reasonable caufe, and detaining till fine paid, Mo. Int. 382. Re.. Dec. 414. Breaking close doors and fpoiling them, taking, &c. goods and chattels, 2. Lut. 1509. Fourteen pewter plates, 3. Lev. 276. Puncheon of oil, Clif. 708. Money, Ibid. 708. Tomb ftone, Ibid. 709. Iron utenfils, Ibid. 709. Pieces of a fir tree, Ibid. 709. Liquors, Ibid. 710. Pieces of meat, lb. 712. Brecking close and house, taking, &c. corn threfhed, firaw, &c. Clif. 714. Timber, Ibid. 724. Throwing down bottles of wine, by which they were broken, Ibid.

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735 Taking and carrying away plaintiff's goods and chattels, and taking and driving away his live cattle, Han. 210. Brine or falt water out of the boilery or falt pan, Ibid. 221.

For taking exceffive toll, Ra. 675. Vet. Int. 170. By church-warden, for taking goods, Dig. 195. Cuftos brevium, for bundelis taken, 1. Br. 251. Taking zona vel libro by night, Reg. 93. Taking goods when plaintiff had a protection, F. N. Br. 92. Shearing heep and taking wood, Reg. 95. Goods and money, Ibid. 95. 110. Money, Ibid. 108. Florenis of gold, Ibid. 102. Bag with money, Dig. 195. 13. H. 4. 11. 19. H. 6. 48. Heap of money, containing five marks, 2. Cro. 356.

For breaking house and taking money, Vet. Int. 44. Cheft and money, Ra. 614. Clofe, and goods, and money, Ra. 605. Cheft with goods, till fine paid, Her. 733. Breaking houfe, and goods burnt, Ra. 653. Lord of the manor, for goods waived, Reg. 100. 102. Wrecked, Ibid. 102. 5. Co. 106. By an abbot, for goods of felon taken, granted to him by deed, Reg. 101.

For goods, taken by defendant, together with other fufpected perfons, Ra. 683. Dig. 177. Not good, the trefpafs is merged in the felony.


For hindering parfon of a church, on their way, to carry away tithes, and assault ing fervants, 2. Bro. 280 Reg, 105. 1. Br, 189. By vicar, Br. R. 482. Taking corn fet apart for tithes, 1. Bro. 139. Ca. Ent. 678. 685. Hay, The. 293.


For taking goods and burning them, Mo. Int. 38. Burning a house, Ra. 607. 2. H. 4. 18. Houfe with goods burnt, Reg. 110.

For entering into plaintiff's houfe and clofe with other perfons, arrayed in a war like manner, and carrying away goods, 1. Bro. 353.

For maliciously overfetting a fhip on the fea, and thereby laft goods and merchan dizes, Tho. 251. Overfetting a barge in the river Thames, Ibid. 352. fo. For negligently driving a chariot with two horfes, that run over plaintiff with the carriage, and he was lamed, Bro. R. 484.

For breaking houfe, burning coals, and corrupting the dead body of a rhinofceros boiled in caldaria cupuca, and put into a wooden veffel, per quod caldaria and the wooden veffel were fpoiled, nil dicit, Bro. R. 492.

By husband and wife, against a fervant, for putting poifon into the wife's food,
Reg. 102.
Affaulting plaintiff, beating and ill-treating plaintiff's horfe that he died, M
Ent. 380. Striking horfe, plaintiff throw and broke two of his ribs, Reg. 96.
For inciting a dog to bite plaintiff, Reg. 97. Taking away a dog. Hab. 283.
Shearing fheep, and carrying off the wool, Reg. 98. Refcue of bondman
taken, Ibid. 107.

For throwing a writ of prohibition into the mud and treading upon it, and profe, cuting a fuit in the court chriftian, Reg. 95.

For removing ftones put for bounds, and depafturing the grafs, Ra. ç. Reg. 107.
Vet. Int. 49. Removing and carrying away ftones in a meadow, Reg. 107.
For placing pales in the water, per qued the fhip with malt was funk, Ibid. 95.
For cutting plaintiff's fifhing tackle into pieces, Reg. 10.

For forcibly taking and carrying away a man's wife with his goods, and detaining, &c. 1. Br. 338. 2. Bro. 282. 2.Inft. Cl. 455. 251. Han. 223. Ra, 662. Reg. 97. Vet. Int. 122. 3. Br. 472. per quod confortium uxoris amifit, and the use of his goods, Tho. 294. Beating the wife, and carrying her off with the goods of the husband, and yet detained, 2. Cro. 538.

For taking and carrying off the daughter and heirefs, or heirefs apparent, 1. Bro. 336. Bra. R. 475. 1. Br. 164. 4, E. 4. 53. 30, E. 3.6, 12. H. 4. 16. 2. Inft


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