
440. and marriage loft, Bro. R. 475. When married, Ra. 649. Reg. 98. Co. Litt. 84. 8. Co. 38. Hob. 94.



IX. Page

1. Ways.

2. Lands.

3. Water-courfes.

4. Fisheries.

5. For mefne Profits and Cofts in Ejectment.
(See Ejectment.)

46. Declaration in B. R. for breaking open the door of plaintiff's houfe, and fpoiling the lock, and then and there ejecting the plaintiff from his house, and feizing his goods, laying them in the highway, whereby plaintiff was put to great expence and trouble to watch his goods. (See Plea of Liberum Tenementum, Index, poft. and p. 47.)

64. For entering plaintiff's ground and cowhouse, and taking away a cow, and detaining her till he had paid fix pounds.

94. Declaration in B. R. for breaking plaintiffs clafe, and pulling down fences that inclofed the fame.

94. Declaration in B. R. against an attorney of the court of C. B. for breaking plaintiff's orchard, entering his barn, feizing wheat and calves, and detaining the fame till he obliged plaintiff to give an undertaking in writing to pay a fum of money.

95. Declaration in B. R. against defendant (and other perfons unknown), for making a noife in the houfe of plaintiff, breaking down ftairs, &c.

96. Declaration in B, R. for entering plaintiff's clof, making rabbit holes, and cutting to pieces a net, placed for the taking of rabbits.

97. Declaration in B. K, for breaking into closes, mowing the grafs, and carrying away the fame; taking away a large quantity of water, affaulting plaintiff, throwing water at him, fpoiling his clothes, &c.

98. Declaration by attachment of privilege at the fuit of an attorney, for entering plaintiff's house, staying therein for a long time, making a great noife. (See Plea, Licence in law, poft.)

100. Declaration in B. R. for entering a dwelling-house, &c. and making a riot therein, breaking down a firegrate, toffing the fire out of the houfe into the street, and expelling plaintiff. (See Plea, Liberum Tenementum, poft.)

106. Declaration in B. R. for entering a building, fubverting the foil therein, and erecting a partition, and cutting

Ec 4




IX. Page

holes in the wall of the building, and laying timber therein. (See Plea, Title lefs toan Freehold, poft.) 111. Declaration in B. R. for breaking plaintiff's clofe, treading down his grafs and corn, proftrating the hedges, and with horfes and carts cutting up and fubverting the foil, &c. &c.

113, Declaration in C. B. for entering plaintiff's clofe, and erecting a stall therein and tables, flools, &c. &c. continuing the fame thereon, &c. &c.

113. Declaration in B. R. for entering ciofe, and destroying gates and fences. and breaking to pieces locks, &c. (For Plea, fee Title less than Freehold, and Licence in Fact and in Law, poft.)

116. Declaration in B. R. for entering dwelling-house and clofes, and taking away goods, expelling plaintiff, putting locks on the gates, digging up the foil, and depaituring plaintiff. (See Pica, Liberum Tenementum, Licence and Juftification by Authority of Law, and under Legal Process, poft.) Declaration in B. R. for entering clofe, and depafturing cattle, fubverting foil with carriages, mowing grafs and carrying it away, felling timber and breaking down hedges. (See Plea, Liberum Tenementum, p.)


129. Declaration in B. R. for entering plaintiff's clofe, cutting down tree, and leaving it there.

130. For rooting up divers roots and fhrubs, and carrying fame away.

130. Declaration in B. R. in trefpaís, quare claufum fregit, treading down grafs, fubverting foil, digging pits, removing materials, building walls, fences, and inclofing plaintiff's land, and putting plaintiff out of poffefion. Three Counts.

132. Declaration in B. R. against defendants, for pulling down the thed of plaintiff and building a houfe in the place, whereby plaintiff is hindered from enjoying his clofe, &c. (See Plea, Title lefs than Freehold, poft.)

138. For breaking and entering divers clofes of plaintiff in the occupation of different people, and with feet in walking, and. with cattle depaituring, fpoiling the grafs, and with wheels of carriages fubverting the foil. (See Plea, Right of Way, poj.)

145. Declaration in B. R. for breaking cloje, taking plaintin's mare out of the fame, and converting it to his

own ufe.

145. For entering clofes, digging in foil, erecting fcaffolding, nailing certain timbers belonging to the faid feaffolding to flair heads and windows, thereby fpoiling faid clofes, damaging paint, and breaking windows; building part of an erection on plaintiff's wall, near

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to his houfes and windows, whereby twenty windows were darkened; plaintiff obliged to lay out money, and one A. B. on occafion of premifes refufed to become tenant to plaintiff, and plaintiff unable to procure another tenant. Various other Counts. 148. Declaration in C. B. for cutting down and carrying away trees, deftroying hedges; land damaged by cattle efcaping out of an adjoining clofe. (See Plea, Liberum Tenementum, post.)

154. Declaration by original, for digging mines, raifing ore in plaintiff's clofe, and converting fame to defendant's use. (See Plea, Liberum Tenementum.)

157. Declaration in B. R. for hunting and fowling on plaintiff's eftate after notice. 2d Count, as an inferior tradefman. 3d Count, more general.

158. Declaration in B. R. for breaking doors, putting furniture into diforder, difturbing lodgers, whereby they quitted.

159. Declaration in B. R. on 8. H. 6. c. 4. f. 6. for putting out and diffeifing plaintiff of lands, and holding plaintiff out when diffeifed.

160. Declaration by bill in the exchequer for entering plaintiff's clofe, by himself and fervants treading down grafs and corn, and by cattle eating and depafturing, and carriages fubverting foil, breaking down gates, breaking to pieces locks, deftroying hedges, overturning and fcattering hay. (See Plea, Right of Way, poft.)


169. RECORD in B. R. in trefpafs, for entering close, spoiling grafs, pulling down pofts and rails. Plea, not guilty. Venire. Continuances by non mifit breve. Poftea. Noufuit. Suggeftion under highway act. Award of treble cofts to defendant under highway act. Form of the affidavit to recover treble cofts by defendant under the highway act, where plaintiff was nonfuited.



For breaking clofe, and affault, Wi. Ent. 987. Bro. Vad. 436. 3. Br. 473. Tref país one day, affault on another, Ibid. 379.

For breaking house, affaulting and menacing plaintiff, Tho. 292. For an affault, and throwing bibliam et pulvinum upon the land, and fpoiling it, Mo. Int. 381. For affaulting plaintiff, and fhutting up the house and fhop by an erection in the ftreet, Clif. 719.


For laying filth fo near plaintiff's houfe that plaintiff could not go out or come in, 1. Bro, 337. Near the walls of plaintiff's houfe, Reg. 108. 1. Br. 166. So near plaintiff's manfion and other tenements in London, that plaintiff could not

remain for fear of infection, and his tenants left their houses, Ra. 442. 9. Co. 59. Vet. Int. 222.

For erecting a houfe fo near plaintiff's houfe, that by rain falling the timbers be came rotten, 1. Br. 166. For obstructing fewer, per quod the water overflowed plaintiff's lands adjoining, Reg. Jud. 19. Dig. 205.

For obftructing way and paffage by inclofing with hedges, which plaintiff claimed by prescription, 1. Bro. 353.

For placing and fixing pales, and pofts, and planks in a certain rivulet, per qued the water-courfe was prevented; likewife filth and dirt thrown into the river, Clif. 718. 725. For filling the water with earth and filth, and fixing pofts therein, per quod the water overflowed the corn in the barn, r, Br. 166. Obftructing water-courfes, per quod water overflowed plaintiff's meadow adjoining, Ibid. 166. Keeping ftreams fo long fhut that water overflowed adjacent land, in which plaintiff had common of pasture, Ibid. 167.

For breaking clofe and house, digging foil, and raising walls and ditches, with a continuando, Tho. 351. Clofe and barn, 2. Lut. 1 1309. Stall, and taking away gelding, 2. 1361. Han. 217. House, and disturbing plaintiff in the quiet poffeffion, The. 291. Clif. 714. Re. Dec. 414. and proftrating chimnies with iron inftruments, Tho. 368. and proftrating walls, regularum, windows and doors, fpoiling goods, and carrying off, Bro. Met. 381. Han. 218. House, and defendant's goods being kept there fo long remaining on the premises, that plaintiff loft the use of his house for a long time. Mo. Int. 382. Houfe, (doors being fhut), 2. Lut. 1320. Houfe, and goods taken, and affaulting plaintiff, Mo. Int. 381. Brewery, drinking and deftroying ale in great quantities, Clif. 713. For taking fheep and other cattle which were within plaintiff's manor and liberty, as eftrays, Han. 222.

For manor, twenty meffuages, ten cottages, four hundred acres of land, four hundred meadow, and four hundred pafture, breaking clofe, and amoving plaintiff from the poffeffion, and receiving all the profits of the manor and tenements, and hindering plaintiff from receiving them, Bro. R. 493.

Breaking houfe, taking and detaining goods, and continuing plaintiff kept out of poffeffion, per quod he loft ufe of his houfe, and goods, &c. for a long time, 2. Lut. 1452. Clif. 714.717.719. 721%

House broken, and goods carried off, Ra. 614. W'i. Ent. 982. 2. Lut. 1369. 1421. Close and house broken, Mo. Int. 379. Bro. R. 475. 2. Lut. 131. Chefts bro. ken, and goods carried off, Reg. 108. 110. Timber, and other goods and chattels, Reg. 102. Cheft broken, and money, Ra. 614. Goods, 2. Bro. 271. 281. Tho. 351. 2. Lut. 1385. 2. Inft. Cl. 441. And withholding plaintiff from quiet poffeffion, Tho. 398. 2. Lat. 1301. Doors and windows broken and cut up, Reg. 99. Hedges broken, Ibid. 101. tegulis, with cattle or otherwife, and breaking the clole and house, Ibid. 108. Breaking the pool (stagne) of a mill, Ra. 9. Reg. 95.

For breaking exclufa, per quod water running to plaintiff's mill flowed into an ad joining ditch, Ra. 9. Breaking clofe, digging foil, and breaking down banks, per quod water overflowed plaintiff's meadow, Ra, 384. Breaking exclufis of mill pool at N, and the pound there, and at S. Reg. 96. Banks of fewers, Ibid. 106. Bridge, Ibid. 106. Breaking clofe and dove-house, and taking pigeons, and goods and chattels, Ibid. 106.

Breaking polls and pales fupporting a mine, and carrying away fea-coal put in the mine, Reg. 104.

Breaking exclufis by a ditch, carrying away the timber, per quaa plaintiff's land and meadow were inundated, Reg. 96.

Breaking close, and throwing ftones upon a hill thrown down thereon, Ash. 436.


Breaking clofe, proftrating ftall, digging foil, and erecting another stall, 3. Br. 415.

For breaking clofe and houfe, expelling, and for a long time holding over, destroying goods, breaking and taking away, 2. Lut. 1483. And affaulting plaintiff, 3. Lev. DI. And carrying off grain threed. Clif. 74. House, and carrying off a bond Ibid. 716. And breaking appendice, Ibid. 716. Expelling from poffeffion of houfes, Ibid. 730. Breaking a fulling mill, Ibid. 735.

Declaration for mejne propts of lands and tenements, Clif. 738. after ejectment, Ibid.


Breaking pound and taking out horfe, Re. Dec. 418. 2. Inft. Cl. 447. Han. 217. Breaking clote, and treading down graís, corn, and depafturing grafs, Ra. 6o8. 633.648. 1. Co 77. Po. 253. 17. Treading down corn, and with cattle depatturing, Mo Int. 278. 84. 2. Bro. 286. By husband and wife, whilft fole, 1. Bro. 3:6 Cf. 720.

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Depaturing gris, Tho. 405. Wi. Ent. 980. Rob. 472. 454. 477. 3. Lev. 87. With a continuando, bo. 292. 361. Rob. 459. Han. 213. 215. Ra. 621. 647Plo. 39. 516. Vet, in, 209. Afb. 8. Carrying away a wether fheep. Han. 218. Eating up corn, Rob. 461 Breaking clofe, and with feet treading down grafs, with a continuando, 1. Bro. 25. Eating up grafs, without continuando, Wi. Ent. 985. Eating up grafs, and treading down other grafs, with continuando, Ibid. 986. Bro. R. 489. Tho. 410 By husband and wife, Ra. 641. when fole, 21. H.. 30. Breaking clote and houfe, and eating up grafs, Ra. 657. Plo. 164. Corn and grafs, Tho. 351. Bro R. 475. with continuando, Mo. Int. 379 without, 1. Bro. 335 Bv attorney, with privilege, Ra. 61. Co. Ent. 644. with continuando, Ra. 65. 559. Eating up corn, keg. 94. Wheat, Ibid. 94. Cora in the bl: de, Ibid. 102. Corn and germs of vines, Ibid. 95. Corn, grafs, and germs of cedar wood, Ibid. 95. Cutting trees and depafturing, with continuando, Ra. 620. Corn and grafs, and treading down other grafs, with continu ando, 4. Br. 154. Fating up corn, and treading down other corn on three feveral days, Wi Ent. 96. Depafturing and treading down grafs, Ibid. 987. Tho. 292. 34. Bro. R. 501. Hay, fet out for tithes, thrown upon plaintiff's grafs, Wi. Ent. 987. Her. 725. Trees and grafs pulled up by the roots, 1. Br. 181. Corn and grafs growing, and apples and pears, eating up with cattle, Reg. 101. Carrying corn cut, Ra. 632. Arundine cut and carried off, Reg. 95. Kit. 2 2. Arundine falcatus, and beating fervant, 9. H. 5. 9. Eating hay, Reg. 98. Hay in tâffis, Mo. Int. 383. 1. Bro. 322. rees and hay cut and carried away, 3. H. 4. 13. Corn cut, grafs cut, and hay thence coming, and corn carried off, Reg. 102. 1. Br. 176. Throwing down hay laid up in a meadow, and with cattle eating up, Reg. 99. Breaking clofe, eating grafs, and allaulting plaintiff, Wi. Ent. 987. I reading down corn, and eating up corn and grafs, Tho. 292. With continuindo, Ibid. 417. 2. Lut. 13:7With feet in walking treading down grafs, and with cattle eating up on one day, and treading down and eating up on another. Tho. 372. Treading down, eating up corn and grafs, and breaking open gate and leaving it open, 2. Bro. 247. Treading down, eating up corn and grafs, with continuando, Th. 356. 370. Carrying off grain, with continuando, as to depafturing, Ibid. 395. Eating up corn and grafs, treading down other corn, and eating up other corn in garbis, Wi. Ent. Ib.d. 98. Carrying off corn cut, Mo. Int. 383. Hay found and carried off, 1. Bro. 122. Carrots, parinips, faturvis, trod down, deftroyed, and pulled up, Clif. 7c9. With cattle eating up oats, Ibid. 711. Barley, beans, oats, lentibus, and rapis, &c. Ibid. 721. 728. 740. Cutting corn, grafs, trees, and carrying off, and eating up other corn and grafs, Reg. 94. Eating up hay, in taffis, and corn in garbis, Ibid. 94. 96. Treading down grafs, eating up, treading down, and destroying other grafs; cutting, taking, and carrying off other grafs, and taking and carrying off hay, 2. Lut. 1313. 1337. Wheat and barley, Bro. Vad, 419. Treading down grafs, depafturing other grafs, throw

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