


43. Trefpafs viet armis, for cutting the plaintiff's chain faftened to his mooring chain in the river Thames and letting it fall to the bottom of the river, per quod plaintiff was put to great trouble and expence in recovering them.

44. Declaration in C. B. for entering plaintiff's house, aflaulting his wife, breaking open cellar door, and taking away feveral butts of beer.

45. Declaration in B. R. for feizing two filver tickets belonging to plaintiff, whereby he was prevented from getting admiffion into a public place of entertainment. 52. Declaration in B. R. for taking two anchors from on board a fhip belonging to plaintiff.

53. Declaration in B. R. for entering and making a noife in plaintiff's house and taking his goods away. (See Plea, by authority of law, by officers. Index, pt. Replication and rejoinder.)


For menacing plaintiff of his life, and maiming him, and other injuries, that he could not go to labour and tranfact his bufineis, Mo. Int. 386. 2. Lut. 1428. Vet. Int. 219. Threatening plaintiff's life and to maim him, Ra. 661. 7. E. 4. 24. Like, and affaulting plaintiff, Tho. 294. Afaulting and menacing plaintiff, 37. H. 6. 19. Laying in wait to murder plaintiff, Rg. 102. and affaulting, Vet. Int. 39. Defendant and others laying in wait to kill plaintiff, and maiming him, fo that he could not attend to his ordinary concerns, Tho. 291. 1. Bro. 337For breaking houfe, affaulting and menacing life, and arrefting plaintiff, and fo injuring him that he could not go about his affairs, affulting and terrifying his wife that her life was in danger, per quod confortium amifit; and defendant with others made another affault upon him and his fervant, arrefted and imprisoned him for a long space of time, per quod fervitium amifit, Bro. R. 485. For affaulting, and digging a ditch, Ra. 07. belieging his dwelling, that neither he, his men, or fervants could have egrefs and regrefs, Reg. 95. Vet. Int. 43. Following plaintiff into his house, and keeping him there till he took an oath, Reg. 99. Affaulting and menacing plaintiff till he levied a fine, Ibid. 108. By an attorney, for laying in wait and menacing him, Ra. 661. Menacing plaintiff's men and fervants, fo that plaintiff could not venture to come to his premifes, or find his fervants to do his work, Ibid. 104. For breaking plaintiff's clofe and house, and threatening fervants with injuries at different times, Ibid. 628.

For breaking houfe, affaulting, imprisoning, and detaining plaintiff in prifon for the fpace of 24 hours, 3. Lev. 61. Affault and imprisonment till he paid a fine, Ra. 646. Co. Ent. 393. 1. Bro. 219. Re. Dec. 403. Bro. Met. 375. Pl. Gen. 626. 2. Lut. 913. 946. 919. 2. Bro. 222. and gave a bond, Reg. 3. till he tendered an oath, Ibid. 95. releafed an action, lbid. 95. granted a reversion of lands, Ibid. 99. made a leafe, Ibid. 108. till he made a bond to the use of G. L. and paid or levied a fine, Re. Dec. 404. Bro. Met. 375. Co. Ent. 298. Reg. 93. a bond, Ah. 305. a release for money due on bond by defendant, Reg. 102. For an affault and imprisonment at Fort St. George in parts beyond the feas, viz. at London, &c. 2. Lut. 946.


For breaking close and affault, imprisoning, and detaining plaintiff in prifon,' 2. Bro. 134.

For menacing plaintiff's life, and cutting him, and wounding him, fo that he could not labour in husbandry and other bufinefs, and affaulting, imprisoning, and detaining plaintiff, Mo. Int. 386. 2. Lut. 1428.

Affault and imprisonment at S. and taking plaintiff into D. and detaining him in prifon there, and fecuring him like a thief, tying him upon gelding, and carrying him to W. and detaining him in prifon there, 1. Bro. 221. Ra. 339. Reg. 96. Against gaoler, for cruelty and fevère imprisonment for arrears of an account, fettering him, putting him in the ftocks, whereby he became lame, and for not permitting the neceffaries of life to be administered to him, Reg. 96.

ASSAULTING, &C. SERVANTS APPRENTICES DAUGHTER, &c. For beating and menacing fervant, Ra. 661. 3. Br. 471. 2. Inft. Cl. 444.2. Lut 1496. Affault upon plaintiff and fervant, Reg. 109. upon his men and fervants, Ra. 613. Reg. 93. 102. 110. imprifoning and detaining him, 1. Bro. 221. and taking away his dog, Kil. 225. A hook, (arundine falcata), 9. H. 5. 9. Imprisoning. Ra. 342. Vet. Int. 187. Against the warden of the Fleet, Her. 395. Menacing men fervants and tenants, Ra. 652. Imprisoning fervant till he paid a fine to defendant and another, Her. 395. Taking cattle and imprifoning fervant, Vet. Int. 217. For debauching plaintiff's daughter, and getting her with child, Bro. R. 486. 2. Inft. Cl. 456. Imprifoning and ill-treating daughter, 1. Br. 18. For native, or fon and heir, taken out of his fervice, 22. H. 6.30. For taking away nativo and affaulting his men and fervants, Reg. 108. Taking away an apprentice, lbid. 109. 21. II. 6. 31. Servant, 22. H. 6. 30. Affaulting and menacing men and fervants, and fo hurting them that they could not go to hufbandry, or do plaintiff's other labour, Reg. 94. Afb. 434. Tho. 389. Hindering fervants, Reg. 105. Breaking clofe, befetting men and fervants, and menacing, Ibid. 107. Clofe and houfe, menacing and hurting men and fervants, Ibid. 111. and other trefpaffes, Ra. 648. 661. Vet. Int. 43. For the king, Ra. 662. Breaking clofe, menacing life, that fervants could not go to make up hay, or about plaintiff's other work, Tho. 293. Lev. Ent. 15. Bro. Vad. 441. 2. Inft. Cl. 447. Chafing horfe and menacing fervant, 2. Bro. 260.


Declaration by an earl for disturbing the office of conftable of feveral lordships and manors, granted to plaintiff by the king for life, Br. R. 483. Ditturbing and difquieting plaintiff in his houfe, and hindering a bailiff in the exceution of a writ, Cliff. 738.

For hindering plaintiff from prifa of cattle, Vet. Int. 154.

Hindering plaintiff's men and fervants in collecting toll in a fair, granted to plaintiff by deed, Reg. 103. Affaulting fervants deputed to collect toll in a fair, granted to prior by deed, and carrying away goods in the name of a distress for toll, Reg. 103.

For breaking caitle and house, and hindering fervants from holding court and to levy amerciaments, court fees, and rents, and hindering men and fervants from hufbandry, Reg. 106. For taking cattle for a diftrefs within the honor in which plaintiff bas execution and return of writs, and driving them out of the honor, Ibid. 104.


Affault for ftallamento, taking and imprisoning plaintiff taken under a protection, Da. 38. For an affault, beating, getting him drunk, and imprisoning and de


taining for ten hours. Carrying plaintiff to a bed, putting her into bed, and lying with her, Bro. R. 505.

For an affault upon the wife, then an infant and unmarried, with intention to com pell her by threats to marry defendant, Re. Dec. 402. For imprifoning plaintiff till he granted his interet in two falaries, delivered on writings, gave a bond, and took an oath before a notary, Reg. 109. Taking away a difcharge for a debt due by ftatute merchant, according to a defeafance to be paid, affaulting plaintiff, and caufing him to be taken on the faid recognizance, and detained till he made another, and releafed all actions, Reg. 100. For taking plaintiff under pretext of a fheriff's warrant in an action of confpiracy, for that plaintiff was a witnefs upon the indictment and againft imprisoning him till he paid a fine, Reg. 99. Taking and imprifonisg plaintiff at L. carrying him to & and taking his goods and chattels at L. and detaining them till he found bail that he fhould not depart, nor eloign the goods, Reg. 106. Taking plaintiff in one county and carrying him into another, impriioning there till he paid a fine,

Ibid. 108.


For an affault upon plaintiff, Tho. 293. 396. 421. 1. San. 10. Mo. Intr. 385. 2. Bro. 136. 138. 142. Ro. Ent. 451. 454. 2. Lut. 1435. 1481. 3. Lev. 109. Inft. 187. 330. Bro. Vad. 413. Re. Dec. 404. Han. 223. Ra. 612. Co. Ent. 643. Reg. 93. Vet. Int. 10. Thef. 91. By an attorney, Mo. Int. 385. Against a fervant of one of the clerks of the court of chancery, 2. Lut. 146. Againit husband and wife, for an affault by the wife, 2. Bro. 125. Her. 393.

For affaulting plaintiff, a conftable, Tho. 391. for a violent affault and battery, 2. Inft. Cl. 446. Han. 212.

For laying in wait with other perfons to kill plaintiff, and making an affault; plaintiff was fo grievoufly hurt as not to be able to go about his bufineis, The. 291. Ra. 610. For affaulting, beating, wounding, and maiming of plaintiff, Ibid. 43. A 39. Affaulting and wounding plaintiff on the back part of his left leg (hocking), 1. Br. Rep. 206. Wound in her fhoulder, Upp. 221. Putting out an eye, Reg. 96. Her. 395. Throwing hot water over plaintiff, Reg. 108. For an affault upon the wife, to the damage of the wife only in the writ, but of both in the declaration, 2. Lut. 1458. By hufband and wife, for an affault on the wife, Ra. 610. 668. For striking the wife, Kit. 256. By husband and wife, for affaulting the wife and taking hufbands goods, Reg. 105. Against husband aad wife, for an affault upon the wife, Her. 393.

For an affault upon fervants, per quod they could not go about their lawful business, 2. Lut. 1496, Reg. 109.

For throwing a heated mafs of iron at plaintiff, Reg. 98. Inciting a dog to bite plaintiff, Reg. 97. 3. Br. 473. Driving a carriage with fix horfes over plaintif;

thrown down and two of his ribs broken, 1. Br. 166.


Against defendant, for that he with others came into a room, made an affau't upon him and his wife, and fervant, and arrested and imprisoned, 2. Inft. Cl. 453. For affault, imprisonment, and detaining plaintiff in priton, 1. Bro. 218. 10. 336. Bro. R. 477. 2. Lut. 944. Lev. Ent. 191. Bro. Met. 375. 2. Inft. Cl. 452. Ra. 339. 1. Br. 172. Upp. 155. 3. Br. 215. For an attorney, by attachment of privilege, Her. 392. without detaining, Reg. 93. Taking and holding plaintiff, Ra. and imprifoning him, Reg. Jud. 11. Taking, imprifoning, and ill-treating, Co. Ent. 305. 8. Co. 107. 1. Br. 168. for the ipace of a month, 2. Vent. 189. Lev. Ent. 205. 2. Mo. Ent 308. Affault and detaining plaintiff in prison, making no mention of the imprifonment, 2. Bro. 145. till he paid forty fhillings, Tho. 367. Re. Dec. 403. 2. Lut. 946. Without reafonable caufe, and againit law, Bro. R. 487. Bro. Met. 375. Pl. Gen. 620. 2. Lut. 925.935. By an attorney, for being put in the ftocks, 1. Bro. 218. For detaining plaintiff in the ftocks, Cl. Man. 378. 2. Inft. Cl. 457. Her. 394.






79. Declaration in B. R. for deftroying a book and feizing goods. (See Plea, by authority of law. General Officer.)

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84. Declaration in B. R. in trefpafs, by tenant against his landlord, for diftraining when no rent was due to recover double the value of the goods diftrained, under 2. W. and M. c. 5. f. 5.

85. Declaration in C. B. in trefpafs, for hunting a mares whereby the dropped a dead foal.

87. Declaration in B. R. for taking plaintiff's goods in execution. (See Plea, under civil process, poft.)

110. Declaration in B. R. in trefpafs, for pound breach, and taking out defendant's cattle, which plaintiff had impounded, having taken them damage feafant.--Qu. If the Count for pound breach can be joined with trefpafs on the common, wide.



12. Declaration for debauching plaintiff's avife and getting
her with child, per quod plaintiff was put to great ex-
pence in delivering her.

13. Declaration in C. B. for criminal converfation with the
plaintiff's wife. Plea, accord and fatisfaction. Res.

20. Declaration in B. R. for entering rooms, carnally know.
ing his wife, and carrying her away by force.

For affaulting and taking away plaintiff's wife, with goods and chattels, 2. Inft. Cl. 451. By husband and wife, for an affault on the wife and taking husband's gocds, Reg. 105. Wife's goods whilft fole, Ra. 641.

For taking cattle for a diftrefs within the honor in which plaintiff has execution and return of writs, driving them out of the honor, Reg. 104.

For breaking a mill ftone, Reg. 96. Fureis of an abbot within the liberty, Ibid. 108. Breaking down a pillory, taking the timber, and not permitting another to be erected, Ibid. 109. De preffura, by breaking cifera and carrying away timber, Ibid. 108. Dove-house and taking pigeons, Ibid. 104. Breaking stocks and taking out thereof nativo, Ibid. 95. Pipe of wine, 1. Br. 175. Wine drawn out of the cafk and filled with falt water, Ibid. 95. Breaking open plaintiff's hamper and taking thereout hares and pheasant cocks, 2. Inft. Cl. 445. Killing a re-claimed hawk, Tho. 292. Taking fwans, 7. Co. 16. Birds, Reg. 110. By hufband and wife, for the young of fwans belonging to wife when fole, Vet, Int. 220. Striking a hawk and killing, 1. Cro, 13. 18.






56. Declaration in B. R. for taking and impounding plaintiff's pigs. (See Plea, Diftrefles, Damage feafant, Index, poft. by occupiers.)

61. Declaration in B. R. for gathering plumbs, and con verting them.

61. For fhooting a dog.

61. For affaulting plaintiff, throwing down his ftall on which were divers cakes, per quod fome were loft and others


62. Declaration in C. B. for beating, wounding, and killing plaintiff's gelding.

63. For knocking out the eye of a greyhound.

63. For chafing fheep with dogs, whereby divers died, and others became rotten, and the relidue greatly hurt. 64. For fhooting plaintiff's greyhound.

64. Declaration in B. R. by a brick-maker, against the father and his daughter, about ten years of age, for fpoiling plaintiff's bricks.

65. Declaration in C. B. at Lancafter, for fhooting one of plaintiff's hounds in purfuit of a hare. (See Plea, by Authority of Law---Gamekeeper, poft.)

240. Declaration for breaking and entering clofe, deftroying fences, throwing down gates, breaking ftaples, locks, chains, and hinges. Plea. (See Right of Way, private, poft.)

314. Declaration for fawing a fpout leading from plaintiff's corn-chamber to his fleep-vat, for the purpofe of conveying grain. (See Plea-Licence in Law-to Abate Nuifance-post.)

$7. Declaration for breaking and entering dove-cote, and taking thereout doves.

For taking away a cow, and affault, Wi. Ent. 984. For an affault, and carrying off goods, 2. Bro. 139. Affault, and taking goods and chattels, 2. Lut. 1320. 1344. 2. Mo. Int. 309. Affault, and taking away fpiced cakes, 2. Lut. 1374. Spoiling goods and chattels, Lev. Ent. 215, Bro. Vad. 442. 2. Inft. Cl. 447. Affault, and chafing cattle, Cliff. 723. Carrying away goods, and affauling plaintiff's fervant, Ibid. 739. For carrying away goods, Wi. Ent. 45. For taking and detaining beats of the plough of plaintiff's fervants, not permit ting them to be replevied, and menacing the tenants fo that they left their citates, Reg. 104. Arrefting cart and horfes, and detaining, Ra. 651. An ox and cow, Reg. 102. Wool, and detained fo long could not be delivered according to contract, 42 E. 3. 6. Dig. 262. Horfe and goods, till he paid a fine, Reg. 94. Ship, and wares coming to a fair (feriam), Ibid. 102. 105,


For carrying away a bag with deeds, Ra. 616. Deeds and other muniments, Reg. 106. Tearing, 3. Br. 173.

For breaking a houfe and carrying away a bond and cheft locked, Wi. Ent. 1007. Bond taken, and breaking feal, 1. Bro. 338. Tearing bond delivered to defend. ant to infpect, Ibid. 338. And cancelling, To. 292. three honds, Bro. Met. VOL. IX.

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