
on a judgment in trefpafs in the manor court, and judgment reversed by writ of
falfe judgment, 2. Br. 111. Br. 251. 186. 256. Moile, 97. To have execution
on a judgment on writ of right close in the manor court, affirmed on writ of falle
judgment, Br. 266. On judgment in trefpafs in the hundred court affirmed on
writ of falfe judgment, Br. 268. On judgment in county court by juftices remov-
ed into C. B. by writ of falte judgment, and plaintiff non prof. Br. 234.
Scire facias to have execution of lands in value on a judgment by default of vouchee
in formedon, Ra. Ent. 368. Br. 231. 274. Moile, 130. By hufband and wife te-
nants (where wife was admitted to defend the right), againft vouchee, to have
lands in value, Reg. Jud. 59. By the heir of the tenant in a writ of entry against
the heir of C. vouched to warranty, who vouched over to warranty M. who loft
the lands by making default, Br. 231.

Scire facias, defendant committed to Fleet on judgment. Plea, acquittance for his
difcharge, Br. 247. By woman waived after judgment, who rendered herself to
the Fleet and is pardoned, and plaintiff's executor releafes, Ibid. 258. Ra. 459.
By prifoner, for damages in affize, whereof plaintiff made an acquittance, 73-
2. Br. 116. On judgment in banco, Ra. 166. Vet. Int. 10. Reg. Jud. 41.43. Br.
268. By prifoner in Fleet, on judgment in inferior court, Ra. 98. On a release
made to husband and wife, executrix outlawed and waived after judgment, and de-
tained in the Fleet, where the king pardoned the outlawry and waif, Ra.167. On
release by executor to judgment obtained by teftator in debt, whereon defendant is
outlawed, Ibid. 167. Reg. Jud. 42. Vet. Int. 10. 2. Br. 117. Where pardon, Ra.
67. Where defendant rendered on exigi facias after judgment, and brought in-
to court by fheriff, and committed to plaintiff, aud immediately pleads release,
Ibid. Bail thereto, and feire facias awarded, Ibid.,

Teftatum jeire facias on releafe made to defendant in trefpafs by a prifoner in the
Fleet, 63. After outlawry, 639. Defendant brought into court by the warden
of the Fleet, pleads releafe. Scire facias awarded, and bail for defendant, 97.
Vet. Int. 140. Outlawed on capias for fine and committed, pleads pardon and
releafe. Scire facias awarded, and bail for defendant, Ra. 458. Teftatum fcire
facias to confels deed, fheriffs' return mandavi ballivo. Judgment for defendant,
Ra. 86.

[ocr errors]

Defendant taken on ftatute merchant, pleads releafe. Scire facias to plaintiff and
defendant difmiffed on bail. Scire feci. Imparlance. Demurrer and default at
the day by defendant. Judgment, that plaintiff have execution, Ra. 597.
On judgment in trefpafs, defendant renders himself to the Fleet, and pleads release
made by adminiftrator. Scire facias awarded, feire feci returned, and judgment
by default, Ra. 639. Vet.Int. 87. Where fheriff returns plaintiff dead, and alias fcire
facias to executor, Ra. 639. Sheriff on capias in trefpafs returns mandavi ballivo.
returns that defendant was committed by auditors for arrears of an account, and
corpus paratum, &c. committed to Fleet, afterwards brought into court, says he did
not account before auditors, and prays to be discharged. Scire facias awarded,
Ra. 18. Scire facias by pauper, a prifoner, on a late act of parliament in that
behalf, 2. Br. 84.

For arrears of anpuity incurred after judgment, Ra. 38. Reg. Jud. 61. Vet. Int. 11.
Her. 599. Ra. 193. Vet.Int. 15. For an annuity recovered, and arrears after judg-
ment, Ra. 38. Reg. Jud. 32. 65. Vet. Int. 9. By fucceeding abbot against rec-
tor, Ra. 193. Vet. Int. 65. On judgment against defendant, rector, and patron,
who joined defendant in aid, Ra. 39. Against patron and ordinary, whom de-
fendant had in aid, Ibid. Reg. Jud. 21. 41. Vet. 9. Succeeding prior against fuc-
ceeding rector, Reg. Jud. 41. p. 8. E. 3. 24. 29. E. 3. 34. By prior against vi-
car, Br. 246. By fucceeding prior against fucceeding rector, Br. 246. 252. By
abbot against fucceeding parfon, and aid prayed of bishop and patron, Br. 245.


Ecire facias by prior against prior for arrears of rent granted by fine, 21. E. 4. 60.
Teftatum feire facias in annuity. Scire facias on a judgment in annuity, and judg
ment on prior feire facias for arrears, Reg. Jud. 11. Plea, riens in arrear, Ra.
Seire facias against rector of a church, to recover arrears of an annuity. Plea, that
he refigned the rectory. Replication, did not refign, Ra. 193. Vet. Int. 65.
Scire facias on judgment in debt, Ra. 164. 327. Reg. Jud. 12. 62. Br. 242. Where
plaintiff remits part, 228. Part of debt recovered, and damages, 238. 255. As
to part of debt against hufband and wife, on judgment againft wife, Afb. 423,


Scire facias against executor on judgment in debt obtained againft teftator. Scire ft-
ci, imparlance, and plea, Co. Ent. 618. Moile, 102. Against adminiftrator on
judgment againft inteftate, Co. Ent. 617. Br. 244. By executor against buftand
and wife executrix on judgment in debt against wife, executrix, and former huf-
band, Br. 243. Afb. 242. By two executors furviving against exccutor on juug-
ment in debt, 3. Br. 358. By adminiftrator againft executor on judgment in debt,
Moile, 102. By executor and hufband and wife, co-executrix, againft executrix,
on judgment obtained by two executors whilft wife was fole, against execu-
tor, Her. 495. By hufband and wife, executrix on a judgment obtained by admi-
nistrator durante minori ætate of executor, against husband and wife administratrix,
Moile, 118. By executor for debt on judgment obtained by teftator against execu-
tor, Ra. 329. By adminiftrator on judgment of detinue of a' writing, Br. 253.
Againft executor, to have delivery of two deeds recovered by plaintiff against tes
tator and garnishee, Ra. 215,


Scire facias on judgment in trefpafs, Br. 242. 255. For part of damage, Reg. Ind.
75. In cafe, Br. 242. For part of damages, 237. For colts on non prof. in debt,
Br. 242. 254. In account, 252. On judgment on an information against an in-
groffer, 1. Br. 137.

Scire facias by abbot on judgment against predeceffor, and execution by default award-
ed thereon, Ra. 165.

Ssire facias for a deed on non eft factum pleaded in court, to take it out of court,
for that the plea is difcontinued by the king's demite, Reg. Jud. 82.

Seire facias in debt, Off. Br. 315. Where plaintiff is noniuit, Mo. Intr. 233. 263,
For debt and damages after a year and a day, Bro. Vad. 597. 1. Inft. Cl. 144,
314, 315.

Scire facias awarded in replevin, Mo. Int. 326.

Scire facias on a judgment for damages in trefpafs, return thereof, Plea, that par·
cel of the damages were taken in execution on a fieri facias, and that it was agreed
that if T. A. and T. M. would undertake to pay to the sheriff ten pounds, that the
plaintiff would accept the fame in fatisfaction, and that it was paid at the day. De-
murrer, Le Ent. 164.

Scire facias on a debt recovered in C. B. 1659, in the time of the Ufurpation, where
the plaintiff, fince his majefty's rettoration, is made a baronet, Mo. Int. 364.
Plea, that money has been levied by fieri facias, Elif. 675.

Scire facias in ejectment, where one defendant is dead fince the recovery, Pl.Gen. 198.
Entry of fire facias, and return in ejectment, Clif. 675. In ejectment again
thofe who entered fince the recovery, Ibid. 676. Againft perfons entering into
tonements after defendant's death, 677.. Execution by default, 682.


Declaration and entry on feire facias returned by sheriff, and default thereon, CI. Aff.


Stire facias against fheriff for returning a refcue of goods taken (on fieri facias), and
that defendant had no other goods. Demurrer, and judgment for plaintiff, z. Sar.
Scire facias against sheriff, who took more money of the vill for the expences of a
knight to ferve in parliamentt han was affeffed, Of. Br. 336. Entry of feire fa-
cias against late fheriff, for non-payment of debt and damages after fieri facias re-
turned, 1. Bro. 319.

Entry of fcire facias against fheriff, for not bringing the goods he levied upon a fieri
facias, Mo. Int. 367.

Scire facias against an attorney upon a recovery in debt, Bro. Vad. 581.

Scire facias in affumpfit, 1. Luft. Cl. 151. In ejectment, Bro. Vad. 583. Trefpals on
the cafe, 1. Inft. Cl. 151.

Entry of two feire facias with two nibils returned, and judgment by default, 1. Inft
Cl. 146.

Stire facias for damages in affize, Off. Br. 325. 338. 342. In affize for an office,
Ibid. 328. In quare impedit after the death of one of plaintiffs, Ibid. 326. In af-
fize of fresh force, Ibid. 344. For damages recovered on rediffeifin, Ibid.

Entry of feire facias for damages recovered in affize against husband and wife, and
another who took a wife after marriage had between the hufband and wife, and
after the death of the fecond hufband, Ibid. 334.

Entry of leave to get a better writ of fcire facias on fine, and fcire facias awarded to
coroner, because sheriff is akin, and coroner amerced, for that he alone ought to
return the writ, Of. Br. 334.

Scire facias on letters of pardon by husband and wife against plaintiff, who had profe-
cuted his fuit in debt, Pl. Gen 194. Off. Br. 312. On letters of pardon by out-
lawry in cafe brought by administrator for goods teftator fold, which came to de-
fendant's hands by finding, Pl. Gen. 195. Off. Br. 312. On letters pardon of
outlawry in a plea of covenant, Pl. Gen. 178. 196. Off. Br. 313. On pardon
by parliament of outlawry, Bro. Met. 347.

Judgment by default against the late fheriff in a feire facias, where the fheriff on a fieri
facias returned levy of money which he had to deliver, but did not, Off. Br.


Scire facias for damages on a recovery in detinue of a statute staple of Westminster,
1. Bro. 323.

Seire facias on a recovery in dower in C. B. Han. 244. Of. Br. 262. In formedon,
1. Bro. 328. On a recovery in an inferior court, Han. 234.

Stire facias de habendo cattle of the value in withernam, and damages in replevin by
the furviving avowant, Of. Br. 266. 2. Bro. 108. Judgment by default on a
fcire facias against plaintiff for damages in reple-vin, Off. Br. 266. Scire facias
after non prof. in replevin fince the death of one of the avowants, 1. Bro. 326.
Scire facias de retorno habendo, Off. Br. 332.

Seire facias in wafte by the heir, Off. Br. 275. In wafle, whereof habere facias fei-,
finam is awarded, 267.

Stire facias on levying a fine, with render by the heir in remainder of lands, parcel of
the manor, and bailiffs return feire feci, Off. Br. 257. 1. Bro 328.

Scire facias in quare impedit, Bro. Vad. 583. For damages, Bro. Met. 344. Off.
Br. 275. Quare impedit appearance of patron and incumbent, &c. Plea, out-
lawry in the plaintiff pending the quare impedit, 1. Bro. 324. For the plaintiff to
prefent, Bro. Met. 343.

Scire facias in accompt, that defendant may account with the plaintiff, 343. In par
tition, 1. Bro. 328. On a writ of falfe judgment, Bro. Met. 362. After judg
ment affirmed, 370.


Judgment by default in ejectment on feire facias and habere facias poffeffionem award-
ed, Off. Br. 271. Scire facias for damages on judgment in ejectment, Ibid.
Against furviving defendant, Ibid. 291.

Entry of fire facias after fieri facias and inquiry, Clif. 659. Entry of scire facias,
enquiry, and execution by default, Ibid. 660.

Scire facias to execute a fine, fheriff's return mandavi ballivo, appearance, and plain-
tiff prays execution, Ra. 587. Plaintiff, after entry of feire facias, alledges de-
fcent to himself, and prays execution, Ibid. 588. Sheriffs return feire feci, ap-
pearance, and confeffes execution of the fine, Ibid. Return of feire feci, default
made by defendant cur, adv. vult. of the judgment, Co. Ent. 632.


Scire facias to plaintiff on fpecial pardon of outlawry, Reg. Jud. 5. 11. 28. 57. Vet.
Int. 10. Br. 248. 251. On general pardon, 2. Br. 85. Reciting plea on an act
of parliament, Ibid. Br.248. 276. Alias teftatum fcire faciar, when defendant out-
lawed in debt rendered, and pleads pardon, Ra. 458. By husband and wife out
lawed and waived, Ibid. On plea by defendant of misnomer to reverse outlawry,
298. Vet. Int. 221. Of mifprifion of commorancy, Ra. 299. Thef. 117. Br.


Scire facias against defendant in debt, who after judgment made a feoffment of lands
by fraud, and he took the profits thereof in fanctuary, where he fled, Moile, 130.


Scire facias to have return of cattle in replevin, Ra. 571. Ab. 422. 432. Vet. Int.
87. 2. Br. 119. Against executor, to have cattle of teftator of the value in
thernam, and damages in replevin, 2. Br. 108. 3. Br. 356. To have return of cat-
tle irrepleviable, and damages in replevin, Br. 240. 2. Br. 118.

Entry of feire facias against prifoner in the Fleet in debt, who being brought to the
bar by habeas corpus after nihil and non eft inventus returned, confesses judgment by
nil dicit, and is committed until, &c. Off: Br. 269.

Entry, feire facias in dower, return mandavi ballivo, answer feire feci, defendant makes
default, and plaintiff prays feifin and execution, Off. Br. 273.

Scire facias in annuity, Off. Br. 319. Judgment by default on feire facias for arrears
of an annuity accruing fince judgment, and fheriff's return, feire feci, Off. Br.


Stire facias on a recovery of annuity for arrears and damages before judgment, and
for arrears after judgment, Pl. Gen. 198, 199.

Scire facias for annuity of prior of N. 1. Bro. 322. For the arrears of an annuity
as well before as after judgment, and where defendant after judgment was knight-
ed, Bro. Met. 361.

Scire facias against a furviving defendant, Off. Br. 291. In ejectment, Ibid.
Scire facias by plaintiff again't a ftranger to the judgment, who purchased meffuage
of the debtor after judgment rendered, and before inquifition, 296.

Scire facias in audita querela by an infant to make void a recognizance made in the
court of chancery, Off. Br. 297.

On audita querela by a prifoner in the Fleet and discharged, 1. Bro. 327. To fhew
caufe why one R. C. fhould not be difcharged out of prison, Han. 236. In audita
querela, where releafeis produced, Han. 243. Cl. Man. 48.

By widow, on a judgment obtained by her and her late husband in dower, feifin
awarded by default, and thereupon the widow fays that her former husband died
feifed of the manor and fix acres of meadow, and prays a writ of feifin as well as
enquiry of damages, and hath it, and return thereto, Off. Br. 298. 2. Bro. 132.

Like of four meffuages, and the profits of the office of keeper of the king's pa-
lace, &c.; fheriffs return to have feifin of the tenements, and of the third part
of the profits of an office for the payment of a sum of money, parcel of the pro-
fits, Off. Br. 299.

Plea to feire facias to have execution in dower, tenant pleads grant of an annuity after
judgment in fatisfaction of dower, and the feme's agreement to the grant. Repli
cation, protesting did not grant; for plea, did not agree, and iffue, Off. Br.


Against husband and wife upon a recovery against the wife when fole, Bro. Met.
364. Off. Br. 283.

Scire facias against an infant in a writ of entry in le quibus, who appears by guardian,
and imparls; age denied, Off. Br. 300. On a recovery on a writ of entry in le
pof, Off Br. 317. For feifin of tenements and damages in writ of entry in the
quibus, 344. Judgment by default, and afterwards defendant is taken by vir-
tue of an outlaw ry for the debt and damages, and committed to the Fleet,
Plea to fire facias, that debtor was feifed at the time of the judgment, but that af-
terwards he became bound to the queen, and that the land was extended; with
averment, that land mentioned in feire facias was parcel of the lands and tenements
specified in the inquifition, Off. Br. 301. Scire facias to have execution of feifin
of tenements in the fine, Off. Br. 302.

Scire facias in warrantia charta of execution of a fine,with remainder in tail, remainder
to M. in fee by the next of kin and heir of M. in a plea of warrantia charta, Off.Br.
307. In detinue, 308. Scire facias where defendant pleads mifnofmer in discharge
of outlawry, Ibid. Scire facias on traverse of the outlawry, where defendant, on
a capias uilegatum, appears, and pleads exception to the vill, Ibid. Scire facias by
plaintiff on plea by defendant, that he was never commorant at the place in the
writ. Replication, that he was commorant at the place in the writ, and iffue
thereon to be tried in the county palatine of Chester, and verdict for defendant,
Off. Br. 309.

By the rector of the church against the fucceeding vicar, for arrears of an annuity re-
covered, Off. Br. 31c. Against a fucceffor on recovery in a writ of annuity, Pl

Gen. 188.

For an annuity and damages recovered, and arrears after judgment, Off. Br. 310.
For feifin and damages in affize after recovery before juftices at the affizes, and
afterwards fent into the bench by writ, Off. Br. 313. Pl. Gen. 197. 183.
Scire facias to have reftitution in falfe judgment, Off. Br. 317. Pl. Gen. 191. For da-
mages in trespass, and fatisfaction acknowledged by plaintiff by attorney, fummons
for damages thereon, Off. Br. 318. Continuance of feire facias, Ibid.
Scire facias to have execution on a judgment in entry in le post of three manors, in
one of which fome entered, and one is made a knight, and others are fince dead,
Of. Br. 319. Where after judgment defendant is created an earl, Ibid. 283. 322.
1. Bro. 321. 326. Bro. Met. 363.

Scire facias in dower of a manor, in which the brother and heir entered after judg-
ment, Of. Br. 322. In dower by husband and wife, on a judgment rendered by
wife whilft fole, Pl. Gen. 189. In dower after death of husband of demandant,
and death of tenant, Off. Br. 324.

Scire facias in replevin for value of the chattels, Ibid. 326.

Scire facias to have reftitution on a judgment in detention of goods in the hundred
court. Judgment reverfed in C. B. removed by re.fa. lo. Ibid. 327. Scire facias
against pledges to gage deliverance of cattle, Ibid. 327. For damages only for the
detaining, Ibid. 319. For damages recovered in an affize of nuifance, Itid. 320.
For damages recovered on non prof. in debt, Ibid. 321. In trespass, Ibid. For par-
cel of damages in cafe, Ibid. 324.

Seire facias on judgment in detinue against J. and H. fheriff return fcire feci. }.who


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