

24. Good morals being of the first importance, and essential to their progress in useful knowledge, the pupils are strictly enjoined to avoid all vulgarity and profanity, falsehood and deceit, aud every wicked and disgraceful practice; to conduct themselves in a sober, orderly and decent manner, both in and out of school; to be diligent and attentive to their studies; to treat each other politely and kindly in all their intercourse; to respect and obey all orders of their teachers in relation to their conduct and studies, and to be punctual and constant in their daily attendance.

25. Every pupil who shall, accidentally or otherwise, injure any school property, whether fences, gates, trees or shrubs, or any building or any part thereof; or break any window glass, or injure or destroy any instrument, apparatus or furniture belonging to the school, shall be liable to pay all damages.

26. Every pupil who shall any where, on or around the school premises, use or write any profane or unchaste language, or shall draw any obscene pictures or representations, or cut, mark, or otherwise intentionally deface any school furniture or buildings, or any property whatsoever belonging to the school estate, shall be punished in proportion to the nature and extent of the offence, and shall be liable to the action of the civil law.

27. No scholar of either sex shall be permitted to enter any part of the yard or buildings appropriated to the other, without the teacher's permission.

28. Smoking and chewing tobacco in the school house or upon the school premises, are strictly prohibited.

29. The scholars shall pass through the streets on their way to and from school in an orderly and becoming manner; shall clean the mud and dirt from their feet on entering the school room; and take their seats in a quiet and respectful manner, as soon as convenient after the first bell rings; and shall take proper care that their books, desks, and the floor around them, are kept clean and in good order.

30. It is expected that all the scholars who enjoy the advantages of public schools, will give proper attention to the cleanliness of their persons, and the neatness and decency of their clothes-not only for

the moral effect of the habit of neatness and order, but that the pupils may be at all times prepared, both in conduct and external appearance to receive their friends and visitors in a respectable manner; and to render the school room pleasant, comfortable and happy for teachers and scholars.

31. No scholar should try to hide the misconduct of his schoolfellows or screen them from justice; but it shall be the duty of every pupil who knows of any bad conduct, or violation of order, committed without the knowledge of the instructor, to the disgrace and injury of the school, to inform the teacher thereof, and to do all in his power to discourage and discountenance improper behavior in others, and to assist the teacher in restoring good order and sustaining the reputation of the school.

32. Every teacher shall keep a copy of these rules and regulations posted up in the school room, and shall cause the same to be read aloud in school at least once in every month; and in case of any difficulty in carrying out these regulations, or in the government and discipline of the school, it shall be the duty of the teacher to apply immediately to the committee for advice and direction.


Regulations for government of Public Schools, adopted in North and South Kingstown, &c.


1. Every person, before being employed to teach in any school supported wholly or in part by public money, shall be found qualified according to law; and for any immoral or grossly improper conduct, or, for refusing to comply with the regulations of the School Committee, or the requests of the Commissioner of Public Schools, shall be dismissed.

2. The teachers are expected to make the teaching of their school the main business, to give to it their best thoughts and energies, and to devote themselves to it to the exclusion of all other regular employment. And it is recommended that frequent meetings of the teachers be held for the purpose of personal improvement and of giving efficiency to the system of instruction, which meetings will be attended once a month by a committee of the Board.

3. It shall be the duty of the teachers to fill all blanks, and make

such returns as may be required of them by law and by the school committee or trustees; and to give notice to the school committee, of the time when the term will begin and close, so that the school may be visited according to law, and any teacher who shall for the space of weeks neglect to give notice as aforesaid, shall forfeit his pay for that time, unless he renders a satisfactory excuse.

4. In cases of difficulty in the discharge of their official duties, or when they may desire any temporary indulgence, the teachers shall apply to the trustees or committee for advice and direction.

5. The teachers are required to be at their respective school houses, at least fifteen minutes before the specified time for beginning the school in the morning and in the afternoon; and to open their respective school rooms, for the reception of pupils, subject to all the rules of order for school hours, as soon as they enter the


6. The teachers shall enroll the names of scholars as they enter the school and cause all cases of absence and tardiness to be marked every morning and afternoon, and any withdrawal from school before the hour for closing, except in case of sickness, or upon a request stated in writing or in person, by the parent or guardian, shall be regarded as an absence.

7. As regularity and punctuality of attendance are indispensable to the success of a school, it is important to maintain the principle that necessity alone can justify absence. Sickness, domestic affliction, and absence from town are regarded as the only legitimate cause of absence. All other cases must be considered as in violation of rule, and deriving their only sanction from the private authority of a parent or guardian. In every instance of absence, a written excuse or personal explanation shall be required of the parent, master, or guardian, on the return of the pupil to school.

8. The teachers in each school shall put the pupils into separate classes according to their age and attainments; and shall teach them such portions of the prescribed studies as in their judgment it shall be most suitable for each class to pursue; and each scholar shall be finconed to the studies of his class, unless for good reasons an exception be made by the teacher under the advice, or with the approbation of the committes.

9. It shall be the duty of the teachers to use their best endeavors to impress upon the minds of the youth committed to their care and instruction, the principles of piety, justice and a sacred regard to truth, love to their country, humanity and universal benevolence, sobriety, industry, frugality, chastity, moderation, temperance and those other virtues which are the ornament of human society, and the basis upon which a republican constitution is founded; and they shall endeavor to lead their pupils, as their ages and capacities will allow, into a clear understanding of the tendency of these virtues to preserve and perfect a republican constitution, and secure the blessings of liberty, as well as to promote their own happiness; and also to point out to them the evil tendency of the opposite vices. [From Laws of Massachusetts.]

10. It is expected that the teachers will exercise a general inspection over the conduct of the scholars, not only while in school, but also during their recess, while in the aisles and yards, and while coming to and returning from school.

11. It is recommended that the school be opened by reading a portion of the Bible, which may be read, either separately by the teachers, or by the scholars, or by both in connection; but no scholar shall be required to engage in this exercise against the expressed wishes of the parent or guardian.

12. The teachers shall practice such discipline in the schools as would be exercised by a kind, judicious parent in his family, and shall avoid corporal punishment in all cases where order can be preserved by milder measures; and they shall keep a faithful account of all punishments and the offenses for which they are inflicted-subject to examination by the school committee, or trustees.

13. For violent opposition, or gross immorality, or indecency, or contagious disease, a teacher may exclude a pupil from school for the time; and in all such cases, shall forthwith give information in writing, of the cause thereof, to the parents or guardian, and to the school committee.

14. Whenever the example of any scholar shall be such as to be dangerous to the morality of the other scholars or the good order of the school, and there is no hope of reformation, the teacher shall report the case to the school committee for their advice and decision.

15. The teachers shall exert themselves, under the advice of the committee, to impart a knowledge of the English language (including orthography, etymology, pronunciation, definitions, composition, grammar and reading) writing, mental and written arithmetic, geography, and the history of the United States.

16. The following books are recommended to be used in the public schools: no teacher shall permit the scholars to use any keys to arithmetics or other mathematical works.

The following text books shall be used in the studies specified. [Here insert the name of such books as have been prescribed, or recommended, as the case may be, by the school committee.]

17. In case any scholar is not provided with the proper books, the tcacher shall inform the parent, guardian or master thereof; and if such parent, guardian or master shall not within one week provide proper books, the teacher shall inform the trustees of the district, who shall provide the same in manner prescribed by law.

18. The teacher shall endeavor to combine the use of oral instruction and familiar explanations with the recitation from the prescribed books, especially on the subject of morals and manners.

19. Needle work may be allowed in the primary schools. 20. Exercises in declamation shall take place at suitable times at the discretion of the teacher under the advice of the committee.

21. Singing shall be encouraged, and as far as practicable, taught in all the schools, not only for its direct intellectual and moral uses, but as a healthy exercise of the lungs, an agreeable recreation to the pupils, and an auxiliary in school government: but no one shall be required to engage in it against the wishes of his parents.

22. The teacher may, under the advice of the visiting committee, occasionally employ the older scholars to assist under his direction in the management of the school when they are capable, and when it can be done without disadvantage to them or to the good order of the school.

23. Every teacher shall keep a record of all the recitations of every class, and of the manner in which every member of the class shall acquit himself in his recitations, using figures or otherwise to mark degrees of merit, and shall exhibit the same to the parents or guardians, committee or trustee, when required.

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