O animarum adscripta choro, dilecta Maria, Illa domus, felix qva reqviescis, ubi est? Contemplaris humi prostratum in pulvere, et audis Qvanto se gemitu torqueat intus amans?
ΦΑΛ. Τὸ δ ̓ ἔντερα τἀμά σ ̓ ἐξελεῖν· ἐὰν μὲν οὖν τῷδ ̓ ἐν φάει ̓ξελῇς σφε, τὠπιόντι με τεμάχη ποιήσεις λεπτά, καὶ κατεδεῖ γε πρός. μὰ Δί ̓ ἀλλ ̓ ἐνόμιζον οὐκ ἔτος φενακιεῖν, εἴ μ ̓ οὗτοσὶ θερμουργὸς ἄγριος Σκύθης δώσειν ἔμελλεν οὐ τάχ ̓ ἀλλ ̓ ἤδη σκότῳ. ποῖον φενάκισμ ̓; οὐ γὰρ ἀλλὰ ψεύδομαι· οὐ δῆτ ̓ ἐφενάκισ ̓· ἐστὶ γὰρ φενακίσαι τὸ θανεῖν· ὁ γὰρ μηδ ̓ ἐμπνέων ἀνθρωπίνως, μορφὴν ὑποδὺς ἀνθρωπίνην, ὁδὶ φέναξ. ὁ δ ̓ ὡς θανὼν φενακίσας, ἐν τῷδε δὲ ζῶν, οὐκ ἐφενάκισ ̓ οὗτος, ἀλλὰ ζῶν κυρεῖ πάμψυχος ἤδη κοὐδὲν ἐξῃκασμένος. τοῦ γὰρ θράσους πλεῖν ἡμίσους τὸ σωφρονεῖν· τούτῳ δ ̓ ἐγὼ νῦν οὐ τέθνηκα θἡμίσει. οἴμοι τάλας· ὡς τόνδε καὶ θανόνθ ̓ ὅμως βροντησικέραυνον Περσέα δείσας ἔχω. ἴσον γὰρ οὗτος εἰ φενακίζων τύχοι, ἐγὼ τί γενοίμην, τοῦδ ̓ ἀναστάντος πάλιν; δέδοικ ̓, ἄμεινον μὴ φενακίσας κυροῖ. φέρ ̓ οὖν ἀνύσω νιν, καὶ κατομόσω καὶ κτανεῖν. πῶς ἐξ ἴσου γὰρ οὐκ ἂν ἀνσταίη γ ̓ ἐμοί; οὐδέν μ ̓ ἐλέγχει πλῆν τὸ καθορᾶσθαι μόνον· τὸ δ ̓ οὐ πάρεστι· τοιγαροῦν, ὦ τᾶν, ἔχων πρὸς τοῖς παλαιοῖς ἕλκος ἐν μηρῷ νέον, ὧδ ̓ ἂν βαδίζοις ἐξόδους κοινὰς ἐμοί.
Wie einst mit flehendem Verlangen Pygmalion den Stein umschloß, Bis in des Marmors kalte Wangen Empfindung glühend sich ergoß, So schlang ich mich mit Liebesarmen Um die Natur, mit Jugendlust, Bis sie zu athmen, zu erwarmen Begann an meiner Dichterbrust.
Und theilend meine Flammentriebe Die Stumme eine Sprache fand, Mir wiedergab den Kuß der Liebe, Und meines Herzens Klang verstand; Da lebte mir der Baum, die Rose, Mir sang der Quellen Silberfall, Es fühlte selbst das Seelenlose Von meines Lebens Wiederhall.
Fame is the spur that the clear spirit doth raise (That last infirmity of noble mind) To scorn delights and live laborious days; But the fair guerdon when we hope to find, And think to burst out into sudden blaze,
Comes the blind Fury with the abhorred shears, And slits the thin-spun life. But not the praise, Phœbus replied, and touched my trembling ears.
Vates Amans Naturae.
Ut statuam fertur, miro perculsus amore, Pygmalion cupido continuisse sinu, Donec in amplexus victum mollescere marmor, Vivaqve per gelidas currere flamma genas; Sic imberbis ego et primo qvom fervidus aestu Naturae circum brachia laeta dedi, Adspirare mihi subitaqve calescere vita Incipit, et gremium vatis amare sui, Incendiqve meis, quae nuper frigida, flammis, Et, qvae vocis egens, omnia posse loqvi, Nosse mei cordis motus, et, pignus amoris, Mile mihi danti basia mile dare.
Tum rosa, tunc arbor mihi vivere; tum mihi prono
Rivulus argento suave ciere melos:
Nil non sentiscit, quamvis sine munere mentis, Deqve meae vitae fonte fluenta bibit.
Gloria, magnanimi qui pectoris ultimus error, Gloria calcar habet qvod adurgeat ignea corda Delicias sprevisse et acerbos degere soles. Qvom tamen optato speramus posse potiri Munere, et in subitam tenebras perrumpere lucem, Caeca venit Furia atqve invisa forfice vitae Tenvia fila secat. Sed non tamen, inquit Apollo, Illius et laudem; ac tremulas simul increpat aures.
The mill-wheel's frozen in the stream, The church is deck'd with holly; Mistletoe hangs from the kitchen-beam, To fright away melancholy; Icicles clink in the milkmaid's pail, Younkers skate on the pool below, Blackbirds perch on the garden-rail; And hark, how the cold winds blow!
There goes the squire to shoot at snipe; Here runs Dick to fetch a log;
You'd swear his breath was the smoke of a pipe
In the frosty morning fog.
Hodge is breaking the ice for the kine;
Old and young cough as they go; The round red sun forgets to shine; And hark, how the cold winds blow!
Lines from the German.
Let me wander where she walks In the blessed calm of even; Let me listen when she talks; Jove, I envy not thy heaven.
Love within my bosom's cell Hermit-like doth ever dwell: Hope and Joy may leave my heart; Love and I will never part.
Stat molae gelatus axis, templa baccae vestiunt: Viscus ex tigno culinae pendulus curam fugat: Mulctra glacie stridet, inqve labitur pubes lacu : Merula subvolat fenestrae: flabra phui frigent, fremunt.
Marcus exit aucupatum; ligna Dama quaeritans Efflat auras in gelatas spiritum fumo parem; Thrax secat glaciem iuvencis; tussiunt pueri et senes; Marcet orbe sol rubente; flabra phui frigent, fremunt.
Sit mihi, qva graditur Lalage mea, saepe vagari, Qvom latebras mulcet vesperis alma quies; Sit mihi mellitam Lalages audire loqvelam; Juppiter, invideam non tibi regna poli.
Haeret Amor semper vivitqve in pectore nostro, Ceu pius in cari ianitor aede dei. Spes abeat nobis, abeat fugitiva Voluptas: Restat adhuc certo foedere iunctus Amor.
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