Astra cadentia. Infaustos quoties strix cecinit modos, Sint pacata animis somnia masculis ; Heroum ad tumulum gemat. Nos inter nebulas sors tulit horridas: Tristis gutta fluit quae dolet inritas Fugerunt speculis lampades omnibus : Ambos nox premit: at dum viget incluta Nativae recinent lyrae. H. J. H. Alcides. Alcides thus his race began: And there he grappled first with fate : In his young hand the hissing snakes he pressed; DRYDEN. The Narcissus. I saw the pride of all the meadow, And not one former grace remained. COWPER. ̓Αλκείδας. ̓Ἀπὸ βαλβίδων τοιόνδ ̓ ἔλαχεν νεαρὸν νεαραῖς σύριγμ ̓ ὄφεων λῆμα κατ' αἶσαν μέγ ̓ ἐλέγχει. R. S. Narcissus. Forte ego narcissum, nec pulcrior adfuit alter, Coeperat, et tremulo murmure lympha queri. Et vergente die male provida serta petenti W. E. E. The Coward Lover. Faint amorist! What, dost thou think Th' Elysian fields, that dar'st not venture In Charon's barge? A lover's mind Must use to sail with every wind. Segnis Amans. Sic tibi, segnis amans, quod dulcia tingat acerbis, P. S. Κ. BOWRING. Omnipotence. Beneath thy all-directing nod Both worlds and worms are equal, God. And lighted yonder glowworm too. Thou didst the dome of heaven build up, And form yon snowdrop's silver cup. Creatio. Rerum summe Parens, tuae bilances Κ. |