
ponenda sunt. So in Virg. Ecl. 6. 53 ille latus niueum molli fultus hyacintho, where it is absurd to say a bull is propped or supported on hyacinths, but perfectly appropriate to say he presses or is pressed by them. So, too, in Lucr. 2. 100 partim interuallis magnis confulta resultant, rebound after being pressed together. So probably effulcio in Appul. Met. 2. 34 stragulis aggeratis in cumulum et effultis in cubitum. From the original meaning of 'pressing' we get two chief offshoots: A, pressing out, stuffing; B, pressing together, making firm, strengthening.

The compound infulcio is particularly worthy of attention. It presents uses exactly corresponding to those of infarcio ; but uses which are apparently later for infulcio than for infarcio, and which form a passage from the original meaning to its first modification A. Compare Columella 12. 53. 2 in eas partes largum salem infarcito with Suetonius Tib. 53 rursus mori inedia destinanti per uim ore diducto infulciri cibum iussit; and in a metaphorical sense Cicero Orator 69. 231 infarciens uerba with Seneca Epist. 106. 5 aliud (uerbum) infulcire.

Still nearer to the ordinary meaning of farcio is the use of offulcio in Appuleius Metam. 1. 10 uulnus spongia offulciens, Met. 4. 70 multis laciniis offulto uulnere and Persius (or Nero?) 1. 78 Antiopa aerumnis cor luctificabile fulta, stuffed with griefs' (compare cor dolis refertum1 which is the Greek κραδίη δόλοισι πεφραγμένη), not, as Gifford, 'propped with dolorifick teen.'

The sense B, fortify, secure, is not, so far as I know, found in farcio. But we have it in the Greek opáσow as in Hom. Od. 5. 256 σχεδίην φράξε ῥιπέσσι (compare φάρξαι πόλισμα Aesch. Sept. 63), &c. : and in the Latin fulcio in Aen. 8. 227 fultos obice postes, Ov. A. A. 2. 244 adposita ianua fulta


Other meanings of fulcio need only a passing mention. They are either slight modifications of those already referred to or else of that of prop, its commonest meaning, which is derived from that of press 2, a prop being something pressed downwards and pressing upwards, and a fulcrum a point of pressure.

1 Quoted by Curtius 1. c.

2 By no means vice versa as Mr Paley, note on Propert. 1. c.



[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors]

18 (a)



18 (b) 19-21

13. 1-42

22. 1-42



indicates that there is no change. The reckoning is inclusive.

18 (a)

18 (b)


22. 1-42


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


The first number gives the page, the second the verse. The
proper names in italics are those writers whose coincidences
with Propertius are quoted in the notes. See Introduction,
Chapter V., Literary History.

a (interject.) 196 14
ab 195 5 6; 204 48
Abl. 51 36; 52 3; 61 14; 61
15; 64 4; 77 21; 81 34; 86
27; 87 34; 88 41; 104 3;
125 6; 127 16; 136 39; 151
13; 151 157 43; 164
40; 165 50; 167 67; 174
16; 188 8; 202 36; 213 23;
245 96

Abl. descriptive 130 5

Ablatives two 90 48

Abstract for concrete 95 15
acanthus 172 14

Acc. 88 40

Acc. of part concerned 112 28
acer 78 26

acta 105 6; 129 2

ad 203 39; 221 70; 226 2; 245

[blocks in formation]

Aeacus 230 19
Aemilia 238 53
aequor scribendi 169 3
aera 227 7

Afer (adj.) 234 30
agger 104 2
ala 216 47

ala, extrema 98 29
Amphionius 75 10
Anacoluthon 183 7
angustus 71 33
Anienus 93 8

anima 119 II
animosus 170 9
animus 91 2
ante 71 36

ante...donec 79 29
Antilochus 135 33

Antonius, L. 103

antrum 47 II

Apelleus 56 22
aperire 143 2

Apollonius Rhodius 90 sqq.
aptus, with dat. 213 22
Aquilo 109 4

Aquilonius 97 25

Arabia 120 16
Arcadius 48 14

[blocks in formation]

Callimachus 133 23; 145 14;

158 49; 165 46; 166 59; 188
2; 240 64

campum dare 118 2
candidus 221 71

candor 192 8

canere 115 II
Cannensis 154 9

capere 46 I
Capharĕus 163 39

caput 159 4; 186 26; 239 55
carmen 57 27; 83 10
Castalia 154 13

Catullus 160 10
cauus 86 27

cedere in astra 187 34
celatus 195 II
Centauricus 217 49
Cepheus (adj.) 222 78

cera 209 3
cerasus 200 15
Ceraunia 67 19

certe 113 I

certus 72 45

cessare 189 15

Chaonius 74 5

Cicero 69 27; 74 1; 107 3 4;

111 20; 218 52; 242 74
Cilissa spica 221 74

cinis 123 6

citatus 68 23

cithara 119 10

Claudia (Quinta) 238 51
Claudian 160 8; 193 19; 222
82; 232 23; 234 30; 237 43
Coa 201 23

cogi 47 8

cogitare 49 17

colligere 176 29

commodus 140 4

Comparative 54 10

componere 76 13
concha 72 39

concurrere 174 17
condere 168 72
conectere 112 23

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