
that the same angle may be greater than one right angle, and less than another right angle, that is, obtuse and acute at the same time.

The definition of a square assumes more than is necessary. For if a four-sided figure have all its sides equal and one angle a right angle, it may be shewn that all its angles are right angles; or if a four-sided figure have all its angles equal, it may be shewn that they are all right angles.

Postulates. The postulates state what processes we assume that we can effect, namely, that we can draw a straight line between two given points, that we can produce a straight line to any length, and that we can describe a circle from a given centre with a given distance as radius. It is sometimes stated that the postulates amount to requiring the use of a ruler and compasses. It must however be observed that the ruler is not supposed to be a graduated ruler, so that we cannot use it to measure off assigned lengths. And we do not require the compasses for any other process than describing a circle from a given point with a given distance as radius; in other words, the compasses may be supposed to close of themselves, as soon as one of their points is removed from the paper.

Axioms. The axioms are called in the original Common Notions. It is supposed by some writers that Euclid intended his postulates to include all demands which are peculiarly geometrical, and his common notions to include only such notions as are applicable to all kinds of magnitude as well as to space magnitudes. Accordingly, these writers remove the last three axioms from their place and put them among the postulates; and this transposition is supported by some manuscripts and some versions of the Elements.

The fourth axiom is sometimes referred to in editions of Euclid when in reality more is required than this axiom expresses. Euclid says, that if A and B be unequal, and C and D equal, the sum of ▲ and C is unequal to the sum of B and D. What Euclid often requires is something more, namely, that if A be greater than B, and C and D be equal, the sum of A and C is greater than the sum of B and D. Such an axiom as this is required, for example, in I. 17. A similar remark applies to the fifth axiom.

In the eighth axiom the words "that is, which exactly fill the same space," have been introduced without the authority of

the original Greek. They are objectionable, because lines and angles are magnitudes to which the axiom may be applied, but they cannot be said to fill space.

On the method of superposition we may refer to papers by Professor Kelland in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vols. XXI. and XXIII.

The eleventh axiom is not required before I. 14, and the twelfth axiom is not required before I. 29; we shall not consider these axioms until we arrive at the propositions in which they are respectively required for the first time.

The first book is chiefly devoted to the properties of triangles and parallelograms.

We may observe that Euclid himself does not distinguish between problems and theorems except by using at the end of the investigation phrases which correspond to Q.E. F. and Q.E.D. respectively.

I. 2. This problem admits of eight cases in its figure. For it will be found that the given point may be joined with either end of the given straight line, then the equilateral triangle may be described on either side of the straight line which is drawn, and the sides of the equilateral triangle which are produced may be produced through either extremity. These various cases may be left for the exercise of the student, as they present no difficulty. There will not however always be eight different straight lines obtained which solve the problem. For example, if the point A falls on BC produced, some of the solutions obtained coincide; this depends on the fact which follows from I. 32, that the angles of all equilateral triangles are equal.

I. 5. "Join FC." Custom seems to allow this singular expression as an abbreviation for "draw the straight line FC," or for "join F to C by the straight line FC."

In comparing the triangles BFC, CGB, the words "and the base BC is common to the two triangles BFC, CGB" are usually inserted, with the authority of the original. As however these words are of no use, and tend to perplex a beginner, we have followed the example of some editors and omitted them.

A corollary to a proposition is an inference which may be deduced immediately from that proposition. Many of the corollaries in the Elements are not in the original text, but introduced by the editors.

It has been suggested to demonstrate I. 5 by superposition. Conceive the isosceles triangle ABC to be taken up, and then replaced so that AB falls on the old position of AC, and AC falls on the old position of AB. Thus, in the manner of I. 4, we can shew that the angle ABC is equal to the angle ACB.

I. 6 is the converse of part of I. 5. One proposition is said to be the converse of another when the conclusion of each is the hypothesis of the other. Thus in I. 5 the hypothesis is the equality of the sides, and one conclusion is the equality of the angles; in I. 6 the hypothesis is the equality of the angles and the conclusion is the equality of the sides. When there is more than one hypothesis or more than one conclusion to a proposition, we can form more than one converse proposition. For example, as another converse of I. 5 we have the following: if the angles formed by the base of a triangle and the sides produced be equal, the sides of the triangle are equal; this proposition is true and will serve as an exercise for the student.

The converse of a true proposition is not necessarily true; the student however will see, as he proceeds, that Euclid shews that the converses of many geometrical propositions are true.

I. 6 is an example of the indirect mode of demonstration, in which a result is established by shewing that some absurdity follows from supposing the required result to be untrue. Hence this mode of demonstration is called the reductio ad absurdum. Indirect demonstrations are often less esteemed than direct demonstrations; they are said to shew that a theorem is true rather than to shew why it is true. Euclid uses the reductio ad absurdum chiefly when he is demonstrating the converse of some former theorem; see I. 14, 19, 25, 40.

Some remarks on indirect demonstration by Professor Sylvester, Professor De Morgan, and Dr Adamson will be found in the volumes of the Philosophical Magazine for 1852 and 1853.

I. 6 is not required by Euclid before he reaches II. 4; so that I. 6 might be removed from its present place and demonstrated hereafter in other ways if we please. For example, I. 6 might be placed after I. 18 and demonstrated thus. Let the angle ABC be equal to the angle ACB: then the side AB shall be equal to the side AC. For if not, one of them must be greater than the other; suppose AB greater than AC. Then the angle ACB is greater But this is impossible, because

than the angle ABC, by T. 18.

the angle ACB is equal to the angle ABC, by hypothesis. Or I. 6 might be placed after I. 26 and demonstrated thus. Bisect the angle BAC by a straight line meeting the base at D. Then the triangles ABD and ACD are equal in all respects, by I. 26.

I. 7 is only required in order to lead to I. 8. The two might be superseded by another demonstration of I. 8, which has been recommended by many writers.

Let ABC, DEF be two triangles, having the sides AB, AC equal to the sides DE, DF, each to each, and the base BC equal to the base EF: the angle BAC shall be equal to the angle EDF.

[blocks in formation]

For, let the triangle DEF be applied to the triangle ABC, so that the bases may coincide, the equal sides be conterminous, and the vertices fall on opposite sides of the base. Let GBC represent the triangle DEF thus applied, so that G corresponds to D. Join AG. Since, by hypothesis, BA is equal to BG, the angle BAG is equal to the angle BGA, by I. 5. In the same manner the angle CAG is equal to the angle CGA. Therefore the whole angle BAC is equal to the whole angle BGC, that is, to the angle EDF.

There are two other cases; for the straight line AG may pass through B or C, or it may fall outside BC: these cases may be treated in the same manner as that which we have considered.

I. 8. It may be observed that the two triangles in I. 8 are equal in all respects; Euclid however does not assert more than the equality of the angles opposite to the bases, and when he requires more than this result he obtains it by using I. 4.


I. 9. Here the equilateral triangle DEF is to be described on the side remote from A, because if it were described on the same side, its vertex, F, might coincide with A, and then the construction would fail.

I. II. The corollary was added by Simson. It is liable to serious objection. For we do not know how the perpendicular BE is to be drawn. If we are to use I. II we must produce AB, and then we must assume that there is only one way of producing AB, for otherwise we shall not know that there is only one perpendicular; and thus we assume what we have to demonstrate.

Simson's corollary might come after I. 13 and be demonstrated thus. If possible let the two straight lines ABC, ABD have the segment AB common to both. From the point B draw any straight line BE. Then the angles ABE and EBC are equal to two right angles, by I. 13, and the angles ABE and EBD are also equal to two right angles, by I. 13. Therefore the angles ABE and EBC are equal to the angles ABE and EBD. Therefore the angle EBC is equal to the angle EBD; which is absurd.

But if the question whether two straight lines can have a common segment is to be considered at all in the Elements, it might occur at an earlier place than Simson has assigned to it. For example, in the figure to I. 5, if two straight lines could have a common segment AB, and then separate at B, we should obtain two different angles formed on the other side of BC by these produced parts, and each of them would be equal to the angle BCG. The opinion has been maintained that even in I. I, it is tacitly assumed that the straight lines AC and BC cannot have a common segment at C where they meet; see Camerer's Euclid, pages 30 and 36.

Simson never formally refers to his corollary until XI. 1. The corollary should be omitted, and the tenth axiom should be extended so as to amount to the following; if two straight lines coincide in two points they must coincide both beyond and between those points.

I. 12. Here the straight line is said to be of unlimited length, in order that we may ensure that it shall meet the circle.

Euclid distinguishes between the terms at right angles and perpendicular. He uses the term at right angles when the straight line is drawn from a point in another, as in I. 11; and he uses the term perpendicular when the straight line is drawn from a point without another, as in I. 12. This distinction however is often disregarded by modern writers.

1. 14. Here Euclid first requires his eleventh axiom. For

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