General Acts and Resolutions Adopted by the Legislature of FloridaOffice of the Floridian and Journal, 1883 |
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General Acts and Resolutions Adopted by the Legislature of Florida Florida Uten tilgangsbegrensning - 1875 |
General Acts, Resolutions and Memorials Adopted by the ... Legislature of ... Florida Uten tilgangsbegrensning - 1889 |
General Acts and Resolutions Adopted by the Legislature of Florida Florida Uten tilgangsbegrensning - 1881 |
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ACT to Incorporate aforesaid alternate sections amend amount Approved February Approved January Approved March assessment Assessor Board of Directors body corporate bonds Bradford county by-laws capable in law capital stock Capitol cent certificate CHAPTER Circuit Court Clerk common seal Comptroller construction conviction County Commissioners deem Duval county election enact as follows entitled an act Escambia county February 26 Green Cove Spring Halifax River heir at law hereafter hundred dollars impleaded Internal Improvement Fund Jacksonville John Land grant Laws of Florida Legislature Leon county license tax Marion county ment miles name and style Nassau county necessary orange grove paid pany payment Polk county privileges purchase purpose Railroad Company Railway Company real and personal Relief represented in Senate sell Senate and Assembly Sheriff Sinking Fund stockholders Sumter county thereof thousand dollars tion town Treas Treasurer Trustees vest vote Walter Gwynn WHEREAS
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Side 59 - ... default, and the act, neglect or default is such as would (if death had not ensued) have entitled the party injured to maintain an action and recover damages in respect thereof, then and in every such case the person who would have been liable if death had not ensued shall be liable to an action for damages, notwithstanding the death of the person injured, and although the death shall have been caused under such circumstances as amount in law to felony.
Side 69 - States, or given aid and comfort to its enemies, and that such application is made for his or her exclusive use and benefit, and that said entry is made for the purpose of actual settlement and cultivation, and not either directly or indirectly for the use or benefit of any other person...
Side 46 - THAT every master shall enter in a book to be kept by him for that purpose the name...
Side 18 - Credits" shall mean and include every claim and demand for money or other valuable thing, and every annuity or sum of money receivable at stated periods, due or to become due, and all claims and demands secured by deed or mortgage, due or to become due.
Side 130 - Company," and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and shall be able to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, in all courts of law and equity within the United States, and may make and have a common seal.
Side 94 - ASSOCIATION, and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and shall be competent by the name and style aforesaid, to contract and be contracted with, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and...
Side 26 - ... noting distinctly the year when such omission occurred ; and such assessment shall have the same force and effect as it would have had if made in the year...
Side 33 - Such certificate must be published once a week for four successive weeks, in a newspaper published in the county, if there be one, and if there be none in such county, then in a newspaper in an adjoining county.
Side 46 - ... not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the county jail for a term not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Side 144 - Society;" and by that name, they and their successors shall be, and they are hereby made capable in law, to contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded...