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This subject-index contains a reference und er its appropriate head to every digest of cur
rent opinions which has appeared in the volume. The references, of course, are to the pages
upon which the digest may be found. There are no cross-references, but each digest is in-
dexed herein under that head for which it would most naturally occur to a searcher to look.
It will be understood that the page to which reference, by number, is made, may contain more
than one case on the subject under examination, and therefore the entire page in each instance
will necessarily have to be scanned in order to make effective and thorough search.

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Attorney and Client-Cessation of Litigation,

75; Conveyance to Attorney, 457; Debtor and
Creditor, 439; Disbarment, 329, 365, 457; Dis-
charge of Attorney, 167; Disqualification,
185; Fraudulent Opinion, 457; Freedom of
Speech, 131; Futile Defense, 113; High Cost
of Living, 275. Impropriety, 365; Knowledge
of Attorney, 293; Lien, 293, 347, 401; Quan-
tum Meruit, 221; Ratification, 329; Reason-
able Fee, 257; Release of Attachment, 221.

Automobiles-Dangerous Vehicle, 149; Negli-
gence of Family. 149.

Bailment Conversion, 149, 439; Destruction of
Cotton, 421; Improper Valuation, 439; Lia-
bility of Dry Cleaners, 311: Liability for
Storage, 257; Novation, 239; Return of Prop-
erty, 149; Storage Charges, 239.

Bankruptcy-Advice of Counsel, 311; Allowance

to Attorneys, 39; Ancillary Receivers, 239.
Appearance, 383; Appearance of Credit, 221;
Breach of Contract, 365; Chattel Mortgage,
329; Claims, 57; Composition, 75, 311; Con-
cealed Assets, 221; Conditional Sale, 457;
Construing Contract, 275; Crops on Home-
stead, 185; Custom of Trade. 95; Discharge,
75: Equitable Lien, 257, 383; Estoppel by
Laches, 329; Evidence of Value. 439. Exam-
ination Before Adjudication, 365: Expect-
ancy as Property, 167; Fair Valuation, 203;
False Oath, 329; False Pretenses, 439; Home-
stead Exempt, 185, 383; Informality, 439;
Insolvency Matter of Law, 185; Insurance,
131; Legal Capacity of Partners, 365; Mis-
representation, 75;
Obligation, 75;
Mortgage to Minor Children, 347; No Judg-
ment Recoverable After Adjudication, 293;
Petition for Dissolution, 347. Preference, 75.
203, 275, 401, 421; Priority, 421; Privilege of
Bankrupt, 21; Reclamation. 401; Reopening
Estate 347; Replevin, 167; Reviewable Or-
der. 131; Setting Aside Adjudication, 167:
Settlement Under Lease, 457; Statute of
Waste, 457; Subcontractor's Title, 203; Sure-
ty, 75; Surviving Partner, 401; Transfer of
Property, 239. Unclaimed Dividends, 347;
Unloading Street Rubbish, 401; Usury, 185;
Waiver of Tort, 257.

Banks and Banking-Acceptance, 239; Applica-
tion of Deposits, 239; Act of Official, 401;
Cable Transmission, 457; Conversion, 21; De-
livery of Check, 311; Deposits in Failing
Bank, 401; Dishonor of Check, 203, 457; "Do-
ing Business in State," 275; Forgery, 57:
Imputable Knowledge, 39; Liability of
Stockholder, 57; Negligence, 95; Power of
Congress, 311. Preferential Payment, 221;
Purchase by Telegram, 257; Receivership.
39; Recovery on Forged Check, 329; Special
Deposit, 293; Stockholders' Liability, 21, 365;
Ultra Vires, 347, 457; Unsatisfied Judgment.

Bastards-Cruel and Unusual Punishment, 39;
Presumption of Legitimacy, 57.

Beneficial Associations-Exhaustion of Remedy,
131; Remedy, 275; Void Constitution, 421.

Bigamy-Burden of Proof, 39.

Bills and Notes-Acceptance by Telegram, 39:
Accommodation Note, 329; "As Per Con-
tract." 401; Bad Faith, 39; Bona Fide Pur-
chaser, 57. Burden of Proof, 21, 149; Caveat
Emptor, 57; Compromise, 57; Conditional
Delivery, 113; Consideration, 39; Delay in
Banking, 203; Delay in Presentation, 57;
Delivery to Wrong Person, 347; Demand.
457; Demand on Administrator, 185; Duress.
293; Erroneous Judgment, 293; Extended In-
debtedness, 329: Failure of Consideration,
257: Fictitious Payee, 439. Filling Blanks,
39: Holder for Value, 293, 329; Holder in

Due Course, 221; Indorser, 167, 293; Indors-
er's Contract, 149; Joint and Several Ob-
ligors, 239; "Negotiable," 347; Negotiation,
75: Non-negotiable, 221; Note as Collateral,
185: Place of Delivery, 329; Renewal by
Married Woman, 421; Right to Sue, 311.
Stated Condition, 347; Threat, 149; Transfer,
57; Unconditional Promise, 95; Validity, 275;
Waiver of Defense, 167; "Witness" Not Lia-
ble, 329.

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Brokers-Agency, 113; Agreed Commission, 131;
As Principal and Agent, 383; Bankruptcy of
Company, 275; Binding Contract, 75. Com-
mission, 275, 293, 347, 365; Compensation,
439; Consideration, 365; Defective Title, 113;
Dual Employment, 75, 95, 458; Efficient
Cause, 95; Estoppel, 57; Listing Property for
Sale, 383; May Purchase From Owner, 167;
Parol Contract, 185; Representing Both Par-
ties, 239; Revocation of Agency, 21, 75.
Right to Commission, 239, 257, 311; Sale to
Customer's Agent, 257; Subsequent Agree-
ment to Sell, 239; Usual Commission, 221;
Variance in Terms, 167; Volunteer, 257.

Burglary-Unexplained Possession, 131.

Carriers of Goods-Assignment of Bill of Lad-
ing, 311; Bill of Lading, 95, 275; Charge for
Switching, 365; Confiscatory Rate, 365. Con-
version, 439; Delivery, 239; Deviation From
Route, 329; Extra Freight Charge, 275; In-
spection, 439; Insurance, 239; Liability of
Express Company, 401; Liability of Pur-
chaser of Draft, 329; Limitation of Liabil-
ity, 330; Misdelivery, 365; Negligence, 330;
Perishable Goods, 312; Recovery of Rate on
Whiskey Shipment, 275; Second Carrier, 39;
State Power to Fix Rates, 401. Stated Valua-
tion, 347; Suit for Overcharge, 167; Trover
and Conversion, 293.

Carriers of Live Stock--Delay, 75; Liability, 167:
Reasonable Care, 275; Reasonable Diligence,


Carriers of Passengers-Alighting, 57, 95, 221.
275; Assault, 95, 131, 347, 458; Caretaker of
Cattle, 203; Continuous Ride, 276; Contribu-
tory Negligence. 239; Correct Time, 458; De-
gree of Care, 421, 458; Duty to Passengers.
276; Elevators, 330; Entering Sleeping Car,
421. Fine Print on Check, 21; Free Service,
113; Highest Degree of Care, 347; Humani-
tarian Doctrine, 258; Insults and Assaults,
131; Intending Passenger, 95; Intoxication,
113: Loss of Baggage, 330; Negligence, 203.
276. 293. 366. 458; Overcrowded Cars, 40;
Proximate Cause. 75; Res Ipsa Loquitur,
113: Speeding Street Cars, 221; Treatment
as Negro. 186; Waiver of Limitation of Lia-
bility, 258.

Champerty and Maintenance-Attorney as Judg-
ment Creditor, 402; Bona Fide Possession,
132. Hostile Possession, 76.

Charities-Bequest to Fire Suppression Corpora-
tion, 458: Benevolency, 439; Cy Pres, 40;
Equity, 113: Misnomer in Bequest, 167; Val-
id Trust, 312.

(hattel Mortgages-Automobile. 149; Conditional
Sale. 439; Crops. 347: Defective Record, 40;
Recording. 95; Right of Action. 440: Ten-
der. 132: Use of Property. 132; Waiver. 239.

Civil Rights-Validity of Statute, 186.

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Constitutional Law-Arraignment, 57; Building
Unlawfully Erected, 348; Class Legislation,
294: Contract, 95; Court Martial, 258; Cus-
tody of Child, 21. Dance Ordinance, 383;
Delegation of Legislative Power, 383; Dis-
crimination, 132; Dower, 114; Due Process,
186, 276, 312, 383, 402, 421; Eminent Domain,
240: Employers' Liability Act, 203; Enemy
Property, 347; Equal Protection, 276; Excise
Tax, 366; Foreign Corporation, 40; Foreign
Insurance Company, 347; Housing Laws,
294; Increase in Hydrant Rates, 240; Inter-
nal Revenue, 240; Legislative Authority,
312; Legislative Judgment not Reviewable,
366. Obligation of Contract, 96; Police Regu-
lation, 240; Power of General Assembly, 221;
"Property," 402; Public Policy, 132; Public
Utility, 149; Right to Appeal, 294; Statute
Requiring Use of English Language, 348;
Unreasonable Rent, 276; Vested Right of
Employers, 240.

Contracts-Architect, 40; Breach of Warranty,
76; Buyer's Right to Fix Standard, 168;
Change in Contract, 312; Compounding Fel-
ony, 58; Confidential Relation, 132; Con-
struction, 132; Definiteness, 40. Duress In-
validates, 149; Essence of, 21, 40; Fiduciary
Relation, 383; Fraudulent Promise, 258; In-
adequacy of Consideration, 76; "Informa-
tion," 348; Intent, 58; Interpretation, 149;
Interstate Commerce, 440; Mutuality. 40.
132, 168, 186, 348, 440; Oral, 402; Practical
Construction. 114; Public Policy, 96, 114, 421,
440: Reading by Party, 40; Recitals, 132.
Rescission, 40; Specifications, 330; Substan-
tial Performance. 222; Time of Essence, 96;
Time for Performance, 186: Unconscionable
Bargain. 114: Unilateral, 76; Violation of
Specifications, 440.

Copyrights-Monopoly, 149.

Corporations--Abuse of Power, 440; Authority
of Agent, 168: Authority of Branch Office,
258: Breach of Contract, 312, 366; Cancella-
tion of Stock, 312; Change of Name, 40;
Creditors, 348. Delinquent Stockholder, 132;
Directors, 40. 114; "Doing Business in
State." 240, 276, 294; Duration of Contract,
422: Estoppel to Deny Contract, 168; Execu-
tion of Note, 149; Express Warranty, 76;
False Representations, 258, 422; Foreign
Corporation, 294, 330; Fraudulent Convey-
ance. 168: Holding Out Agent, 76: Illegal
Issue of Stock, 276; Insolvency, 114; Inter-
locking Directorates. 366; Issuance of Stock
for Past Services, 240; Knowledge of Agent.
366: Liability of Officers, 330. Liability of
Stockholder. 258: Liability on Note for
Stock. 168; Liability for Unpaid Stock, 240;
"Local Agent" Defined. 168: Note, 312; Over-
valuation of Property, 384; Payment for
Stock in Property. 258; Power of President,
168: Profit. 96: Ratification, 40, 132. 312;
Receivership. 96; Repurchase of Stock, 186,
348: Rescission of Contract to Purchase
Stock. 168; Rescission of Sale of Stock, 440:
Right of Action, 276. Right of Action of
Stockholder, 294: Right of Foreign Corpora-
tion to Sue. 366; Right to Sell Securities,
294: Sale of Stock to Officers. 422: Secret
Profits, 76: Slander. 76 Subscriptions to
Stock. 76: Surplus. 132: Trust Fund, 22; -
tra Vires. 149: Unliquidated Claims, 402;
Voting Proxy, 402; Waiver. 22.

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