
and Consular-Agents of the two countries may respectively cause to be arrested and sent on board, or cause to be returned to their own country, such officers, seamen or other persons forming part of the crew of ships of war or merchant vessels of their nation, who may have deserted in one of the ports of the other.

To this end they shall respectively address the competent national or local authorities in writing and make request for the return of the deserter, and furnish evidence by exhibiting the register, crew list or other official documents of the vessel, or a copy or extract therefrom, duly certified, that the persons claimed belong to said ship's company. On such application being made, all assist ance shall be furnished for the pursuit and arrest of such deserters, who shall even be detained and guarded in the jails of the country, pursuant to the requisition and at the expense of the Consuls-Gen eral, Vice-Consuls-General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls or ConsularAgents until they find an opportunity to send the deserters home.

If, however, no such opportunity shall be had for the space of three months from the day of the arrest, the deserters shall be set at liberty, and shall not again be arrested for the same cause. It is understood that persons who are subjects or citizens of the country within which the demand is made, shall be exempted from these provisions.

If the deserter shall have committed any crime or offence in the country within which he is found, he shall not be placed at the disposal of the Consul until after the proper tribunal having jurisdiction in the case shall have pronounced sentence, and such sentence shall have been executed.

suls en Consulaire-Agenten van de beide landen zullen wederzijds de officieren, matrozen of andere personen deel uitmakende van de be- ers. manning van oorlog- of koopvaardijschepen hunner natie, die gedeserteerd zijn in eene der havens van de andere, kunnen doen aanhouden en naar boord zenden, of naar hun eigen land doen terugzenden.


Arrest of desert


Te dien einde zullen zij zich re- Proceedings to spectievelijk schriftelijk wenden obtain arrest of detot de bevoegde lands- of plaatselijke overheid, aanzoek doen voor de terugzending van den deserteur en door overlegging van het register, de monsterrol of andere officiele bescheiden van het schip, of een behoorlijk gewaarmerkt afschrift of uittreksel daarvan, het bewijs leveren, dat de personen die zij opeischen behooren tot de bemanning van gezegd schip. zoodanige aanvrage zal alle hulp verleend worden voor het vervolgen en aanhouden van gezegde deserteurs, die zelfs op verzoek en op kosten der Consuls-Generaal, Vice- Expenses of arConsuls-Generaal, Consuls, Vice- rest and detention. Consuls of Consulaire-Agenten, in de huizen van arrest des lands zullen worden gedetineerd en in bewaring gehouden, tot dat die ambtenaren eene gelegenheid zullen hebben gevonden om de deserteurs huiswaarts te zenden.

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Local authori

terest of salvors.

of a third nation shall be interested in such damages, and if the parties cannot agree, recourse may be had to the competent local authorities.


All necessary measures connected with the salvage of vessels of the United States which shall have been wrecked on the coasts of the Netherlands, with their cargoes and all that appertains to such vessel, shall be taken by the Consuls-General, Vice-ConsulsGeneral, Consuls, Vice-Consuls and Consular-Agents of the United States, and reciprocally, the Consuls-General, Vice-Consuls-General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls and Consular-Agents of the Netherlands shall take such necessary measures in the case of the wreck of vessels of their country on the coasts of the United States.

The local authorities shall not ties to protect in- otherwise interfere than for the maintenance of order, the protection of the interest of the salvors, if they do not belong to the crews that have been wrecked, and to carry into effect the arrangements made for the entry and exportation of the merchandise saved.

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Wanneer het tegendeel niet tusschen de reeders, bevrachters en assuradeurs bedongen is, zullen alle avarijen op zee ondergaan door de schepen van beide landen, hetzij deze vrijwillig, hetzij daartoe door noodweder gedwongen, eene haven binnen loopen, door de Consuls-Generaal, Vice-Consuls-Generaal, Consuls, Vice-Consuls en ConsulaireAgenten der wederzijdsche landen worden geregeld.

Indien evenwel inwoners van het

land of onderdanen of burgers eener derde natie bij gezegde avarijen zullen betrokken zijn, en, indien de partijen het niet eens kunnen worden, kan de zaak bij de bevoegde plaatselijke overheid worden aanhangig gemaakt.


Alle noodzakelijke maatregelen ter zake der redding van schepen der Vereenigde Staten, die op de kusten der Nederlanden zullen hebben schipbreuk geleden, met hunne lading en alles wat tot zoodanig schip behoort, zullen genomen worden door de Consuls-Generaal, ViceConsuls - Generaal, Consuls, ViceConsuls en Consulaire-Agenten der Vereenigde Staten en wederkeerig zullen de Consuls-Generaal, ViceConsuls-Generaal, Consuls, ViceConsuls en Consulaire-Agenten der Nederlanden, zoodanige noodzakelijke maatregelen nemen in geval van schipbreuk van schepen van hun land op de kusten der Vereenigde Staten.

De tusschenkomst der plaatselijke overheid zal slechts plaats hebben om de orde te bewaren, de belangen der bergers te beschermen, wanneer deze niet behooren tot de bemanning der gebroken schepen, en om uitvoering te geven aan de voorschriften die met betrekking tot den in- en uitvoer der geredde koopmansgoederen gemaakt zijn.

Bij afwezigheid en tot de komst der Consuls-Generaal, Vice-Consuls-Generaal, Consuls, Vice-Consuls en Consulaire-Agenten zal het de pligt zijn der plaatselijke overheid alle noodzakelijke maatregelen te nemen ter bescherming der per

and property on board of the wrecked vessel.

It is understood that the merchandise saved is not to be subjected to any Custom-House charges, unless it be intended for consumption in the country where the wreck may have taken place.


In case of death of any citizen of the United States in the Netherlands, or of any subject of the Netherlands in the United States, without having in the country of his decease any known heirs, or testamentary executors by him appointed, or in case of minority of the heirs, there being no guardian, the competent local authorities shall at once inform the nearest consular officer of the nation to which the deceased belongs, of the circumstance, in order that the necessary information may be immediately forwarded to parties in terested.

The said consular officer shall

have the right to appear personally or by delegate, in all proceedings on behalf of the absent or minor heirs, or creditors, until they are duly represented.


The present convention shall not be applicable to colonies of either of the High Contracting Parties, and shall not take effect until the twentieth day after its promulgation in the manner prescribed by the laws of the two countries.

It shall remain in force for five years from the date of the exchange of ratifications.

In case neither of the contracting parties shall have given notice twelve months before the expiration of the said period, of its desire to terminate this convention, it shall remain in force for one year longer, and so on from year to year, until the expiration of a year from

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Death of citi

In geval van overlijden van een burger der Vereenigde Staten in de zens. Nederlanden of van een Nederlandschen onderdaan in de Vereenigde Staten, zonder dat in het land van zijn overlijden bekende erfgenamen of door hem benoemde uitvoerders van zijn uitersten wil aanwezig zijn, of wanneer bij minderjarigheid der erfgenamen een voogd ontbreekt, Local authori zal de bevoegde plaatselijke over- ties to notify offiheid dadelijk aan den naastbij ge- cers. vestigden consulairen ambtenaar van de natie waartoe de overledene behoort, van het overlijden kennis ested. geven, opdat de belanghebbende partijen onmiddellijk daarvan onderrigt kunnen worden.

Bedoelde consulaire ambtenaar

Parties inter

Officer to appear

heirs and credit

zal het regt hebben, persoonlijk of for absent or minor bij gemagtigde, in alle handelingen ors. op te treden in het belang van de afwezige of minderjarige erfgenamen of schuldeischers, tot dat deze behoorlijk vertegenwoordigd zijn.

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Ratification and exchange.



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And whereas the said convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two governments were exchanged in the City of Washington, on the thirty-first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine,

Now therefore be it known, that, I, Rutherford B. Hayes, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every clause and article. thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington this first day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and seventy-nine, and of the Independence of the United States, the one hundred and fourth. RUTHERFORD B. HAYES

By the President,


Secretary of State.

Convention between the United States of America and the French Republic Jan. 15, 1880. for the settlement of certain claims of the citizens of either country against the other. Concluded January 15, 1880; ratification advised by the Senate March 29, 1880; ratified by the President of the United States April 3, 1880; ratified by the President of the French Republic June 9, 1880; ratifications exchanged at Washington June 23, 1880; proclaimed June 25, 1880.



Whereas, a Convention between the United States of America and the French Republic, for the settlement of certain claims of the citizens of either country against the other, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries, at the city of Washington, on the fifteenth day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty, which Convention is word for word as follows:

Convention between the United States of America and the French Republic, for the settlement of certain claims of the citizens of either country against the other.

The United States of America and the French Republic, animated by the desire to settle and adjust amicably the claims made by the citizens of either country against the government of the other, growing out of acts committed by the civil or military authorities of either country as hereinafter defined, during a state of war or insurrection, under the circumstances hereinafter specified, have agreed to make arrangements for that purpose, by means of a Convention, and have named as their Plenipotentiaries to confer and agree thereupon, as follows:

The President of the United States, William Maxwell Evarts, Secretary of State of the United States, and the President of the French Republic, Georges Maxime Outrey, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of France at Washington, Commander of the National Order of the Legion of Honor, &c., &c., &c.;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles:


Convention entre les États-Unis Convention. d'Amérique et la République Française, pour le règlement de certaines réclamations des citoyens de chacun des deux pays contre l'autre.

Settlement of


Les États-Unis d'Amérique et la République Française, animés du claims. désir de régler par un arrangement amical les réclamations élevées par les citoyens de chacun des deux pays contre le Gouvernement de l'autre et résultant d'actes commis pendant un état de guerre ou d'insurrection par les autorités civiles ou militaires de l'un ou l'autre pays dans les circonstances spécifiées ci-après, ont résolu de prendre des mesures à cet effet au moyen d'une Convention, et ont désigné comme leur Plénipotentiaires pour conférer et établir un accord, savoir:

Le Président des États-Unis, Contracting parWilliam Maxwell, Evarts, Secré. ties. taire d'Etat des États-Unis, et le Président de la République Française, Georges Maxime Outrey, Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire de France à Washington, Commandeur de l'Ordre National de la Légion d'Honneur, &c., &c., &c.;

Lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs respectifs et les avoir trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des articles suivants:

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