Of Lycaonia. Of Pisidia. Of Phrygia Pacatiana and Salutaris. dence that they were comparatively but small. Sometimes, as Holstenius has observed, two of them were united together. For in the Council of Constantinople under Flavian, one Sabinianus subscribes himself, Bishop of Eudocias Termessus and Iobia, which we find in the first session of the Council of Chalcedon 83. And in the time of Leo Sapiens some more of them were united together; for his Notitia has but thirty-six dioceses in both the provinces. Yet any of them single were of a competent extent, to confute the notion of those who make episcopal dioceses only parish-churches. 13. On the north side of Pamphylia, more within land, lay the province of Lycaonia, where we find nineteen dioceses. 1. Iconium, the metropolis. 2. Lystra. 3. Derbe;—all mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles. 4. Onosada, or Usada. 5. Amblada. 6. Honomada. 7. Laranda. 8. Baratta, [or Baratha.] 9. Hyda. 10. Sabatra. 11. Canna. 12. Berinopolis. 13. Ilistra, [or Ilistrum.] 14. Perte. 15. Arana, or Baratta. 16. Isaura. 17. Misthium. 18. Corna. 19. Pappa. To which Holstenius adds another, called Hydmautus, or Gadamautus, in the Acts of the Council of Chalcedon Notitia of Leo Sapiens has but fifteen. but the 14. In the next province of Pisidia, Carolus à Sancto Paulo finds twenty dioceses. 1. Antiochia, the metropolis. 2. Sagalassus. 3. Sozopolis. 4. Apamea. 5. Tityassus. 6. Baris. 7. Adrianopolis. 8. Limenopolis. 9. Laodicea Combusta. 10. Seleucia. 11. Adada. 11. Adada. 12. Mallus. 13. Siniandus. 14. Metropolis. 15. Paralaus. 16. Bindeum. 17. Philomelium, which some place in Phrygia. 18. Prostama. 19. Gortena. 20. Theodosiopolis. The Notitia of Leo Sapiens augments the number to twenty-three. I stand not to make any particular remarks upon these dioceses, because any reader, that knows these two provinces, will easily imagine they are not to be compared with the other dioceses in the northern parts of Pontus. 15. The last provinces in the Asiatic diocese are those which the old Greeks and Romans called by one common name, Phrygia Major; but the Roman Emperors divided it at first into two, and then into three provinces: one called Phrygia Salutaris, from the medicinal waters found there; another Phry 83 Act. I. (t. 4. p. 231 b.) Σαβινια-κιάδα καὶ Ἰωβίαν ἁγίας τοῦ Θεοῦ ἐκνὸς, τῆς κατὰ Τερμισσὸν καὶ Εὐδο- κλησίας, ὁρίσας ὑπέγραψα. gia Pacatiana, or, as some books read it corruptly, Capatiana; and a third, Pacatiana Secunda. In Phrygia Salutaris, Carolus à Sancto Paulo reckons up twenty dioceses. 1. Synnada, the metropolis. 2. Dorylæum. 3. Polybotus. 4. Nacolia. 5. Midaium. 6. Hipsus. 7. Prymnesia. 8. Myrum, or rather Merum. 9. Eucarpia. 10. Lysias. 11. Augustopolis. 12. Brysum. 13. Otrum. 14. Stectorium. 15. Cinnaborium. 16. Amadassa. 17. Cotyaium. 18. Præpenissus, [or Præpenessus.] 19. Docimæum. 20. Amorium. 1. In Phrygia Pacatiana Prima, he recounts twenty-nine. Laodicea, the metropolis. 2. Tiberiopolis. 3. Azana. 4. Itoana, or Bitoana. 5. Ancyra Ferrea, which Holstenius observes to be sometimes attributed to the province of Lydia adjoining. 6. Cidissus. 7. Egara, which Holstenius corrects into Aliana. 8. Pelte. 9. Apira. 10. Cadi. 11. Tranopolis, or Trajanopolis. 12. Sebasta. 13. Eumenia. 14. Temenothyræ. 15. Aliona. 16. Trapezopolis. 17. Silbium. 18. Ilusa. 19. Nea. 20. Chæretapa. 21. Colossa, [or Colossæ,] now Chone. 22. Sinaus. 23. Philippopolis. 24. Themisonium. 25. Sanis. 26. Acmonia. 27. Theodosiopolis. 28. Bleandrus. 29. Atanassus. Holstenius strikes out one of the number, for Nea is but a corruption of the Greek for Sanæa, or Sanans, as he shows, but he finds out another, called Dioclia, to supply its room. 5. In Pacatiana Secunda there were but five dioceses, being by much the least of all the provinces. 1. Hierapolis, the metropolis. 2. Dionysiopolis. 3. Anastasiopolis. 4. Mosynus. Attudi. But, this province being of later erection, these dioceses are more commonly attributed to Phrygia Pacatiana, without any distinction. Now I observe of Phrygia in general, that some of its dioceses, bordering upon Galatia, were, like those of Galatia and the other Pontic provinces, of a larger extent than the rest about Hierapolis and Laodicea, which two metropolitical sees were not at a very great distance from one another: Ferrarius, in one place 84, says, but six miles; but it seems to be a typographical error, for, in another place 85, he makes Colossæ to be between Hierapolis and 84 [Lexic. Geogr. voce, Hierapolis. (p. 352.].. Phrygiæ magnæ urbs.. proxima Laodicea; ab ea 6. m. pass.-Voce, Laodicea. (p. 407.) Hierapoli Phrygiæ proxima, ad 6. m. pass. distans, &c. ED.] 83 Voce, Colossæ. (t. 1. p. 212.) Colossæ, Chone, teste Porphyro Of Isauria Laodicea, upon the confluence of the rivers Lycus and Mæander, at twenty miles' distance from them both. So that there must be a mistake one way or other. Pliny 85 is very exact in describing the situation of Laodicea, for he says, 'it stood upon the Lycus, and had its walls washed also with the Asopus and the Caprus:' but yet he does not tell us how far the confluence of these rivers was from the confluence of the Lycus with the Mæander, where Colossæ stood. But it may be concluded it was at no great distance from it, since all authors agree that Laodicea stood near the Mæander; and these three cities, Colossæ, Hierapolis, and Laodicea, which St. Paul 86 joins together, are said, by Chrysostom, Theodoret, and others, to be very near each other. They who have opportunity to consult Antonine's Itinerary, which at present I have not, may perhaps find them more exactly described, and limited with more certain bounds than I can pretend to assign them. If the first opinion of Ferrarius be true, and agreeable to Antonine, that they lay but six miles asunder; then it will readily be concluded, that the dioceses in this part of Phrygia were comparatively very small, since, by Carolus à Sancto Paulo's description, Itoana, Trapezopolis, Attudi, Mosynus, and Antioch upon the Mæander, in Caria, seem not to have been at much greater distances from one another. 16. Beside these several provinces of the Asiatic and Pontic and Cilicia. dioceses in Asia Minor, there were also three provinces in it, which were reckoned to the Eastern diocese and the patriarchate of Antioch, viz. Isauria, Cilicia Prima, and Cilicia Secunda, which must be spoken of in this place. Isauria was anciently reckoned only a part of Cilicia; but, from the time of Constantine, both in the civil and ecclesiastical account, it was esteemed a distinct province. Carolus à Sancto Paulo mentions twenty-two dioceses. 1. Seleucia, the metropolis. 2. Celenderis. 3. Anemurium. 4. Lamus. 5. Antiochia ad Tragum. 6. Selenus, or Trajanopolis. 7. Jotape. 8. Diocæsarea. 9. Philadelphia. 10. Domitiopolis. 11. Titiopolis. genito, urbs Phrygiæ magna, olim noph. cis Celanas 960. 85 L. 5. c. 29. (p. 76. 24.) Celeberrima urbs Laodicea. Imposita est Lyco flumini, latera alluentibus Asopo et Capro, &c. 86 [Coloss. 4. vv. 13. 15. 16. ED.] 12. Hierapolis. 13. Nephelis. 14. Dalisandus. In Cilicia Prima there were eight dioceses. 1. Tarsus, the In the other Cilicia there are reckoned nine. 1. Anazarbus, the metropolis. 2. Mopsuestia. 3. Egæ. 4. Epiphania. 5. Irenopolis. 6. Flaviopolis. 7. Castabala. 8. Alexandria, now called Scanderoon. 9. Rossus, in the confines of Syria. The greatest part of these were large dioceses, like those of Syria, as any one that computes the distance between Epiphania, Alexandria, Rossus, &c., will easily imagine. 17. Some reckon Lazica, which was anciently called Colchis, Of Lazica, an appendix to Asia Minor, and therefore I mention it in this or Colchis. place. It is all the country on the Euxine Sea, from Trapezus in Pontus, to Phasis, which Strabo reckons near two hundred miles. The modern Notitiæ speak but of five dioceses, but that of Leo Sapiens, in Leunclavius, has fifteen. It was first made a Roman province in the time of Justinian 86, who mentions the cities that were in it, Petra and Justiniana; with four castles, Pityus, Sebastopolis, Archæopolis, and Rhodopolis, which had anciently been in the hands of the Romans; and four other castles, Scandias, Sarapenes, Murisios, and Lusieros, which he had lately taken out of the hands of the Persians. Of these, one is as ancient as the Council of Nice: for Stratophilus, bishop of Ptyusium, or Pityus, subscribes there among the bishops of Pontus Polemoniacus, to which province it was then annexed, as lying in solo barbarico, and not constituting any other province. In the sixth General Council there is 86 Novel. 28. Præfat. (t. 5. p. 221.) .... Post quos tam nostra constituta est Lazica, in qua urbs Petræon est, quæ nostro beneficio et esse et nominari urbs cœpit, quam quæ nostræ pietatis nomine utitur, et BINGHAM, VOL. III. Justinianea appellatur. Archæopo- Y Of the Isle of Lesbos, and the mention of Petra and Phasis, the metropolis; and that is all the account we have of them in the ancient Councils. 18. Another appendix to Asia Minor are the lesser islands of the Ægean Sea, which constituted a province by themselves. Cyclades. Carolus à Sancto Paulo reckons four dioceses in Lesbos itself. 1. Mytelene. 2. Methymna. 3. Tenedos. 4. Poroselene. But Poroselene and Tenedos were distinct islands by themselves, which sometimes had bishops of their own, and sometimes were united to Lesbos. In the Council of Sardica Dioscorus subscribes himself bishop of the Isle of Tenedos alone;' but, in the second Council of Ephesus, and in the Council of Chalcedon, Florentius subscribes himself 'bishop of Lesbos and Tenedos together.' Now, as we must say that Tenedos was but a small diocese by itself; for it was but ten miles in compass, as Ferrarius computes; so, when Lesbos was joined with it, it was a large one: for Pliny 87 says Lesbos alone had nine famous towns, and Straboss makes it eleven hundred stadia, or a hundred and forty miles in compass. The other islands, called Cyclades, were divided into eleven distinct dioceses. 1. Rhodus, the metropolis. 2. Samos. 3. Chios. 4. Coos. 5. Naxos. 6. Paros. 7. Thera. 8. Delos. 9. Tenos. 10. Melos. 11. Carpathus. Now the largest of these, Rhodus, Samos, and Chios, were about a hundred or a hundred and twenty miles in compass, as Pliny 89 informs us. But the lesser sort of them, Tenos and Thera, were not above fourteen or fifteen miles long, or forty in compass. So that among these we find dioceses of different extent, as in the rest of Asia, but all agreeing in the same species of episcopal government; and some of them, as Lesbos, having their chorepiscopi, but none so small as to be confined to a single congregation. 87 [L. 5. c. 31. (p. 80. 13.) Clarissima Lesbos, a Chio 65. mill. passuum. Hemerte, et Lasia, Pelasgia, Ægira, Ethiope, Macaria appellata fuit, octo [al. novem] oppidis inclyta. 88 L. 13. p.616. (t. 2. p. 916 c.9.) Οὔσης τῆς περιμέτρου σταδίων χιλίων ἑκατὸν, κ. τ. λ. Grischov.] 89 L. 5. c. 31. (p. 79. 23.) Pulcherrima et libera Rhodus, circuitu 130. m. passuum, aut, si potius Isidoro credimus, 103.... Samon libe ram, circuitu 87. m. passuum: aut, ut Isidorus, centum. . . . . Par claritate ab ea distat 93. m. passuum, cum oppido Chios libera, quam Æthaliam Ephorus prisco nomine appellat; Metrodorus et Cleobulus Chiam, a Chione nympha, aliqui a nive, et Macrin, et Pityusam. Montem habet Pellenæum, marmor Chium. Circuitu 125. mill. pass. colligit, utveteres tradidere; Isidorus 9. millia adjicit. |