
was a second see, now called Aux. 3. Lactoratium, Lectoure. 4. Convenæ, Cominges. 5. Consoranni, Conserans. 6. Vasatæ, Basas. 7. Tarba, Tarbes. 8. Aturum, or Vico-Julia, Aire. 9. Lascara, Lescar. 10. Olero, Oleron. 11. Aquæ, Acqs.

and Secun

7. Northward of these provinces from the Garumna to the Of AquiLigeris, lay the two provinces of Aquitania Prima and Se- tania, Prima cunda, the latter of which, bordering upon the ocean, had six da. very large dioceses. 1. Burdigala, Bourdeaux, the metropolis. 2. Aginnum, Agen. 3. Engolisma, Angoulême. 4. Santones, or Mediolanum Santonum, Saintes. 5. Pictavi, Poictiers, where St. Hilary was bishop. 6. Petrocorium, Perigueux. In the other province, which lay eastward from this, were nine as large dioceses. 1. Bituriga, the metropolis, Bourges. 2. Arverni, Clermont. 3. Rutena, [or Ruteni,] Rodez. 4. Arisita. 5. Cadurcum, Cahors. 6. Lemovica, Limoges. 7. Gabalum, or Mimate, Mande. 8. Vellava, or Anicium, Le Puy en Vellay. 9. Albaga, or Alba Helviorum, Alby, whence the Albigenses, who flourished in these parts, had their denomination.

ma, Secun

8. North and east of Aquitanica lay Gallia Lugdunensis, di- Of Lugduvided into five provinces, whereof the first had five dioceses. nensis, Pri1. Lugdunum, Lyons, the metropolis. 2. Matisco, Mascon. 3. da, Tertia, Cabillonum, Chalons on the Saone. 4. Lingones, Langres. Augustodunum, Autun.


The second, called Lugdunensis Secunda, had eight dioceses. 1. Rothomagum, Rouen, in Normandy. 2. Ebroica, Evreux. 3. Lexovium, Lisieux. 4. Baioca, Bayeux. 5. Constantia, Coutance. 6. Abrinca, Avranches. 7. Sagium, [or Savium,] Siez. 8. Oximum, Hiesmes, since united to Sagium, from whence it is four leagues distance.

Lugdunensis Tertia, otherwise called Turonensis, had seven dioceses. 1. Turones, Tours. 2. Andegavum, Angiers. 3. Cenomanum, Le Mans. 4. Redones, Rennes. 5. Namnetes, Nantes. 6. Venetia, Vennes. 7. Aletium, Alet, translated to Maclovium, anno 1140. Five others are added by some French writers, viz. Briocum, Dola, Trecora, Ossisma, Corisopitum; but Carolus à Sancto Paulo makes some question about their antiquity, because, in the time of Carolus Calvus, Brittany had but four bishoprics in the whole.

Quarta, and Maxima Sequanorum.

Of Belgica,
Prima and

Lugdunensis Quarta was that part of France where Paris stands, the metropolis whereof was 1. Senones, Sens. 2. Carnutum, Chartres. 3. Antissiodorum, Auxerre. 4. Trecæ, Troyes, in Champagne. 5. Aurelia, Orleans. 6. Parisii, Paris. 7. Melda, Meaux. 8. Nivernum, Nevers.

Lugdunensis Quinta was otherwise called Maxima Sequanorum, not from Maximus, the tyrant, as Carolus à Sancto Paulo and many others think, for it was called so long before, in the time of Diocletian, as De Marca 20 shews from an ancient inscription in Gruter. The ancient metropolis of it was Visontium, or Bisuntio, Besançon. 2. Aventicum, Avenche, which see was since translated to Lausanne. 3. Augusta Rauracorum, Augst, translated to Basil. 4. Vindonissa, Winich, since translated to Constance. 5. Bolica, [or Belica,] Belley, which De Marca says arose out of the ruins of a more ancient one, which was Noiodunum, Nion, formerly called Colonia Equestris.

9. The most northern provinces of Gallia were Belgica Prima and Secunda, and Germania Prima and Secunda, which was all the country lying north of the river Matrona, from near Paris and Meaux to the Rhine. Belgica Prima had but four dioceses. 1. Augusta Trevirorum, Treves, or Triers, the metropolis. 2. Mediomatricum, Metz. 3. Tullum, Toul. 4. Verodunum, Verdun in Lorrain.

In the other Belgica there were ten dioceses. 1. Remi, Rheims. 2. Augusta Suessionum, Soissons. 3. Catalaunum, Chalons in Champagne. 4. Laudunum, Leon. 5. Augusta Veromanduorum, Vermand; which being destroyed by the Huns, the see was translated to Neomagus, or Noviodunum, now called Noyon. 6. Cameracum, Cambray. 7. Tornacum, Tournay. 8. Sylvanectum, Senlis. 9. Bellovacum, Beauvais. 10. Ambianum, Amiens. Some add two more, Taruanna, Therouenne, and Bononia, Bolougne. But Carolus à Sancto Paulo thinks these were not very ancient; for he finds no mention of the former before the time of Pope Zachary, anno 750. And

20 De Primat. Lugdun. n. 64. (ad calc. Oper. p. 47.) Plane Maxima Sequanorum avulsa erat a Lugdunensi Diocletiani principatu; ut ostendit Inscriptio tunc posita apud Gruterum, p. 166, num. 7. Aurelio Proculo V. C. Prov. Max. Seq. ubi aperte

Maxima Sequanorum provinciæ nomine insignitur. Unde patet eruditorum error, qui Maximam dictam volunt a nomine Maximi, qui Gallias invasit temporibus Gratiani circiter annum trecentesimum octogesimum.

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the latter was made out of the former a great many centuries after, in the time of Charles V, anno 1350, when the see of Taruanna was divided into three, and translated to Bononia for that part of the diocese which is in France, and to Audomaropolis, or St. Omer, for that part which is in Artois, and to Ipres, [or, more correctly, Ypres,] for the third part in Flanders.

nica, Prima

10. Germanica Prima had but four dioceses. 1. Moguntia- Of Germacum, Mayence or Mentz. 2. Argentoratum, Strasburg. 3. and SeSpira Nemetum, Spires. 4. Wormacia Vangionum, Worms, cunda. Germanica Secunda had but two. 1. Colonia Agrippina, Colen, [or rather, Cologne.] 2. Tungri, or Aduatuca Tungrorum, Tongres in Brabant; which see was first translated to Trajectum ad Mosam, Maestricht, and from thence to Leodium, or Liege; where it now continues, having the temporal jurisdiction joined to the spiritual, and twenty-four towns or cities subject to its command.

Now I suppose any one that knows any thing of the state of these countries, will easily conclude, that the greatest part of these dioceses were large, as they are at this day; the whole number being but one hundred and twenty-two, when the bounds of France extended much further than they do at present, including some parts of Helvetia, Germania, and Belgium, which are now reckoned distinct countries of themselves.

division of

11. Out of France, passing over the Pyrenean mountains, The ancient we come into Spain, which, with the province of Tingitana, in the Spanish Afric, and the islands called Baleares, made up another great provinces. civil diocese of the Roman empire under the Præfectus-Prætorio Galliarum. The whole country of Spain then was divided only into five provinces, Tarraconensis, Carthaginensis, Boetica, Lusitania, and Gallæcia, and in these provinces there were never above seventy-four or seventy-six episcopal dioceses, when they were most numerous, and they are almost as many at this day.


12. In the large province of Tarraconensis, which lay next Of Tarrato France, there were only sixteen dioceses. 1. Tarracona, now Tarragona, the metropolis. 2. Dertosa, Tortosa. 3. Cæsaraugusta, Saragossa. 4. Tyrassona, or Turiasso, now Tara5. Calagurris, Calahorra. 6. Auca, Oca. 7. Osca, Huesca. 8. Pampilona, Pampluna. 9. Ilerda, Lerida. 10. Barcino, Barcelona. 11. Egara, Tarrassa, a place near Barcelona, BINGHAM, VOL. III.


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