

Paine's letter to the people of the United States, on his
arrival in that country, 3

Papers, domestic official, 16, 186, 286, 404, 503, 564,

-, foreign official, 14, 78, 112, 117, 136, 181,
240, 273, 300, 426, 502, 527, 562, 6×4, 901,


public, 9, 48, 134, 500, 523, 555, 618, 840,
867, 899, 968, 993



relative to Louisiana, 240

official, relative to Goree, 523-Observations on,

authentic, relative to the rights and claims of the
people of Malta, 673-Obfervations on, 682, 890

relating to the negotiations carried on between
Great Britain and France, between the conclufion of
peace and the recall of Lord Whitworth from Paris,
as laid before Parliament by his Majefty's command
(fee Table of Contents), 993

respecting the guarantee of Malta by Ruffia, as
laid before Parliament, 1138

· respecting commercial commiffioners from France,
as laid before Parliament, 1142

refpecting the Maltese deputies and M. Chépy,
as laid before Parliament, 1147
--, official, on fubjects connected with the prelimi-
nary and definitive treaties, and the late negotiations
between Great Britain and the French republic, as
publifhed by order of the French government, Part I.
the preliminaries of London, 1149. Part II. treaty
of Amiens (fee Table of Contents), 1857

relative to the affairs of the United States of
America, 1986

"Paris, a few Days in," noticed, 268
Parliamentary minutes, 183, 247, 283, 339, 402, 427,
506, 667, 810, 869, 903, 971

debates, from Thursday the 3d of February
to Thursday the 30th of June 1803, inclufive (fee
Table of Contents), 1233
Parliament, X.'s obfervations on his Majesty's message
te, 490

Particulars of the mutiny in the garrison of Gibraltar,
118, 182

Particulars of a forgery attempted to be practifed on the
bank of Lisbon, 572

[blocks in formation]

Peltier, Mr. trial of, for a libel on Napoleone Buona.
parté, First Conful of France, 1228
Philadelphia and New York chambers of commerce,
their memorials to Congress on the repeal of the dif-
Criminating duties, 2055

Philo-Melitenfis on the importance of Malta, 646
Pitt, Mr. extract from his fpeech in the Committee of
Supply, June 7th, 1799, on the object of the late
war, 542

reflections on the probability of a junction
between Mr. Addington and, 574, 600, 638, 698
--, ftrictures on his parliamentary conduct
fince the commencement of the prefent war, 795,
830, 893

Ploen, bailiff of, his protest against the proclamation of
the fenate of Lubeck, 10

Poetry, 76, 106, 268, 398, 522, 554, 555, 594, 616,
664,876, 879

Politics, fummary of, 20, 53, 82, 120, 144, 187, 250,
286, 311, 409, 429, 468, 534, 564, 600, 627,
692, 723, 751, 794, 820, 879, 925, 990

of France, Swenfka's obfervations on the, 417,

Politicians, fmall. See Mr. Sheridan

Port of New Orleans, papers relative to the fhutting of
it against the Americans, 240

Porter, Mr. Ker, ftrictures on his conduct in felecting
the enemies of his country as the objects of his deco
ration, 642

Prefident of the United States of America, his meffage
to Congrefs, 136

Prefs, the, on the mifconduct of Minifters fince the
conclufion of peace, with regard to, 801
Prefs-gangs, obfervations on the neceffity of that fervice,


Price of ftocks, 19, 52, 82, 120, 143, 185, 250,
311, 343, 512, 533, 576, 627, 722, 864, 896,
992, 2068

Prices current in London, 19, 52, 82, 120, 143, 185,
250, 311, 343, 576, 627, 723

Proceedings of the committee of merchants and others,
fhippers from the port of London, appointed to ex-
amine into the depredations committed on their
property in the port of London, 186

of the diet of Ratifbon, 12, 78, 114, 270
of the general meeting of the manufacturers
of filk handkerchiefs, to confider of the propofed
admiffion of India filk handkerchiefs for home con-
fumption, 721

of the meeting of fhip-owners for the repeat
of the tonnage duty, 625
Proclamation of the fenate of Lubeck, proteft of the
bailiff of Ploen against, 10

of the colonial prefect of St. Domingo to the
army and inhabitants of that colony, on the death of
General Leclerc, 78

iffued by General Rochambeau at St. Do-
mingo, permitting the importation of wares and
merchandife, in foreign bottoms, on paying a per
centage, 274

for encouraging feamen and landfmen to
enter themfelves on board his Majesty's fhips of war,
Proclamation for recalling and prohibiting feamen from
ferving foreign princes and ftates, and for granting re-
wards for difcovering fuch feamen as fhall conceal
themselves, 403

addreffed by Louis d'Affry, Landamman
of Switzerland, to the inhabitans of the Nineteen
Cantons, 426

Proclamation of the Batavian government relative to
trade and navigation, 426
iflued by Lieut.-general Dundas at the
Cape of Good Hope, on receiving orders for its reten-
tion, 501

for the better defence and fecurity of the
ifland of Guernsey, 1557

for encouraging feamen and landmen to en-
ter on board his Majesty's fhips of war, 792

relative to mariners and feafaring men in
the fervice of foreign princes and states, 793
-, King of England, as Elector of Hano-
ver, 859
Projects of the French relative to St. Domingo, 154,

Projet et Contre-projet, his letter defcriptive of the pe-
regrinations of the Richmond Doctor, 688

Protest of the bailiff of Ploen against the proclamation
of the fenate of Lubeck, ro

Pruffia and the Batavian republic, convention between, 48
Public, Mr. Cobbett's addrefs to, 1

papers, 9, 48, 134, 500, 523, 555, 618, 840,
867, 899, 968, 993

Purfuits of Literature, quotation from, on the foporific
effects of Mr. Pye's poetry, 108

Pye, Mr. his Ode for the New Year 1803, 106—Ani-
madverfions on, 107

-, quotation from the Pursuits of Literature on
the foporific powers of his poetry, 108

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Ratisbon, diet of, its proceedings, 12, 78, 114, 270

- deputation a, note tranfmitted by the Swe-
dith minifter relative to a provision for the ecclefiaftical
Princes, 9

➖➖➖➖, diet of, decree of the Imperial commiffion at
the, 55

R. B.'s letter on the navy abuse bill, 37

letter on Mr. Addington and the Maidstone op-
pofition, 193

Reading ball, Mr. J. Tietenfer's parting word to Can-
'didus, with a little truth for Veras, on the fubject
of, 232

Recruiting fervice, letter from the Secretary at War to
the infpecting field officers of, 18

Reeves, Mr. profecution of, Mr. Cobbett's letter to
Mr. Wilberforce on his conduct with refpect to the, 97
Remarks on Swenska's letter with regard to the politics
of France and Ruta, 643

Remonstrance of the civil and military authorities of
Constance, against an article published in the Moni-
teur relative to the English agent, Mr. Moore, 141
Report made to the French Conful on the prefent state
of Egypt and Syria, by Col. Sebaftiani, 215, 245,
on, 187

of the committee of commerce and nianufac-
tures on the meffage of the Prefident of the United of America, relative to difcriminating and
countervailing duties, 379

laid before the House of Reprefentatives on the
16th Dec. 1802, concerning the revenue and ex-
penditure of the United States of America, 2006

laid before the House of Reprefentatives of the
United States of America, by the commiffioners of
the Sinking Fund, 2016

Report laid before the House of Representatives re-
fpecting the fisheries of the United States of America,


laid before the Houfe of Representatives re-
fpecting the tonnage of the United States of America,


Reprefentation from the Board of Trade to George I.
afferting and proving the right to cut logwood in the
Bay of Campeachy, 209

of the deputies of the islands of Malta
and Gozo to the King of Great Britain, 674
Refcriptions, Batavian, payable after the peace, decree
of the Batavian Legiflature relative to the mode of
repayment of, 503

Refolutions of the House of Reprefentatives of the ftate
of Kentucky, on the fhutting of the port of New
Orleans against the Americans, 240

moved by Earl Fitzwilliam on the conduct
of his Majefty's Ministers, 869, 872

moved by Mr. Patten on the conduct of
his Majesty's Ministers, 870
Richezze dell' Italia paffate in Francia, or an account of
the plunder made by the French republic in 1794, 714
Richmond Doctor, his peregrinations defcribed in a letter
from Projet et Contre-projet, 688

Rouen, port and commerce of, decree of the French
Confuls relative to, 181

Royalists, Vendean, on the misconduct of Minifters
fince the conclufion of peace with regard to, 804
Ruffia, convention between Austria, France, and, 134
--, politics of France and, ftrictures on Swenika's
remarks on, 643


mediation of, propofed by Mr. Fox, observations
debate on, 1715

on, 827

Prime Minister of, note from, relative to the
guarantee of Malta, 853

- papers refpecting the guarantee of Malta by, as
laid before Parliament, 1138

Salt bill, debate on, 1479


Sardinia, ifland of, letter from the Secretary at War
for, to the maritime prefect at Toulon, relative to
the flaves liberated by the government of Algiers, 9
---- obfervations on the conduct of Minifters with
regard to the King of, 887, 926

Scotland, emigration from, obfervations on, 751
Seneca Indians, agreement between them and a company
of Dutch merchants, for the fale of lands in Ontario
county, in the state of New York, 2041
Sentence of the court of Jersey against two printers of

that ifland, for having copied from the London pa-
pers paragraphs reflecting on the French government,
286-Obfervations on, 315

on, :87

Sebaftiani's report to the First Conful on the prefent ftate
of Egypt and Syria, 215, 245, 1087—Observations
Sheridan, Mr. his tribe of fmall politicians described, 158
Mr. Cobbett's letter to him on his grofs
mifreprefentation of the expreffions of Mr. Windham,
in his fpeech on the King's meffage relative to prepa-
rations for war, 385

Ship-owners, proceedings of the meeting of, for the
repeal of the tonnage-duty, 625
Ships, English, on the employment of, by the French,


Sinking fund, Mr. Cobbett's obfervations on, 920
of America, account of the proceedings
of the commiffioners of, 2015

[ocr errors]

Small politicians. See Mr. Sheridan.
Song, a new one, entitled, "Moderate Men and mode-
rate Measures," fung at the celebration of Mr. Hiley
Addington's birthday at Apothecaries' Hall, 554
Speech, Mr. Addington's, in the committee of Ways
and Means, noticed, 48

Splendid humbug, circumftantial account of, 690-Re-
marks on, 702

Standard, Invincible, extracts from the True Briton
relative to the taking of, 2

Stanley, Mr. Member of the Houfe of Reprefentatives,
his letter to his conftituents, containing a review of
the proceedings of the Congrefs of America with re-
fpect to the ceffion of Louisiana, 1986
State of parties, 250

paper, garbled, obfervations on, 822, 886, 926
of the French republic, prefented to the Legislative
Body by order of Government, 306, 375-Remarks
on, 311

Statement of the lands fold in the districts of Cincinnati,
Steubenville, Chilicothe, and Marietta, fhewing the
monies paid thereon, and the amount due on the 1ft
November 1802, 2013

—, exhibiting the amount of the revenue of the
United States of America, accrued on account of
dutics on importations, 2014

giving an account of the proceedings of the
commiffioners of the finking fund of the United States
of America, 2015

Stocks, price of, 19, 52, 82, 120, 143, 185, 250, 311,
343, 512, 533, 576, 627, 722, 864, 896, 992, 2068
Stock Exchange, Dean Swift's admirable defcription of,


Stock-jobbers, circumstantial account of the impofition
played on them, 690, 752

-, London, remarks on their conduct, from
the Mercure de France, 725
Strictures on an article in the Morning Poft, entitled,
"Undue Defpondency," 127

Summary of politics, 20, 53, 82, 120, 144, 187, 250,
286, 311, 406, 429, 468, 534, 564, 600, 627,
692, 723, 751, 794, 820, 879, 925, 990
Supply, committee of, debates in, 1373
Swedish minifter, his note to the deputation at Ratisbon
relative to a provifion for the ecclefiaftical princes, 9
Swenfka's obfervations on the politics of France, 417,

letter with regard to the politics of France
and Ruffia, J. B.'s remarks on, 643

his tketches on the intrinfic ftrength, military
and naval force of France and Russia strongly recom-
mended, 768, 800

Swifs cantons, federal conftitution of, as fettled by the
mediation of Buonaparté, 1980

Switzerland, letter from General Ney to C. Mohr,
fecretary of state, relative to the fituation of affairs in,

-, proclamation addreffed by Louis d'Affry,
Landamman of Switzerland, to the inhabitants of
the nineteen cantons, 426

on the mifconduct of Minifters fince the
conclufion of peace with regard to, 805
affairs of, debate on, 1369
Swift, Dean, his admirable defcription of the Stock
Exchange, 411


Table of the number of bankruptcies, from January to
June 1803, inclufive, 2067

prices of the 3 per cent. confols, from
January to June 1803, inclufive, 2068

Table of the prices of the French 5 per cent. confolidés,
from January to June 1803, inclufive, 2068

number of chriftenings and burials within
the bills of mortality, from January to June 1803,
inclufive, 2068

prices of the quartern loaf, from January
to June 1803, inclufive, 2068

prices of meat and fugar, from January
to June 1803, inclufive, 2068
Tandy, Napper, his letter to Lord Pelham, 275-Ob-
fervations on, 316
his letter to Mr. Elliot, 361

his fecond letter to Mr. Elliot, 502
Temple, Lord, his comparison of the prefent ministry
to blunt conductors, 415

Thuilleries, court of the, description of the prefent, 268
Tietenfer, Mr. J. his parting word to Candidus, with
a little truth for Verax, on the subject of Mr. Ad-
dington's Reading ball, 232

Tinfeau, M. le Chevalier de, his letter to the editor, in
reply to the accufations of the Clef du Cabinet, 790 -
Tonnage-duty, proceedings of the meeting of hip-
owners for the repeal of, 625

--, inquiry into the conduct of Mr. Ad-
dington with refpect to, 630
Tonnage of the United States of America, Report laid
before the House of Reprefentatives relative to, 2022
Trade and navigation, proclamation of the Batavian go-
vernment relative to, 426

and finance, exposure of the deceptions attempted
to be kept up by Government on these subjects, 729,
754, 892

Traitor's epitaph, the, 268

Treaty of Amiens not binding on the country, 464
Trials, important, 1209

of Mr. Peltier for a libel on Napoleone Buona-
parté, First Conful of France, 1228

- of Lieutenant-colonel G. Mackenzie, and others,
all of the Rois and Cromarty rangers, accused of
being guilty of the murder of certain perfons in the
ftreets of Aberdeen, 1209

of Edward Marcus Defpard for high treafon, 1215
Troops, French, in Holland; on the mifconduct of
Minifters fince the conclufion of peace with regard to,

Tropicus's letter on the Weft India commiffion, 202
Trotter, James, debates relative to, 1465, 1468, 1505
Troubridge, Sir Thomas, letter from his agent relative
to certain purchases in the funds, 506-Observations

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

United States of America, ftatement of the exports | Wales, his R. H. the Prince of, parliamentary debates
from, to the European ftates of Great Britain and on the eftablishment of, 1291, 1307, 1320, 1349,
France, for the year ending September 30th, 1802, 1394, 1417

of, 1986

papers relative to the affairs

lift of acts paffed during the
fecond feffion of the seventh Congress of, 2006
--, report laid before the House
of Representatives, concerning the revenue and ex-
penditure of, 2006

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Vaccine inoculation, Mr. Cobbett's letter to Mr. Wil-
berforce, on his conduct with respect to the compul-
fory adoption of, 97

Vendean royalists on; the mifconduct of minifters fince
the conclufion of peace, with regard to, 804
Veritas's letter to the editor, containing strictures on
the conduct of the Admiralty Board, 837
Viator's letter to the editor, expofing the ufeleffness
of General Bentham's projects, 707

View of the ftate of the French republic, prefented to
the Legislative Body by order of the government, 306,
375-Remarks on, 311

Views of France with refpect to England, 472
Vincent, Earl St. his incapacity for the fituation of
First Lord of the Admiralty, 68, 353
and the navy, an Englishman's first

letter on, 392

an Englishman's fecond

Walth's Journal of the Campaign in Egypt, extract
from, relative to the capture of the Invincible stand-
ard, 225

War, declaration of, against France, 743

[ocr errors]

the prefent, the retention of the Cape of Good
Hope by Ministers proved to be the real caufe of,

——, the, observations on the alleged grounds of, 756
with France, debates on, 1685, 1713

W. B.'s letter on the conduct of the Admiralty, 130
Weft India colonies, obfervations on the imminent
danger which muft arife to our, from the establish-
ment of a confiderable French force in St. Domingo,
429, 879

commiffion, Tropicus's letter on, 202
letter of a Weft India Merchant

on the, 263


Merchant, his obfervations on the Weft India
commiffion and navy bill, 263


Wilberforce, Mr. Mr. Cobbett's letter to him, on his
conduct with refpect to parliamentary reform, 33
Mr. Cobbett's letter to him, on his
conduct with respect to the compulsory adoption of
vaccine inoculation, and the profecution of Mr.
Reeves, 97

Windham, Mr. accused by the Moniteur, of reprefent-
ing the Ruffian nation as ferocious and barbarous, 7

--, charged by the Moniteur with having
fecretly fomented the troubles of France, for the
purpose of destroying the royalists, 75-Observations
011, 94

and his party accused of creating de
fpondency, its fallacy expofed, 446

———, interesting extract from his fpeech on
the preliminary treaty, on the probable favings of
peace, 577

his fpeech on the bill for the better
defence of the country, 930
- account of the celebration of his birth.
day at Norwich, 863


letter on, 647
ftrictures on his operations with X.'s obfervations on his Majefty's late meffage to Parlia
regard to the French fleet in the Mediterranean, 833

[ocr errors]


Wales, his R. H. the Prince of, official communications
from him to Parliament, relative to his claims on
the revenues of the dutchy of Cornwall, 341

ment, 490


Yeomanry, Irifh, circular letter to the commanding
officers of the refpective corps of, 564

[merged small][ocr errors]
[ocr errors]



Abbott, 1507
Abercrombie, 462, 647
Adams, 2044

Bentham, 40, 651, 707
Berkeley, 1806
Eernadot e, 623
Berthier, 5, 77

Addington, 16, 17, 22, 31, Bertin, 618
44, 48, 63,83, 109, 132, Best, 1698
153, 157, 182, 193,206, Bickerton, 52
232, 252, 253, 301, 350, Bignon, 1025
406, 431, 441, 447, 462, Bild, to

476, 478, 490, 513, 521, Blanchor, 524
537, 540, 54, 545, 554, Bolton, 15c4, 1783

Cawdor, 1492
Champigny, 1024
Chaptal, 970, 990
Chatham, 447, 649
Chépy, 1144, 149, 1150
Clairborne, 243

Clarence, D. of, 887, 1657,
1782, 1809

Clarke, 77, 97

Cobbett, 2, 37, 67, 164,

169, 178, 232, 263, 351,
392, 464, 521, 552, 594,
614, 688, 769, 790,810,


1625, Cubenzel, 57, 135, 1025
Cochrane, 1854
Coke, 670, 1588
Coldham, 670

1507, Cole, 1532

Colloredo, 1025
Colpoys, 207

574, 577, 601, 609, 665, Bond, 562, 1428, 1521,
687, 694, 699, 718,734, 1545, 1556
738, 742, 752, 754, 778, Borges, 562
786, 787,889, 892, 894, Boringdon, 1624,
897, 916, 948, 1233, 1736
1244, 1251, 1255, 1292, Bowles, 304
1302, 1316, 1332, 1339, Boyer, 79, 245, 274
1351, 1359, 1376, 1411, Bragge, 1397 1470,
1429, 1433, 1422, 1445, 1509, 1534
1460, 1468, 1473, 1476, Broughton, 332
1514, 1524, 1535, 1537, Browne, 751, 1427, 1428, Condé, 294
1565, 1580, 1589, 1591,
1601, 1604, 1607, 1611, Brune, 400, 529, 596
1612, 1623, 1641, 1643,
1707, 1772, 1798, 1800,
1804, 1805, 1823, 1846
Affry, 305, 426
Akenhead, 626
Alexander, 828, 1434, 1443
Algiers, Dey of, 416, 424
Alvanley, 1372, 1448,
1495, 1500
Anderson, 400

1519, 1542, 1561, 1751

Coote, 1443
Cordona, 773,
Buonaparté, 14, 16, 25, 30, Cornwallis, 399, 927
56, 123, 159, 181, 189, Corry, 1310, 1313, 1314,
252, 270, 272, 297, 311, 1348, 1480, 1826
414, 417, 480, 531,597, Courtney, 1762, 1806
637, 644, 685, 692,736, Cotton, 1277
820, 875, 902, 971, Coventry, 1783
1033, 1846, 111, 1151 Cradock, 285
Buonaparté, Mad. 29
Burdon, 630, 1327, 1528,
1531, 1763

Andréossy, 704, 717, 862, Burke, 5, 20, 966

[blocks in formation]

Cumberland, 1502, 1649
Curtis, 500, 626
Curwen, 1325

Daguesseau, 1088

Busy, 555, 564, 619, 622 Dallas, 1696
Buxton, 1324,
24, 1397, 1488

Calcraft, 1320, 1830
Calder, 1276

Calvert, 504
Campbell, 718, 1276

Darnley, 1395, 1578, 1579,
1585, 1736, 1783
Daure, 79, 245
D'Auvergne, 761,827
Davison, 670

Dawson, 1446

Delille, 791

Canning, 492, 890, 927, Deboffe, 55, 159, 1230
1339, 1365, 1391, 1393, Decaen, 416, 424
1567, 1583, 1604, 1633, Dejean, 624
1636, 1643, 1699, 1780
Carleton, 1427, 1447
Carlisle, 1307, 1395, 1417,
1420, 1448, 1452, 1453,
1455, 1487, 1497, 1579,
1626, 1738
Carnarvon, 1396, 149c,
1491, 1493, 1501, 1739, Doyle, 557

Banks, 269, 1242, 1248, Carysfort, 1783

1307, 1714
Baring, 1244, 1415, 1807
Barrow, 110
Bastard, 889, 1451, 1459,
1751, 1807

Beaufoy, 104

Beeke, 416

Belliard, 78, 624
Belpucci, 7


Casamajor, 1025
Casa-Yrajo, 624
Castlereagh, 25, 58, 320,
432, 573, 785, 827,881,
925, 928, 1300, 1346,
1398, 1413.1415, 1444,
1458, 1621, 1844
Cavan, 17
Cavendish, 1559

Dent, 1327, 1379, 1432
Desormeaux, 272
Despard, 17, 183,
276, 317, 1215
Dolben, 101, 1350
Dolomieu, 714

Drummond, 141,
Dryden, 76

Elden, 62, 204, 1421,

1427, 1446, 1449, 1456,
2485, 1492, 1494, 1499,
1576, 1629, 1748, 1785
Ellenborough, 122, 1230,

1372, 1447, 1466, 1496,
1500, 1576, 1665, 1740
Elford, 443, 1262, 1805
Elgin, 11, 142, 337, 400,

Elliot, 25, 142, 360, 477,
502, 785, 1390, 1422,
1444, 1698, 1831
Erskine, 1322
Eton, 643

Etruria, K. of, 77, 271
Euston, 1465, 1469
Eyre, 35,

Farrell, 562


Fingerlin, 54

Fitzwilliam, 832,869,872,
1625, 1627, 1730, 1782,

Folkestone, 444, 631, 758,
1450, 1451, 1461, 1535,
1538, 1800
Fonblanque, 1761
Foresti, 1115
Fox, 23, 47, 78, 127, 153,
188, 254, 269, 312, 316,
351, 435,493, 731, 785,
795, 827, 1239, 1304,
1335, 1361, 1380, 1389,
1398, 14:8, 1472, 1520,
1534, 1539, 1543, 1554,
1558, 1562, 1571, 1580,
1590, 1592, 1668, 1701,
1714, 1728,
Francis, 1373, 1385, 1412,

Frankland, 1452, 1522,

1550, 1558,
Frazer, 525
Freeling, 64

Fuller, 1307, 1324, 1340

Galli, 14


Garlike, 1026

265, Garrard, 244,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

1013, Georges, 75, 94, 764, 805,

Dundas, 102, 502, 716,
807, 1127, 1201, 1414,
1429, 1458,1471, 1489

Duntow, 1472
Durham, 1494
Dustanville, 1783

Eden, 147
* 4 B


1005, 1012
Gerrard, 240
Gillington, 563
Gilray, 108, 605
Glenbervie, 17, 53, 1476
Godlia, 562
Golding, 1340
Goldsmid, 690

Gosling, 554
Gormoran, 457

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