[blocks in formation]

1782, to Nov. 1783.

1783, to 1785.

Devaynes, 1785.

Michel, 1786.

Motteux, 1787.

Fletcher, from July 31, Robinson, 1820.

Smith, from November 26, Pattison, 1822.

Reid, 1816.

Bebb, 1817.

Pattison, 1818.

Marjoribanks, 1819.

Reid, 1821.

Wigram, 1823.

Astell, 1824.

Marjoribanks, 1825.

Robinson, 1826.

N. Smith, 1788, to Dec. 2. Lindsay, 1827.

Devaynes, 1789.

Astell, 1828.

[blocks in formation]

COWAN, ROBERT, Governor of Bombay, 1734.

CRADOCK, Sir JOHN, Commander-in-Chief of Madras army, October 17, 1804.

recalled September 17, 1807.

CRILLON, M., captured on November 20, 1759, the island of Seringham.

CROMMELNI, CHARLES, Governor of Bombay from 1760 to 1767.

CUDDALORE, in the southern division of Arcot, occupied by the French in 1758. It came into the possession of the English in 1760.

CUDDAPAH came into possession of the E.I.C. in 1800. disturbances about landed property, 1846.

jail erected, 1813.

CULNA, great fire at, lasting three days, December 24, 1838. CULPEE taken by the British from the Mahrattas, but again restored to them, 1778.

transferred to E.I.C., 1802.

successfully besieged by Nana Govind Rao, 1803.

restored to E.I.C., 1806.

taken by rebels, 1857.

recaptured by Sir H. Rose, May 23, 1858.

CUMOONA surrendered to English, 1807.

CUTCH, earthquake in, 1819.

[blocks in formation]

slave trade declared illegal, 1835.

CUTTACK became tributary to the Rajah of Nagpore, 1750.

subject to the Mahrattas (directly), 1756.

occupied by the British under Col. Harcourt, 1803. great inundation in, 1831.


DACCA was conferred on the British by Shah Allum,


commercial residency in, discontinued, 1817.

was demanded by the Burmese, 1823.

73d N.I. mutinied in, 1857.

DALHOUSIE, ninth Earl of, Commander-in-Chief, 1829.
DALHOUSIE, tenth Earl of, born, 1812.

arrived as Governor-General, January 19, 1848.
annexed the Punjab, March 29, 1849.

created Marquis, 1849.

annexed Sattara, 1849.

annexed Pegu, December 20, 1852.
annexed Nagpore, February 1855.
annexed Oude, February 7, 1856.

left India, March 6, 1856.

DALTON, Captain, took possession of Seringham, June 3,


DALZELL, General, commanded at Barrackpore in the mutiny of 1824.

DAMAN sacked by the Portuguese, 1531.

rebuilt, 1558.

DANCE, Captain, defeated, with a fleet of E.I. merchantmen, a French squadron, February 15, 1804.

DARAPORAM, in Coimbatore, surrendered to Colonel Fullarton in July 1790.

DARJEELING ceded to the British, 1835.
DARWAR overrun by Hyder Ali, 1776.

incorporated in British dominions, 1818.

northern talooks transferred to Belgium, 1836. American cotton successfully introduced into, 1842. 25,000 acres sown with New Orleans seed, 1847. DARWAR TOWN captured by Hyder Ali, 1778.

by a British force, 1791.

ceded to the E.I.C., 1818.

D'AUTUEIL, M., surrendered to Clive, 1752.

DAVIDSON, A., Governor of Madras from January 4, 1785, to April 6, 1786.

DAVIS, Captain, captured Carangoly, January 20, 1781. Davis, magistrate of Benares, attacked by Vizier Ali's followers, 1799.

DE CAEN surrendered Mauritius to General Abercrombie, December 2, 1810.

DEEG, battle of, November 13, 1804.

Fort, in Bhurtpore, besieged by Lord Lake, December 16, 1804.

taken by Lord Lake, December 23, 1804.

taken by Lord Combermere, and dismantled, 1826.

DEHRA DHOON invaded by the Ghoorkas, 1803.

taken by the English, 1815.

grants of land to civilians in, 1837.

DEHRA, Ghazee Khan ceded, with rest of Punjab, 1849.

DELHI became seat of Mohammedan Government (Ghor dynasty), 1193.

burned by Tamalane, 1398.

occupied by Baker, 1526.

sacked by Nadir Shah, 1739.

taken by Mahrattas, 1758.

Shah Allum entered, December 25, 1771.

with its Emperor, taken by the British from the

Mahrattas, September 12, 1803.

Mahrattas attacked unsuccessfully, October 1804. last king of, ascended its throne, 1837.

DEHLI, last king of, massacred Europeans, May 1857. taken, with king, September 20, 1857.

last king of, transported to Tounghov, December 3,


canal restored, 1820.

DEOGHAM, treaty of, signed December 17, 1803.

DEONELLY, birthplace of Tippoo Sultan, 1753.
DEONTUL ceded to British, April 1815.

DERBEND, scene of religious Sikh war, 1827.
DEVAYNES, Chairman of Court of Directors, 1780, 1785,
1789, 1793, and 1794.

DEVICOTTAH taken by the English, 1749.

taken by the French, June 1758.

recovered by the English, February 1760.

DHAMEE tributary to E.I.C., 1815.

DHAMONEE taken by General Marshall, 1818.

DHAR, first treaty between this state and the British Government signed, 1819; second, 1821.

confiscated by Lord Canning, October 1857.

restored to Rajah by order of Court of Directors,

June 22, 1858.


DHOLPORE, treaty between the Rana and E.I.C., 1779. fort captured by Major Popham, 1780.

taken by Scindia, 1784.

restored to the Rana, 1805.

DHOONDIAH, robber-chief, defeated by Colonel Wellesley, at Conahgull, September 10, 1800.

DHULEEP SINGH born, 1833. succeeds as Rajah, 1843.

deposed, 1849.

DHURRUMPOOR became tributary to the British, 1802. DICK, GEORGE, Governor of Bombay, November 26, 1792, to November 9, 1795.

DINAGEPORE granted to E.I.C. by Shah Allum, 1765.
DOBBILI FORT stormed by the French, 1758.

DON, Lieutenant-Colonel, captured Tonk Rampoora, May 15, 1804.

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