
The following important events are worthy of special report for the year 1907:

(1) The removal of dairies out of the built up portion of the city.

The present lines will eventually have to be modified and enlarged so as to embrace certain sections now rapidly building and not included in the original ordinance.

(2) The re-establishment of the standard of thirteen per cent solids for milk.

For a period of years this standard had not been observed, a reduced standard fixed by the health officer and known to the chemist and agreeable to milk vendors being enforced.

(3) The prosecution of vendors whose milk show a weighable quantity of sediment.

This has resulted in clean milk for New Orleans, which is even more important than rich milk.

(4) The passage of a city ordinance (No. 4389, N. C. S.) vesting the Board with the right to destroy, without compensation to the owner, all foods or drinks found unfit for human consumption.

The ordinance was sought pending prolonged litigation brought about by the condemnation of several hundred cases of decomposing condensed milk, the right of the Board to seize and destroy the property having been questioned by the owners. The courts ruled in favor of the Board.

The ordinance is important in that it does away with the necessity of invoking the assistance of the courts in specific instances, and with the delay incident to such procedure, and amply protects the Board in case of forcible seizure.

(5) The institution of a dairy inspection service, with a view to ultimately enforce in its entirety Ordinance No. 16,204, C. S.. long dormant on the books. This ordinance not only provides for the inspection of local dairies, but makes the inspection of outside dairies a prerequisite to the introduction of milk into this city for sale.

The importance of a thorough enforcement of the measure is evidenced by the tracing of part of our typhoid fever last summer to infection in dairies.

The right of the Board to test dairy cattle with tuberculin is before the courts for determination. The lower courts have upheld the Board, and a favorable finding by the higher tribunal will remove

the last obstacle in the way of a thorough supervision of the milk industry.

The eradication of tuberculosis from dairy herds will be a great stride forward in our combat against the "great white plague"perhaps half of the victory won.

As the result of its work in the Food Department the Board was led into extensive litigation, the details of which will be found in the report of the Attorney.


The following tables, prepared by the Chief Food Inspector of the Board, Dr. E. A. White, show in detail the quantity and character of the various meats examined during the past two years:

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Total inspections, 34,967.


Livers, 627.




[Meat authorized to be sold.]

Miscellaneous, 63,9421⁄2 lbs.


4 Decomposition.

Stephanurus Dentatus. 285

Condemned on stalls, for decomposition, 12,508 lbs.

Other condemnations, not enumerated in the preceding tables:

Fish, 12,000 lbs.

Crabs, Shrimp and Crayfish, 33 baskets.

Pig Tongue, 250 lbs.

Pig Feet, 1 case.

Salt Cod, 5,000 lbs.

Rabbits, 26.

Ducks, 329.

Chickens, 5.

Hams, 12.

Pears, 523 cases.

Condensed Milk, 1,725 cases.

Canned Shrimps, 9 cases.
Canned Sardines, 26 cases.

Canned Tomatoes, 8 cases.


Frequent runs were made on milk vendors, at irregular intervals and varying hours. Five thousand and sixty-three samples were secured for chemical analysis in 1907.

The collectors of milk samples, when sent out on a run, are supplied with a clamp, an awl, a known number of lead seals, wires, corks, tags, and bottles with a perforated neck. The leads used and unused are reciprocally checks on one another.

After collecting a sample and corking the bottle, the officer, in the presence of the vendor, passes a wire through the perforated neck and intervening cork, using his awl for the purpose, slips the tag intended for numbering the sample over one of the loose ends of the wire, and secures the whole fast in a lead seal by clamping.

Samples thus collected and numbered are delivered to the chemist of the Board for analysis.

A sealed list showing the numbers and the corresponding names of vendors is delivered to the Health Officer.

When the chemist of the Board reports by numbers the results of his analyses, the Health Officer. opens the envelope and ascertains the names of vendors against whom affidavits are to be made.

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