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Investigation of Lancaster's milk supply sources disclosed several in a "deplorably unsanitary condition." according to Health Officer H. M. Hazelton's recent report to the board of health of that city. Sale of milk from these sources was forbidden until conditions were remedied. Dr. Hazelton made these suggestions for 1918:

Adoption of a sanitary code.

Inspection of milk, and prohibition of sale of milk except in bottles and under health department permit.

Transfer of garbage collection to service department.

Employment of fulltime sanitary policeman.

Sewer connections for privies and cesspools.

Cleanup day.

Monthly examination of water supply. Closer relation between health authorities and schools for control of communicable diseases.

More accurate and earlier reporting of communicable diseases.

Prohibition of raising of hogs in the city limits.


A proposed new sanitation code for Cleveland has been drawn up by city officials and representatives of the Chamber of Commerce. It is primarily a recodification and makes few changes in existing regulations.

A recommendation against the establishment of a municipal hospital in Dayton was made by Dr. J. A. Hornsby of Chicago, editor of "The Modern Hospital," following an investigation, made for the Dayton bureau of research, into present arrangements between the city and two privately managed hospitals for the care of charity

patients. He said a municipal hospitable fitted to Dayton's needs. would cost $900,000 to construct and would necessitate an annual operating expenditure of $180,000. The present plan, with a payment of $60,000 yearly to each of the two hospitals, is cheaper and, according to Dr. Hornsby, is just as satisfactory.


Mayor Tucker of Elyria, imposed a $5 fine upon a woman resident of a foreign section of Elyria, as a penalty for her violation of a diphtheria quarantine by leaving the premises.

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Persons rejected for military service on account of curable defects will be given free treatment to fit them to enlist, by surgeons of the United States Public Health Service, according to an order of the surgeon general of the service. Such persons, in number not to exceed 10 at any one time, may be admited to marine. hospitals for treatment.

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The Cincinnati Associated Charities has undertaken a study of the number of tuberculosis cases which exist among the people who are under its care. The amount of money needed to support a tuberculosis family as compared with the amount they are actually receiving from from the Associated Charities wil be studied, with a view to reorganizing the work and placing a worker in that special field.


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Urges General Vaccination Health Officer C. W. Chidester of the city of Delaware recently issued this "Card to the Public":

Smallpox is quite prevalent in Ohio. There are cases in every large city in the state and in many smaller ones, and in some country districts. It is generally mild and frequently the patient feels no particular illness and travels about while in the eruptive stage. Three times within the last year the disease was brought into Delaware by exposures of our own people while visiting or being employed elsewhere. One of these victims was exposed while em

ployed in a city, one while visiting in a city, and one while visiting in the country. Not one of them had ever been vaccinated. Our physicians were prompt in recognizing and reporting these cases. This, with quarantine and compulsory vaccination of exposed persons, prevented each time a spread of the disease and possibly epidemics.

There are a large number of persons in Delaware, especially children, who have never been vaccinated. In view of the fact that smallpox is so prevalent in Ohio and in the middle states, and that so many people are traveling at this time of the year, I wish to urge every one who has not been vaccinated to obtain such protection against smallpox during the holiday vacation. Ask your physician about it. The virus now used is safe when properly applied. A case of smallpox means a loss of at least six weeks of time and earnings, and is very expensive to the city. I urge vaccination as a protection to yourself and to others, and as a patriotic duty.

Can't "Farm Out" Hospital

A city has no legal right to contract for private management of a municipal contagion hospital, declared Attorney General McGhee in a recent ruling. The question which brought about the ruling was raised in Lorain.

Fight School Vaccination Order

The question of the right of a board of education to exclude an unvaccinated student from school came up in Franklin County in December, when a student of Grandview Heights High School, alleging that his physician had told him vaccination might lead to serious results, sued to gain admittance to school in spite of a vaccination order. Judge Rath

mell granted a temporary restraining order enjoining the school officials from excluding the boy until the case could be heard.

Assumes Office in Xenia Dr. R. H. Grube assumed office as health officer of Xenia with the installation of the city's new citymanager form of government at the beginning of the year. He succeeds Dr. A. C. Messenger.

Dr. Grube was once a member of the State Board of Health and is now Greene County member of the board of trustees of the district tuberculosis hospital at Springfield. He has recently been serving as health officer of Xenia township, Greene County, in the absence of Dr. D. E. Spahr.

Difficulties of Quarantine Discussing the spread of smallpox in Hancock County, alleged to have been aided by mistaken diagnoses and consequent lack of strict quarantine in rural health districts, the Findlay Republican has the following:

The situation leads back to the futility of the quarantine laws of Ohio where the isolated districts are looked after by fellow citizens who are blacklisted for life if they force the expense of a quarantine on a township or curtail a citizen's privilege to spread contagion.

The health department of Findlay is facing this condition this week: The lack of proper quarantines in townships has cost the city large sums of money and in death tolls only recently. Health Officer Beardsley has been sick for the last week and got up out of a sickbed to investigate conditions in the western townships. State authorities have been summoned and local thorities are exerting every power possible to curb disease.


The appeal to the Findlay board of health is ineffective as the Findlay board can only quarantine against the districts afflicted.

"The executive officer is all right but

when a community refuses to assist in the keeping of a quarantine, Findlay can only quarantine against them," said Health Officer Beardsley.

Health Council's Program Cincinnati's newly organized Public Health Council, which coordinates various health agencies of the city, will devote a large share of its time to anti-tuberculosis work. Free lectures, dealing with proper housing, home sanitation and use of public recreational facilities, wil be offered by the council.

Its program recommends federal sanatorium camps for tuberculous soldiers, federal and state farm colonies for civilians and a law permitting Ohio cities to create a special tuberculosis fund not exceeding $1,000,000 for sanatorium and dispensary purposes.

Health Officer Landis of Cincinnati is chairman of the council. Dr. Martin Fischer is vice chairman, Charles Boldt second vice chairman, C. M. Bookman treasurer and Courtenay Dinwiddie sec-" retary.

New Whooping Cough Procedure

Cincinnati health authorities have discontinued the practice of excluding from school all children of a family in which a case of whooping cough exists, and will hereafter exclude only the children who have whooping cough or who manifest catarrhal symptoms.

The new procedure is not only safe, according to Health Officer Landis, but will also lead parents to call in physicians sooner in case of whooping cough, inasmuch as it wil be necessary to learn through medical examination which. children may continue in school.

The new regulations, in addition. to this change, provide that a person having whooping cough must

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avoid contact with other persons and must not to the theater, church, motion picture show or other public assembly nor ride in street cars or other public conveyances. These restrictions extend until 10 days after the spasmodic stage is over. Children who have had whooping cough will not be admitted to school unless they have school permits.

To Save the Baby

A program for the protection and conservation of infant life must aim to make it possible for every mother to have pre-natal nursing service; for every baby who is delicate or who is bottlefed, or sickly, to be under the skilled supervision of the doctors and nurses of babies' health stations; for every mother who is nursing a baby to have sufficient food and sufficient milk for herself and her child; for every baby who is bottle-fed to have enough and good enough milk at a price which its parents can pay; to enable every father and mother to know where and how these benefits can be obtained at their expense when they can meet it, or free if they cannot. Such a program is vital to the community in peacetime. In war-time it is the same, only raised to a higher power.-Michael M. Davis, Jr., Ph. D., in Your Health, Cleveland Health Department.

Old Health Fallacies Just now when the citizens of Lima are passing through the wheezing and sneezing season and when germs that have been dormant during the cold weeks are awakening to life and preparing for a combined attack upon the populace there is no topic, outside. of the European war, more generally discussed than "home reme

dies." Especially among the women folk is there a universal exchange of health recipes at this time, "cures" that are meant well in every instance and run from good and bad to indifferent.

We've never outgrown the health fallacies of our forefathers, any more than we have ceased to lend ear to the man who has his own special cure for rheumatism, lumbago or a cold in the head. there are still many clever and cultivated people who believe that rubbing the eyelids with a wedding ring will cure a sty, and that piercing the ears strengthens the vision. We still have with us some who contend that lunatics are affected by the phases of the moon, and that the application of red flannel (it must be red) will cure sore throat. You've possibly been guilty yourself of telling some fellow that a piece of beefsteak is good for a black eye and that the swallowing of grape seed produces appendicitis.

We can't help clinging to these old fallacies. Its human nature, and we hang on to them as tenaciously as a bat to a brick wall. Doctors may attempt to discourage us and specialists may call us crazy. But right now when the allied armies of germdom are getting ready to pour a regular barrage fire of suffering into us we're willing to seize upon most any "remedy" that is suggested and let the doctors call us what they like. -Lima Times-Democrat.

New Health Head in Dayton

Dr. A. O. Peters is Dayton's new health officer. Dr. Peters, who has been serving as epidemiologist and head of the staff of district physicians, succeeds Dr. A. L. Light, health officer ever since Dayton installed the commission-manager form of government.

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