
him by the hand, led him up to the king.

He falling down on his knees, the king gave him his hand to kiss, bidding him rise up. The box was opened; and Nicholas Ferrar first presented to the king that book made for the prince: who taking it from him, looking well on the outside, which was all green velvet, stately and richly gilt all over, with great broad strings, edged with gold lace, and curiously bound, said, Here is a fine book for Charles indeed! I hope it will soon make him in love with what is within it: for I know it is good. So opening it, and with much pleasure perusing it, he said merrily to the lords, What think you of it? For my part, I like it in all respects exceeding well; and find Charles will here have a double benefit by the well contrivement of it, not only obtain by the daily reading in it a full information of our blessed Saviour's life, doctrine, and actions, (the chief foundation of Christian religion;) but the knowledge of four languages. A couple of better things a prince cannot desire, nor the world recommend unto him. And lo! here are also store of rare pictures to delight his eye with.

118. Then Nicholas Ferrar, the king looking upon him, bowing himself to the ground, said, May it please your sacred majesty, this work was undertaken upon the prince's command. But I dared not present it to him, till it had your majesty's approbation and allowance. Why so? said the king; it is an excellent thing for him, and will do him much good. Sir, said Nicholas Ferrar, my

learned and religious wise uncle, under whose wings I was covered and had my education from my youth, gave me amongst other rules, this one; that I should never give anything, though never so good or fitting, to any person whatever, that had a superior over him, without his consent and approbation first obtained: as nothing to a son, to a wife, to a servant: for he said it was not seemly nor comely so to do. Whereupon, sir, I have by the favour of my lord of Canterbury's grace come to present this piece unto your majesty's view, and to beg your good leave to carry it to the prince. The king with attention heard all, and turning him to the lords, said, You all hear this wise counsel, and you all see the practice of it. I do assure you, it doth wonderfully please me. I like the rule well: and it is worthy of all our practice. And now you see we all have gained by the sight of this rich jewel a third good thing. Then turning him to the lord of Canterbury, he said, Let this young gentleman have your letters to the prince to-morrow, to Richmond, and let him carry this present. It is a good day you know, and a good work would be done upon it. So he gave Nicholas Ferrar the book: who carrying it to the box, took out of it a very large paper book, which was the fourth work, and laid it on the table before the king. For whom, said the king, is this model? For your majesty's eyes, if you please to honour it so much. And that I will gladly do, said the king, and never be weary of such sights, as I know you will offer unto me.

119. The king having well perused the title page, beginning, The Gospel of our Lord and Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, in eight several languages, &c. said unto the lords, You all see, that one good thing produceth another. Here we have more and more rarities, from print now to pen. These are fair hands well written, and as well composed. Then replied the lord of Canterbury, When your majesty hath seen all, you will have more and more cause to admire. What! said the king, is it possible we shall behold yet more rarities? Then, said the bishop to Nicholas Ferrar, reach the other piece that is in the box: and this we call the fifth work, the title being, Novum Testamentum &c. in viginti quatuor linguis, &c. The king opening the book said, Better and better. This is the largest and fairest paper that ever I saw. Then, reading the title page, he said, What is this? What have we here? The incomparablest book this will be, as ever eye beheld. My lords, come, look well upon it. This finished must be the emperor of all books. It is the crown of all works. It is an admirable masterpiece. The world cannot match it. I believe you are all of my opinion. The lords all seconded the king, and I observe two things

each spake his mind of it. amongst others, said the king, very remarkable, if not admirable. The first is, how it is possible, that a young man of twenty-one years of age, (for he had asked the lord of Canterbury before, how old Nicholas Ferrar was) should ever attain to the understanding and knowledge of more languages,

than he is of years; and to have the courage to venture upon such an Atlas work, or Hercules labour. The other is also of high commendation, to see him write so many several languages, so well as these are, each in its proper character. Sure so few years had been well spent, some men might think, to have attained only to the writing thus fairly of these twenty-four languages. All the lords replied, his majesty had judged right; and said, except they had seen, as they did, the young gentleman there, and the book itself, all the world should not have persuaded them to the belief of it. And so much discourse passed upon the business to and fro, and many questions demanded and answered, here too long to repeat.

I 20.

Well, said the king to my lord of Canterbury, there is one thing yet that I would be fully satisfied in, and see the proof and real demonstration of it, over and above what I have yet seen. I do really believe and know, that these persons here would not present this unto me, or anything else, that were not full of truth. I say, I no way doubt of all I have seen: yet if I may be resolved in one question that I shall demand, it will wonderfully please me. The thing, my lord, is this. Let me, if it be possible, have more than this affirmation, by word and pen thus shewed me, that he understands all these several languages, and can English them, word for word, properly. I know yourself, my lord, and many other men in my court, can try and prove him in many of them: but where shall

I find men to try and pose him in all the others, that are so unusual and scarce known? My lord of Canterbury, being somewhat at a stand, replied, Sir, you need not be so scrupulous, but be confident that he can and doth understand all of them: and then looking upon Nicholas Ferrar, to see what he could say for himself in this kind; who all the while stood silent attending the end and upshot of the king's demands; then bowing himself to the ground at his majesty's feet, he spake in this manner and effect. May it please your sacred majesty, the difficulty you in your great wisdom have propounded so judiciously, to have a present proof given you, that I understand all these several twenty-four languages, and can translate them into Eglish or Latin, is that which I conceived your majesty would put me upon, when you should see that which you have done; and to that intent I now brought with me, what will and may fully satisfy your majesty, as it was my part to do, and to prepare for it in that kind, as you require. Let us then now see it, said the king. Now you are to know that this proof book Nicholas Ferrar had of purpose concealed it from my lord of Canterbury, not shewing it him, when he at first saw the rest of them. So Nicholas Ferrar presently stepped to the box, it being covered under papers at the bottom of it, and came and gave it into the king's hands. The king opening it, and smiling, reading the title page of it, which was this, Sacrosanctum Sancti Johannis Evangelium, in totidem linguis quot sunt capita, &c. I

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