A DISCOURSE DELIVERED AT THE West Church in BosTON, August 24. 1766. Six Weeks after the DEATH OF The Reverend Dr. MAYHEW. BY JOHN BROWNE, A. M. Paftor of the Second Church in Hingham. i The Lord reigneth. King DAVID. None can stay bis Hand, or say unto Him, What BOSTON: Printed by R. and S. Draper, in Newbury-street; 1 --- ROMANS XI. 33. And his ways paft finding out. T ☑HAT the Supreme Being rules in the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, and performeth all things according to the council of his own will, agreeable to the unerring rules of wisdom and rightcoufness, I presume we all believe: But vain man would be wife, too prone to afpire after an intelligence of those things which are beyond his reach. It is the observation of the wisest of men, that it is the glory of God to conceal a thing; the reasons of fome of his decrees, and of his judgments are fecreted from men. It is plain that some administrations of divine providence are unsearchable, the reasons that influence an infinite mind are unknown, infomuch that many of the ways of God feem so contradictory to the wisdom of man, that fome are almost ready to doubt whether they are the result of divine difcretion. Among |