
Chapels, where Cathedral Service is performed twice a Day, and the other, to the ParishChurch.

The laft Church which deferves Attention, is that of St. John's; which is a handfome Gothic Building: But for further Particulars, we refer our Reader to Merton College; to which it seems more connected at prefent than to the Parish.

There is little left of the Castle except a fquare Tower, and fome broken Walls of immenfe Thickness.

Near the Caftle are the Ruins of the ancient Town-Hall, where, in 1577, was held the Black Affize, when the Lieutenant of the County, eight Efquires and Juftices, and almost all the Gentlemen of the grand Jury, died of the poisonous Smell from the Jail. Above One Hundred Scholars, befides Townfmen, were feized with the Distemper. It lafted about a Month, when the Infection ceased. On the Top of the artificial Hill, near the Caftle, is an Entry into a large arched Room, formerly used as a Magazine in Time of War.

The UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, ufually called the Bodleian, from Sir Thomas Bodley, its principal Founder, is a large, lofty Structure, built of Stone, in the Form of a Roman H, and is faid to contain the greatest Number of Books of any Library in Europe, (except that of the Vatican) a Catalogue whereof is printed, in two Folio Volumes.

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To give fome Account of the Foundation of the public Library from Campden. The Ground on which the Divinity School was built was purchafed by the University in the Year 1427, and upon feveral Contributions that Structure was foon after begun, but intermitted, till, by the Piety of Humphrey Duke of Glocefter, it was carried on and compleated.' This is efteemed a moft elegant Piece of Gothic Architecture, furpaffing every Thing of the Kind in the University; being

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well proportioned, and finished in the highest Tafte; efpecially its Roof. The fame Duke, over the Divinity School, erected this Library, which he furnished with 129 choice Volumes he procured from Italy; befides which he gave 126 Volumes more in the Year 1440, and in the Year 1443 a much greater Number, befides confiderable Additions at his Death, three Years after :* But these Books have been long fince loft.

In the Year 1597, Sir Thomas Bodley, Knight, repaired the old Library of Humphrey Duke of Glocefter, and in 1599. fitted it for the Reception of Books. An additional Eaftern Gallery was begun by him in the Year 1610, and another Gallery, projected by him, was erected afterwards. He furnished the Library with the best Books he could procure from all Parts of the World, in Memory of which Benefaction, the Earl of Dorfet caufed the Bast of Sir Thomas to be erected in the Library:

Sir Thomas Bodley died Jam 28. 1612, leaving a confiderable Eftate in Land and Money for Salaries to the Officers, and keeping the Library in Repair. He alfo left Statutes for the Government of it, which were confirmed in Convocation; and he was declared by the University to be the Founder.

The Earl of Pembroke afterwards, by the Perfuafion of Archbishop Laud, gave almost all the Collection of Greek Manufcripts, which Francis Barroccio a Venetian had collected which great Pains and Coft. The Earl referved 22 of them for his own Ufe, which Cromwell bought, and gave afterwards; and Sir Thomas Roe added another choice Parcel of Greek Manufcripts.

Sir Kenelm Digby alfo prefented a great Number of Manufcripts, which he had gotten in his Travels; and Archbishop Land having fent into the Eaft to buy Oriental Manufcripts, and to the Marts in Germany, procured thirteen hundred large Volumes, written in above twenty Languages. By this Bifhop's Inftigation the University added another Building to Duke Humphrey's Library, which brought

brought it into the Shape of a Roman H, where, befides the Books before mentioned, the excellent Study of the Learned John Selden, of the InnerTemple, London, Efq; is placed. Underneath this additional Side of the Library is the Convocation' Houfe; in the Apodyterium of which the ViceChancellor's Court is held. Many other Benefactors have much increafed this Library; General Fairfax, afterwards Lord Fairfax; Dr. Marshall Rector of Lincoln College; Dr. Barlow, late Lord Bishop of Lincoln; Mr. Saint Amand, and Dr. Rawlinfon's Manufcripts, &c. which, with certain Libraries purchased by the University of Dr. Huntingdon, Mr. Greaves, and Dr. Pocock, have made it the largest University Library in Europe.

In one of Public Schools is the Collection of Greek Marbles, Statues, Buftos, &c. which were many Years at Eafton, the Seat of the Earl of Pomfret, and were lately prefented to the Univerfity by the Countess of Pomfret. They are at prefent kept there till a proper Building is erected to receive this invaluable Treafure. The Catalogue and Character of them in Dr. Stukeley's Itinerarium Curiofum is as follows:

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An entire Column of Marble in two Pieces, fluted, taken from among the Ruins of the Tem ple of Apollo at the Ifle of Delos, where many now lie. This is fet upon a proper Base and Pedestal made purposely for it. The Capital is unufual, but very beautiful, and feems perfectly to anfwer that Description which Vitruvius gives us IV. I. of the Origin of the Corinthian Capital from the Con'ceit of Callimachus, who was pleafed with the Appearance of a Basket covered with a Tile, and luckily fet upon the Middle of a Root of Acanthus, or Brank Urfin, which fhot up its curled Leaves around it in a delicate and tender Manner. Upon it stands a Statue, the upper Part naked. Several broken Statues of Goddeffes, naked or in fine Drapery, where the Mind is divided between



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the Pleafure of feeing what remains, and the .Grief for what is loft. A great many whole and broken Statues, Pieces of Baffo Relievo, Altars, Urns, Tombs, c. fuch as the Deftruction of Troy, reprefented in the Trojan Horfe; the Merriment of the Trojans; the Slaughter of Priamus'; Achilles driving his Chariot with Hector tied to it. There is another Bas-relief of a Battle. A Figure recumbent at Dinner. Two Figures in Proceffion. Four Figures, two with Phrygian Bonnets. Good Pieces of Cornifh-work, with Moldings of Ovolos, Bed-moulds, &c. A Tomb, the Husband and Wife, with the Son between. A Piece of Bacchanalians. The End of a Tomb or Vafe. A Mask and revelling Figures. An Horfeman and Footman engaging: Most of these Antiquities feem of the highest Greek Times. Two Egyptian Sphynxes mitred, and two Mufes fitting. A Seahorfe in Baffo. A Capital of a Pillar made of a Horfe's Head, with Branches coming out of his Mouth, like those at Perfepolis, a Dog's Head on one Angle, and Lion's on the other; upon it C are Bufts and Heads; over that is a Portal of a 'Monumental Stone, with a Woman and two Children. The Tomb of fome Player, with fine Baffos of Masks, the Bufto of the Deceased. Four Genii. Two Lions devouring Horfes, finely cut. Over it a Prieftefs by the Side of a Temple. Eight round Altars or Pedestals adorned with Bulls Heads, Feftoons, &c. which ftand upon "the Piers of the Stairs. Upon and about them are other Antiquities, fuch as the Bottom Part of Scylla. Three Monsters like Dogs devouring three Men. A Receiver for an Urn. Cupid afleep lies upon this. A Tomb. Another Capital of a Horfe's Head, &c. Over it a Baffo of Venus riding on a Sea-horse, a Cupid driving a Lion over it. Two Cupids alto relievo. A young C Nero, Faunus, &c. A Tomb of a Boy wrought in Channel-work, his Bufto in Baffo upon it. Another Capital from the Temple of Apollo at De

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los. A Greek Mask. Four Greek Statues very intire, bigger than the Life, of most admirable Art. They are dreft in Matron-like Robes or outer Garments, in most comely Folds; yet cut fo exquifitely, that the Folds of the inner Drapery appear, and the whole Shape of the Body, as if transparent: they cannot be fufficiently commended. That celebrated Statue of Cicero intire, with his Sudarium in his Right, and a Scroll in his Left Hand; the Sight of the Eyes is cut hollow. I could not poffibly excufe myself half a Quarter of an Hour's ferious View of this Mafter-piece, frequently going round it; where fo much feeming Simplicity of the Carver has called forth all the Fire of that divine. Genius that could make Statues hear, as this Artist has made them fpeak, and left an eternal Monument of Contention between him and the great Orator. It grieved me to think it should ftand a Day longer in the open Air. Another Statue of a more robuft Shape and Workmanship; his Left Hand holds a Scroll, his Right is laid in a paffionate Manner upon his Breaft. If finewy Mufcles denote one that worked on the Anvil, it may poffibly be Demofthenes. The two next that correspond beyond the Fountain, are Scipio Africanus and Afiaticus, in an heroic Drefs. Two Coloffi, Fabius Maximus the Cunctator, and Archimedes with a Square in his Hand. The Tomb of the famous Germanicus, adorned with Carving of Bas-relief. Upon it two admirable Bufts of him and Agrippina his "Wife, Between thefe upon the Tomb ftands an "Altar-like Pedestal with a fmall and ancient Statue of Jupiter fitting In the Pediment over the Arch is a curious_Piece of Marble, whereon is 'raised the upper Part of a Man with his Arms and Hands extended, and the Impreffion likewife of a Foot. This I fuppofe the original Stan'dard of the Greek Meafure. Upon the Apex of the Pediment is a fine Statue of Apollo, with the Right Arm naked, the other covered with a Man


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