
trait of, by Renatus, 473 note; sub-
dues the Franks and Suevi, 474;
defeats Clodion, 480; his son's be-
trothal, 503; his death, 504.
Aetius, surnamed the Atheist, ii., 372
and note; favoured by Gallus, 381.
Etolia, recovered by John Cantacuzene,
vi., 518.

Afghanistan, Ghōrid dynasty of, vii., 8

Afrasiab, Emperor of Touran, vi., 241
note; "towers of," vii., 208.
Afrasiabs, iii., 84.

Africa, province of, i., 28 and 29; tribute,
173; revolts from Maximin, 188;
from Diocletian, 391; Christianity
in, ii., 66 and note; persecution of
the Christians in, by Maximin, 138;
religious discord in, 410 sqq.; Count
Romanus in, iii., 48 sqq.; rebellion
of Firmus in, 50 sqq.; Theodosius
in, 51 sq.; Africa described, 53 sq.
and notes; Gildo's revolt in, 244
sqq.; revolt of Boniface in, 423 sqq.;
Vandal invasion of, 425; Donatist
persecution in, 426 and notes; de-
solated by Vandals, 429 and 430;
Vandal persecution in, iv., 90 sqq.;
reduced by Belisarius, 299 sqq.; date
of conquest of, 291 note; Catholic
Church re-established in, 309; taxed
by Justinian, 415; revolt of Stoza
in, 417 sq.; rebellion of the Moors
in, 419 sqq.; desolation of, 421;
Saracen invasion of, v., 488 sqq.;
final reduction of, 498 sq.; Chris-
tianity extinct in, 520 sq.; revolts
from the Caliph, vi., 55; Norman
conquests in, 219 sq.
Agapae, ii., 53.

Agatharchides, geographer, v., 332 note,
335 note; date of his Historica, 350
Agathias on testament of Arcadius, iii.,

404 and note; describes the Franks,
iv., 129 and note; continues history
of Procopius, 224 note; edition of
Leyden, 225; on Anthemius, 260; on
Persia, 387 and note; on Lazic war,
397 note, 409 note, 452 and note.
Agathocles, ii., 537 note.
Agathyrsi, tribes of, iii., 94.
Agaunum or St. Maurice, monastery of,
founded by Sigismund, iv., 121

Aglabites, usurp the provinces of Africa,
vi., 42.

Aglae, a Roman lady, ii., 140.
Agnats, in Roman law, iv., 514, 519.
Agnellus, v., 279 note.

Agnes or Irene, daughter of Henry of
Brunswick, wife of Andronicus III.,

vi., 516 and note.

Agnes, wife of Henry, Emperor of Con-
stantinople, vi., 445.

Agobard, Bishop of Lyons, iv., 138 note.
Agria, iii., 462 and note.
Agricola, i., 3 note, 4 and note; origin
of, ii., 175 note.

Agriculture, i., 56 sq.; encouraged by
the Magi, 217; ruined by land tax,
ii., 205; of the eastern empire, iv.,
242 sq.;
in Asia Minor under
Romanus, v., 223 note.
Agrippa, builds the Pantheon at Rome,
i., 48 and note, and vii., 322 note;
aqueducts of, iii., 321.
Agrippina, i., 163 and note.
Agro Calventiano, Boethius executed at,
iv., 216 note.

Ahmad, Ben Joseph, v., 381 note.
Ahmad ibn Arabshah, vii., 45 note, 50
note; on Bajazet, 66.
Ahmad, son of Abd Allah, vi., 51 note.
Ahmad, son of Tūlūn, vi., 56 note.
Ahnaf ibn Kais, subdues Khurāsān, v.,
436 note.

Ahriman, i., 215 and note; nature of,
vi., 120.

Aibak, husband of a Mameluke queen,
vi., 376 note.

Aidin, Turkish chief, vii., 28; prince of,
submits to Murad, 27 note; subdued
by Bajazet I., 35.

Aikaterina, Bulgarian princess, v., 236

Aimoin, a French monk, his account of
Belisarius, iv., 356 note.

Aix la Chapelle, memorable duel at, iv.,
137 note; palace and church of
Charlemagne at, v., 292 note; vii.,

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Akhal Emir, vi., 184 note.
Akindynos, Gregory, vi., 530 note.
Akshehr, death of Bajazet at, vii., 64.
Ala, lieutenant of the Abbasides, vi., 23.
Ala-ad-Din Mohammad, Shah of Carizme,


Agilo, general, ii., 447.

Aglab, lieutenant of Harun, vi., 55.

vii., 8 note.

Ala-ad-Din, vizir of Orchan, reforms of,
vii., 26 and note.

Aladin (Iftikhar) defends Jerusalem, vi., | Albanians (Caucasian), in the army of


Aladin, Sultan of Iconium, vii., 24.
Alamanni, see Alemanni.

Al-Amin, Caliph of Bagdad, vi., 24 note.
Alani, i., 263; invade Asia, 348; con-

quered by the Huns, iii., 93, 94; in
the service of Gratian, 142; invade
Spain, 365; join the Vandals, 368;
colony of, at Orleans, 474 and note;
allies of Etius, ib.; invade Italy,
iv., 29 note; allies of the Avars,
378 and note.
Alankavah, virgin mother, Seljukides,
derived from, vi., 241 note.
Alaon, monastery of, v., 306 note.
Alaric, King of the Visigoths, iii., 494;

slain by Clovis at Vouillé, iv., 126.
Alaric, the Goth, family of, iii., 254 and
note; revolt of, ib. sqq.; in Greece,
255 sqq.; enters Athens, 256; de-
stroys Eleusis, 258; retreats to
Elis, 258; escapes to Epirus, 259;
allies himself with the Emperor of
the East, 259; master-general of
Eastern Illyricum, ib.; King of the
Visigoths, 261; in Italy, 262 sqq.;
defeated by Stilicho at Pollentia,
267; demands a province, 291;
demands hostages, 303; before
Rome, 326; raises the siege, 328;
negotiations for peace, 330; takes
Ostia, 334; declares Attalus emperor,
336; degrades him, 338; sack of
Rome, 339 sqq.; his moderation,
340; evacuates Rome, 348; his
projects, 349, 350; death and funeral,

Alatheus and Saphrax, chiefs of the
Ostrogoths, iii., 96; send ambassa-
dors to Antioch, 101; at the battle
of Hadrianople, 117; cross the
Danube, 134; death of Alatheus,

Alauda, Roman legion, i., 10 note.
Alavivus and Fritigern, judges of the

Visigoths, iii., 97 and note; lead
the revolt of the Goths, 103; at the
battle of Salices, 109.
Alba, iv., 327 note; interview at, be-
tween ambassadors of Theodatus and
Justinian, 327; taken by Belisarius,

Alba Pompeia in Piedmont, i., 106 note.
Alba, river, i., 355 note.
Al-Bakri, v. 488, note.

Albania (Caucasian), i., 7; Heraclius in,
v., 88 and note, 89.
Albania (Illyrian), prince of, opposes
Ottomans, vii., 34 note.
VOL. VII.-24

Sapor, ii., 285 and note.

Albanians (Illyrian), their invasion of

Greece, vi., 527 note; revolt of, vii.,
158 sq.; colony of, in Calabria, 161
and note; in the Peloponnesus, 212.
Albano, Roman villas at, vii., 247.
Albara, captured by crusaders, vi., 320

Al-Beithar, Arabian Botanist, vi., 33

Albengue, i., 361 note.

Alberic, revolt of, v., 320; his title
senator, vii., 233 note.
Albigeois, persecution of, vi., 130 sq.;
etymology of name, 130 note.
Albinus Clodius, governor of Britain, i.,

118, 119; war with Severus, 127
sqq.; death, 131.

Albinus, Præfect of Rome, iii., 356.
Albinus, senator, accused of treason, iv.,

Albinus, the Pontiff, conversion of, iii.,
205 note.

Al-Bocchari, edits the Koran, v., 366 and

Albofleda, sister of Clovis, marries
Theodoric, iv., 113.

Alboin, King of the Lombards, assists
Justinian, iv., 441; early prowess,
v., 5; allies himself with the Avars,
ib.; destroys the kingdom of the
Gepida, 6 sq.; invades Italy, 8
sqq.; Arianism of, 9; subdues great
part of Italy, 11 sqq.; besieges
Pavia, 12; murdered by his wife
Rosamund, 13 sq.

Albornoz, Cardinal, vii., 289 and note.
Alcantara, bridge of, i., 48.
Alchymy, i., 394; vi., 33 and note.
Alciat, on the Pandects, iv., 496 note.
Aldus Manutius, prints Greek authors at
Venice, vii., 135 note.
Alemanni, Nicholas, quotes the Justi-

niani Vita, iv., 219 note; publishes
the Secret History of Procopius, 225

Alemanni, origin, i., 278; etymology of

name, 278 note; in Gaul and Italy,
ib.; alliance of the, with Gallienus,
279; oppose Claudius, 309 note; re-
lation to Juthungi, i., 317 note; in-
vade Italy, 319; defeated by Aure-
lian, 320; destroy the wall of
Probus, 357; defeated by Con-
stantius, 390; in Alsace, ii., 289;
defeated by Julian, 296; in Gaul, iii.,
33 sq., 111 sq.; defeated by Majo-
rian, iv., 17 and note; derivation of
their name, 112; defeated by Clovis,

113; their institutions, 132; pro-
tected by Theodoric, 199 and note;
invade Italy, 448; defeat of, by
Narses, 449; invade Italy and are
defeated by the Lombards, v., 23;
their country under Charlemagne,
308; name of, given by the Greeks
to the Germans, vi., 340 note.
Alembic, vi., 33 and note.
Aleppo, church of, ii., 11; Julian at,
514; besieged by Nushirvan, iv.,
392; resists Baian; v., 60; siege of
by the Saracens, 465 sq.; castle of,
ib. and note; taken by Nicephorus,
vi., 62; princes of, expelled by the
Syrian dynasty of Seljuks, 257;
under the Atabegs, 349; attacked
by Saladin, 355; pillaged by the
Moguls, vii., 15; sack of, by Timour,


Alexander the Great, Indian conquests

of, i., 31 and note; in Julian's
Caesars, ii., 506, 507 note; his fort
near the Caspian Gates, iv., 278;
compared to Belisarius, 335.
Alexander, Archbishop of Alexandria,
ii., 365 and note.

Alexander, emperor, colleague of Con-
stantine VII., v., 222.

Alexander, general of Justinian, iv., 422

Alexander of Diospolis, disgrace of, iv.,

Alexander III., pope, assists the Lom-

bards, v., 324; receives embassy
from Constantinople, vi., 225; pro-
nounces separation of Latin and
Greek Churches, ib.; defines the
right of Papal election, vii., 249 and
note; disqualifies the Colonna, 262
and note.

Alexander Severus, see Severus.
Alexander, son of Basil I., emperor, v.,


Alexander the Scribe (Logothete), iv., 424
and note; called Psalliction, ib.
Alexander V., pope, vii., 299 and note.
Alexander VI. [Borgia], vii., 308.
Alexandria, i., 54; massacre at, 148;

described, 300; tumults at, under
Gallienus, ib. and 301; seized by
Firmus, 333; taken by Diocletian,
392; corn at, 393 note; church of,
ii., 64; school of, 356; Jews at, ib.;
Trinitarian controversy at, 360 sq.;
siege of by Syrianus, 398; tumults
at, under Julian, 499; earthquake
at, iii., 72; temple of Serapis at,
209 sqq.; library of the Ptolemies,
210 note; library of Serapeum, 211;

museum of, iv., 280; taken by Chos-
roes, v., 76; patriarch of, lends
money to Heraclius, 83 note; siege
of, by Amrou, 478 sq.; date of
Saracen conquest of, 480 note;
destruction of library at, 481 sqq.;
church of St. John at, 479; poverty
of, relieved by Charlemagne, vi.,
263; taken by Shiracouh, 352.
Alexandrians, character of the, i., 301.
Alexiad of Anna Comnena, vi., 127 note.
Alexis de Menezes, Archbishop of Goa,
V., 162.

Alexius I., son of John Comnenus, v.,
241; character, ib.; takes Con-
stantinople, ib.; persecutes the
Paulicians, vi., 128; requests help
from the Latins, 205; defeated by
Guiscard at Durazzo, 208; epistle
of, to the Count of Flanders, 261 and
note; ambassadors of, at Placentia,
272; diverts the crusaders into Asia,
286; policy of, towards crusaders,
298, 303; fails to assist them at
Antioch, 315 and note; compared to
the jackal, 335; successes against
the Turks, ib. sqq.

Alexius II., Commenus, Emperor of Con-
stantinople, reign, v., 247 sqq.; new
titles introduced by, vi., 84.
Alexius III., Angelus, vi., 392.
Alexius IV., son of Isaac Angelus, his

alliance with the crusaders, vi., 403
sq.; flight of, 413; restored and
crowned, 414; visits Europe with
Montferrat, 416; accused of apos-
tasy, 416; conduct toward the
Latins, 418; death of, 419.
Alexius Mourzouflé, see Mourzouflé.
Alexius, son-in-law of Theophilus, pur-
chases the palace of Anthemius, iv.,
35 note.

Alexius, son of Manuel Comnenus, vi.,
388; governor of Trebizond, 439;
founds state of Trapezus in 1204,
ib. note; succeeded by his stepson,
439 note.

Alexius Strategopoulos, general of Michal
Palæologus, vi., 459; made Cæsar,

Alfred the Great, translates the writings
of Boethius, iv., 216 and note;
sends ambassadors to Madras, v.,

Algardi, relief by, representing the ap-
pearance of SS. Peter and Paul to
Attila, iii., 500 and note.
Algebra, discovery of, vi., 32 and note.
Algezire in Spain, town of Julian, v., 505
and note.

Algiers, aristocracy of, i., 207 and note;
Christianity revives at, v., 521.
Al-Hurr invades Gaul, A.D. 718, vi., 14
and note.

Ali, son of Abu Taleb, sixty-nine sen-

tences of, v., 347 note, 375, 376;
aids Mahomet to escape, 379; valour
of, 389; marries Fatima, 406; char-
acter, ib. sq.; renounces caliphate,
407; reign, 410 sq.; defeat and
death, 413; tomb of, at Cufa, ib.
note; one of the twelve Imams, 417;
posterity of, 418.

Ali Pasha, vizir of Bajazet, vii., 36 note.
Alicant surrendered by Theodemir to the
Saracens, v., 511.

Alice or Agnes, wife of Andronicus I., v.,

Aligern, brother of Teias, iv., 446; de-
fends Cume, 448.

Aliquaca, Gothic chief, i., 475 note.
Aliturus, & Jewish actor, ii., 94.
Al-Jannabi, Arabian physician, v., 375

Al-Kaim, see Cayem.

Alogians, ii., 61 note.

Alor, town of, taken by the Moslems, v.,
440 note.

Alp Arslan, sultan of the Turkmans, vi.,
244; conquests of, 245; defeated by
Diogenes, 247; wins the battle of
Manzikert, 248; treaty of, with the
emperor, 252; death, ib.; tomb of,

Alphabet, Phoenician, i., 27 note; My-
cenæan syllabary, ib.
Alphonso III., King of Leon, v., 502 note.
Alphonso Mendez, Catholic Patriarch of
Ethiopia, v., 178 and note.
Alphonso of Castile, v., 327 note.
Alphonso the Chaste, Kingdom of, v., 309.
Alps, passages of the, i., 449 and note;
Maritime Alps, one of the seven
provinces, iii., 376 note; passage of,
by Majorian, iv., 23 and note.
Al-Sama, invades Gaul, vi., 14 note.
Altai Mountains, see Caf.

Altieri, Italian family of, vii., 332.
Altinum, city of, pillaged by Alaric, iii.,
303; destroyed by Attila, 495.

Al-Lâta [Al-Lāt], worship of, v., 377 and Alum, mines of, in Melos, vii., 78 note.


Allectus, i., 387.

Allier, river, iv., 144.

Allis, battle of, v., 429.

Allobich, barbarian commander of the
guards of Honorius, iii., 333.
Allodial lands in Gaul, iv., 141.
Alma, Mount, i., 362.
Al-Makkari, v., 504 note.
Almamon, caliph, besieges Bagdad, vi.,
24 note; wealth of, 25; encourages
learning, 28, 35 and note; subdues
Crete, 38 sq.; revolt of the provinces
under, 54 sq.

Al-Mamun, see Almamon.
Al-Mansor, caliph, encourages learning,

vi., 21, 28; founds Bagdad, 24 and

Almeria, learning at, under the caliphs,
vi., 30; manufacture of silk at,
Al-Modain (the cities), winter residence
of the Persian kings, ii., 530.
Al-Mohades or Princes of Morocco, V.,
418; fanaticism of, 521; vi., 220.
Almondar, Saracen Prince, iv., 390 and
note, 391.

Almus, King of the Hungarians, vi., 143
note, 145.

Al-Nagjar, meaning of, v., 381 note.
Al-Nasir Nasir-al-Din Faraj, Circassian
Mameluke, vii., 57 note.
Alodes, tribe of, conversion of the, v.,
175 note.

Al-Uzzah (Uzza), worship of, v., 377 and


Alva, Duke of, vii., 308 note.

Alvarez, Portuguese traveller, iv., 413

Alypius, minister of Julian, ii., 483, 485.
Al-Zahir Sayf-al-Din Barkūk, founds
Burji dynasty (Circassian Mame-
lukes), vii., 57 note.

Amala, King of the Goths, i., 262.
Amalafrida, sister of Theodoric, marries
Thrasimond, iv., 320 and note.
Amalaric, grandson of Theodoric, restored
to the throne of Spain, iv., 217.
Amalasontha, daughter of Theodoric, iv.,
195 note; erects monument of Theo-
doric, 218; character, 321 and note;
regent of Italy, 322; reigns with
Theodahad, 324; exile and death, ib.
Amalasontha, granddaughter of Theo-
doric, marries Germanus, iv., 439.
Amali, royal line of, iii., 366 note.
Amalphi, discovery of the Pandects at,

iv., 498 and note; Roman colony
at, v., 25; independence of, 25; joins
League of the southern cities, vi.,
44; dukes of, 176-7 note; sub-
dued by Robert Guiscard, 196; trade
of, 198, 263; siege of, 292; founds
the hospital of St. John at Jerusalem,
328 note; decline of, 387.

Amalric or Amaury, King of Jerusalem,
vi., 330 note; invades Egypt, 351-2;
wars of, 357.

Amandus, Gallician bishop, v., 150 note.
Amandus, leader of revolt in Gaul, i., 384

and note, 474.

Amantius, eunuch, iv., 220; death, 221.
Amara, fortified by the Paulicians, vi.,
124 note.

Amastris, Genoese colony, vii., 210 note.
Amaury, see Amalric.

Amazons, i., 334 and note.

Amber, i., 59 and note; brought to Theo-
doric, iv., 197 and note.
Amblada, Aetius at, ii., 396 note.
Amboise, conference of Clovis and Alaric
near, iv., 123.

Ambrose, St., ii., 342 note; epistle of,
to Theodosius, 484 and note; his
treatise on the Trinity, iii., 142 note;
toleration of, 163; early history,
163 sq.; disputes with Justina, 165
sqq.; friendship with Theodosius,
183; dealings with Theodosius, 184
sqq. and notes; with Eugenius, 194;
opposes Symmachus, 203; on the
state of Italy, iv., 60 and note, 483
note; cathedral of, at Milan, v., 328.
Ambrosius Aurelian the Roman, iv., 162
and notes.

Salices, 110; impartiality of, 128 and
note; on Roman manners, 311 sqq.
and notes.

Ammon, the mathematician, his measure-
ment of the walls of Rome, iii., 324.
Ammonius, neo-Platonist, i., 423; John
Philoponus, his last disciple, v., 481.
Ammonius, the monk, v., 116.
Amnesty, general, published by Honorius,
iii., 356.

Amogavares, name for Spaniards and
Catalans, vi., 501 note.

Amor or Hamaland, code of, iv., 132 note.
Amorian war, vi., 46 sqq.
Amorium, birthplace of Leo the Arme-

nian, v., 206 note; destruction of,
197; taken by the Saracens, vi., 7;
siege of, by the Saracens, 48; site
of, 47 note.
Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium, iii., 149.
Amphipolis, under the Servians, vi., 524

Amphissa, taken by Boniface, vi., 436

Amphitheatre of Titus at Rome, i., 371
and notes.

Ampoulle (Sainte), iv., 115 note.

Amedee the Great, of Savoy, vi., 517 Ampsaga, river, iii., 433.


Amelius, neo-Platonist, i., 423.

Amelot de la Houssaie, iii., 497 note.

Amer, apostate Arabian, v., 470.

Ameria, rebuilt by Leo, vi., 45.

America, iv., 178 note.

Amida, city of, ii., 285 and note; modern
name of, 285 and note; taken by
Sapor, 286 and note; capital of
Mesopotamia, 555; strengthened by
the sieges of, iv., 275 note, 276; de-
stroyed by Chosroes, v., 74; taken
by the Saracens, 471; recovered by
Nicephorus, vi., 63; see Diarbekir.
Amiens, i., 390; taken by the Germans,
iii., 285; in the domain of Syagoins,
iv., 110.

Amina, the Zahrite, v., 356.
Amir, Turkish prince of Ionia, rescues

the Empress Irene from the Bul-
garians, vii., 29; death of, 30.
Ammates, brother of Gelimer, slain by
the Romans, iv., 302.
Ammianus Marcellinus, i., 212 note; ii.,

217 note; on Eusebius, 262; as a
writer, 261 note, 265 note; attended
Ursicinus, 275 note; at Amida, 287
note; on the Christians, 413; on Con-
stantius II., 439 note; on Julian's
clemency, 470; on the temple at
Jerusalem, 485; in Persia, 533 note;
on the Church of Rome, iii., 31; at

Amrou (Amr), v., 391; attempt on his
life, v., 413; acknowledges Moa-
wiyah, 414; at Damascus, 450;
birth, 473; in Egypt, 474 sqq.; in-
terview with the præfect, 480; ad-
ministration of, in Egypt, 484 sq.;
canal of, between Nile and Red Sea,
485 and note; correspondence with
Omar, 486 note.

Amrou, brother of Jacob the Sofforite, vi.,

Amselfeld, battle of the, vii., 34 note.
Amurath I., Sultan [Murad], reign and

conquests of, vii., 33 sqq.; institutes
the Janizaries, 34; death, 35;
punishes Sauzes, 41.
Amurath II., Sultan, marries Servian
princess, vii., 66 note; reign of, 77;
takes Hadrianople, 78; besieges
Constantinople, 80; embassy of, to
John Palæologus, 108 and note;
character and reign, 144 sqq.; par-
dons Scanderbeg, 145; abdication,
146 sq.; in battle of Warna, 151
sq.; enters Albania, 159; retires
from Croya, 159; receives Phranza,
162; death, 163.
Amycus, ii., 151 and note.
Anachorets, iv., 63, 78 sq.
Anacletus, pope, consecrates Roger, first
King of Sicily, vi., 218; vii., 236
note; "antipope," 259.

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