
founded with the Jews, 88 and note;
favourably regarded by Constantine,
310; description of, under Constan-
tine, 311 sqq.; loyalty of, 315;
yearly synods, 347; respect for
Plato, 360 and note; doctrines of,
364 sqq.; Arian controversy, 368
sqq.; their sects, 370 sqq.; Julian's
treatment of, 486 sqq.; influence of,
on the Mahometans, v., 354; of the
seventh century, relapse into sem-
blance of paganism, 361; manners
of, at time of first crusade, vi., 279 ;
their discipline of penance, ib. sq.
Christians of St. John, in Bassora, v., 353.
Christmas day, origin of, ii., 432 note.
Christopher, son of Constantine Co-

pronymus, v., 201.

Christopher, son of Romanus I., made
emperor, v., 222.
Christopolis, pass of, vi., 523 note; on
the Greek frontier, 524 note.
Chrobatians, see Croats.

Chronicon Farfense, v., 293 note.
Chronique du religieux de Saint Denys,
vii., 38 note.

Chrysanthius the philosopher, ii., 464,

475; high priest of Lydia, 476 note.
Chrysaphius, favourite of Theodosius the
younger, iii., 467 and note; par-
doned by Attila, 468; supports
cause of Eutychius, v., 129; death,

Chrysocheir the Paulician, v., 218; vic-

tories of, vi., 124 sq.; death, 125.
Chrysologus, St. Peter, commends piety
of Placidia, iii., 503 note.
Chrysoloras, Manuel, professor of Greek

at Florence, vii., 128; death, 129;
his pupils, ib. note; compares Rome
and Constantinople, 138 sq.; epistle
of, to John Palæologus, 138 note;
death, ib.
Chrysopolis, battle of, i., 475; ii., 152;
Harun al Rashid at, vi., 36; Sultan
Soliman entertained at, 259.
Chrysostom, John, on the church at
Antioch, ii., 63 sq.; eloquence of,
347; on earthquake at Jerusalem,
484; on the luxury of Constanti-
nople, iii., 378 and note; protects
Eutropius, 390; homilies in defence
of Eutropius, 390 note; election and
merit of, 395 sq.; administration,
396 sq.; extends the jurisdiction of
Constantinople, 399; persecution of,
by Eudoxia, 398 sqq.; exile, 400;
death, 402; epistles of, ib. note;
his relics brought to Constantinople,
402 and note; on monastic life, iv.,

68 note; opposes Apollinaris, v.,
Chundo, chamberlain of Gontran, King
of Burgundy, iv., 142 note.
Church, Christian, government of primi-
tive, ii., 41 sqq.; wealth of, 50;
revenues of, 53; excommunication
in, 54; property of, secured by edict
of Milan, 339 and note; authority
of, 363, 364; disendowed by Julian,
486; Eastern Church torn with
discord, v., 134 sqq.; union of
the Latin and Greek, 153; corrup-
tion of the Latin, vii., 104; union
of the Latin and Greek, concluded
at Ferrara and Florence, 114 sqq.;
treaty between the Greek and Latin,
117 sq.

Churches, Christian, under Constantine,
ii., 340; privilege of sanctuary trans-
ferred to, 343 and note.

Chu Yuen Chang, revolt of, vii., 21;
founds Ming dynasty, ib. note.
Cibalis, battle near, i., 464 and note.
Cibossa, church of Paulicians at, vi.,
117 note.

Cicero, De natura Deorum, i., 33 and
note; attitude to religion, 34 note,
90, 178; on the immortality of the
soul, ii., 20 and note; on Plato's
Timæus, 361 note; aspired to
the Augurate, iii., 200 note; on the
Twelve Tables, iv., 475, 484 note;
account of De Legibus, 487 sq.
Cilicia, province, war in, between Severus
and Pescennius Niger, i., 129; Per-
sian conquest of, 292; invaded by
Alani, 348; Cilician gates, v., 84
and note; subdued by the Saracens,
471; conquests of, by Nicephorus,
vi., 61.

Cillium, or Colonia Cillitana, iv., 420
note; wars of Alexius in, vi., 336.
Cimbri, iii., 39 note.
Cineas, councillor of Pyrrhus, iii., 305

Cingolani, his map of the Campagna,
vii., 247 note.
Cinnamus, historian, prejudice of, vi.,
341 note.

Circassians, dynasty of, vii., 57 and


Circesium, site of, i., 207 note; forti-
fied by Diocletian, 404; Julian at,
ii., 517, 519; iv., 272; Chosroes at,
V., 53.
Circumcellions, sect of, ii., 410 sqq.;
tumult of, in Africa, iii., 427.
Circumcision, ii., 6, 12 note; practised
by Mahometans on the Euxine, iv.,

400; condemned in Abyssinia by
the Jesuits, v., 179 and note.
Circus, Roman, iii., 322 and note; fac-
tions of the, at Rome and Constan-
tinople, iv., 233 sq.; factions of,
abandon the Emperor Maurice, v.,
Cirta, i., 445; ii., 135 note; opposes

Gaiseric, iii., 434; duke of, iv., 310.
Citadels of the Alps, i., 449 and note.
Citeaux, monastery of, vi., 346.
Cities, in the Roman Empire, i., 52; in
ancient Italy, ib.; in Britain, Gaul
and Spain, 53; in Africa, 53; in Asia,
54; of Britain, iii., 373 and note,
374 and note; decay of the cities of
the Western Empire, vi., 71; wealth
of the Eastern cities, ib. sq.
Citizenship under Caracalla, i., 179 and

Citron wood, valued by the Romans, v.,
494 and note.

City of God, work of St. Augustine, iii.,

Cius, i., 284.

Civetot, crusaders at, vi., 286 note.
Civilians, Roman, iv., 58 sqq.
Civilis the Batavian, i., 251.
Civitate, battle of, vi., 190.
Cività Vecchia, see Centumvellæ.
Clairvaux, monastery of, vi., 346 and

Clarissimi, Roman senators, ii., 170.
Classics, Greek and Latin, vi., 34; losses,

and partial preservation, of, vii.,
Classis, harbour of Ravenna, iii., 274
note; pillage by Duke of Spoleto,

[ocr errors]

Claudia, miracle of, ii., 460 note.
Claudian, portrait of Serena, iii., 238

note; on death of Rufinus, 242 and
note; epithalamium, 251; poem on
Getic war, 261 note; epigram on
old man at Verona, 262 note; on
battle of Pollentia, 269 and note;
account of, 297 sqq.; on Eutropius,
380 notes; on auction of the state,

Claudiopolis, baths at, i., 49 note.
Claudius I., elected emperor, i., 79, 83
note, 115 note.
Claudius II., at Thermopyla, i., 266

note; origin, 306 and note; reign, ib.
sqq.; letter of, 310; victories over
the Goths, 311; death, 312; relation-
ship to Constantius, i., 381 sq. notes.
Claudius, a freedman, ii., 507 note.
Claudius Quadrigarius the annalist, iv.,
504 note.

[blocks in formation]

Clematius of Alexandria, ii., 264 and

Clemens, Flavius, ii., 44 note; execution
of, 97.

Clemens of Alexandria, ii., 38 note,

Clement III., Pope, vi., 213; vii., 238

Clement V., Pope, at Avignon, vii., 254
and note; appoints cardinals, 255

Clement VI., Pope, his negotiations
with Cantacuzene, vii., 90; Lives of,
ib. note; celebrates second jubilee,
257 and note; addressed by Rienzi,
270; confirms his title, 275; sum-
moned by Rienzi, 280 and note; his
Bulls against Rienzi, 286 note; his
death, 288; Petrarch's exhortation
to, 291 and note, 292.

Clement VII., Pope (Robert of Geneva),
his election, vii., 295.

Clement VIII., invades Ferrara, vii.,
307 note.

Clementines, the, ii., 358 note.
Cleodamus, fortifies Piræus, i., 286.
Cleopatra, daughter of Emperor Maurice,
V., 69.
Cleopatra, queen, library of, iii., 210
note; concubine of Mark Antony,
iv., 513.

Clepho, King of the Lombards, v., 15.
Clergy, distinction of, from laity, ii., 49

sq.; order of, 334; under the
emperors, ib. sqq.; celibacy of, 337
and note; ordained by the bishops,
ib.; exemptions of, 338 and note;
number of, 339; wealth of, 339 sq.;
civil jurisdiction, 342 sq.; spiritual
censorship of, 344 and note; public
preaching of, 346 and note; legisla-
tive assemblies of, 347 sqq.; avarice
of, restrained by Valentinian, iii.,
29 and note; in Gaul, iv., 150 and
note; clergy and bishops exiled and
imprisoned by Justin, v., 163 and
note; under the Carlovingians, 326.
Clermont, estate of Avitus at, iv., 8 and
note; besieged by the Visigoths, 41
sq.; council of, vi., 273.
Cleves, Julian at, ii., 429.
Clodion, King of the Franks, occupies
Tournay and Cambray, iii., 479;
death, 480.

Clotaire, son of Clovis, constitution of,
iv., 133 note.

Clotilda, wife of Clovis, converts her
husband, iv., 114; promotes his
expedition against the Goths, 123.
Clovis, King of the Franks, iv., 108
sqq.; birth of, ib. note; character,
110; defeats Syagrius, ib. sq.; adds
Tongres to his dominions, 112;
defeats the Alemanni at Tolbiac,
113; conversion of, 114; baptism
of, 115 and note; subdues Armorica,
117; war with the Burgundians,
118 sqq.; victory of, near Dijon,
120; war with the Goths, 122 sqq.;
conference with Alaric, 23; consul-
ship of, 128 and note.

Cluverius on the Lombards, iv., 367 note.
Cniva, King of the Goths, i., 265.
Coaches, Roman (carruce), iii., 313 note.
Cocaba, village of, ii., 97.

Coche on the Tigris, Julian at, ii., 530

Cochin China, conquered by the Mon-
gols, vii., 13.

Cochin, King of, grants privileges to the
Christians of St. Thomas, v., 161.
Codex Argenteus, Gothic, iv., 82 note.
Codex Carolinus, v., 284 note.
Codex, the Gregorian and the Herino-
genian, iv., 482.

Codex of Justinian, iv., 493 sqq.; second
edition of, 499.

Codex Nasiraeus, see Nasiraeus.
Codex of Theodosius, iii., 159 note;

laws against the Donatists in, 427.
Codicils, Roman law on, iv., 522 sq.
Codinus, ii., 167 note, 223 note; his
account of honours and officers, vi.,
87 note.

Codrus, Roman poet, iii., 325.
Coemption, iv., 507 and note.

Cœnobites, origin of, iv., 63 note; ac-
count of, 78 and note.

Coenum Gallicanum, ii., 267 note.

Colchester, Roman colony, i., 40 note.
Colchians, bravery of, iv., 401.
Colchos, conquered by Trajan, i., 7;
also called Lazica or Mingrelia, iv.,
397; description of, 98 sqq.; man-
ners of the natives, 399; Christians
of, 400; revolutions of, 401; revolts
of, 403 sqq.

Colias, Gothic leader, iii., 106.
Coliseum, see Rome.
Collaterals, or assessors, vii., 303.
Collatio episcoporum proved a forgery
by Havet, iv., 120 note.

College, electoral, of Germany, v., 327
and note.

Collyridian heresy, v., 361 and note.
Cologne (Colonia), i., 236 note; Posthu-

mus at, 299 note; destroyed by
Germans, ii., 290; pillaged by Clo-
dion, iii., 480; archbishops of, their
relation to Rome, vii., 223.
Colonatus, i., 253 note.

Colonia, Sultanate of, v., 252.
Colonies, Roman, i., 39, 40; in Britain

and Spain, ib. note; honorary colo-
nies, ib. note.

Colonna, John, Marquis of Ancona, vii.,
261; learning of, 334 note.
Colonna, John, son of Stephen the
Younger, vii., 284.

Colonna, Marco Antonio, vii., 261 note.
Colonna, Otho, see Martin V.
Colonna, Peter, senator of Rome, vii.,
261; arrested, 276; death, 284.
Colonna, Protonotary, vii., 307.
Colonna, Roman family, vii., 260 sqq. ;
splendour of, 309; quarrels of, with
the Ursini, 332.

Colonna, Sciarra, vii., 253, 262.
Colonna, Stephen, the Elder, vii., 261
and note, 262, 273 sq., 283.

Colonna, Stephen, the Younger, vii.,
264; death of, 284.

Cogende (Khojend), city of, taken by the Colovion, tunic worn by the Greek em-

Mongols, vii., 9.

Cognats, iv., 519.

Cogni, see Iconium.

Cohorts, city, i., 19, 100 note.
Coil, British king, i., 428 note.

Coimbra, treaty with Saracens, v., 512

Coinage, depreciation of, under Gal-
lienus, i., 303 note, 337; of Constan-
tine the Great, ii., 207 and note;
with head of Boniface, iii., 432 and
note; under the Palæologi, vi., 502
and note; papal, vii., 221 and note;
Roman republican, in twelfth and
thirteenth centuries, 237 and note;
of the Popes, 301 and note.

perors, vi., 83 note.

Columba, St., Monastery of, iv., 67 and


Columban, St., iv., 449 note.

Columbanus, rule of, iv., 71 note, 73

Columella, iii., 310 note.
Columna Regina, at Rhegium, v., 24 note.
Colzim (Mount), Monastery at, iv., 64;
Anthony at, ib. and note.
Comana, temple of, ii., 198 and note;
Chrysostom at, iii., 402.
Comans, Turkish tribe of, serve under

Bulgarian king, vi., 442 and note;
under Alexius Strategopulus, 459
and note, 461; 40,000 families of

the, adopted by King Bela IV., | Conrad of Montferrat, takes part in third

vii., 17.

Comes, see Count.

Comets, iv., 461 sq. and notes.
Comitia, see Assembly.

Comito, sister of the Empress Theodora,

iv., 226 and note.

Commachio, morass of, v., 24 note.
Commentiolus, general of the Emperor

Maurice, v., 62 and note.
Commerce, despised by the plebeians of
Rome, iii., 318.

Commodus, shared the imperial power,

crusade, vi., 362; death, 365; hus-
band of Theodora Angela, 400 note;
defends Tyre, ib.

Conradin of Swabia, invades France,
vi., 496, 498; in Rome, vii.,

Consentia (Consenza), Isthmus of, land-
mark of Autharis, v., 25; subdued
by Robert Guiscard, vi., 195.
Conservators instituted, vii., 303.
Consilium Speciale and Generale, vii.,

i., 92; reign, 93 sqq.; Porphyro- Consistorium, ii., 196 note; at Treves,
genitus, 93 note; death, 105;
accuses Severus, 122 note; protected
the Christians, ii., 117.
Comneni, family of, v., 235; genealogy

of, ib. sqq.; extinction of, vii., 214.
Comnenus, see Alexius, David, Hadrian,
Isaac, John, Manuel.

Compiègne, Palace of the Merovingians
at, vi., 13 and note.
Compostella, shrine of, ii., 67.
Compurgators, iv., 136.

Comum, town of Attila at, iii., 495;
lake of, iv., 206.

Conception, doctrine of immaculate, v.,
364 and note.

Conclave, institution of the, vii., 250.
Concord, altar of, in Elephantine, iv.,

[blocks in formation]

condemns Priscillian, iii., 161;
secrets of, disclosed to Attila, 460.
Constable, office of, vi., 86 and note; of
French mercenaries at Constanti-
nople, 481.

Constance, heiress of Antioch, vi., 359
Constance, treaty of, v., 324; council
of, 330 note; synod of, 1095 a.d.,
vi., 272 note; vii., 105, 300.
Constans I., son of Constantine, ii., 218;
governs Italy and Africa, 226; Au-
gustus, 237; reign, ib.; war with
Constantine II., 245 sq.; slain at
Helena, 247; protects Athanasius,
390; tolerates paganism, 416; visits
Britain, iii., 45.

Constans II., son of Constantine III.,

type of, v., 150; emperor, 188 sq.;
name of, ib. note; puts his brother
Theodosius to death, 188; in Greece
and Italy, ib.; murder of, in Sicily,
189; checked advance of the Sara-
cens, ib. note; death of, 276; dream
of, 472 and note; sends army to
Africa, 493 note; visit to Rome, vi.,
106; takes roof from the Pantheon,
vii., 323.

Constans, son of the usurper Constan-

tine, put to death at Vienna, iii.,

Constantia, sister of Constantine the
Great, i., 432 note, 459, 475; ii.,

Constantia, daughter of Roger of Sicily,
vi., 228, 232.

Constantia, wife of Gratian, iii., 15 and
note; escapes to Sirnium, 67.
Constantian, general of Justinian, iv.,
422 note.
Constantina, daughter of Constantine
the Great, crowns Vetranio, ii., 248
and notes; marries Gallus, 263;
character, 264; death, 267.
Constantina, sister of Eusebia, ii., 430

Constantina, widow of the Emperor
Maurice, v., 69; death, 70.
Constantina (town), besieged by Cobad,
iv., 275 note.

Constantine I. (the Great), i., 312; birth
and family of, 428 and note; educa-
tion, ib.; escape of, and journey to
Britain, 430; elevation, 430 sqq.;
marries Fausta, 436; named Augus-
tus, ib.; besieges Arles, 442; in
Gaul, 444; war with Maxentius, 447
sqq.; passes the Alps, 449; battles
of Turin and Verona, 450 sqq.; vic-
tory near Rome, 454; reception of,
at Rome, 456; establishes senatorial
tax, 458; alliance with Licinius,
459; civil war with Licinius, 464
sqq.; treaty of Peace, 466; laws of,
467 sqq.; in Julian's Cæsars, i.,
470 note; clemency to the Christians,
ii., 138; chooses Byzantium as site
for Constantinople, 150; plans Con-
stantinople, ib.; prodigality of, 166;
character, 214 sqq.; family of, 217;
edict of, encouraging informers, 220;
visits Rome, 221; puts Crispus to
death, ib.; punishes Fausta, 223;
elevates his sons and nephews, 224;
Gothic war, 230; alliance with the
Chersonites, 231; death, 233; con-
version of, 306 sqq.; conduct towards
the Church and Christians, 307;
pagan superstition of, 308 and
notes; protects Christians of Gaul,
309; publishes Edict of Milan, 310;
divine right of, 314; religious war
against Licinius, 317 and note;
dream of, 320; his conversion, 324
sqq.; his devotion, 327; his bap-
tism, 328; at Council of Nice, 348;
opposes the Arians, 377; and the
Orthodox, ib., 378; his religious
vacillation, 381; tolerates paganism,
414 sq.; donation of, v., 293 and
note; imaginary law of, vi., 90 and
91 note; cured of leprosy, vii., 280
and note.
Constantine II., i., 466 and note; ii.,
218; elevation of, 225, 226; Augus-
tus, 237; war with Constans, 245;
death, ib.
Constantine [III], son of Heraclius,
made Augustus, v., 185 and note;
at Caesarea, 468.
Constantine IV. (Pogonatus), defeats the
usurper Mizizios, v., 189; revolt of
his brothers, ib. sq.; reign, vi., 3


Constantine V. (Copronymus), reign, v.,
198 sqq.; military prowess of, 199

note; abolishes the monks, ib.; pes-
tilence in the empire, ib.; bones of,
buried, 214; marries daughter of
King of the Chozars, v., 201; vi.,
91; introduces the Paulicians into
Thrace, 126 sq.

Constantine VI., crowned, v., 201;
marries Theodote, 202 note; blinded
by order of Irene, 203 and note.
Constantine VII. (Porphyrogenitus), on
the Chersonites, ii., 231 note; birth
of, v., 221; title of, 221; deputes
government to his wife Helena, 224;
death, 224; on Greek fire, vi., 12;
works of, 39 note, 65 sqq. and notes;
Ceremonies, Themes, Administra-
tion of Empire, Geoponics, Encyclo-
pædia, Tactics, Hippiatrica, ib.; on
the Franks, 104 sq.; on the Sclavo-
nians, 138 note; on Russia, 157
note; his account of baptism of
Olga, 169.

Constantine VIII., son of Romanus I., v.,

Constantine IX. [VIII.], v., 231.
Constantine X. [IX.] (Monomachus), v.,
233 and note.

Constantine XI. [X.] (Ducas), v., 237;
policy of, ib. note; sons of, banish
the mother of the Comneni, 239.
Constantine XII., v., 238.
Constantine XIII. [XI.] (Palæologus),
last Greek emperor, vii., 161;
crowned at Sparta, 162; message to
Mahomet II., 172; signs act of union
of Greek and Latin Churches, 182;
defends Constantinople, 185 sqq.;
last speech of, 197; death, 201.
Constantine, African Christian, learning
of, vi., 197; translates Hippocrates,
198 note.

Constantine Angelus, v., 258.
Constantine, brother of Michael, vi., 202
note; letters of, to R. Guiscard, ib. ;
commands in Greece, 490.
Constantine Dragases, Prince of Servia,
vii., 160 note.

Constantine, governor of Spoleto, iv..
348; death, 349 and note.
Constantine Paleokappa, author of the
Ionia, vi., 111 note.
Constantine, private soldier, tyrant,

elected in Britain, iii., 287 and
note; besieged in Vienna, 288;
claims ratified, 358; besieged in
Arles, 359; death, 361.

Constantine, son of Bardas Phocas, v.,
224 note.
Constantine, son of Basil I., death of,
V., 219.

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