

Icones A. Aquatilium. 411 e. 1745.

A strange Aquatic A. 670 k. See ANIMAL, MARINE,-FISH,-NATURAL HISTORY. ANIMAL BODIES.-1696. Preternatural State of A. Bodies. 374 k. -1705. De Motu quo retinuntur in fluida Corporis A. 904 k.-1733. Method of preparing and preserving the Parts of A. Bodies for Anatomical Use. 677 f.-1751. Observations and Experiments on A. Bodies; or Inquiry into the Cause of voluntary Muscular Motion. 686 s.-1755. Of Worms in A. Bodies, particularly in Fishes. 703 s.-1755. Physique des Corps Animés. 107 k.-1755. La Physique des Corps Animés. 101 x.1756. Mémoires sur la Nature sensible et irritable des parties du Corps A. 4591.-1780. Some Observations relating to the Influence of Climate on Vegetables and A. Bodies. 972 k.-1794. To preserve the Flesh of A. from Putrefaction. 462 a. See ANIMAL SUBSTANCES.

ANIMAL CHEMISTRY. See CHEMISTRY,-GALVANISM. ANIMAL, DOMESTIC.-1772. Des A. Domestiques. 166 e.-1786. Hints for choosing and improving the best Breeds of the most useful kinds of Domestic A. 275 w.-1809. The Art of improving the Breeds of Domestic A. 842-1810. Correspondence sur la Conservation, &c. Correspondence relative to the Preservation and Amelioration of Domestic A. 389 y. See STOCK.




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ANIMAL MAGNETISM. See MAGNETISM,-GALVANISM. ANIMAL, MARINE.-1748. Museum Richterianum, continens Fossilia, A., et Vegetabilia Maris. 479 m.-1757. Description of several small Marine A. 82 z.-1785. Description of a new Marine A. 508 e.-1797. An Account of a new Marine A. 6j.-1800. Descriptions of some Marine A. found on the Coast of Wales. 6j.-1802. Description of several Marine A. found on the South Coast of Devonshire: 678 k.-1807. Of several new or rare A., principally Marine, discovered on the South Coast of Devonshire. 678 k.-1811. Of some new and rare Marine British Shells and A. 678 k.

ANIMAL, NOXIOUS. — 1762. Observations on Noxious A. in Eng379j.-1783. Methodes sures et faciles pour détruire les A. nui166 f.

land. sibles.


ANIMAL, RABID. 1778. Remarks on the Treatment of Persons bit by Mad A. 381 f.-1793. An Essay on the Disease produced by the Bite of a Mad Dog, or other Rabid A. 661 q.-1809. A Treatise shewing the Impossibility of Hydrophobia being occasioned by the Bite of any Mad A. 652 e.-1812. Dissertations on the Bite of a Rabid A. 416 p.-1812. Dissertation on the Bite of a Rabid A. 406 t. ANIMAL RESPIRATION. See RESPIRATION. ANIMAL SECRETION. See SECRETION. ANIMAL SUBSTANCE, or MATTER. 1582. The hidden Vertues of sondrie Vegitables, A., and Mineralls. 491 x.-1644. Haliographia, de Preparatione, Usu, ac Virtutibus omnium Salium Mineralium, A. ac Ve. getabilium. 925 r. — -1736. Treatise of the Fossil, Vegetable, and A. Substances that are made use of in Physick. 408 o. — 1749. Observations on the Generation, Composition, and Decomposition of A. and Vegetable Substances. 697 m.-1777. Opuscules de Physique A. et Vegetale; traduits de l'Italien par Senebier. 870 m.-1796. A few Ob-servations on the Component Parts of A. Matters. 412 h.-1799. Experiments on certain Principles obtained from A. Substances treated with Nitrous Acid. 957 -1804. On Vegetable and A. Substances. 583 n. -1806. On the Phenomena observed in, and the Results obtained from A. Matter, when acted upon by Nitric A. 929 s.-1811. On the Analysis of Vegetable and A. Substances. 901 d. 1811. Art of Preserving all Kinds of A. and Vegetable Substances for several years. 37 n.-1811. Notice respecting the Decomposition of Sulphate of Iron by A. Matter. 745 i.-1811. On the Analysis of Vegetable and A. Substances. -N. D.-De Virtutibus Herbarum, Lapidum, et A. 14 s.-The Process of converting A. and Vegetable Substances into Chyle. 508 q. Liber Secretorum Alberti Magni de Virtutibus Herbarum, Lapidum, et A. quorundam. 629 v. See ANIMAL BODIES,-CHEMISTRY. ANIMAL, TESTACEOUS.-1684. Recreatio Mentis et Oculi in Observatione A. Testaceorum. 130 l. 169 r. This work is illustrated with near 500 figures.-1691. Observationes circa Viventia quæ in rebus non viventibus reperiuntur, cum Micrographiâ curiosâ, et A. aliquot testaceorum iconibus nondum editis; cum figuris. 130 m. See SHELL-FISH,NATURAL HISTORY.

623 r.

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ANIMALS, VESSELS OF.-1731. Essay on the Art of injecting the Vessels of A. 677 e.-1733. On the Blood and Blood-Vessels of A. 457 i.-1745. Observations on the Origin and Use of the Lymphatic Vessels of A. 18 e.-1755. Physiological Essays on the Causes which promote the Circulation of the Fluids in the very small Vessels of A. On the Sensibility and Irritability of the Parts of Men and other A. 965 v. See ANATOMY,-NATURAL HISTORY.

ANIMALCULE, signifies a small animal, but is generally used to denote one so minute as not to be visible without the aid of the microscope. - 1696. Microscopical Observations on A. in Water. 468 t.1703. A. See LEUENHOECK, 1703.1729. Dissert. de Generatione ex A. in Ovo; cum figuris. 654 y.-1744. Of several Species of small Water Insects (A.) of the Polypus kind. 915 r.-1759. Observationes Miscellaneæ de A. et Plantis quibusdam marinis. 82 y.-1769. Increase in the A. of Vegetable Infusions. 324 n. 1774. Vermium Terrestrium et Fluviatilium, &c.; i.e. a succinct History of A., Worms, and Testaceous A., not Inhabitants of the Sea. 690 j.-1798. A Description of 383 A. 562 f.-N. D. — Experiments on the A. in Pepper Water, &c. 570 n. See MICROSCOPE,-MICROGRAPHY.

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ANIMATION, SUSPENDED.-1785. Observations on Suspended A. 798 r.-1790. Miscellaneous Observations on Suspended A. See SoCIETY, ROYAL HUMANE, 1790. 1795. Miscellaneous Observations on Suspended A., to the year 1794. 475 g.-1801. Instances of Suspended A. in Vegetables. 428 r.-1802. Practical Essay on the Art of reco. vering Suspended A. 885 v.-1804. An Article on Suspended A. 172 e.-1811. Insensibility in Suspended A. 927 i. 1818. An Appendix on Suspended A. 718 %. See DROWNING, SUFFOCATION,-STRANGULA


ANJENGO, in the Travancore country.-1728. Robert Orme born there. 719j. ANJOU, an ancient Province and Government of France.-1529. Annales d'A. 139 m.-1609. Antiquitez d'A. 500 n.-1725. Comm. des Observations et Consultations sur la Coûtume d'A. 758 m.———— -EM. LIT. CH. BORN AT A.-1537. René Choppin. 222 u.-1610. Francis le Goux de la Boulaye. 430 d. See FRANCE.

ANJOU, DUKES OF, a branch of the ancient nobility of France.-1573. Histoire Sommaire des Comtes et Ducs d'A. 417 q.-1608. La Naissance du Duc d'A. 409 a. — 1686. Histoire de Sablé, contenant les Seigneurs de la Ville de Sablé, jusqu'à Louis I. Duc d'A., et Roy de Sicile; première partie. 663 y.-1706. Duke of A.'s Succession considered, as to its legality and consequences. 33 j.-1802. Plantagenet, or the Secrets of the House of A.; a Tale of the twelfth century. -N. D.-The eventful Succession of the Duke of A. to the Crown of Spain. 714 b.




ANJOU, MARGARET OF, Queen of England, and Wife of Henry VI. -1736. A Preface to a Translation, by Mrs. Thompson, of the History of the Calamities of Margaret of A., Queen of England, &c. 197 c.1737. History of Margaret of A., Q. of England; translated from the French. 85 b. 1816. Margaret of A. ; a Poem, in ten Cantos. 505 See YORK, HOUSE OF,-LANCASTER, HOUSse of. ANKERWICK CASTLE.—1800. A. Castle; a Novel. 271 e. ANN, DUCHESS OF YORK.-1670. Letter to A., Duchess of York, a few months before her death. 685 d. ANNA, a name given to the following works of fiction.-1781. A. and Edgar; a Tale. 534 m.-1782. A.; a Sentimental Novel; in a Series of Letters. Lond. Hookham, 2 vols. 12mo. 5s.-1785. A., or the Memoirs of a Welch Heiress, interspersed with Anecdotes of a Nabob. 99 q.-1786. Edwin and A. See EDWIN, 1786.-1798. Alfred and A. See ALFRED, 1798.

ANNABELLA.-1768. A.; a Poem.
ANNABERG, a Town of Misnia.-1607.

546 m.

A., Misnia Urbis Histo

ria. 544 u.-1709. Meletemata A. 422 u.-1538. Gregory Bersmann born 1538 at A. 106 g.

ANNALS.-1557. A. ab exordio Mundi ad Mortem Alexii Comneni. 993 f-1580. Liber i. A. 893 b.-1596. A. 519 u.-1598. The A. of Cornelius Tacitus. 441 g. 473 x. 711 i.-1602. A. seu Tabulæ Chronologicæ ad annum MDCII. 190 h.-1604. Quinque Libri A. 893 c.-1616. A. seu Breviarium Historicum. 630 -1619. A. ab anno salutis MLX. ad мCCCI. 781 h.1646. Continuatio A. Baronii, ab an. 1198 ad 1534.793 n.-1661. A. Mariani; pars prima. 190 g.-1680. Vindex Veritatis A. Cæs. Baronii. 794 v.-1687. A. Waverleienses from 1066 to 1291. Oxf. fol.-1700. Cronicon, seu A., &c. 457 u.-1702. Les A. Galantes. 543 c.1737. A. Libri sex. 267 e.- - 1784. A. Poetiques; or Poetical A. from the origin of French Poetry. Paris, 26 vols. 12mo. &c.-1807. Family A.; or Worldly Wisdom. 527 v.-N. D. -The A. of Aventine. 232 c.-A., Libri iv. 893 c.-Ecclesiastical A.

&c. 805 f.-A. de Margan, from 1066 to 1232. 395 t. See HISTORY, -CHRONOLOGY,-Register,-JOURNAL.

ANNAMATIC. 1651. Dictionarium A., Lusitanum et Latinum.

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ANNANDALE, a District of Scotland, lying on both sides the River Annan.-1659. Descriptio Topographico-Spagyrica Fontium Mineralium Moffatensium in A. Scotia. 629 y.-1757. Of a new Medicinal Well lately discovered near Moffat, in A. in Dumfries-shire. 943 s. See Duм


ANNAT, FRANCIS, Confessor to Lewis XIV., and determined enemy to the Jansenists. - 1657. Twissi Vita et Vindiciæ à Calumniis Fr. A. 566 c.

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ANNESLEY, ARTHUR, Earl of Anglesea, a celebrated Statesman in the time of Charles II.-1681. Observations and Reflections on his Lordship's Memoirs concerning the Wars of Ireland. 33 o. ANNESLEY, SIR FRANCIS. 1641. Copy of the Sentence of War ANNE, Sr.-1519. Hymni de S. A. 339 u.- 1688. The Preropronounced against him and Baron Mount-Norris, together with his Lordgative of St. A., &c. ; to which is added, A Preface concerning the Ori- ship's Petition against Thomas (Wentworth) Earl of Strafford, &c. 89 ginal of the Story. 232 n.-1688. An Abridgment of the Prerogatives q. of St. A. Lond. 4to.- -N. D.-The Life of St. A. 636 r. ANNESLEY, or ANSLEY, SAMUEL, a Non-conformist of great piety ANNE, ST. 1808. Honorine d'Userchi, St. A., and the Ruins of and talents.-1697. Sermon at the Funeral of Dr. A. 969 r. ANNESLEY, RICHARD.-1766. The Case of Ann, Countess of An

Yedburgh. 217 g.

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ANNE, QUEEN.-1558. Repudie della Reina A. et difesa sua. 484 glesey, lawful Wife of R. A. See ANGLESEY, ANN, COUNTESs of, 1766.

ANNE, Queen of Scotland, and Wife of James VI.-1589. De Au gustissimo Jacobi 6, Scotorum Regis, & A. Frederici 2, Danorum Regis Filiæ conjugio: 13, Calend. Septemb. 1589, in Dania celebrato. 217 m. 814 d. 1603. Inaugurationi Jacobi et Annæ Pæanes. 522 j. — 1613. Relation of the Royal, Magnificent and Sumptuous Entertainment given to the High and Mighty Princess Q. A., by Mayor, Sheriffs, and Aldermen of Bristol. 694 j.-1613. Relation of the Entertainment made by the Lord Knowles, for Q. A., at Cawsome House, on her progress towards Bath. 189 t.-1619. Two Elegies on the Death of Q. A., with Epitaphs. 464 m.-1619. Lachrimæ in Obitum Annæ Reginæ. Cantab. 4to.-1619. Threnodia, sive Pandionium; being Elegies and Epitaphs in Hebrew, Greek, Latin and English Verses upon Q. A. of Denmark. 860 j.-1622. Elegies on the Death of Q. A. 464 m.

ANNE OF AUSTRICH.-1723. Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire d'A. d'Austriche. 688 Z.▬▬▬▬▬N. D.—Mémoires de la Régence de la Reine A. d'Autriche. 811 k.

ANNE OF BRITTANY.-1810. A. of B.; an Historical Romance. 3 vols. 12mo. 13s. 6d.

ANNE, Princess of Denmark, and Queen of Great Britain, ascended the throne 1702; died 1714, in the 50th year of her age.-1702. A Defence of her Majesty's Title to the Crown; on 2 Chron. vi. 34, 35, &c. 825 n.-1703. Q. A.'s absolute Sovereignty of the Sea asserted. 399 j. -1703. History of the Life and Reign of Q. A.; digested into annals. 142 h.-1704. A Sermon on the Anniversary of the Q.'s Accession, on 1 Tim. 1, 2. 335 n.-1707. An Oration, sacred to the Imperial Majesty of A., Q. of Great Britain. Lond. 8vo.-1710. Essay on the propitious and glorious Reign of Q. A. 243 d. 1712. A Collection of her Speeches, Messages, &c. Lond. 8vo.-1714. Death of Q. A., and Ac. cession of King George I.; on Ps. lxxv. 7. 849 t.- 1714. Two Sermons on the Death of Q. A., and happy Arrival of George I. 892 s.1714. Sermon on the Sunday before the Q.'s Death; on Mark vi. 16. 796 d. 1714. On the Death of Q. A. 864 f.-1714. A Funeral Sermon on the Death of Q. A., on Matth. v. 8. 217 a.-1714. A Sermon on Psal. lxxxii. 6, 7, on the Death of Q. A. 247 v. 1714. Poem on the Death of Q. A. 990 a. 1714. A Poem on the Death of Q. A. 297 m.-1714. An Enquiry into the Miscarriages of the four last years of her Reign. Lond. 8vo. 1715. The Representation of the House of Commons to her, with her Answer, her Speech to Parliament, &c., all relating to the Peace. Lond. 8vo.-1715. Vindication of her and Francis Butler, Duke of Ormond, &c., from the Reflections cast upon them. Lond. 8vo. 1718. Abridgment of Irish Statutes of Q. A. and King George. 325 r. — 1719. Sighs on the Death of Q. A. 741 g. 1729. Memoirs of Q. A., being a compleat Supplement to the History of her Reign, wherein the transactions of the last four years are fully related. 413 d.-1730. Cases adjudged, &c., in the Reign of Q. A., &c. CHANCERY, COURT OF, 1730. — 1737. Cases argued and adjudged, &c., in 4-8th years of Q. A. v. KING'S BENCH, 1737. -1738. History of the Reign of Q. A. 210 i.-1742. Memoirs of the four last years of her Reign. Lond. 8vo. 1745. Medallic History of England during the Reigns of King William and Queen Mary, Queen A. and King Geo. I. 909 e.-1756. A Poem, sacred to the Memory of Q. A., for her Bounty to the Clergy. 242 a.—1774. Public Affairs in Great Britain, but more particularly in Scotland, during the Reign of King William and Q. A. 196 2.1790. Transactions during the Reign of Q. A., from the Union to the death of that Princess. 461 r.-1795. A Speech, tending to prove that the Reign of Q. A. has been improperly called the Augustan Age of English Literature and Genius. 442 r.-1798. History of Great Britain during the Reign of Q. A. 868 s.-N. D. To her late Majesty Q. A., upon the Peace of Utrecht; a Poem. 700 k.-The Life of Q. A. 716 y. A short History of the Parliament; being an Account of the last Session of Q. A. 946 q.-On the Deaths of King William, Prince George, and Q. A. 915 i. ANNE, PRINCESS. 1732. Prince of Orange and the P. A. Verses, on the Marriage of the 683 c.


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Epithalamium on the Marriage of the 842 v.1737. Copy of Congratulatory Prince of Orange with the Princess A.

ANNE'S, ST. HILL.-1802. St. A.'s Hill; a Poem, dedicated to the Right Hon. C. J. Fox. Lond. Debrett, 4to. 5s. ANNEALING, a process by which Glass is rendered less frangible, and by which the tempers of Metals, in certain instances, may be altered.

ANNET, PETER.-1766. A Collection of the Tracts of a certain Free Enquirer, noted by his sufferings for his opinions respecting himself. 33 t. ANNETTE.-1778. A. and Lubin; a Com. Op. 301 p. ANNIHILATION.-1792. A. no Punishment to the Wicked after the Day of Judgment. 176 e.

ANNIUS of Viterbo, a zealous Preacher in the 15th century.-A. of Viterbo forged a History under the name of Fabius Quintus Pictor. 352 See ANNIUS.


ANNUAL REGISTER.-1789. The New A. R., or General Repository of History, Politics and Literature for the year 1788; to which is prefixed, The History of Knowledge, Learning and Taste in Great Britain, during the Reigns of King Edward the Sixth and Queen Mary, from the year 1547 to 1558. Lond. Robinsons, 8vo. 6s. 6d.-1794. Refutation of certain Misrepresentations contained in the historical part of the A. R. for 1788. 949 z.-The Edinburgh A. R., a Periodical Publication. ANNUALS. 1789. The most Ornamental A. 430 %. See GAR


ANNUITANT.-1720. The Equity of Parliaments and Public Faith vindicated, in answer to the Crisis of Property, and addressed to the A. 665 q.-1761. The Right Hon. A. vindicated; with a word or two in favour of the other Great Man, in case of his resignation. Lond. Morgan, 8vo. 1s.-1777. Investigations of the Laudable Society of A. 280 t.-1778. The Schemes of the Laudable and Amicable Societies of A. for the Benefit of Age. 60 q.

ANNUITY.—1634. Compound Interest and A.; containing the Art of Decimal Arithmetic, also the Value of A. 783 e.- 1658. Table of the Value of A. 701 r. 1681. Twelve Problems in Compound Interest and A. resolved. 650 v.-1691. Estimate of the Degrees of Mortality, and A. 459 z.-1698. Compound Interest and A. 948 f.-1720.

Two Letters on the reimbursing and paying off of A. 8vo.-1724. A. on Lives. 295 g. -1725. A. upon Lives. 674 s. 1727. The New Method for Valuing A. upon Lives. 476 y.-1739. A. for Lives, and for limited Terms of Years considered. 802 h.-1741. Dissertation concerning the Arithmetic of A. 535 d. 1742. Doctrine of A. and Reversions, deduced from general and evident principles. 857 k.-1744, On the easiest Method for calculating the Value of A. on Lives; from Tables of Observations. 295 h. 674 u.-1747. The Calculation of A. upon Lives; deduced from the London Bills of Mortality. 502 s.-1753. On the Value of an A. for Life. 309 r.-1757. A. for years certain. 394 c. -1762. Tables for the Valuation of Life A. at 3, 3, 4, 5, and 6 per cent. 954 y.-1762. The Compleat A.; consisting of Tables of Interest, simple and compound, constructed on a new and familiar plan. 954 x.-1762. A Table of A. 954 y. - 1769. Schemes for providing A. 775 w. — 1772. A Proposal for establishing Life A. in Parishes for the Benefit of the Industrious Poor. Lond. White, 8vo. 1s. 1774. Analysis of the several Bank A., from the first year of their creation down to the present time, with references to the different acts passed relative thereto. 49 %.1775. Treatise on Assurances and A. for Lives. 146 f.-1776. Short and Easy Theorems, for finding, in all cases, the differences between the values of A. payable yearly, and of the same A. payable half yearly, quarterly or monthly. 776 a.-1776. Reflections on A. See GAMING, 1776.-1777. A Supplement to Calculations of the Value of A., published for the use of Societies instituted for the Benefit of Age, containing various illustrations of the doctrine of A., and complete Tables of the value of £.1 immediate A., being the only ones extant by half-yearly interest and payments; together with Investigations of the Laudable Society of Annuitants, shewing what A. each Member hath purchased, and real mortality therein, from its institution, compared with Dr. Halley's Table. 280 t. 1778. Dissertation on the Value of Life A. 60 q.-1779. The Doctrine of A., and Assurance on Lives and Survivorships, stated and explained. 684 f.1781. Traité des A. ou des Rentes à Terme. 730 v. 1783. Tables for calculating the Value of Stocks and A. 121 u. 1783. The Principles of the Doctrine of Life A., explained in a familiar manner, so as to be intelligible to persons not acquainted with the Doctrine of Chances; and accompanied with a variety of new Tables of the value of such A., at several different rates of Interest, both for single Lives, and for two joint Lives, accurately computed from observations. 652 q.-1792. Perpetual and determinate A. reduced to a Level; or a Comparative View of Long and Short A., with £.3 per cent. reduced, and £.3 per cent. Consols, at the Bank of England, &c. 121 u.-1796. A Treatise upon the Law of Usury and A. 763 w.-1796. A View of instituting Reversionary A.

or Government Dividends, payable at a future period. 916 a.-1800. A Practical Treatise on the Law of A.; wherein the different securities for A., and the remedies for the recovery thereof are fully exemplified; together with the Determinations of the Courts on the Construction of the A. Act; to which is added, a large Collection of Precedents. 977 h.-1802. Laws respecting A. 80 y.-1805. The Doctrine of Interest and A. explained. 64 a.-1808. Calculation of A., &c. 557 u.-1808. Reversionary Interest in Estates and Life A. 235 g.-1809. National Life A. 380 e.-1809. Plans of Assurance and A. See LIFE ASSURANCE, 1809. -1810. The Value of A. from £.1 to £. 1000 per ann. on single Lives, from the age of 1 to 90 years. 189 j.-1810. Information to Possessors and Purchasers of A. See ESTATES, 1810.-1811. A. 535 j.-1813. Appendix to the Life Assurances and A. 64 a. 1813. A Paper read before the Royal Society, on a New Method of calculating the Value of Life A. 64 a.-1815. A Treatise on the Valuation of A. and Assurances on Lives and Survivorships. 672 k.-1816. On A. on Imaginary Cube Roots, Roots of Binomials. 516 u.- -1817. Theorems for determining the Values of increasing Life A. 101 r.— -N. D.-Analytical Solutions of Problems relating to A., &c. 309 r. See LIFE.

ANNUITY ACT.-1794. Collections of Cases on the A. A. 527 b. -1812. Cursory Enquiries into the Expediency of repealing the A. A. and raising the legal Rate of Interest. 888 i.

ANNUITY FUND.-1808. Rules of the A. Fund for the Benefit of Governesses. 461 t. ANNUNCIATION. 1591. The A., in Arabic. See ALPHABET, ARABIC, 1591. — 1628. Conciones xl. in adventum, de A., et de Verbo incarnato. 461 j.-1686. A.; a Sermon on Luke i. 31. 108 t. Of the Inaugurations, Coronations, and A. of Emperors, &c. 612 l. See INAUGURATIONS, CORONATION. ANOMALY, the angular distance of the primary Planets, from their Aphelion.-1670. Of finding the A. of Planets. 665 c.


- 1708.

ANOMOIA, FLORA.-1817. Flora A. 513 k. See BOTANY. ANONYMOUS AUTHORS. A Dictionary of A. and Pseudonymous Authors. 760 g.-1806. A Dictionary of A. and Pseudonymous Works. 70 r. 1810. The A. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. 12s. See AuTHOR, BIBLIOGRAPHY.

ANSALDI, ANSALDO, a Poet of Tuscany.—1704. Prefazione alle Poesie Toscane di A. A. 57 2.

ANSARIDE, from Ansars, Ansaria, the name of a People in Syria. -1732. Annales A. 381 v.

ANSBERT D'.-1647. Discours concernant le Mariage d'A. et de Blithilde pretendve fille du Roi Clothaire I. ou II. 359 0.

ANSCARIUS, or ANSCHARIUS, ST., an early Propagator of Christianity in the North of Europe.-1642. The Life of A. 34 b.- -N. D. The Life of St. A. 62 c. ANSELM, ST., Archbishop of Canterbury in the reign of William II-1690. The Theology of St. A. 11 r. - N. D. A Life of St. A., from 1093 to 1109; often printed with the Works of that Archbishop. 326 q.

ANSELMO.-1813. A.; or the Day of Trial. 496 q. ANSON, GEORGE LORD, an eminent Naval Commander.-1748. A.'s Voyages round the World in 1740, 1, 2, 3, 4. 947 c.-1752. A Supplement to Lord A.'s Voyage round the World. 266 k.-1770. A Letter to the Right Hon. L. A. See NAVY, 1770.

ANSPACH, ANSBACH, or ONOBZBACH, a Marquisate of Germany, in the district of Franconia.-EM. LIT. CH. born at A.-1723. Mark Eliezer Bloch. 122 c.-1728. George Christian Oeder. 715 h.

ANSPACH, MARGRAVE OF.-1794. Observations on the Fossil Bones presented to the Royal Society, by his Serene Highness the Margrave of A., &c. 527 0.-1799. A Letter from the Margravine of A. to Henry Meister. 662 u.

ANSTER FAIR, a Fair held at Anstruther, or Anster, in Fife, Scotland.-1814. A. Fair; a Poem, in six Cantos, with other Poems. 899


ANSTEY, CHRISTOPHER, an ingenious Poet of the 18th century.1773. A Poetical Epistle to C. A. on the English Poets, chiefly those who have written in Blank Verse. Lond. Wilkie, 4to. 1s. 1777. Madge's Addresses to Christopher Twistwit, Esq. Bath Laureat, and Miller's Plumian Professor. Lond. Parker, 4to. 1s. 6d. (An unfortunate attempt to be merry at the expense of Mr. A.)-1779. A Poetic Epistle to the Author of a Paraphrase, (Mr A.) of a celebrated Chapter of St. Paul. Lond. Faulder, fol. 1s.-1808. Some Account of his Life and Writings; with Plates. 34 p.

1572. R.

ANSWER.1547. Aliquot R. et Orationes. 839 q. 839 q.-1575. Epistola et R. 186 g.-1577. Quæstionum et R. Christianarum Libellus. 116 0.- 1580. Questions and A. 270 m.-1580. Questions and A. 110 w. - 1597. Consiliorum seu R., libri vii. 533 S.-1511. Quæstiones ac R. de Fide, Gr. Lat. 282 .-1611. Consilia sive R. juridica. 268 r.-1611. Questions et R. sur les Coustumes de France. 257 w.-1655. R. Bipartita. 248 a.-1662. Judaicarum R. et Questionum Consideratio. 242 f.-1677. Consultationum et R. Medicinalium, Centuriæ Quatuor. 380 b.-1694. True Directions how to draw A., &c. 158 0,-1697. A Collection of Precedents, by Bill and A., &c. 158 q.-1702. Collection of Modern Precedents for drawing A., &c. 158 q. 1704. Consilia, seu R. Altdorfina. 607 t. 1719. VOL. III.


368 t.-1730.

R. Practica. Precedents of Bills, A. Pleas and Demurrers, &c. 540 p.-1791. Notices on Commissions for taking A. 132 s. -N. D.-Tales and quicke A. 106 y.

ANT, the name of several Insects that belong to different genera.-1604. Tales; or the A. and the Nightingale. 522 j.-1667. Observations on A. 570 m.-1671. Observations on an Acid Liquor' obtained from A., and perhaps other Insects. 610 k. 793 f. 1747. Account of English A. 429 r. - .1747. Abstract of the Rev. Mr. Gould's Account of English A. 670 l. 1767. The A., a Rhapsody. Lond. Davis and Co. 2 vols. 12mo. 4s.-1790. Observations on Sugar A. 202 k.-N. D.-F., libri v., quibus Christianus quilibet admirabili Formicarum Exemplo ad parandum sibi Sapientiam eruditur. 706 a. ZOOLOGY, INSECT.

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ANTÆUS, a Giant of prodigious strength, slain by Hercules.—1537. Allegoria Pugnæ Herculis cum A. 975 b.

ANT-BEAR.-1701. On the Method of catching Fowl and Deer in Ceylon, of Serpents, of the A.-B., and of Cinnamon. 884 j.

ANTARTIC, ANTARTIC POLE, or ANTARTIC POLAR CIRCLE. 1568. New-found Worlde, or A. 902 n.-1670. Longitudines et Latitudines Stellarum fixarum quæ prope Polum A. sitæ sunt. 459 v.1786. A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the A. Polar Circle, and roundthe World. 870 y.

ANTEQUERA,as pulous Town of Spain.-Francis Amaia was born at A. 25 t.

ANTELOPE EAST INDIA PACKET.-1788. The Shipwreck of the A. East India Packet, H. Wilson, Esq. Commander, on the Pelew Islands, &c., in August 1783; by one of the nfortunate Officers. Lond. Randall, 8vo. 3s.

ANTEMIUS, or ANTHEMIUS, one of the Erper Theodosii II. Junioris, Valentiniani, Majoraniët. stitutiones. 901 t. 925 w.


of the West.-1571. per. Novellæ Con

ANTENOR, a fictitious name.-1799. Trave.s of A., in Greece and 587 น.

ANTHELION, a large Luminous Spot opposite to the Sun. 1762. Of an A. observed near Oxford. 890 %. See ATMOSPHERE,—PhenomeNA, HALO,-PARHELION.

ANTHELMINTICS, Medicines for removing Worms from the Stomach and Intestines.-1736. Powder of Tin, an A. Medicine. 24 r.1754. Of the A. Virtues of the Root of the Indian Pink. 608 r.-1771. Method of giving the Solution of the Corrosive Sublimate in small doses, as an A. 400 i.-1774. Observations on the Use of Cowhage as an A. 242 p.-1778. Observations and Experiments on the Effects of different A. applied to Earth Worms. 382 t.-1785. On the Use of the Bark of the Angelina Tree, as an A. 442 y.-1805. Observations on some Indigenous A. of the West Indies. 209 y. See WORMS.

ANTHEM, a Vocal Composition set to Words, chosen from the Scriptures.-1565. Godly Prayers and A. of sundry men's doynges, 291 m. -1702. The Oration, A. and Poems spoken and sung at the Performance of Divine Music, for the entertainment of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the H. H. of Commons, Jan. 31. 1701. 956 i.-1712. Divine Harmony, or a Collection of Select A. 271 k. -1724. Musica Sacra;

[ocr errors]

or Select A., in Score, consisting of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 parts. 271 k.1759. Forty-one Psalm Tunes, and ten A.; some of them being suited to various occasions, &c.; the whole being entirely new, and never before in print. 958 j.-1773. Collection of Psalms, Hymns, A., &c. on various occasions. 538 c.-1778. Twenty A. in Score, for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Voices. 695 i.-1788. Six easy A., with a favourite Morning and Evening Service. 695 i.-1789. A Book of truly Christian Psalms, A., and a Chant. 162 b.-1801. Requiem; or Grand Funeral A. 689 n.

-N. D.-Services, and full A. 221 u.-Services and A. 412 0.-A Collection of Tunes and A. 50 h.-Six Select A. for a Voice alone. 956


ANTHEMIUS, an eminent Architect in the 6th century.-1777. An Edition of A.'s Fragment on Mechanic Paradoxes. 783 p.

ANTHIA.-1726. De Amoribus A. et Abrocoma, Lib. v. 989 h. ANTHO-CALMETTEUS.-1575. Curation of Ulcers, drawn especially out of A.-C. and Jo. Tagultius. 69 f.


ANTHOLOGY, a Collection of beautiful Poems. — 1816. ALBYN'S 188 d.-ENGLISH.-1789. A.; or, a Collection of Flowers, in blank verse. 510 0.-1794. The English A. Lond. Egerton, 8vo. 6s. 1799. The Annual A.; a. Miscellaneous Collection of Poetry. 869 .-1814. The Parent's Poetical A.; being a Selection of English Poems, primarily designed to assist in forming the taste and the sentiments of young people. Lond. Rivingtons, 8vo. 6s. -N. D.-The English A. 806 g. GERMAN.-1774. A Lyrical A. 789 d.GREEK.-1494. A. Græca Gr. impressa in literis majusculis. Edit. princ. Flor. 4to. At the end is a learned Latin Epistle from Jo. Lascaris Rhyndaceus to Peter De Medicis, in Latin Capitals. 24 l. 588 u. — 1503. A. Græca Gr. Ven. ap. Ald. A beautiful copy. This second edition of the Greek A., printed on vellum, sold at Dr. Askew's sale for £.8, 15s. —1519. Græca, Gr. Flor. 8vo.-1521. A. Græca. Ven. ap. Ald. 12mo.-1531. A. diversorum Epigrammatum, Gr. Paris, ap. Ascens.-1549. A. GræParis, fol.-1550. A. Gr. Ven. ap. Ald.-1556. A. Gr. Ap. Hen. Steph. 4to.-1566. A., sive Florilegium diversorum Epigrammatum veterum Græcorum, in libros vii. divisum, cum Notis Hen. Stephani.



Paris, apud Steph. 4to. 1602. A. a Megisero, Gr. et Lat. Franc. 8vo.-1604. A. a Lubino, Gr. et Lat. in Bibliopolo Commeliniano. 619 3.-1617. A. Poetica, Gr. Lat. 460 0.1700. Notæ in A. Epigrammatum Græcorum. 523 n.-1745. Sepulchralia Carmina ex A. MS. a Joan. Hen. Leichio, Gr. et Lat. Lips. 4to. - 1754. A. Græca a Constantino Cephala, published by Reiske. Lips. 8vo. Rep. Oxf.-1781. A. Græca Prosaica. 460 w. - . 1790. A. Græca cum Versione Italiana. Neapol. 4 vols. 4to. — 1792. A. Græca Poetica. 466.- 1795. A. Græca. 446 k.-1806. Translations, chiefly from the Greek A.; with Tales and Miscellaneous Poems. Lond. Philips, 8vo. —1813. Collections from the Greek A. 121 a.- -N. D.-A. Græca diversorum Epigrammatum, Gr. Ven. Greek A. 797 p.-Meleager, a Greek Poet, and the first Collector of the Epigrams that form the Greek A. 663 i. LATIN.-1674. A. Historica. 220 n.-1684. Abonoyiα, seu Selecta quædam Poematum Italorum qui Latine scripserunt. 53 j. — 1717. In A. Dissertationes lxxxvi. 57 t.-1759. A. veterum Latinorum Epigrammatum et Poematum Notis variorum, curante Burmanno. 172 t.PERSIAN.-1778. A. Persica, seu Selecta e diversis Persicis Auctoribus loca in Latinum translata, Lat. et Pers. Vien. fol.-1778. A. Persica, Pers. et Lat. Vien. 12mo.

ANTHONY, the Colleague of Augustus Cæsar.-1677. A. and Cleopatra; a Tragedy. 855 j.

Mr. A.; a Comedy. 143 g.

ANTHONY, MR.-1690. ANTHONY, FRANCIS, a noted Quack in the beginning of the 17th century.-1611. Aurum non Aurum, sive adversaria in Assertorem Chymicæ, sed veræ Medicina Desertorem Franc. A. 453 p. Against Dr. Francis A.'s Aurum Potabile; a quack medicine.-1623. Shewing Dr. A.'s Apology for Aurum Potabile to be false and counterfeit. 262 a.

ANTHONY, ST., the Father of a numerous progeny of Fanatical Monks, who sought heaven through mortification and self-torture.-1476. Vita Sancti A. de Padua. 766 n.-1520. The Lyfe of Saynte A. 711 2,—-1604, A Life of St. A. of Padua, in Spanish. 19 e.-1652. Vita de S. A. di Padova. 50 p. 1677. An Oratorio for St. A. of Padua. Three others in different years for the Festival of that Saint. 41 w.-1697. Life of A. the Monk. 52 e.-1697. Vita S. A. Eremitæ, Græce. 52 e. -N. D.-Summa Theologicalis of St. A. 67 u. ANTHONY'S, ST. FIRE. See ERYSIPELAS.

[ocr errors]

ANTHONY, ST. ORDER OF, an Order of Anchorets, instituted in 370, by John, Emperor of Ethiopia. 1609. Fundacion, vida, y Regla de la grande Orden Militar y Monastica de los Cavalleros y Monges del Padre San. A. Abad, in la Etiopia. 68 c.

ANTHOXANTHUM, a Genus of Plants of the class Diandria and order Digynia.-1790. On the Festuca Spadicea and A. Paniculatum of Linnæus. 863 h.-1792. Additional Observations on the Festuca Spadicea and A. Paniculatum. 863 h. See BOTANY.

ANTHRAX, a Genus of Dipterous Insects.-1681. Epistola Gratulatoria de A., Carbunculo, Bubone, et Altauna. 389 i. See ENTOMOLOGY. ANTHROPOGRAPHIA. See ANATOMY. ANTHROPOPHAGI, synonymous with Cannibal, q. v.-1688. De Natura et Moribus A., Dissertatio. 749 q.

ANTHROPOMORPHITES, an Heretical Sect, who maintained that God existed in the Human Shape. 1605. Liber contra A., Gr. Lat. 279 q.

ANTI, TITLE OF.-1689. Traité Historique et Critique de celles qui portent le titre d'A. 63 i.

ANTI-ARMINIANISM, in opposition to Arminianism.-1629. Anti-A.; or the Church of England's old Antithesis to new A. 779 v. ANTIAS, FURIUS.-Vita et Fragmenta. 34 %. ANTIBARBARIAN, in opposition to Barbarian.-1520. A., liber. 339 v.-1630. The A.; or a Treatise concerning an unknown Tongue. 675 i.

ANTIBURGHER, a name commonly given to one Class of Seceders in Britain and Ireland.-1713. One of the Founders of the Secession Church in Scotland, and leader of that division called A. 412 g. SECEDERS.


ANTICHRIST, a great Spiritual Power, predicted in the Old Testament and the Revelations, to arise at some future period on the earth, for the sole purpose of opposing the Christian Church.-1471. Victoria Chris. ti contra A. 524 n.-1505. De Ortu, Vita, et Moribus A. 787 e.1529. Revelation of A. 389 m.-1545. De Christiana Religione, et de Regno A. 503 q.-1556. A. 716 k.-1556. Five Homilies concerning A. 447 v.-1557. De Consummatione Mundi ac de A., &c. 500 k.-1566. The Popish Kingdome or Reigne of A., and 4th Monarchy. 782 s.-1570. De Unico Mago et triplice Herode eoque A. 293 j.-1570. The Popish Kingdome, or Reigne of A. 426 f.-1576. Synopsis A. Romani Spiritu Oris Christi revelati. 966 q.-1577. The Acts of Christe and A. 92 -1583. Ad Nich. Sanderi Demonstrationes quadraginta, in octauo libro visibilis Monarchiæ positas, quibus Romanum Pontificem non esse A. docere instituit, responsio. 961 y.-1584. De Successione Ecclesiastica, et latente ab A. Tyrannide Ecclesia. 391 j.-1585. Antithesis Christi et A. de Vero et Uno Deo. 340q.-1586. The Figure of A., with the tokens of the end of the world. 908 w.-1588. A Treatise of the Principles of Christe's Doctrine and the A.'s Doctrine; with a Comparison betweene these two Regiments. 639 e.-1589. Historical Dialogue touching A. and Popery. 813 c.-1589. The Hunting of A., with


a Caveat to the Contentions. 986 g.-1589. Pontifex Romanus esse A. 150 u.-1589. A Treatise touching A. 283 1.-1590. De duobus A., Mahumete et Pontifice Romano. 705 k.-1590. Treatises or Sermons against A., on Apocal. xix. 19. 293 v.-1592. Treatise, containing a true Description of A., who was foretold by the Prophets and Apostles, and an evident proofe that the same agreeth vnto the Pope. 867 v.-1594. De Eucharistia, A., et Missa. 222 y.-1600. Theological Logic, or the Tryal of Truth; containing a discovery of the chiefest points of the doctrine of the great A. and his adherents, the false teachers of the times: the first part. 900 g.-1600. Synopsis Papismi; or a General View of Papistry, wherein the whole mystery of iniquity and sum of A. Doctrine is set down. 968 r.—160S. A. Demonstratio contra Fabulas Pontificias et ineptam Demonstrationem Rob. Bellarmini. 1 v. - 1603. A Treatise, proving that the Pope is A. 316 a.-1604. Description de l'A. 726 c.-1606. The Ploughman's Tale, shewing that the Pope is 218 n.-1607. L'A. 798 a. 1607. Against symbolizing with A., &c. v. CROSS, 1607. — 1608. Historia A., ex altera parte cap. xi. Danielis. 434 n.-1609. Refutatio Bellarmini de A. 151 k.-1609. De A. Romano, Perditionis Filio. 705 h.-1609. Chronological Discourse of the Church, Christ, A., Gog and Magog. 232 x.-1609. Adversus Roberti Abbati Oxoniensis de A. Sophismata Disputationis, libri tres. S45 s. 1610. A. Pontificiorum Monstrum fictitium esse. 151 -1612. A. Romanus in proprio suo nomine numerum illum Apocalypticum D,CLXVI. continente proditus. 482 t.-1613. Sword of the Spirit, to smite in pieces the A. Goliah, viz. the Pope. 970 y.—1615. De l'A. et de ses Marques. 364 h.-1616. A Short Compend of the Growth of the Roman A., comprised in the 7th, 8th, and 9th centuries. 892 m.-1616. Controverses et Considerations sur ce que le Sr. Ferrier et ses Compagnons ont dit de plus specieux en faveur de l'A. 191 r.1618. A. arraigned; being the Substance of a Sermon on 1 John ii. 18, 19, 20. 904 g.-1620. Jacobi Regis Sententia de A. 316 b. 1621. De A. 638 u.-1623. Idea reformandi A. 801 f.-1623. A. Orientalis ex Vaticiniis Propheticis demonstratus. 445 p.-1625. A. the Pope of Rome. 88 m.-1630. An Exposition on the first part of 2 Thess. ii,, proving the Pope to be A. 873 9.-1641. Repetitio quorundam illus trium Locorum Vet. et N. Testamenti, qui de A. agunt. 242 e.-1641. Of the Devilish Politique State or Kingdom of A. 786 x.-1642. Describing that State of Government to which all other Notes of A. do agree. 771 s.-1642. Hugo Grotius Papizans; seu Notæ in Grotii Appendicem de A. 591 c.-1644. A Refutation of Bellarmine concerning A. 151 1.-1644. The Storming of A. in his strongest Garrisons, of Compulsion of Conscience, and Infants' Baptisme. 118 y.-1645. A. Unmasked, in two Treatises. 297 d.—1646. The Unveiling of A. 769 g.-1647. A. in Man, a Discovery of the great Whore. 828 y.-1647. The Ruin of A. 672 9.-1647. The A. Presbyter. 592 r.-1648. Survey of the Spiritual A. 823 f.-1650. Sharp but short Noise of War; or the Ruin of A. by the Sword. 607 q. 1651. A. exhibited, in a Collection of Passages out of a Tract, entitled, The Doctrine of Scriptures concerning the Seate of Dominion. Lond. 4to.-1651. Of A. and the End of the World, &c.; with Reflections on Mr. Henderson's Papers. 956 w.-1652. The Rise, Growth, and Fall of A. 474 e.-1659. A Brief Discovery of a Threefold Estate of A. 383 d.-1653. Discourse of Apostacy and A. 457%.- 1654. The Old Serpent's Voice; or A. discovered. 696 l.1654. The Spouse rejoicing over A. 668 e.-1654. A Character whereby A., Seducers, False Prophets, and House. Creepers may be known. 357 h.-1654. The Unmasking and Discovering of A. 383 e. 1654. A Whip of Small Cords to scourge A. (sitting in the Temple of God, and exalting himself above, and opposing himself against, all that is called God), out of the Temple of God, and clearing up the way for receiving in of the Lord Jesus Christ in his glorious Power in and over the Church, now exercised in the working of miracles, gifts of healings, and other extraordinary gifts; with the knot at the end of the whip. 245 e.-1655. A Voice from Heaven; or a Testimony against the remainders of A. yet in England. 771 b.-1655. An Iron Rod put into the Lord Protector's hand to break all A. Powers in pieces. 831 d.-1655. A. in Man the Quaker's Idol. 671 h. 1656. A. in Man Christ's Enemy. 696 n.-1656. Forms of the Pillars of A. 294 p.-1660. A Perfect Description of A. and his False Prophet; wherein is plainly shewn, that Oliver Cromwell was A. 698 d.-1660. "O'AVTIxpisos, the Great A. revealed; before this time never discovered, and proved to be neither Pope, nor Turk, nor any single Person. 969 h.-1661. Hippolyti Martyris de A., Liber, Græcè. 448 r.-1664. A. Excidium, &c. Lond. 8vo.-1667. Kingdom of Christ and A. See CHRIST, 1667.-1675. Discourse of A. and the Apocalypse. 385 u.-1676. Of A.; a Sermon on 2 Thess. ii. 3.-13. 552 t.-1679. A Discovery of the Person and Period of A. 699 f.-1680. Discourse concerning A. 401 v.-1683. Christ against A. 519 n.-1696. The A. and Sadducees detected among a Sect of Quakers. 564 c.-1703. Fall of A. V. ALMANACK, 1703.-1706. L'Eglise Romaine convaincue de Depravation, d'Idolatrie, et d'A. 394 0.-1711. A Treatise of the Three Evils of the last Times, and of the coming of A. Lond. 1713. Concerning A. and the End of the World. 338 r.-1729. De Nonnullis A. Characteribus. 267 0.-1758. Christ or A.; or the celebrated Ludolph's true and easy way to Union among Christians. 896 t.-1768. Destruction of the whole A. System, 293 y.-1770. The Religion of A.; or Notes on the Book of the Revelation of St. John, and other Pro

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phecies; respecting the Rise, Reign, Religion, and Ruin of the Man of
Sin. Lond. Chater, 8vo. 2s. 1784. History of A. 802 k.-1789.
The Marks of A.; or a Supplement to the Warburtonian Lecture. Lond.
Deighton, 8vo. 1s.-1793. A Prophecy of the French Revolution and
the Downfall of A. 971 t.-1795. A. in the French Convention; or an
Endeavour to prove that some part of the Prophecies of Daniel and St.
John is now fulfilling in Europe; addressed to all mankind who believe
in the Old Testament, to the Jews as well as to the Christians. Lond.
Cadell and Davies, 8vo. 1s.-1796. The Fall of A. See CONSTITUTION,
1796.-1801. R.'s Opinion concerning A. See ROCHESTER, BP., 1801.
-1802. An Inquiry concerning A.; being an Examination of such of
the Predictions of Daniel as are acknowledged to relate to that subject,
and an attempt to apply them to certain events that have recently happened.
8196.-1804. A.; or the Man of Sin. 225 v.-1806. The Tyrannical
Reign of A. 352 f.-1809. Modern Orthodoxy identified with A.; a
Discourse. 446 y.-1811. A Defence of the pure Precepts of the Gos-
pel against Modern A. 556 f. — 1814. On the Holy A. 192 z.-
N. D.-Der Entkrist; i. e. Of A. Small folio. A Xylographic book of
the greatest rarity, consisting of 39 leaves printed from wooden blocks, on
one side of the paper.-A Numbre of pleasaunt Hystories, discouering all
the craftie Conueyances of A., &c. 845 s.-Letter to the Rev. Mr. Brown
on the Downfall of A. 633 0.-Antichristus; id est Homiliæ quinque,
quibus Romanum Pontificem, verum et magnum illud A. esse probatur.
447 v.-Tractatus de Vita et Imperio A. 636 r. Whether the Pope be
A., &c. 75 c.-De A. 718 x.-.
-A. Presbyter. 590 y.-A History on
the End of the World, and on A. 721 t.-Fall of A.; a Sermon. 144

ANTICOSTI, an uninhabited Island in North America.-1768. Description of the Island of A. 986 6.-1774. Immersions and Emersions of Jupiter's first Satellite, observed at Jupiter's Inlet, on the Island of A. 986 0.-1797. Shipwreck and extraordinary Hardships and Sufferings in the Island of A. 270 c.

ANTI-COTON, a satirical name, invented by Francis Garasse.-1614. The Horoscope of A. 399 q.—1615. The Testimentary Codex of A., lately found upon Charenton Bridge. 399 r. ANTI-DELPHINE.-1806. A.-Delphine; a Novel. 180 r. ANTI-DIABO-LADY.-1777. A.-Diabo-Lady; calculated to expose the Malevolence of the Author of Diabo-Lady. Lond. Parker, 4to. ANTIDOTE.-1530. Of Poisons and their A. 702 r.-1561. A., sive de exacta componendorum miscendorumque Medicamentorum ratione, libri tres. 241 g.-1563. De A. 396 -1571. Nicandri Theriaca, &c. 441 w.-1579. An excellent A. 64 1.-1608. Arca medica variis S. Scripturæ et Patrum A. referta. 176 r.- -1617. A. Generale et Speciale, ex optimis tam veterum quam recentiorum Scriptis, fideliter et methodice congestum et dispositum. 956 b.-1633. A. 69 g.-1742. Of an A. to the Indian Poison in the West Indies. 671 m.-1759. Against an Opinion, that a Person infected with the Small-Pox may be cured by A. 388 u.-1777. An Account of accidental Poisons to which Families are exposed; with their A. 534 r. 1785. Toxicologia, seu Doctrina de Venenis et A. 762 0.-1816. The Tests and A. of Poisons. 637 k. See POISON.

ANTI-ELIXIR, in opposition to Elixir. - 1678. count of a Degradation of Gold made by an A.-Elixir.


Historical Ac142 v. See AL

ANTIGALLICAN PRIVATeer.—1757. The A. Privateer; being a genuine Narrative of her leaving Deptford, Sept. 17, 1756, to the present time. Lond. 8vo. 1s. N. D.-Letters concerning the A. Privateer. 8141.

ANTIGALLICAN, THE ORDER OF.-1751. A Sermon before the several Associations of the Order of A.; on Ps. cxxii. 6. 571 h.-1751. A Song; to be sung or said by the good people of England, especially those who are A. Sheepy, fol. 1s.-1757. The A.; or the History and Adventures of Harry Cobham, Esq. 615 m.

ANTIGALLICANS, SOCIETY OF.—1777. Candidates for the Society of A.; in four Letters, from a Friend in Town to his Friend in the Country. Lond. Buckland, 8vo. 1s.—1782. Candidates for the Society of A.; being the Correspondence of various Persons with the Author upon the Subject; part 1. Lond. Buckland, 8vo. 1s. A 2d part. Buckland, 8vo. 1s. 6d.

ANTIGALLIMANIA. — 1799. A. G. Sketch of the Alarm; or, John Bull in Hysterics; an Heroi-Comic Poem; with Notes, &c. Lond. Owen, 4to. 2s.

137 0.

ANTIGONE, Daughter of Edipus, King of Thebes, slain by command of Creon.-1561. The several Stories of Hæmon and A. -1620. A. 869 a.- 1681. A. the Theban Princess; a Tragedy. 6.59 6.-N. D.-A. 817 m.

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ANTIJACOBIN REVIEW. The British Critic and the A. Review. 419 v.-1808. An Examination of an Article in the A. Review, on Sir John Cox Hippesly's additional Observations. 671 s.

ANTILLES, those Islands which lie in the vast Archipelago between North and South America. 1619. De la Nouvelle France, Floride, des A., &c. 524 t.-1667. Histoire Generale des A. 900 h.-1668. Inquiries and Directions for the A. or Carribbee Islands. Phil. Trans. Abr. i. p. 227.-1681. Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Isles A. de l'Amerique. 811 h.-1698. Relation of a Voyage made in the years 169596-97, on the Coasts of Africa, Straits of Magellan, Brasil, Cayenne, and the A. 389 w.-1751. On the Currents of the Sea at the A. 751 t.1816. Essai sur l'Hygiène Militaire des A. 555 v.-N. D.-Observations sur les Géophages des A. 555 w. See CARRIBBee Islands. ANTIMONIAL CUP.-1634.

The Universal Medicine; or Vertues of the A. Cup. .349 c.-1640. The A. Cup twice cast; translated from J. Primrose. 977 l. 777 r. See ALCHEMY.

ANTIMONIAL WINE.-1756. Account of an uncommon Effect of A. Wine. 943 p.1789. The liberal, Use of Laudanum with A. Wine. 766 j. See CHEMISTRY.

58 v.-1682. 584 a.-1707.

ANTIMONY, the name given to a Mineral of a dark grey colour, metallic lustre, striated texture, and considerable specific gravity.-1564. De l'A. 590 o.-1566. Responce in Jac. Grevin, touchant la Faculté de l'A. 590 0.--1567. A Treatise against A. 441 v.-1604. A. Mysteria Gemina, &c. 448 0.-1651. Observationes sur l'A. 289 j.-1660. Triumphant Chariot of A. 925 s.—1664. Discourse in the Praise of A. 801 d. 1664. A Discourse in Praise of A., and the Vertues thereof. 20 m.-1668. Extract of a Letter written by an observing Person to a Friend of the Editor, concerning the Virtues of A. Phil. Trans. 1668, Abr. i. p. 279.-1670. Concerning the Secrets of A. 181 g. 887 u. - 1671. Commentarius in Currum Triumphalem A. 568 e.-1677. Experiments on refining Gold with A. 421 a.-1679. Epistola de A. De Cinnabari A. 503 s.-1682. Dissertation sur l'A. A Treatise of A.; containing the Chemical Analysis of that Mineral. 598 g.-1747. Analysis of A. 850 d. 1748. Against Amputation, recommends A., Quicksilver, and Kermes Mineral. 315 %.-1750. Medical and Chemical Observations on A. 531 c.-1762. The Principles and Constituents of A. 795 e.-1764. Remarks upon Dr. William Redmond's Principles and Constituents of A., and several other Opinions of the Doctor in Chemistry; by a Chemist. Lond. Fletcher, 8vo. 1s.-1765. Dissertatio Med. Chem. de A., ejusque usu in morbis curandis. 833 v.- - 1774. Observations on A.; read before the Royal Society of London, and published at their request. 670 u.-1774. Observations on the Use of Dr. James's Fever Powder, Emetic Tartar, and other A. Preparations in Fever. 964 a.-1790. On the Effects of A. in Cases of Epilepsy. 381 a. -1793. Case of a General Lympho-crustaceous Eruption of the Body, cured by a Course of Pills of Calomel and Golden Sulphur of A. --1795. On the external Use of A. in the Rheumatism. 775 m.-1804. Analysis of a triple Sulphuret of Lead, A., and Copper. 473 r.—1814. Analysis of a New Variety of Ore of A. 574 t. 1814. On the Composition of Sulphuret of A. 905 r. -N. D.-Vse and Preparation of A. and Potable Gold. 411 f. See METAL, CHEMISTRY.

117 a.


ANTIMONY, TARTARIZED, a Medicinal Substance.-1795. vations on the external Use of Tartarized A. 145 a.-1799. Experiments on the external Use of Tartarized A. 529 w. See CHEMISTRY. ANTIMONY, TRIPLE SULPHURET OF.-1804 Description of the Triple Sulphuret of A., &c. from Cornwall. 140 e.-1809. Memoir on the Triple Sulphuret of Lead, Copper, and A. or Endellian. 140 f. See CHEMISTRY.

ANTIMONII VITRUM CERATUM.-1736. An Account of the Success of the Vitrum Ceratum A. 778 a. -1751. Observations on the Effects of the Vitrum A. Ceratum in Fluxes. 408 p. ANTIN, a small Town of France in Gascony.-1711. Antiquitates A. 955 l. ANTINOMIAN, and ANTINOMIANISM, those who deny the obligation of the Moral Law in their doctrine of Christianity. The Founder of A. 327 r.-Zephaniah Smith among the first Founders of the Sect styled A. 866 c.-1631. The Law and the Gospel reconciled against the A., with a briefe Catalogue of their Doctrines. 175 t.-1643. A. anatomised; or a Glasse for the Lawlesse who deny the ruling Use of the Moral Law unto Christians under the Gospel. 842 t.-1644. The Doctrines of the A. confuted; in answer to Dr. Crisp. 409 w.-1644. A Short Story of the Rise, Reign, and Ruine of the A., Familists, and Libertines, that infested the Churches of New England. 956 u.-1647. A. and Familism unsealed. 63 t.-1647. Examination of the chief Points of A. 98 ANTIGUA, one of the principal West India Islands belonging to k.-1648. The Secrets of Familisme and A. 823 f.-1652. A. disco· Great Britain.-1710. An Account of the Rebellion in A. 388 b.vered and confuted. 403 d.-1692. Vindication of the Protestant Doc1755. Of an Impression on a Stone dug up in the Island of A. 179 c. trine of Justification, and of its first Preachers and Professors, from the -1755. On the Agitation of the Sea at A. 10 e.-1778. An Account unjust charge of A. 915 6.-1721. The A. of the Marrow of Modern

ANTIGONUS, one of Alexander's Generals, and at one time King of all Asia Minor.-1552. Ad A. Regem de tuenda Valetudine, Epistola. 305 1.-1572. Aurea ad A. Regem Epistola de Morborum Præsagiis, et eorundem extemporaneis Remediis. 305 m.-1585. An Epistle of Diocles vnto King A. 605 f. 499 g.

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